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Chapter 142: Underwater Walk

After a long period of escape, struggle and fighting, the Lord of the Forest still failed to escape. Human beings found its last hiding place and subdued it.

The true form of the Lord of the Forest is kneeling in the ice and snow of the extreme scientific research station. It is contained in the station funded by the northern military industry. It has its head buried in the dry front hooves, and its body is covered with thick ice and snow, like a pale tower.


Four times a day, an excessive amount of sedatives and nutrient solutions were injected into this ancient life. There was an open wound in its abdomen, which was connected to a huge extraction machine to collect the essence of life force from the body of the forest. This kind of

The essence condenses the essence of life force and demigod power, enough to heal any serious injuries and difficult diseases.

Large shuttles constantly shuttle between the scientific research site and the military base 5 kilometers away, used to transport personnel and materials. The base is equipped with an armory, an automated military factory, a shuttle air station and multiple fire support platforms, equipped with short- and medium-range missiles and

High-frequency electromagnetic beam weapons, as well as reality calibration code verifiers, are used to detect the influence of reality operators on sites and bases. Various defense measures have been strengthened, allowing the northern military industry to continue to develop the Lord of the Forest without interference.

Today, as economic momentum continues to shrink, profiting from ancient life is still a matter of drought or flood.

They also deliberately released information about the Lord of the Forest on the Internet, luring his followers to try to rescue him, and then killed them all to weaken the Mystery of the Lord of the Forest.

It is precisely because of these tortures that the owner of the forest is eager to be free.

"...I can give you everything..." the Lord of the Forest whispered to Falosa through the golden branches, "but...what about time? When."

"Within three months," Falosa said, "I promise you, within three months, Sun Yanduo will be released and then sent to the north."

"How dare you?" The forest lord was extremely troubled.

"One thing I want you to understand is that I can do more than you think."

"What I ask for is so simple." The Lord of the Forest whispered, "Peace. But humans will not give it, but even if I come to you, you will not give me the corresponding peace."

"No, I will give you peace, eternal peace." Falosa said.

"...That's best." The Lord of the Forest responded.

After another 3 months of suffering... I will be released from the endless bondage and pain.

Perhaps Falosa can do it. A thousand years ago, she quickly climbed to a high position in the church of the gods with her cleverness, cleverness and lies, and became the most suitable candidate to assassinate the gods. From then on, the Lord of the Forest began to pay attention to her, and

Secretly leading the way for her escape.

The Lord of the Forest doesn't want to mention this past kindness, because it knows that Falosa's nature is extremely evil. But it doesn't regret having been kind to such a witch in the past. After all, times have changed, and she has the opportunity to treat herself.

A helping hand.

The Lord of the Forest, the Flame of the Sun, and Falosa will form a mysterious side alliance that is difficult to break no matter what.

"There is indeed my secret group in Aizu City." The forest lord let out a suppressed breathing sound, like a large ball of paper being crumpled, "Deep in the 26th Highland, Iwaicheng abandoned apartment complex, Building 7 B, their

Faith turns into dewdrops there.”

"I understand, thank you for the information." Falosa nodded, "I will let them die more easily."

Dew drops are the crystallization of belief. After being cultivated by local people, they should now have good quality.

As long as all the followers of the Lord of the Forest are killed, the impurities of belief in the dew drops will be gradually removed. If Falosa absorbs it properly, she can make the divine power in the dew drops her own, making her great power even more powerful.


The poisonous thorns and thorns on the golden branches receded, and the sap also dried up. The master of the forest lost contact. Farosha knew that it was a miracle that he could maintain communication for such a long time, staying in the cold and dry extreme north.

After so long, even the trees have died, but the lord of the forest is still strong and alive.

Falosa held the golden branch that no longer glowed in her hands.

They were collected from golden groves that once had lush foliage. The groves served as holy places and were located deep in the dense forests of Taixi. However, with the expansion of industrialization and urbanization, the trees were razed to the ground, leaving golden branches scattered around the world.

After the communication was completed, Farosha arranged her next plan.

On the road to becoming a god, one must be cautious...

"God's essence" and "God's appearance" are both crucial. The essence is the divine power, and the appearance is the followers' collective imagination of the new god, which constitutes the outer skin of the god.

The greedy gods forged the ancient throne and took it for themselves, monopolizing the authority of the gods, leaving the careerists to sigh in vain, hiding behind history, and watching the witches and humans compete for the rise and fall.

To enhance strength, it is naturally useful to continue to eat the flesh of gods. The one in the Suzuki Izumi Family Shrine is only a small part of the huge mass of gods in the past. Fortunately, many sea descendants have been domesticated near the industrial park.

The body also contains the residue of divine power, which acts like a breeding farm. Once it is nourished and strong, it can be eaten separately.

After the Witch War, the company demolished all churches, essentially destroying all the fragments of gods inside to prevent witches from being promoted through contact with gods. But Falosa knew that there should be some churches left in Taixi, and there must be some within the company.

Sympathizers of witches, or want to use gods to achieve their goals.

If the Kaldor royal family and its descendants transformed into the Iris Group, if they remembered their kindness, they could contact them and use their resources to explore the location of the church. Falosa thought to herself. Unfortunately, humans are often fickle, so you still have to be prepared to impress them.

It's all about sincerity, just like dealing with the Lord of the Forest.

In addition, he collects dew drops, swallows them, forms his own mystical group, and holds rounds of deity rituals to eliminate the perishable parts of Farosha's body.

Only by becoming a secondary god can she suppress the ancient god that has been swallowed in her body. It is noisy and noisy all the time. She spends extraordinary energy to control it all the time. If Falosa has

With amazing perseverance and patience, she will definitely fall into madness.

Power and knowledge, this is Falosa's greatest desire. She stares indifferently at all that has happened in the past thousand years, including the current chaos of society, and she is now fully prepared to pursue the powerful and unique noble status.

Falosa arrived at Xu Yang's place, and he was planning the future in his office.

"Now, with the help of the golden branch, you can farm even in dark and lightless places." She handed the golden branch to Xu Yang, "It is the carrier of divine power. It is not as weak as other plants and does not need light. It can grow on its own."

Release the power.”

"In this way, the rat people can see the light even underground." Xu Yang put the golden branches away, "To get rid of hunger, the next step is to promote education and health."

"You are really interested in all living things like ants." Falosa lay down behind Xu Yang, put her arms around his neck, and kissed his cheek.

Xu Yang only felt soft, delicate, and fragrant.

"Don't be so arrogant, our destinies are connected." Xu Yang said.

"What's the connection? Ants are ants," Falosa stretched out her hand in front of Xu Yang from behind, covered his eyes, and whispered in his ear, "If you pour boiling water into the nest, it will kill them all.


"You must have thought about a question," Xu Yang said without moving. "The witch's power comes from the stars, so what do the stars mean?"

"I never thought about it."

"You said that the Four Stars Map is the location of stars, gods, witches and humans. In other words, even if a god is as powerful as a god, there are still stars above his head. Looking down from their height, the gods and witches

They are all as ordinary as ants."

"Yes." Falosa let go of her hand and supported Xu Yang's shoulders from behind.

"So," Xu Yang turned his head and took her into his arms, "We, 'ant'-like beings, have to work together to build a fleet that can sail to the galaxy, instead of hurting each other. You must keep your vision

Only when you rise to such a high level can you see the more distant future. What a modern witch should master is information theory and cybernetics."

"The stars are there... so we must go." Farosha murmured, "But it will be very hard, so you are not allowed to leave me along the way."


"I want to ask for something from you," Falosa said, "a vehicle that can travel through the deep sea."

"We have." Xu Yang said, "Shuttle."

"Anonymous? It's not big enough."

"No, another big one will be delivered soon. Why do you suddenly want to wander on the bottom of the sea?" Xu Yang switched to the order interface. The cargo ship has already arrived at Baidao Port and will arrive soon.

During the earlier large-scale procurement, Xu Yang ordered a "King-class" large shuttle from Suweihui Metal Company. It was an out-and-out war beast and cost 5.8 million yuan to buy. It could not only carry 20 people

, twice the size of the Anonymous, and equipped with multiple artillery and missiles, it is full of combat power. Although it is not a professional submarine, its maximum diving depth can reach 1,000 meters.

In the future, it will become an important core of Nisto's combat system.

"I'm just going to hang out in the sea." Falosa unbuttoned her shirt, "I've said all I want to say, it's time to get down to business."

This chapter has been completed!
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