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Chapter 164 annihilate the prey

Lila held the sniper rifle steady and observed silently.

Milaya remained calm and turned her gaze to Suzuki Izumi. She made a tactical gesture to Suzuki Shinji. He nodded loudly and directed his cadres and subordinates to rush forward. More than 300 gang members and 100 mafia robots howled and charged.

The formation is scattered, but the attitude is fierce.


"Come on!" The crowd surged forward, constantly throwing explosives in their hands. The attackers picked up rocket launchers and bombarded the wall of Suzuki Spring, knocking it down. The ground shook violently, gravel flew everywhere, and the injured screamed.


Immediately afterwards, members of the Suzuki team violently threw grenades and Molotov cocktails at the door. The roars were heard one after another, and the fire exploded, crawling around like fiery snakes, wrapping themselves around whatever they encountered, and the fire became more and more intense.

After a fierce impact, all the glass doors, windows and curtain walls were shattered all over the ground, leaving only the steel and aluminum frames, which barely supported the integrity of the door structure. It looked particularly desolate. Countless elaborate arrangements were destroyed in the battle.

Beat it to pieces.

Facing the Suzuki group's fierce attack, the Katsuragi gang fought to the death.

Among them was a particularly brave squad leader. He picked up two submachine guns, activated the adrenaline injection from the implants on his body, rushed outside wildly, and fired wildly at the Suzuki team members outside.

"Don't retreat!" He roared loudly, his vision turned red, and the combat analyzer implanted in his brain continuously scanned the battlefield for threats to help him avoid fatal attacks.

With such a brave cadre leading the team, the Katsuragi Gang fought bloody battles without retreating.

"Ah yeah!"

"The firepower is too strong!"

"Be careful!" The members of the Suzuki team were locked up in the detention center for a whole month. They were separated from the battle formation for a long time. In a short period of time, they were so suppressed that they could not lift their heads. Even Suzuki Shinji himself quickly retreated to avoid the sharp attack.

"Fire! Come on!" Shinji Suzuki shouted at the top of his lungs, "Don't let anyone stop you!"

Milaya reached forward to break the deadlock.

Suddenly, the movements of the Katsuragi gang leader stopped. No matter how much the people around him shouted, he stopped firing. His arms naturally hung by his side, unable to move. His eyes were dull and his lips moved.

"Forever Milaiah." He swore allegiance, then turned his head and fired hard at his former companion.

Da da da--

A series of bullets were fired, and several Katsuragi gang members died tragically in the hands of their former companions in an instant. Their eyes were wide open and they couldn't believe what happened. The few who survived suddenly stopped resisting and turned into eternal slaves under Milaya's control.


An extremely strange thing happened. They all turned around and attacked the interior of Suzuki Spring.

Deeper in the building, the members of the Katsuragi Gang were caught off guard and did not dare to kill these "comrades" in the first place. The boss's first requirement for them was to never betray. How could they dare to open fire on their companions just a second ago? Countless elite members

He died instantly because his companions betrayed him in battle, and blood flowed all over the front yard.

With Milaya in charge, the Suzuki team's progress will never stagnate.

"Do it! Rush in!" Shinji Suzuki was overjoyed when he saw this. How could the Katsuragi Gang be the witch's opponent?

He raised his arms and shouted, and the members of the Suzuki team immediately roared and rushed into the Suzuki Spring, intending to take back their own territory and file in.

The front of the Suzuki Izumi collapsed, forcing Lila to speed up.

The "Pale Legion", the main combat force at the core of the Lighthouse, is equipped with advanced individual armor. This armor adopts a fully enclosed design and grows with the wearer. During the battle, it continuously reads the wearer's brainwave activity and learns

Its fighting style can best assist their combat activities. It also has strong protective power, and its appearance and painting adopt a unified form.

Milaya also applied for such an armor for herself, making it easier to hide. Although she wore it for the first time before going into battle, the armor quickly adapted to her body readings and combat habits. The lining of the armor automatically deformed and the memory was restored.

It fit her extremely plump figure, adjusted and released space. She felt more comfortable than wearing close-fitting clothing. She wished she could wear this piece of armor forever. It was bigger than the largest top she could buy.

Lila silently identified.

The corporate war in Taixi is similar. The witches will be disguised to look exactly like human soldiers, and they are indistinguishable from the costume, which makes it easier for witches to blend in with humans.

She first identified traces from the air, instead of directly scanning the armor itself, but capturing traces of magic power. Milaya had previously released magic power to control Katsuragi gang combatants, which left a flaw.

Lila continued to narrow down the scope of suspicious persons, 5, 3...

Suspecting that she was in danger, Milaya was eager to end the battle as soon as possible.

"There are unknown combatants on the other side of the street." Milaya ordered, "Maintain the battle formation, deploy the energy position generating device, notify Quero of the action, and start the Beta battle plan."

She transmitted these messages through the communicator built into her armor, and only communicated them to the seven Pale Legion soldiers around her. These New Taixi soldiers were fully equipped for combat and well-trained.

One member of the Pale Legion went to activate the energy shield generation device, three members of the Pale Legion were on guard in the direction of Suzuki Spring with guns drawn, and three others were on guard toward the south side of the street. Once the previous snipers appeared, they would immediately counterattack.

Milaya herself also held a gun to guard the rear of the shuttle to prevent more accidents.

Having attracted attention, Luo Luo didn't want to show up rashly. There were seven pale legions in front of him. They just hadn't entered the formal battle yet. Once they attacked, the entire Suzuki Spring would be crushed.

The Invisible Guards, the Pale Legion, the Professional Ninjas...these elites are selected from among humans and have gone through hundreds of battles. The competition between them is also ever-changing and cannot be ignored.

The Wasp looked back at the curious passers-by at the other end of the alley, and fired at them mercilessly to scare them away. The A40 leaned against the wall, using the central processor to edit and simulate combat situations, debugging its intelligent core to the best


The members of the Suzuki team have advanced into the Suzuki Spring. At the same time, Lila's reconnaissance is almost completed.

The armors all had the same appearance, and they all carried standard firearms. She tried to distinguish the witch from the last three suspicious soldiers.

You can't miss, otherwise you will definitely be annihilated by their counterattack.

Lila read her memory file, which contained videos, recording how they jumped off the shuttle, dispersed, and then reorganized into a battle formation.

She used the body's computer program to read, copy, and re-model this series of movements, shaping their repeated walking postures and judging the subtle differences in these movements.

The walking postures of men and women are inherently different. Women's pelvises are wider and their muscle strength is different from men's. It is impossible to walk in exactly the same posture as men.

Thanks to the new body and chip that Xu Yang replaced for Lila, Lila completed tens of thousands of calculations, simulations and comparisons in a very short time.

Taking the gait of one of the Pale Legion members as a reference, the other members' gait matches his gait by 85% to 97%.

Only one of the "soldiers" has only 67% similarity in movements. His posture is obviously not as sharp as the other soldiers, and his movements are full of redundant little movements.

The other party was also one of the three suspects detected by Lila, so the possibility was maximized.

Found you, Milaiya.

Lila adjusted the sniper rifle to energy penetration mode, aimed at Milaya's head, improved the bullet's entry angle and rotation rate, and pulled the trigger.


Cassandra's comet gunfire sounded.

With a buzzing sound, the bullet was stopped by the energy shield around the soldier, as if it was shot into the lake, causing large blue ripples, and the energy wave was violently disturbed. The bullet's kinetic energy quickly decayed after hitting the energy field, but it successfully hit Milaya. , knocking her to the ground.

Milaya was on guard with her gun, and the next second she felt severe pain in her face. The bullet penetrated the energy shield and suffered a serious loss of kinetic energy. However, it still successfully penetrated the head protection of the individual armor and shot into the top of her eyebrow bone. Milaya She fell backwards in an instant, the bullet embedded in her forehead bone and embedded in the cerebral cortex. Even though she was intercepted by the energy shield and advanced individual armor, Lila's shot still effectively killed her.

Why——Milaiya was swallowed by severe pain and her consciousness was disconnected.

"Sniper!" The members of the Pale Legion shouted, catching the direction of Lila's shooting. One of them immediately raised the main battle rifle in his hand and shot at the window where Lila was.

The bullets swept past, and Lila was forced back from the window. She moved back holding the gun. Then, she heard the sound of rockets trailing flames from outside the window, and knew that the enemy was using heavy firepower.

Lila was also prepared for this. She immediately executed a tactical move and pounced forward, intending to avoid the impact.

In an instant, she felt herself bumping into a shadow that suddenly appeared. The shadow hugged Lila hard. The next second, the surrounding light and shadow flashed instantly. When she reappeared, she was already on top of another building next door.


An explosion sounded not far away.

With the loud noise of the wall collapsing and the ceiling sinking, Lila looked at the place where she had been hiding. The old, fragile and decaying apartment collapsed in the explosion.

The ground shook continuously, and the sounds of heavy objects toppling and light objects smashing were heard everywhere. Countless noises passed through the walls and turned into distorted screams, as if someone was beating a broken gong and drum in Lila's ears.

Escaped intact...

She felt something else in her arms, and saw 101 push her away with a look of disgust.

This chapter has been completed!
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