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Chapter 16 Invasion

In a secluded living room, Xu Yang was sitting cross-legged on a futon, and a TV with a black screen hung on the wall.

Falosa stood in the shadows of the corner.

Katsuragi Asa stood nearby, constantly playing with the TV and adjusting the signal, but couldn't get it right. He was not familiar with the buttons and screen display equipment.

Xu Yang wanted to remind her aloud several times, or use her digital mind to manipulate her secretly, but he was worried about hurting her self-esteem. Her adoptive brother was a shameless little scoundrel, and she was obviously quite strong.

After Katsuragi Asa turned it on, the face of a middle-aged man appeared on the screen, with scars and wrinkles on his face, slicked back hair, wearing a suit, with a stern and angry look on his face, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

"Hey!" A man's rough voice came from the speaker, "Katsuaki! It's very slow! The screen is open for so long!"

"Sorry!" Katsuragi Asa walked to the screen and greeted the boss, "I tried my best! This is the person I mentioned to you, the person who is said to be able to help us defeat the Toshi family group!"

"You," the middle-aged man poked at Xu Yang with his finger, as if he wanted to pierce the screen, "I am the boss of the Suzuki group, Shinji Suzuki. I heard that you promised to help us win, but what are you doing?"

What skills do you have?"

"I am a hacker who can crack the key of the public network, which means I can gain control over the surrounding electronic devices. If your target is protected by smart security facilities, I can solve it."

I spoke these words very smoothly, as if I had become accustomed to my identity as a neurohacker.

This is probably also the destination of digital mind technology. This was originally an exploratory technology, a by-product of the process of studying the uploading of consciousness to the network, and was used to connect people's consciousness to the common network.

Nowadays, the consciousness uploading network has matured. Executives retire after becoming rich and free, and then send their minds to servers on distant satellites. From then on, they are carefree, leaving corporate people to create wealth on the surface. The personal control function of the common network has also been

It has been replaced by integrated AI and can only be used to do some hacking work that is not visible on the table.

If companies disintegrate one after another in the future, neural network engineers who are in the same situation as me will be engaged in the same job as me. When the times abandon your industry, you will have no choice.

"They were huddled in a robot supermarket," said Shinji Suzuki. "The place was filled with sentry machine guns, laser traps and cameras from the first floor to the top floor. The Toshi family called the place the New Era Castle Tower. What a joke!


"It's not a problem, they can't stop my invasion."

"Oh, good man... do you want anything in return? I heard that people in your line of work cost a lot of money."

"It would be great if I could gain your friendship."

"Ha! Friendship has been earned. I'd love to make friends with someone as special as you!"

"...That 'New Era Castle Tower'," Falosa suddenly said, "we want it."

"Who is talking? Who are you? What are you doing standing in such a dark place?" Shinji Suzuki approached the screen.

"It's mine..." Xu Yang didn't know how to explain his relationship with Falosa for a while.

"I am his girlfriend." Falosha said, "Sir, since we can capture that city with our help, we hope to gain the right to rule the place. Correspondingly, we will also provide more in the future.

Reliable service.”

Even if she doesn't follow the plan, Farosha still goes her own way. In her opinion, you might as well be bolder in life.

Xu Yang was also surprised.

Let’s not talk about the girlfriend for now. He thought to himself. Although Falosa’s request is abrupt, it is beneficial to us. I don’t know how the other party will respond.

"Aha, I want that hypermarket..." Shinji Suzuki smiled.

Xu Yang knew that the other party did not want to hand over the hypermarket, but there should be room for maneuver.

It's best to fight for it. After all, I also want to find a stable place for myself.

"We never want to keep the spoils for ourselves. In fact, we just want a place to live," Xu Yang said. "If it is a robot hypermarket, all the robots in it can be given to you. We don't need it."

"Of course it's no problem..." Suzuki Shinji nodded, "Without the goods, it's just a building. How can it compare with friends like you who have unique skills? Defeating our old enemies is the most important thing. Katsuragi! Protect them well.

, once the Li family group is taken down, he can do whatever he wants!"

"Yes!" Katsuragi Ao nodded vigorously.

Shinji Suzuki waved his hand towards the screen, and the TV went dark.

Things finally made some progress. Xu Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

"The team leader's opinion is my opinion," Katsuragi Asa said, "Is it okay to leave now?"

"Yeah." Xu Yang nodded.

After Katsuragi Asa left, Xu Yang hurriedly walked towards Falosa.

"What did you just say?" He wanted confirmation.

"Bring victory back," Falosa kissed Xu Yang's face, "Don't think about anything else, let alone ask. My magic power is not enough to help you, I will stay here."

"...I'm leaving, but don't expect me to forget. I'll keep this in my heart." Xu Yang knew that now was not the time to get entangled, so he suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart and left.

When dealing with different objects, the methods adopted are also different.

The company is only interested in profit, the witch is moody, and ordinary people are full of strange things, which cannot be generalized.

Setting off with Katsuragi Asa and watching her do pre-war mobilization, Xu Yang felt mixed feelings.

"We are warriors loyal to the Suzuki family, and now we are rushing to the battlefield! We should risk our lives!" Katsuragi Asa called to a large group of gang members in front of him.


"The Suzuki team is the strongest!"

"Follow Boss Katsuragi!"

The responses among them were sparse, only living people would say different words, and robots would only repeat the same voice.

"Fight! Fight!"

"Attack together!"

"Kill!" The gangster robot plays battle sound effects according to the established rhythm.

Xu Yang observed carefully and found that among the 200 gang members, only about 50 were alive, and the others were robots.

The difference is that the robot gangsters all wear sunglasses to hide their robot eyes, and only the black uniforms are uniform.

"Loyalty, discipline, victory! Completely wipe out the Toshi family group!" Katsuragi Asa announced.

"Fight!" More than a hundred gangster robots raised their arms and shouted in unison.

Katsuragi Asa led the way, leading the gang members of the Suzuki group to set off from the gate of Suzuki Izumi.

They walked quickly into the distance and lined up in a long line on the street.

Almost all the gangs in Kyoto Unlimited are like this, Xu Yang knows something about it. They use a large number of machine combatants to act as gang members and control areas not covered by the company's security services.

Residents who cannot afford the company's security and smart defense systems have attached themselves to major gangs.

In a place like Aizu City, big companies have no intention of getting involved, and various gangs emerge in endlessly.

In the Xia area where Xu Yang belonged before, gangs were not a big deal and he didn't know much about them.

However, in his view, the so-called company is just a gang that can legally join the corporate alliance, and when a gang develops to a certain scale, it can also be recognized by the corporate alliance.

In the jurisdiction of giant enterprises such as Lighthouse Core, Rainforest Everything, and Songhai Internet, most gangs are engaged in illegal transactions and arms business. They are much more brutal than the Suzuki-gumi and others, and their scale is many times larger.

"What kind of implants do you have on your body?" Xu Yang saw Katsuragi Qian silently walking on her way. She had a strong posture and was using her bare hands. Such a physique must have implants.

"No." Katsuragi Asa said.

"What?" Xu Yang overturned his previous thoughts, "You... did it all by yourself?"

"I don't believe that the metal pierced into our bodies can have any effect. A strong body, tenacious determination, and unyielding faith are the foundation for a life in this bizarre era."

"I do not know how to say it."

Without technology and tools, humans are an incompetent race.

"Look at this blackout, rats are rampant, and corpses are everywhere. This is the result of over-reliance on technology! There is no energy supply, and people are waiting to die in every house without even the strength to escape. I grew up on the streets, and I only have muscles.

The weight of it makes me feel at ease." Katsuragi Asa pointed at the dark underground city.

Xu Yang saw two ratmen dragging a corpse on the street, leaving long traces of blood. Seeing this large group of people approaching, the ratmen sped up and quickly dragged the corpse away.


"Accustomed to living on the sofa and bed, in the game warehouse, and at the workstation of the company. These lifestyles have cultivated people who are extremely fragile and have no chance of surviving in chaos."

"If they had purchased the most expensive corporate security annual membership service, they would have been rescued by the emergency rescue shuttle by now, no matter how fat they were or how abandoned their homes were."

"The premise is that you can make that much money."


"And relying on the 'company', is the 'company' so trustworthy? Relying on those contracts and regulations? Someone will definitely run away. I heard that it is very common for companies to torture their employees."

"It's true." This was impossible to refute.

"On the contrary, it is our gang, our big family, just like relatives and family! We all trust each other, fight together, eat and drink together. This kind of relationship cultivated day and night is an unbreakable bond. And these robots

Comrade-in-arms, I will never betray you, I will never be afraid of the dangers ahead, I will charge forward, work hard and bear no complaints, and I am more worthy of trust than flesh and blood people."

Katsuragi Asa's concept is novel.

Crossing the street, Xu Yang heard screams.

Several figures in front of them jumped out of a low-rise apartment and stumbled away. Behind them, two thin and manic rat-men ran out, chasing them wildly.

"Come here!" Xu Yang shouted to them.

These people wore ordinary clothes and looked like ordinary residents of Aizu Underground City.

Several of them looked back, and instead of heading towards Katsuragi Asa, they ran towards the bright light on the other side.

Also, Xu Yang looked back and saw that we had a large group of thugs in black suits and a tower-like female leader. It was impossible for them to be trusted.

"The front is the territory of the Toshika-gumi." Katsuragi Asa said, "The Toshika-gumi are ruthless in their work. I'm afraid they will not end well. They probably don't know much about the local area."

In the blink of an eye, the rat man and the few escapees disappeared.

Xu Yang and Asagi Katsuragi continued to move forward, approaching a large building standing in the square.

It is about five stories high and is a very eye-catching robot shopping mall. The signs of different companies are illuminated on the top. Advertisements for small and medium-sized robot companies such as Zhugo Machinery, Tamaki Intelligent, Serita Metal, and Gosheng Machinery are clearly visible.

The whole building has an old style, with cornices on the windows. It really looks like a castle tower. Each window has a sentry gun tower facing outward. It is like a post-modern fortress protected by smart machine guns, large-caliber firepower and automated equipment.


The terrain around the square was flat, and on the metal floor lay countless suits of robots, corpses of mice and civilians, with blood flowing across them, distributed in a ring around the robot store.

This situation is too weird, as if an invisible hand pushed the piles of corpses out in a circle, forming a clean vacuum zone, and like an invisible barrier, completely isolating the store from other people.

All the heads are broken and bleeding.


"Help!" The escapees were frightened when they saw the mountains of corpses and seas of blood in front of them, but looking back at the crazy rat-men chasing after them, they decided to rush forward.

Needing to help them, Xu Yang took out his gun and planned to shoot the two mice.

Bang, bang!

A large number of bullets were shot out from the window of the robot hypermarket, instantly killing the fugitives, including the rat men behind them, on the spot, leaving them with guts torn apart and blood flying everywhere.

Xu Yang's hands shook. How could he be considered a human being?

"They even killed people who came to seek refuge?" Xu Yang was puzzled.

"Many people around me have paid 'protection fees' and bought their services. Now, we have to distinguish the difference between customers and ordinary people."

Fortunately, we encountered the Suzuki group first. If we accidentally ran into the territory of the Toshijia group, we would have been beaten to death by now.

Xu Yang observed carefully.

He vaguely saw the bright interior of the store, with panicked faces behind the windows, and many refugees hiding inside. During the power outage, they also chose the Lijia Group they trusted and ran to their core territory to seek shelter.

The gunners and mechanics of the Toshiga group ran out from the roof, looking around to detect the enemy's situation. They also wore suits, but the color was bright red, not as dark as the Suzuki group.

Because of the power outage, Katsuragi Asa and the others hid in the dark streets and were not discovered for the time being.

"For the Suzuki group's hegemony! The Toshiie group must be annihilated!" Katsuragi Asa turned around and announced to the gang, "Our previous raid was foiled, but this time is different from last time!"


"Your previous raid... seems to have been ineffective." Xu Yang saw some corpses in black suits.

"The resentment between the two families has lasted for generations. This is the only chance to resolve the old enemy." Katsuragi Asa pulled out the crowbar hidden in his suit and held a pistol in the other hand. "I was wandering on the streets when I was 10 years old.

We had a fight with their people. We rushed in and killed them for a while before their power was restored, but as soon as the power was restored, we were beaten to a bloody head."


"The Suzuki team is strong!"

"The Lee family is weak!" The gangster robots repeated the predetermined voice and prepared to charge.

"According to what you said, there are still civilians inside." Xu Yang said, "Take your time, I don't want to cause a massacre."

"What are you waiting for?" Qian Katsuragi asked, "You can't even kill people now, you just stand there."


While talking just now, Xu Yang has been slowly cracking the network.

Using his digital mind, he tried to break through the common network in the robot store building and gain control of the security system.

This hypermarket uses an ODC key, which is a standard encryption program shipped from the Internet. It is also equipped with an advanced security program. Once it is hacked, it will upload an alarm, lock the control platform, and block external channels.

Good or bad, the problem is... it's too routine.

Almost all public networks have this set of security regulations, which remain unchanged.

When Xu Yang was doing tests for Gaoge Jiuzhou, he had reverse-attacked his own public network many times. He was very good at handling this most common and standardized thing.

Unfortunately, when the implant is severely damaged, we can only treat it with the attitude of working slowly and carefully, and the speed is extremely slow.

"Hurry up, we have to..." Katsuragi Asa was about to speak when gunshots rang out from the building.

This caught everyone's attention.

"Ah yeah!"

"Who shot inside?"

"What happened?" Several members of the Lijia Group on the roof quickly ran back downstairs to inquire about the situation.

"Huh?" Katsuragi Qian was curious, "What did you do?"

"The crack was successfully cracked a few seconds ago." Xu Yang pointed to the automatic machine guns in the window, and saw them all turning around and starting shooting inside. "This is my job, the job of a neural hacker."

Gunshots and screams kept coming from inside.

Katsuragi Asa was almost dumbfounded. There was no need for breakthroughs, close combat, or shooting. The Toshiie Group's impregnable fortress began to be destroyed from within, and the smart security facilities began to slaughter their own people.

"Neurohacker... is very strong!" she concluded, "Now you can charge."

At this moment, Katsuragi Asa's cell phone rang.

She took it out, glanced at the screen, and her expression immediately became serious.

Xu Yang noticed Katsuragi Ao's uneasiness.


"Team leader." Katsuragi Qian pressed the answer button and walked away quickly, avoiding Xu Yang.

This chapter has been completed!
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