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Chapter 163 Headshot

"Counterattack!" Xu Yang ordered.

The members of the Katsuragi Gang climbed up the courtyard wall one after another, taking advantage of the terrain, and fired fiercely at the Toshiga-gumi members from a high position. The bullets rained down on them, making them unable to lift their heads.

The members of the Lee Family Group hurriedly hid behind the bunker formed by motorcycles and vehicles. Soon a motorcycle was set on fire and exploded instantly, and the two gangsters hiding behind it were also blown to pieces.

"Damn it!" Veins popped up on Shinji Suzuki's face. Looking back at the white shuttle, he could vaguely see Milaya and the others looking calm.

Aren't they afraid of that sword array-like artillery group? Suzuki Shinji couldn't help but deepen his fear of Milaya and his party.

Milaya looked up in the direction of the Qingfeng and easily hacked into the body's control system.

Controlling minds is not only about gaining their loyalty, but more importantly, obtaining intelligence and information from them.

She once massacred members of the Tianshu Manufacturing Security Department, and obtained a large amount of confidential information about the company before their deaths, including high-level keys used to crack the backdoor of her company's programs.

The 12 floating cannons all turned around, their energy was stimulated, and they actually tried to shoot at the Qingfeng.

Xu Yang does not have the key to Tianshu's artifacts and is slower in cracking them. Now he can only try to interfere with the data transmission system of these floating cannons to cause chaos in tracking the enemy.

There was a deviation in the control of the floating gun's concentrated fire, but several high-energy beams still hit the Qingfeng. Its original energy shield was weakened a lot, and now it has been penetrated, shattering like a translucent egg shell, and the remaining

The high-energy beam hit the machine body, setting it on fire.

"Crash landing!" Lu Jing hurriedly jumped on the console, adjusted the direction, and the Qingfeng hit the ground and disappeared in the other corner of the street. It would not be able to come back to join the battle in a short time.

Unable to advance on the path of the witch, she tried her best to strengthen herself in other ways. Milaya was very proud of her hacking skills.

After shooting down the Qingfeng, Milaya also wanted to use floating cannons to pursue the attack, but as the Qingfeng crashed, these 12 floating cannons also lost contact and fell to the ground.

Milaya's interest was greatly reduced, and he began to pay attention to enemy hackers.

Milaya was aware of the existence of this mysterious character when the floating cannon fired erratically. She manually increased the interception level of the shuttle's network security module and changed the key to prevent her own body from being hacked.

At this time, Xu Yang was also invading the network module of the white shuttle. Unfortunately, the encryption method used in the core of the lighthouse was too advanced and almost monolithic. He had never been exposed to such advanced algorithms, which was enough to exclude him.

Moreover, Milaya was extremely vigilant and did not give Xu Yang any chance. The two tested each other on the invisible information battlefield.

While Milaya was engaged in online offensive and defensive battles, she also ordered: "Quick victory and quick victory."

Shinji Suzuki organized his men to fight back and kept firing.

"Come on!" he yelled to boost his morale, "Come out! You cheap guys have taken over my Suzuki family's territory, it's time to come back!"

The hostility is strong and will not stop until death.

Accordingly, Katsuragi Asa organized the defense and constantly communicated with her subordinates, telling them which areas should focus on guarding and defending. The entire Suzuki Spring had become a huge fortress in her mind, and each part was guarded by which group of gang members.

She knew it all in her mind.

In order to protect the Suzuki Spring, Katsuragi Asa could bear any price. She would rather die than let go.

"Shinji Suzuki is still as arrogant as ever." Xu Yang said.

"He did not regard Suzuki Spring as his home." Katsuragi Asa gritted her teeth, "Only I will protect this place. From the moment he decided to abandon Suzuki Spring, this place no longer belongs to him."

Lila saluted Xu Yang with a military salute.

"Master, I can go to the commanding heights of a nearby apartment to perform sniper operations. Let me take action."

"Move quickly." Xu Yang agreed.

Lila quickly walked out of the office and left the Suzuki Fountain, silently planning a safe and hidden route.

At the same time, seeing that he could not break through in a short time, Suzuki Shinji changed his tactics.

Katsuragi Asa looked horrified as he stared at the content transmitted by the camera.

I saw Shinji Suzuki waving his hand behind him, and the gang dragged a young man over.

"Help - help -" the boy with red hair and wearing an ill-fitting long-sleeved suit kept crying.


"That's my brother!" Katsuragi stood up, clapped his arms, "What do they want to do?"

"Aa Katsuragi!" Shinji Suzuki continued to shout at the door, "Get out of here! Otherwise I will kill your brother!"

Katsuragi Qian gritted his teeth and turned pale.

"We can only give up on him." Xu Yang said.

"I... know..." Katsuragi Qian lowered his head and closed his eyes tightly, "... I know... I will never give in just because someone kidnapped my brother... We must stick to it."

"Let him die." Falosa hated everyone's tense look.

"You can resurrect him." Xu Yang's heart moved.

"Nonsense, I won't resurrect people who don't know why." Falosa said, "Treat the Law of Reply as an automatic doctor? Don't be ridiculous."

"...You don't understand." Katsuragi Asa's voice was hoarse, "...If your own relatives fell into that situation, would you say such casual words?"

"My relatives are all dead." Falosa disagreed, "Do you think I have only been in this world for more than ten years?"

Seeing no one responded for a long time, Suzuki Shinji pulled out his gun and pointed it at Nakano Haru, who was crying incessantly.

"Katsugi! I count down to 5!" he shouted, "I never joke!"

"Help! Help!" Nakanoji wailed heartbreakingly, "Sister! Sister, help me! Sister!"

"5!4!3!2!——" Shinji Suzuki counted down.

Katsuragi Asa was in great pain.



Suzuki Shinji fired, blowing off Nakano Haru's head. His screams stopped abruptly, his body shook violently, and he fell softly to the ground. His blood mixed with brain contents flowed to the ground, like a blood-red

Weird painting.

After shooting the hostage, Shinji Suzuki felt a little strange. He was on tenterhooks during the countdown. Based on past experiences in similar situations, he was usually killed instantly, his gun was damaged, or he was soft-hearted and gave up on the hostage.

Usually I don’t count out five shots and then shoot smoothly, but I really did this.

After kicking Nakanoji's body, Shinji Suzuki waved his hand.

"Suzuki team!" he shouted, "get ready to take back our territory!"

"oh oh!"

"Come on!"

"Get ready to attack!" The members of the Suzuki team were highly motivated and excited, and were ready to swarm at any time.

Katsuragi Ao grabbed his hair in pain.

"I can't stay here any longer," she turned to Xu Yang, "I'm going to take action too."

"Go." Xu Yang silently observed the status of the white shuttle.

The confrontation between the Katsuragi Gang and the Suzuki Group cannot have a decisive impact on the battle situation.

The white shuttle and its crew are the key to victory or defeat.

He kept trying to crack the network module of the shuttle. There was indeed a trace, but it still took more than 30 minutes to process. It integrated many cutting-edge technologies at the core of the lighthouse, and was more difficult to deal with than any target that Xu Yang had cracked before.

, with it as a barrier, it cannot directly interfere with internal personnel.

It still has the firepower of 4 floating guns for self-defense, which is too difficult to deal with, especially when the Qingfeng was shot down again.

So far, their most feared opponent, the mysterious witch Milaiya, has never shown up and is hiding in the shuttle.

As long as she hasn't been dealt with, they must be cautious. If Milaya doesn't show up for a moment, they won't be able to really take action. Being exposed to Milaya's sight means death, but she is still hiding in the shuttle.

, and will never end up personally.

Falosa pursed her lips. Milaya could control the mind. She did not dare to send any witch to attack the opponent, let alone face him directly.

At the same time, Lila had climbed into a suitable room in a nearby unmanned apartment, set up a gun from the window, and aimed at the Suzuki group and the white shuttle next to them.

"Master, I'm ready." Lila locked the head of Shinji Suzuki through the high-power sight, "As long as you give the order, Shinji Suzuki will be killed."

"No need." Xu Yang replied using his digital mind, "Shinji Suzuki is just a side dish, leave the bullets to that witch."

"Yes." Lila agreed. She put her finger on the trigger, ready to shoot at any time, and moved the sight from Shinji Suzuki's head to the direction of the white shuttle. The shuttle has not moved at all until now, and she doesn't know what is hidden inside.

What kind of sinister ghosts are there.

Witches must be fought with caution. This is a battle rule where the advantage of attack is far greater than defense. Once a witch releases her magic first, the other witch will often suffer irreversible damage.

The same goes for the current situation. As long as they can attack the mental witch first, the odds of winning will be on Xu Yang's side.

On the contrary, if the mental witch affects the minds of their members first, huge losses will be waiting for them. The mental magic is mysterious and difficult to counterattack.

After all, the Nestor Company is still too weak. Lila thought about this and couldn't help but feel the importance of improving the company's overall strength. There must be more battle robots, more fighting witches, more employees, and smart equipment, so that we can

Gaining an advantage in one conflict after another not only protects oneself, but also competes for interests.

There was a deafening gunshot.


The white shuttle was hit by a powerful bullet, the energy shield was penetrated, the rear engine was destroyed, it exploded instantly, and it would explode at any time. 8 members of the Pale Legion wearing individual armor quickly jumped out of the cabin and executed

In order to evade the maneuver, the entire shuttle crashed towards the ground. The body made an unstable buzzing sound. Although it did not explode, it was out of control.

What's going on? Lila was stunned for a moment. She hadn't fired yet.

Lila destroyed the shuttle! Xu Yang applauded in his heart. This is how we should fight, no, this is the only way to fight.

"How is that possible!" Shinji Suzuki turned around and shouted, "The shuttle was..."

Milaya looked uneasy and hid inside the individual armor, praying that she would not be discovered. Without the cover of the shuttle, she was now in great danger.

500 meters away, Rollo knelt down in the alley. When he saw that he had succeeded, he blew an unpleasant whistle. Through his helmet, the sound was even more harsh. He used this anti-material rifle to sink through the larger battle at the heart of the lighthouse.

Machine, the boat in front of me looks like a coconut shell.

The core of the lighthouse, hypocrisy, pseudo-morality, media control, consortium, isolation, arrogance...feel that they are omnipotent. Rollo pulled the bolt of the S-400 "Iron Inkstone", and the bullet casing was thrown out. It was up to Black Fire to give them

Last lesson, what is war?

"Record it and use it as advertising material!" Huang Weng held a heavy smart terminal and took pictures of the whole process excitedly, "Special offer of 888,880!"

A40 was eager to take action, staring at the crew members who escaped from the shuttle.

"I'm going to fuck!" The lights in its eyes turned red.

Without saying a word, Rollo dropped his gun, grabbed A40 and Wasp one by one with one hand, and pulled them aside. Bullets whizzed through the air, and the Pale Legion discovered the attackers and were fighting back.

"Which one is Milaya you are talking about! They are all dressed the same." A40 shouted, observing the enemy, "Let me go over and kill her!"

Not only them, Xu Yang and Lila also had the same thought in their minds.

Which one is...

Although an unknown attack drove them off the shuttle, these soldiers of the Pale Legion wore uniform individual armor with the same appearance and no difference at all, just like replicas manufactured in batches from the same mold.

, it is impossible to tell which one of them is special.

From the sniper point in the outer apartment, Lila believed she could identify it.

There will be dangers in releasing magic power, but the spiritual witch must be found and killed so that Falosa can come forward to clean up the mess. Lila saw her vigilance and uneasiness.

Farosa would not dare to do anything until the spiritual witch was killed.


Can Farosha do it? Farosha would never dare to face a powerful enemy like herself!

Everyone is working hard, and you have to work harder...

With her hand on the trigger, Lila held her breath, concentrated on active detection, aiming and releasing magic while observing these eight soldiers wearing the same armor, Milaya must be hiding among them.

Search and destroy -

Bring victory to everyone and the master!

This chapter has been completed!
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