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Chapter 18 Destroy the group

The Lijia Group was eliminated from the Pianmu District within an hour. Xu Yang walked to the window and looked at the ring of corpses outside. The rat tide must have attacked the hypermarket before, but was ruthlessly killed by the security facilities.

It is indeed solid and can be advanced and retreated. In the event of a large power outage, there is electricity and defense facilities here.

Would the Suzuki team really give up such a good place? Judging from previous contacts, Suzuki Shinji is not a generous person, but Katsuragi Asa values ​​friendship.

Xu Yang dragged the body away from the desk with force, operated the center console, proactively cleaned up the traces of his hacking, and cut off external communication so that he could further take full control.

"This..." Katsuragi Asa checked the corpse in the corridor, "Yes, it's Toshiie Ichiro, the leader of the Toshiie group. He is finally dead."

"Human life is like grass."

"It's the same as usual."

"How is Boss Suzuki treating you?"

"Very good. Although I joined the Suzuki team for my younger brother, my boss has always valued me."

"You are nothing like your brother."

"I hope I can be as smart as him. Sometimes what he says is helpful to the boss of Suzuki. But the boss never takes my opinions to heart."

"This suit doesn't fit."

"Yes, I feel more comfortable in the gym. Dressing uniformly is what my younger brother told my elder brother before, so that I look professional."

I felt very comfortable talking to Katsuragi Asa. She had no defensiveness and was very frank. But her brows were furrowed and she was absent-minded.

"What are you worried about?"

Katsuragi Asa picked up the samurai sword dropped by Kenzo No. 5 and aimed it at Xu Yang.

"The boss told me to kill you or drive you away."

"Then the fruits of my labor will be wasted."

"I'm not good at doing this kind of thing," Katsuragi Asa moved the tip of the knife away. "I would feel uneasy about killing you, and you don't seem like someone who would feel comfortable suffering a loss. But I can't betray the boss, so I told you,

I want you to be responsible for finding a way not to die."

"Tell your boss, the hypermarket is under my control and has become my private property. The chance of winning is very low."

"First, I have this, and this is more useful," Katsuragi Asa aimed the knife at Xu Yang, "Second, you still have two women left in Suzuki Spring."

This is true. The super ancient witch Farosa and the happy fool Ye Zi cannot ignore their safety.

"There must be something more valuable than my death here," Xu Yang looked around, "Does Boss Suzuki have any precious resources in the Toshi family group that he likes?"

"Yes," Asa Katsuragi said, "The Toshiie-gumi has been in contact with the 'big shot'. He is a high-level employee of Kyoto Mugen. To us, he has great hands and eyes. The boss wants to replace the Toshiie-gumi and serve the 'big shot'."

Xu Yang returned to the console table and searched the contents carefully.

They deleted the important files. Xu Yang didn't find any useful content. He looked at Katsuragi Asa from the corner of his eye. She was waiting patiently. If she found nothing, she would definitely execute me.

Xu Yang paid attention to the disk fragments and used his built-in mental software to recover the data. Not long after, he also recovered a large number of deleted files. He used technical means to restore the files and found sections of call recordings, reports and transaction records, which pointed to a company called "

"Beihai Trading Company" is a small company, but according to Toshiieichiro's humble tone in the records, the so-called small company is obviously a disguise.

There is some key information mentioned in it. For Xu Yang, it is just some dates, locations, numbers and goods, but the Suzuki team should be able to make good use of it.

"Beihai Trading Company, are you familiar with this name?"

"It seems to be a mysterious company that comes to the aid every time the Lijia Group is in danger. The boss suspects that it is an intermediary company that connects the Lijia Group with big shots."

"Then these records should satisfy Boss Suzuki." Xu Yang exported all the files and sent them to Katsuragi Asa's mobile phone.

"very good."

"I owe you one."

"You must have been on tenterhooks for a while just now." Katsuragi Qian turned the knife in his hand.

"You don't know how to threaten people, and I'm not afraid at all."

"There are too many things that I can't learn. I haven't read books."

"I went to school, but I borrowed money from corporate loan sharks, and the place was a mess..."

Katsuragi Asa called again.

"It's my brother." She answered and walked to the other side of the office.

When Xu Yang mentioned the education he received just now, he couldn't help but start recalling the past.

Company people receive an all-inclusive 16-year education package, accumulating a large amount of debt every year. The so-called education for company people does not teach useful things. It only limits the activities of company children and trains obedience. The content that is truly beneficial to work is in the onboarding process.

Learn by downloading memory files during training.

On the one hand, this weakens the talent and growth of company employees, making them gain nothing during the golden stage of learning knowledge, and they can only follow the company's arrangements after graduation. On the other hand, they use skill files to only instill knowledge related to a certain job position.

Skills enable them to work in specific positions for life.

Rich people will send their children to real schools to cultivate a variety of talents and interests, and to broaden their horizons and knowledge.

Many of them join or name themselves in the academic circle and avoid joining companies. Therefore, the world's academic research has become completely aristocratic and elitist, becoming a paradise for rich people to protect their children from being squeezed by the corporate system. Valuable scientific research results often do not come from these rich guys.

, but is handled by the science witch who works overtime in the laboratory day and night.

Xu Yang felt very strange when he thought that he still owed Gaoge Jiuzhou 4.5 million and was wanted in the company alliance with a reward of more than 20 million. Even if he wanted to pay compensation, anyone who met Gaoge Jiuzhou would be immediately captured and executed.

Serve as a warning to others.

With all the pathologies in real society, Farosha may feel that the current situation is not as good as her time.

I really want to take Falosa and escape to a place where the company can't control it.

But that's impossible.

Not only does such a place not exist, but Falosa has the potential to be lonely, and it is her instinct to cause trouble.

Ah, right.

Let's create a place like this.

Create a utopia where all the people and witches who are unhappy with the company can come in and be free.

Katsuragi Asa sat on the center console table, ended the call, and put away her mobile phone. Her expression did not show joy or nervousness, but more like numbness.

Xu Yang heard dense footsteps coming from outside.

I saw the residents who had been fleeing gathered together again. They walked anxiously through the stairs and gathered in the corridor outside the office. Next to them were gang members in black suits, holding various improvised weapons and firearms. They were half driving, half

It was the guards who escorted them to Katsuragi Asa.

Xu Yang took a quick look and saw that there were at least a hundred survivors.

Women with babies in their arms, migrant workers in delivery uniforms or convenience store uniforms, students in school uniforms, otakus in glasses and anime character T-shirts, young girls in floral skirts, bald men in plaid shirts, and cheap suits,

The salesman wearing sunglasses and wireless headphones...are all very common people.

Now, what should they do?

Xu Yang took a deep breath. The air was filled with the smell of blood. He had seen more severed limbs and corpses today than he had seen in the past 28 years combined.

"They...what are your plans?" Xu Yang asked.

"Do you have an idea?"

"I'm just a refugee passing by, and my status is similar to theirs. Who am I to decide their future?"

"Everyone!" Asa Katsuragi left the office and walked to the corridor, raising his fists high, "The cruel and cruel Toshie group has been defeated by our Suzuki group! In the future, we are the only ones in the Katagi District who have the strength to protect everyone's safety! Now please move to

Suzuki Izumi, we will protect you all from the chaos of this 'big blackout'!"


"Want money?"

"Can you calculate the money on a daily basis?"

"What will I do if I run out of money?"

"Can I access the Internet over there?"


"Suzuki group..."

People are anxious, desolate, and full of uncertainty about the future.

If there had been no major power outage, their fate would never have been what it is now, like animals being slaughtered without the ability to decide their own life or death.

So, who caused this damn blackout? Just the Nezumi? Are they really capable of cutting off the power in Aizu City?

Katsuragi Asa gave the gang members an order to escort the survivors back to Suzuki Izumi to pay a fee in exchange for safety.

The survivors were nervous and nervous, but without any room for resistance, they could only be quietly twisted away one by one.

After paying the Toi family's funds, they had to spend money for the Suzuki group. It was a very unlucky day for them.

Xu Yang looked at the decoration in the office, which was simple and elegant, with a golden Buddha statue holding a stainless steel automatic coffee machine in his hand.

The so-called Buddhas and Bodhisattvas all originate from the rumors of enlightened beings. It is said that the sages became enlightened under a tree, and then traveled to various places, advocating pure desire and clear mind, and the purity of the six roots. However, their followers could not withstand the bewitchment of the witch, so they turned to serve the witch and gave up.

His theory caused this school to be discontinued soon. However, its classics are still circulated in a small area. Until today, it has been reborn. It has many online disciples, trying to guide the spirit of mortals to the Pure Land of Yun, which is free from disasters and diseases.

Xu Yang didn't believe these words. He took a cup and poured himself a cup of coffee. It was very convenient. Farosha would definitely like this thing.

"Without you, we wouldn't have been able to capture this place." Katsuragi Asa said.

"My most serious advice: You should equip yourself with implants. I can't imagine how you dare to rush into such a heavily guarded place."

"Inserting batteries into your body will only make you slack off in exercising."

"But downloading skill files into your head can save years of practicing martial arts."

The reason why employees in large companies are generally better than the outsiders is that the internal skill files of the company are also an important reason. They burn memories and information into the brain, greatly shortening the time to become a professional, and providing top-secret knowledge that is difficult to obtain.

"What's the difference between that and cheating?" Katsuragi Asa disagreed.

"... I wish you smooth sailing in your future life."

"It's okay, I understand." She stretched out her hand and shook Xu Yang's hand, "As soon as I joined the gang, Boss Suzuki told me that in order for the Suzuki Group to become the most powerful gang in Kyoto's unlimited jurisdiction, it must rely on letters, etiquette, and trust.

,Fight with a righteous and courageous spirit, let me use my fists to fight a way out. Maybe I misunderstood the meaning of these words."

Her hands were rough to hold, a far cry from Farossa's fine skin and tender flesh.

"Always a gangster? I mean... nothing else?"

"I rarely say the word gangster, it sounds like we are bad guys. Before working for the Suzuki Group, I worked a lot of jobs, delivering food, serving in restaurants, and begging. The Suzuki Group changed my destiny...

I don’t need to say any more.”

"You do good things."

"Of course, we protect the people on our territory from threats and provide them with hot spring services. We have a total of 2,000 members, we are not hooligans, and our annual turnover is still growing."

When talking about the Suzuki group, Asagi Katsuragi was very enthusiastic and talked endlessly.

"I assume you've never left Patchwood."

"It's not necessary. The gang is here, my family and brothers are here, and Boss Suzuki is here. Compared with the outside, Katagi District lacks nothing. Although this is the deepest part of the underground city, I feel that there is nothing missing."

“The internet is slow.”

"I don't like surfing the Internet. The Internet is full of frivolous things and a lot of advertisements."

"You can get access to a lot of novel news online, and there are so many things happening in so many places in the world..."

"What does it have to do with us? You will be happy when you see interesting things, but you will only be happy for a while; you will be angry when you see painful news, but anger can't change anything. In the end, you have to come back and live every day.

Okay, I feel very satisfied."


"I'm going back to report." Katsuragi Asa said goodbye to Xu Yang.

"Are you sure Boss Suzuki won't cause trouble for you?"

"I can handle it."


Katsuragi Asa trotted away. Looking at her strong and plump body, Xu Yang had the illusion that she could deflect bullets with her muscles.

Xu Yang looked at this office and felt slightly relieved. He sat on the black boss chair where Toshiya Ichiro had sat, leaned back, and slowly figured out his next plan.

This chapter has been completed!
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