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Chapter 17 Slaughter

"Has the attack started?" came the voice of Shinji Suzuki.

"Yes, team leader, everything worked." Katsuragi Asa responded.

"By seizing Lee's Supermarket, we can dominate the Kataki District."


"Then find an excuse and drive them away."


"That man, we can't leave the hypermarket to him. We can find any reason to take him away or kill him."

"I won't lie."

"Then learn! Katsuragi! You don't want me to teach you everything!" The team leader hung up the phone.

Katsuragi Qian turned to look at Xu Yang.

Xu Yang could only vaguely hear Suzuki Shinji yelling at Katsuragi Asa. Katsuragi Asa's eyes surprised him. She looked like she was suffering to some extent. Was she scolded by the team leader again? I don't know what the reason was this time.

"I'm going to do it." Katsuragi Ao held a pistol and a crowbar, waved his hands vigorously, and the gangsters behind him roared, doubling their momentum.

Xu Yang originally wanted to persuade her to wait, but she seemed upset and just wanted to divert her attention by fighting, so he gave up the idea and continued to crack the hypermarket's common network.

I have to calm down and continue to control the equipment to reduce the casualties of civilians in the building.

Katsuragi Asa passed through the pile of corpses in the square and rushed in quickly. The members of the Suzuki team, all dressed in black, followed closely behind them like a flock of crows.

Xu Yang continued to search the internal situation of the hypermarket and found something very convenient.

In order to avoid accidental injuries, the members of the Lijia Group added a unified label to the identification codes of their members in the security system, and set all of them as friends in the backend of the Gongwang network.

Now, just select all the targets with these tags in the background and reset them to hostile. Then set all others to neutral, so that the device will neither attack civilians nor the Suzuki team members who enter later.


Even though the brain implant didn't work and the process was laborious, Xu Yang was able to make up for the lack of analysis speed with experience.

After being readjusted by Xu Yang, the automatic firepower inside the building turned their guns one after another and started shooting at the members of the Lijia Group inside. Gunshots were heard loudly in the building, and screams were repeated, which was a hundred times more brutal than before.

The Gongwang network is an excellent technology. Xu Yang silently looked at the building. In places where he could not see, efficient killings continued. When one machine killed a target, other machines would immediately receive the message and transfer firepower.

, not a single bullet is wasted on the corpse, it is as clean as mowing grass.

It is just obvious that once it is hacked, it will cause irreparable consequences. Therefore, giant companies have been looking for alternatives and attach great importance to network security.

Generally, hackers must use the computer, mobile phone or information terminal at hand to hack. Only neurohackers like me can control it directly through the mind.

Xu Yang silently observed the security facilities in the building. They were invisible through the cement walls. In his field of vision, they were like translucent electrical appliances visible through the walls.

As for those defense facilities that are not connected to the common network and operate independently, Katsuragi Asa and the others should be able to deal with them. I have solved more than 80% of the threats, and I can't justify not being able to defeat them again.

Xu Yang saw a team of Suzuki robots taking off their black suits, revealing the propellers on their backs. With a roar, they pushed themselves directly to the roof of the building or jumped into the window, leaving a gray trail behind them.

After arriving at the combat site, their hands deformed, they took out wrist machine guns and alloy blades, and carried out the search and kill process.

There are even robots doing gang work, so the competition is really fierce.

Xu Yang connected to the camera in the building, and the images were transmitted back to his heart. The receiving chip was not stable, the signal was very poor, and there were delays from time to time. However, observing the situation, it was vaguely visible that each member of the Lijia Group was being attacked by their own power grid, automatic machine guns, and lasers.

Traps, trip mines and patrol robots shot and killed many civilians who were hiding with their heads in their hands and shivering.

The shelves in the hypermarket were constantly being destroyed in the conflict, and the encapsulated robots were damaged before they were opened, making loud noises when they fell to the ground.

The remaining Yakuza thugs and the Suzuki group members were shooting at each other indoors, making a lot of noise.

"New Era Gangsters are fighting. Unrelated personnel should retreat to the roof." Xu Yang transmitted the voice to the loudspeaker in the building.

He also saw Katsuragi Asa in the camera. She didn't have implants, but she didn't risk her life. She took the lead in the battle. She was excellent in marksmanship, courage and close combat. She cleared a corridor by herself, leaving behind

There are many corpses of members of the Lee Family Group.

It seems that the advancement was successful, so the hacker's work is over.

Xu Yang turned off his digital mind and rubbed his painful temples.

If the reward is this hypermarket, it's really not a loss. If they maintain their faith, this place will become our own shelter for some time to come.

On the other side, in the main office on the 5th floor of Lijia Robot Supermarket.

"Boss!" A senior member of the Li family group looked at the information terminal in his hand and reported to the team leader, "I received messages from each group! It is said that the robots and security systems are all out of control! They are killing their own people! They can't even turn them off.


"Oh, damn it—that guy Suzuki, when did he have such a method!" The leader of the Lee family group was horrified.

He turned on the smart screen on his desk and frantically pressed the buttons on the main console, but all signals were cut off and his permissions were deleted, making it impossible to achieve effective control.

"Send a message to Mr. Nakai quickly! It seems that the people below can't stand it any longer!"

"Fifth Middle School, you are a big fool! How can they dig through the ground and jump down to save us? The wood area is like the canned fish in the bottom deck of an ocean-going merchant ship! No one can care about it!"

"Now what?"

The team leader grabbed a samurai sword from the wall,

"No one from the Lijia Group can be easily captured! I'll go out and fight them!"

"Team leader——"

"I want to defend my honor! I will never be captured alive by that wild boar of Shinji Suzuki! You go down from the maintenance shaft, go to the third floor, turn on the self-destruction program of those combat robots, and show off your courage!"


The leader of the Li family group brandished a knife, yelled, and rushed out to the aisle.

"Idiot from the Suzuki team! Here I come!"

A concealed smart sniper rifle poked its muzzle out of the corner of the ceiling, and the alarm kept ringing.

"Is there an enemy? Where is the enemy?" The team leader suddenly became alert and waved his samurai sword in the air, "Wow!"


Gunfire rang out.

The team leader's body flew back and fell softly. The katana also slid on the ground and returned to the office until it was at the feet of the senior team members.

This sniper rifle was originally used to defend against assassins and spies, but now the recognition program has been changed to regard the person it is guarding as a deadly enemy. After shooting, the muzzle of the gun is still aimed at the headless body of the team leader.

The senior team members looked out fearfully and saw that the team leader's head had been opened and some of the implants in his skull were broken into metal fragments and flowed together with the brain matter, while his body was motionless.

Only now could he understand the meaning of the messages sent by his comrades downstairs.

Your own stronghold is no longer trustworthy.

Damn it! Damn it! His mind was confused and he was completely confused by what happened in the past ten minutes.

The team leader purchased a complete set of intelligent security plans from the "big shot" and built the Lijia Robot Supermarket into an impregnable fortress. Not only did it have so much firepower on the outside, but there were also death traps everywhere inside. It could be controlled and controlled uniformly by the team leader through the Internet. Suzuki

Several of the fools in the group died. Just now, they easily repelled a wave of their sneak attacks, causing them heavy losses... but now it has become like this!

All systems fail! All rebel!


Only top hackers can seize control of these devices, but unless you blindly conflict with giant companies, how can you encounter a character of this level?

The senior team members thought about it several times, but they couldn't remember when the Lijia team had done something taboo.

Maybe it's a ghost, a monster from ancient times who has come to take revenge in the form of a cyber ghost... Even the rat-men have returned, so it's impossible for something strange to happen.

Terror crept up his spine, sending chills all over his body. The team leader had previously told him to go downstairs, but he felt weak and did not dare to move rashly.

Everything in front of me is completely unreasonable!

He pulled out the katana forcefully and held it across his abdomen.

Now that things have come to this, we can only follow the team leader and go to hell to continue our loyalty!

At this moment, he heard the sound of leisurely footsteps, and a young man with a cold face came up in the elevator and walked towards the central office.

Although he was within the shooting range of various internal defense facilities, he was completely immune to their attacks. It was like a god descending from heaven, walking among the killing traps without being harmed.

The senior team members felt dazed at first, but soon realized something was wrong.

By the way, is this guy the culprit of all this?

...It’s unforgivable to hit the Lee family group so hard!

The senior team member grabbed his katana and hid it under his desk, waiting for the other party to come in.

Step by step, the footsteps were getting closer and closer. The senior team member was very excited at first, knowing that the opponent was about to enter the range of his one-hit kill, but then he heard another set of footsteps.

"Xu Yang!" A female voice sounded, followed by the sound of brisk walking.

"I'll come over and take a look at the main console."

The senior team members vaguely remembered that it was Katsuragi Asa's voice.

That guy is Suzuki's right-hand man, a stinky bitch, a stupid young man, an uneducated fool, a loyal pig, and a tasteless vicious dog. With a little bit of brains, he can scare her around.

Hearing them approaching the office, the senior team members were heartbroken and fought with them!

The team leader is dead, so I will protect the Li family team!

Xu Yang did not enter the office and focused on a corpse with a beaten head in the corridor. Katsuragi Asa walked in directly.

A thug in a red suit rushed out and slashed at Katsuragi Asagi with a samurai sword.

Rumor has it that there is a high wall between the unarmed and the armed.

Katsuragi Asa's expression did not change, and he quickly retreated back to avoid the blade, and then kicked the opponent off balance with a low sweep. He fell to the ground, screamed, and the knife was released. Katsuragi Asa stomped on the opponent's chest again.


There was an explosive sound of broken bones, his chest was dented by the trampling, his whole body trembled violently, a large stream of blood spurted out of his mouth, his eyes widened, and he breathed out with extreme reluctance.

"Who is this guy?" Xu Yang asked.

"Fifth Middle School Kensan is the most arrogant among the cadres of the Lee Family Group."

This chapter has been completed!
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