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Chapter 176 War Live

Nakanoji's harsh cough sounded.

He stretched out a thin arm from under the white cloth, reminding Farosha of something like a bamboo pole. Katsuragi opened the white cloth excitedly.

The blood stain was gone, and the boy was reborn. His eyes widened when he saw Katsuragi Asa, and he never thought that his sworn sister would be here.

"Sister Qian-Sister Qian!" Nakanoji shouted, his voice distorted, "You..."

"It's good to be back." Katsuragi's eyes turned red, and he held Nakano Haru in his arms, "Everything is over, Suzuki Shinji is dead, Suzuki Spring is our home now and will always be our home, Haru,

I miss you so much."

"..." Nakanoji was extremely confused. After so much suspicion, pain and disgust, he still had mixed feelings about Katsuragi Asa. Death to him was like jumping into an abyss without a bottom. Now he finally emerged from the endless abyss.

Freed from weightlessness.

"What a beautiful emotion." Falosa smiled and clapped her hands.

"You..." Nakanoji was not impressed by Falosa.

"Stop talking, everything has changed." Katsuragi Asa was afraid that his adopted brother would say something careless and anger this monster with the appearance of a witch.

"Let's talk alone." Falosa left the room.

"Okay..." Katsuragi Asa followed out.

"All I want is truth and understanding between people." Falosa caressed Katsuragi's cheek, "Don't think there is an unbridgeable gap between our hearts."

"I don't understand what you want to express," Qian Katsuragi sighed, "The things I can understand are always limited."

"Then, just do your best in the field you know. Now go back, I know you have a lot to explain to your brother."

"Yes." Katsuragi Qian nodded slightly and returned to the secret room.

The decoration of Suzuki Izumi has changed, the original boss has died, and nothing is the same as before. But when he sees Nakano Haru, Katsuragi Asa will still regard this place as his home.

She still liked this underground area and had never thought of leaving Kataki District and traveling to other places. Katsuragi Asa had a lot to say to Nakano Haru, so she put her adoptive brother on her shoulder and started talking.

In the corridor, Farosa had a mysterious expression on her face, and she could vaguely hear the conversation between Katsuragi Asa and her brother in the room.

Family is a distant concept to Farosha.

The witch is infertile, and she and Xu Yang will have no offspring, and neither has any siblings, but she doesn't need it. After all, relatives are not easy to use and will become a weakness, so it is better to recruit more slaves.

Falosa walked upstairs and went to the central office to find Xu Yang.

He sat on a large black leather chair, conceiving the map of Aizu Castle and constantly making subsequent plans.

"I'm hungry," Falosa announced.

Xu Yang summoned an eyeball robot, which used its paws to pick up a wooden rimless dinner plate. There were five dishes on it, including the parent-child well with egg juice poured on the soft chicken, and the index-finger-thick pan-fried meatloaf, which was extremely tender.

The scallop sashimi, the generous gunkan sushi, and the fragrant roasted bird platter.

Falosa could not resist rich food. She threw her heavy and obstructive robe on the tatami and ate in a very charming sitting posture.

"Come and stay with me." Falosa called softly.

"Big things are happening outside." Xu Yang stroked Falosa's back like a kitten, while turning on the smart screen.

Nowadays all the news channels are introducing the major events currently happening in the archipelago.

——The first battle between Kyoto Mugen and Black Fire Innovation.

On the warm stone sea between the Northern Islands and the Taia Islands, two giant companies collided for the first time, attracting the attention of the world.

After countless discussions, high-level negotiations and rounds of talks, all threats, pleadings, negotiations and concessions were of no avail. Through artificial intelligence calculations and repeated deductions, all parties believed that they could benefit from it. Therefore, the corporate war officially broke out.


A few days ago, three giant companies, Kyoto Unlimited, Kokaku Kyushu, and Tianshu Manufacturing, jointly announced the adoption of a resolution to implement military sanctions against Black Fire Innovation, liquidating Black Fire Innovation's vicious interference in various commercial affairs of the archipelago in the past three years. They

We will set up a banner to support the company alliance laws and launch military operations to the Taiya Islands.

There is no need to use nuclear weapons at this stage, but crazy methods such as biological and chemical warfare are within the range of options. The giant companies must use all their strength to find a winner.

"A real war." Falosha felt that there was nothing better than this, which made her appetite whet her appetite. "Is there a live broadcast? Tell me about the current process."

"Look here." Xu Yang switched to the military report channel. The local Corner House Media Company has summarized the war news so far.

The process of the five-in-one corporate war of air, ground, sea, witch, information, is undoubtedly complicated and bloody. Just the reports that can be made public are shocking.

The moment war was declared, the giant companies used long-range missiles equipped with conventional high-explosive warheads. They first bombed the ports, airports, military bases and missile launch platforms of all parties on the archipelago and tropical waters, trying to paralyze the opponent's counterattack potential.

Immediately afterwards, the aerospace carriers were dispatched. They were giant floating combat platforms, the crystallization of modern military technology.

Blackfire Innovation, Kyushu, and Tianshu created brutal base attacks on each other. Five space carriers set out from the home port of the Taiya Islands in an attempt to seize the Pendulum Islands, which is located at the junction of the spheres of influence of the giant companies.

These islands are of great strategic significance. No matter which party seizes control of them, it can directly threaten the enemy's homeland.

It is obvious that the ownership of the Pendulum Islands determines the winner of the war, and no party can bear the cost of the islands changing hands.

In this way, the enemy can unscrupulously carry out saturation bombing of the company's territory, completely destroying the company's war potential.

The strategic focus is clearly divided. Blackfire Innovation sent 5 space carriers to fight for the Pendulum Islands, but only sent 1 space carrier "Martinez" north to try to threaten Kyoto Unlimited.

"We just sent a boat over." Falosa laughed, "The animation producers above us are really looked down upon."

"Kyoto Unlimited is indeed not very good at war." Xu Yang looked at the comparison of military strength.

According to reports on the Deep Anonymous Internet, the lineup of the Martinez sent by Blackfire Innovation is terrifying, equipped with 24 auxiliary ships and missile shuttles, 120 full-featured fighter jets, and more than 300 combat witches, eager to limit Kyoto.

As burning scorched earth.

Anku City is located in the hinterland of Kyoto Mugen and is still far away from the front line. However, if Kyoto Mugen is frustrated in the war, Black Fire's innovative long-range ballistic missiles and fighter jet clusters are likely to attack Anku City. Therefore, it is still necessary to pay attention to the progress of the war.


Everything happened because the Black Fire agent Mateo blew up the Divine Sky Building. If Kyoto Unlimited maintains its attitude of humiliation and seeking perfection, it will only suffer more irreparable losses.

"It's so exciting." Falosa murmured, "Before we even take action, the companies are fighting each other. It's really exciting. Many people will die, many people will die meaninglessly, inexplicably, there is no

There are signs, and it’s not just one or two people dying, it’s tens of thousands, tens of millions of people dying suddenly.”

"Corporate wars will change the logic of many things, and will last from months to years. Depending on market value fluctuations, one party will always be unable to burn money and declare defeat." Xu Yang said, "Our Nisto Industry

Doesn’t the park produce metals? The number of orders has exploded, and they will be forged into ships and guns.”

The news keeps rolling.

In order to stop Blackfire's innovative "Martinez" mothership cluster, Kyoto Unlimited dispatched one of the three motherships, the "Kinjima".

This is a large mothership built by Iwaki Heavy Industries. Including supporting ships, it can carry a total of about 60,000 sailors, marines and war witches, and they began to intercept the Martinez. In other words,

Conflict is about to break out.

A sea battle on the Wenshi Sea!

In order to promote arms sales, Blackfire Innovation is live-streaming the battle on their company homepage.

It is very scary to watch the horrific killings caused by modern warfare at close range, but in order to understand the process and results of the battle, Xu Yang still cut to the streaming video of Black Fire Innovation.

——At this time, the Martinez was bombarding the Near Island indiscriminately.

The live broadcast room is from the perspective of Black Fire Innovation. From their long cone-shaped space carrier platform, another wave of fighter groups has been lifted and lowered. These fighters are rapidly approaching the Konjima in the distant blue sky, heading towards the floating land.

The air-to-land war machine projects an astonishing number of missiles.

Even if Xu Yang is a layman on war, he can still see that the Jindao is constantly producing explosions and billowing black smoke, and it is in a passive position of being beaten.

The Konjima's ship-based anti-aircraft firepower counterattacked wildly, but Blackfire's innovative fighter aircraft carried an energy shield generator. As long as the pilot maintained high-speed maneuvers, a small number of bullets that hit would be directly intercepted by the ground, reducing the damage to the aircraft.

The power of the witches is also at work. The camera is on the Black Fire Innovation side. It can be seen that the witches related to metal abilities are repairing the damaged fighter planes. The witches who can project long-range flames and lightning are standing on the magic amplification platform, using their own power.

The magic power turns into a torrent with long range and astonishing destructive power. Compared with conventional weapons, it has completely different sound and light effects.

This live broadcast is being watched by people all over the world. The barrage next to it is refreshing crazily, flipping up and down, like a waterfall. People everywhere are enjoying this absolute killing feast in real time, pointing and pointing with a bloodthirsty attitude.

Every time a Kyoto Mugen fighter plane or a witch is shot down from the sky, the frequency of the barrage will double. For them, there is no more thrilling and exciting program than this.

Black Fire Innovation also throws out coupons in the live broadcast room at the right time. If the order reaches 1 million, there will be generous gifts. A blood-based sales operation is more effective than any hoarse sales. Data shows that Black Fire Innovation has already

Taking advantage of this wave of marketing, military orders worth 67.3 billion were reached.

Witnessing the massacre driven by capital, Xu Yang only felt sad. Farosha's heart was churning with excitement. She felt that there was no more wonderful carnival than this. Modern technology has doubled the killing efficiency of the same kind, and human beings seemed to be hurting each other when they harmed each other.

Extremely shrewd.

This chapter has been completed!
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