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Chapter one hundred and seventy seventh

When Xu Yang entered the live broadcast of Black Fire Innovation, this grand mothership showdown had already lasted for 3 hours.

Reality manipulators are quite rare, and in order to ensure victory this time, Blackfire Innovation also dispatched one on the Martinez.

In order to add gimmicks, many shots in the live broadcast room were given to this witch.

She has no public name, and can only be seen as a woman wearing red tights and a closed helmet. She easily summoned a black crack in the air. It was roughly prism-shaped and had strong gravity. Under its interference Below, the light seemed to bend, and a harsh scream came from the air.

The Konjima kept firing energy beams and anti-ship missiles at the Martinez, and the witches on the Kyoto Mugen side also kept exerting their influence, but more than half of them were swallowed up by this black crack. There seemed to be endless potential on the other side of the crack. Capacity, instantly absorbing these fatal injuries.

With this reality manipulator interfering with the battle situation, the Kojima ship fell into further decline.

"Are you familiar with this kind of power?" Xu Yang was curious.

"It is a rare type of magic that communicates with different dimensions." Falosa observed, "Creating a portal to an unknown area."

"There won't be any intelligent life living in that place."

"Yes, and it's very troublesome." Falosa sneered, "As far as I know, that dimension is a place of chaos. This series of magic has angered them more than once. The next time she turns on this power, it will probably be unprecedentedly huge. The monsters will open the door and crawl out, and they will accuse you humans, saying that you keep throwing inexplicable garbage into their world, causing them too much trouble, and they want revenge for this."

"I originally wanted to say that the Blackfire innovation should have this level of consideration, but after all, it is Blackfire... the situation you mentioned is really possible."

"Unless I become the master of all witches and pass on my past knowledge to them one by one, this kind of self-destructive stupidity will continue to happen." Falosa whispered.

The battle passed for another 30 minutes and was coming to an end.

The Konjima lost more than half of its auxiliary ships, and its own hull was also severely damaged. It sank diagonally, like a wounded floating beast, slowly turning back towards Kyoto Mugen's company area, dragging a long black smoke.

Kyoto Unlimited...lost the first battle.

Farosha stopped touching the food. She was full just by looking at this real river of blood. Watching the soldiers, witches and the weapons of destruction quietly rising and falling in the ocean, she felt a sense of relief from the bottom of her heart. .

"Thank you for the hospitality, oh, I want to participate in such a war personally," Falosa murmured, "use your magic to your heart's content and watch the humans swarm towards me, and then be shattered to pieces under my magic. I want to kill those Survivors are weak in the knees.”

"As long as our enemy is still corporatism, we will not lack such a big battle. You can save your anger and vent it to the Black Fire Innovation and Lighthouse Core armies." Xu Yang switched to the map level to observe the next move. .

After the victory in the Onshi Sea battle, there is no obstacle in front of the Martinez, and it will continue to move northward towards the core area of ​​​​Kyoto Infinity.

It will pass through three small island cities along the way, Aibo City, Shinmaru City, and Hosokawa City being the first to bear the brunt. They are located on the border and cannot escape the fate of being ravaged by war.

Because preparations for defeat have been made in advance, these cities are currently being evacuated urgently. Kyoto Unlimited's president Nozomi Takahashi issued "Order No. 6", requiring the immediate dismantling of factories, laboratories and military bases, and the removal of all important supplies

take away.

Technical experts, management and witches will leave on a shuttle as soon as possible and join Kyoto Unlimited on the grounds of hedging mergers and acquisitions, leaving behind the company and the population outside the company. As usual, Black Fire Innovation will plunder them back and force them to

They signed more demanding labor contracts and became debt slaves.

"It's really cruel, just like what I have experienced in the past." Falosa thought of the villages that were burned down in the border wars, where the witches and knights from the victorious side ran rampant, leaving behind numerous corpses.

"Indeed," Xu Yang said, "these three cities are victims of the war. They will first be expropriated by Kyoto to expropriate technical talents and factories, and then be demolished by the occupying forces of the Black Fire Revolution. Both giant companies are exploiting the small ones underneath.

The value of companies and workers. War is a continuation of economic expansion, behind which is the struggle of corporate capital. In the end, it is small businesses and ordinary workers who suffer."

Falosa mused.

"Let me judge this way, tell me whether what I think is right or not." She tried to use modern logic to analyze corporate wars. "Although behind the scenes is the battle of capital groups, Kyoto Unlimited is still passive because they are the spokesperson of capital.

, they must maintain a 'glossy' brand to attract funds. But they fell at a disadvantage in this crucial first battle, and they have fewer resources to dispatch in the next step."

"Yes," Xu Yang agreed, "Kyoto Unlimited has a total of 3 aerospace carriers. After the Kojima was beaten like this, they only have 2 carriers available. In terms of real operators, they still have the ability to provide support for Wanxiang

The witch Tenjouin Murasaki of "Zhixing" and the "Sakura Witch" Kirino Reiyo. Considering the preservation of the homeland, they can only passively use ballistic missiles and space-based weapons to intercept, hoping that the troops of Kyushu and Tianshu will be destroyed.

A breakthrough can be achieved.”

"If the fighting is so bad, will the war reach Anjiu City?" Falosa was curious.

"It's possible." Xu Yang said.

"Will the archipelago be blown back to the Middle Ages, or even earlier?" Falosa narrowed her eyes.

"Then it won't happen." Xu Yang judged, "It is impossible to ignore business and engage in mutual destruction. There is no such need. Therefore, the probability of being used by world-destroying weapons, including nuclear weapons and world-destroying reality manipulators, is

It's trivial. As long as this battle is between companies, it's impossible to fight to the point of destroying each other."

"——I see, as long as it's a 'battle between companies', it won't happen," Falosa smiled, "But if it's rebels and witches fighting to seize world domination, the situation will be different."

"So we have to be careful," Xu Yang said, "until we have the strength to face the joint attacks of multiple reality manipulators at the same time, and the strength to survive the nuclear fire that fills the sky."

"I like it." Falosa picked up a piece of chicken with her fingers and fed it to Xu Yang, "I like it so much."

They continued to watch the situation in the live broadcast room. The sea surface was burning, and the downed auxiliary ships were sinking and falling in the waves. The traditional ocean fleet had no time to retreat and was bombed and destroyed by the aerospace carrier "Martinez". The sea surface turned into

Fleet Cemetery.

Many witches on the Mugen side of Kyoto were captured, had special restraints pierced through their chests, and were stuffed into containers like body bags. The remaining survivors were wailing on the wreckage of the shipboard. A big wave was enough to sweep them away, and many of them were carbonized.

The corpses slipped out of the damaged empty ship and fell into the water. The wreckage of the war was so horrific.

Compared with the scale of modern warfare, which is greater than any battle Farosha had ever seen, the medieval siege of Constantiniya was like a child banging plastic soldier models against each other.

All mankind can get is a cruel and horrific death. Falosa thought to herself. Small and arrogant humans, playing with forces far beyond their control, are causing everyone to have trouble sleeping and eating, fearing that one day their neighbors will

He turned into a madman, kicked in the door and chopped himself into pieces.

Ordinary people without extraordinary skills either choose to work as consumables under the protection of the corporate system, or they have to face this unprecedented chaotic world alone.

After analyzing the chain impact of the war, Xu Yang accelerated the cleaning work of Pianmu District. He believed that the company would soon turn its attention to this underground city.

In Xu Yang's view, Aizu City itself was the result of large-scale development during the prosperous period of corporatism. Nowadays, corporatism has declined, and many areas have fallen into stagnation and regression. However, the war has enhanced Aizu City's status as an underground city.

After all, the biggest problem in the northern archipelago is that it has no depth. Once war is imminent, giant companies on land can relocate their industrial production capacity inland, but the archipelago has no inland to hide in, so they can only choose to build underground to avoid

Damaged by the Blackfire Revolution's strategic bombings, the underground city became the new rear for each company.

Sure enough, in the next three days, many companies contacted Asuka Katsuragi and proposed business plans. They wanted to open new military industry assembly lines in Katagi District, and at the same time install industrial equipment and intelligent manufacturing plants that had been relocated from the front line.

They are willing to pay a large sum of money in the hope that the Katsuragi Gang will protect them. After all, the Katsuragi Gang has wiped out the local area, and other security companies either lack the strength or charge outrageous prices.

"There are many contracts." Katsuragi Qian asked Xu Yang for advice, "Not only the companies that have moved from the small frontline cities such as Bibo City and Shinmaru City, but also large companies such as Extreme Technology and Cutting-edge Technology, all want to set up shop in Katagi.

The district rents some land and opens those unmanned factories, oh, such as cutting-edge technology companies... They are willing to pay us 40 million to help us acquire the largest piece of wasteland in the Pianmu District, about 25 hectares, and signed a contract of at least

The 10-year security contract ensures that their smart production lines will not be disturbed."

Cutting-edge Technology Company is a large intercontinental military-industrial enterprise headquartered in Taixi Continent. It is not a giant enterprise, but it is still very powerful. In order to develop business in the archipelago continent, it also tends to cooperate with forces with local background to save a lot of trouble.

"Just do this." Xu Yang agreed, "You propose to them a buyout, for 2, 3 or 5 years, instead of paying monthly."

"If you pay monthly, you'll be able to make more money over time," Asa Katsuragi said. "Looking over the long term of more than 20 years, will you earn more?"

"Twenty years?" Xu Yang shook his head, "Don't think so much, make quick money first."

Given the current rapidly changing situation and the tireless "subversion" actions of Xu Yang and Farosha, no one knows what will happen in 20 years.

Not to mention 20 years, even 10 years from now there will be big changes, and everything is difficult to predict.

"Then I'll sign a contract with them." Katsuragi Asa said.

"The next step is to march to Highland No. 26," Xu Yang said. "Before the 'Bamboo Gang' there can reap the dividends of this industrial transfer, they must be wiped out. Their share will be ours."

Accepted. Based on our current strength, I hope to skip the testing part directly, end the battle within 3 hours, and declare victory with extremely high efficiency."

"Yes." Katsuragi Asa was excited.

In the past few days, she had been holding video conferences with people sent by various companies, and now she finally found an opportunity to fight.

The Bamboo Gang must be destroyed.

This chapter has been completed!
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