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Chapter 196 The highest revelation

"Sun Yan Duo, can it harness the power of a star?" Xu Yang paid attention to Yan Duo's every move.

"They are called 'external life', they fall from the stars," Falosa looked up. "Some witches believe that they are a race that lives in the starry sky. These star creatures can easily communicate and control everything in the sky."

"The stars are also the place where the witch was created and given power." Xu Yang couldn't help but think, "It has amazing power. If Yan Duo comes from that place, he may also understand the origin of the witch."

"It doesn't speak well, and you can tell that this guy is powerful but... slow and ignorant." Falosa observed, "I wanted it to save the Lord of the Forest. I thought we would come earlier,

But until now, the agreed time is only one month left."

"Give it the final orders, and then we'll leave to prevent other uninvited guests from visiting." Xu Yang knew that drones and remote sensing satellites had been mobilized to this area, and it would soon be observed by the whole world.

Falosa continued to call Yanduo on the spiritual level, and it gradually responded.

"Wake up, wake up." Falosa urged.

"Yan Duo?" It sounded weak.

"Okay, I know you're in pain. But now you have to get up and work." Falosa comforted.

"Yanda..." Sun Yanduo is still repairing himself.

Strong light enveloped Yan Duo's entire body, making it difficult to look directly at the bright light.

It radiates its own heat, boils the sea water, and focuses all the sun's rays from around the world on this super giant, making it extremely useful. Originally, the body was full of pits and pits, but now they are growing again under the strong sunlight.

Power gradually returned to Yan Duo, and it regrew its rocky skin and metal hair, and the chest and abdomen that had been dug the deepest were gradually filled in. Although it still looked a little embarrassed, it was much better than the worst time before.

After the light dissipated, the prototype of Yan Duo gradually appeared.

This is a golden-red giant with a lava shell, eternally burning, burly in size, and majestic in appearance. It has the posture of a pure giant, representing the sun and sublimity itself, which is shocking.

The super-giant Yanduo, which is more than 400 meters high, is very impressive in appearance, which impressed Xu Yang deeply. The company alliance actually succeeded in subduing such a burly monster, which shows the determination, courage and resources of the alliance in its heyday.

Yanduo feels that he can go see his friends now, and he is very satisfied.

"Yan Duo? Yan Duo." Yan Duo clapped his hands happily.

Every time its huge palm collided, it made an astonishing sound. Xu Yang and the others could hear it clearly even if they were sinking to the bottom of the sea. The sound was deafening.

From Yan Duo's point of view, everything makes him satisfied.

A thousand years ago, a shipwreck washed up Falosa on a desert island in the archipelago. At that time, she was lying on the beach like a salted fish. Yando guided the nearby fishermen and witches to rescue Falosa. After being rescued, Falosa

Rosa spent some time understanding how to communicate with Yando, and then left. Later, it heard that Falosa was eventually buried alive somewhere underground, which made Yando uncomfortable for a long time.

I thought we would never see each other again, but our friendship turned out to be good!

Farosha was not only okay and survived these ten centuries, but she was also willing to come to rescue her across thousands of miles based on our original friendship, which moved Yan Duo extremely.

What a kindness and feat! There is no other hero in the world who acts fairly and justly like Falosa.

"Yanduo? Yanduo!" It jumped down in one breath and plunged into the sea, intending to find Falosa and the others, and happily swam towards the Innovation

The noise of entering the water was not small. The waves were huge and the shocking shock wave pushed the Innovation away. It tilted violently in the sea and was pushed hundreds of meters away before it regained power.

"Oh... don't be like this." Farosha was almost knocked away.

"Yanduo!" It floated in front of the Innovation, extremely happy.

It sees two and a half souls.

A chaotic witch soul contains the power of the stars. The throne of great power is stored in this soul. This seat has been occupied and can no longer be used to ascend to the gods, but it can still be recast and used to create

The next god.

The first impression Yan Duo has of a rebellious human soul is that he is very healthy and has no bad habits. Peace and depth make up its shell, and underneath it is wrapped with fighting spirit. He is the type who will get up even if he is thrown into the dust.


There is also half a meager soul of the witch, which possesses some kind of strong persistence, so that it insists on staying in that inhuman form and will not wither and dissipate. It still maintains contact with the stars and can use magic power, which makes Yan Duo feel


Oh, they are all friendly, kind and righteous partners. Yan Duo likes them so much. There is not a villain or a bad guy, they are all Yan Duo's good friends!

Yanduo wants to take them to his home, take them to his beautiful house, share all the knowledge it has collected, give them the treasures accumulated over the years, and give these lovely new friends a good reward.

But before that, Yan Duo felt uneasy again. There were other mysterious people communicating with Yan Duo.

"Ding Ling, the crisis is coming." A voice secretly sent a message to Yan Duo.


"I don't understand, but I see that your fate is heading straight towards destruction."

Yan Duo recognized the voice of "The Liar" Mika, a cunning mystic.

"Don't bother me anymore. If you survive, you can tell me later." The liar Michael cut off communication.

"Yanduo..." it complained, then flew up and left the sea. Maybe it wasn't lying this time.

Now that a crisis is coming, it wants to protect its friends.

"Where is it going?" Xu Yang felt weird.

"I want to know too." Falosa's heart was pounding.

Yanduo searched for the source of the threat in the air, and immediately focused his attention on the evacuated carrier aircraft groups in the distance. Yanduo could still feel those nasty guys on top.

Zeng Shujuro has not left yet. He wants to make amends for his dereliction of duty. He wants to make a desperate attempt to detect the situation where the sun is shining brightly. The surrounding sky has become gray. There is no cloud cover, but it looks like a cloudy sky, as if the world is full of smoke.

All the bright colors have been drained away.

"Yanduo!" It punched the carrier aircraft line.

The solar energy turned into a fist shadow and quickly hit them. The entire shuttle cluster array was completely disrupted by this blow. Like a wild duck frightened by a shotgun, it fled from the air in a panic. If it was blasted by Yan Duo,

When hit by solar energy, it will be vaporized by high temperature in an instant and annihilated invisible.

"Let's go!" Zeng Shujuro was so frightened that he lost his mind and ran away.

After dispersing these carrier aircraft, Yanduo still couldn't feel relieved.

That sense of crisis still lingered around Yan Duo's consciousness. It roared and shone with an even more dazzling golden light. At this moment, a huge cross-shaped portal opened in front of Yan Duo.

A moment later, a spiral spear pierced out, hitting Yanduo in the chest!

A six-winged goddess fluttered her wings and flew out of the portal. She held a spear and pierced Yan Duo's chest, stabbing it all the way downward. Its power was extremely terrifying, even enough to push this giant several hundred meters high, causing it to fall.

Yan Duo's body fell rapidly.

At the same time, the goddess dispersed the entire sea, and the seawater deformed around the landing point of the spear. The force of the formless force completely separated the seawater, causing it to sink rapidly and begin to dry up from the middle. The Innovation also disappeared as the water level dropped.

Quickly descending to the bottom, Lila quickly drove the shuttle toward the ocean to prevent it from completely sinking to the bottom of the sea.

"Unknown enemy detected." Lila captured the image and sent it back to the center console.

"Dirnai!" Falosa was startled, "...she is the mysterious person from New Taipei."

Dirna is the embodiment of malice, a jealous female god who hates everything.

Her territory is in New Taixi Continent. When humans first landed in New Taixi Continent and established a corporate alliance, everything went extremely smoothly. Humans did not even record Dirnai. She was hidden in history and watched as the Lighthouse Core prospered in her territory.


Or maybe she has been supporting the company's growth. Falosa thought to herself. The company alliance is in New Taipei, and it is impossible for Dirnai to sit there and watch the rapid changes in human technology over the years.

Falosa was restless.

When she first used the power of the throne to communicate with the mystics, Dirnai was the one with the most impudent attitude, threatening to capture Falosa to her side.

Milaya, who previously attacked the Suzuki Spring, might have been driven by Diehlnai. After all, Milaya came here on behalf of the Lighthouse Core, and Diehlnai is based there. It is unknown how many deals he has made with the Lighthouse Core.

Xu Yang looked into the distance. The seawater was completely peeled off from the center, leaving a ring-shaped dry base. The moist reefs and sand were fully exposed, and the remains of the God Binding Project were piled here and there.

Yan Duo was attacked by the mysterious woman and was completely helpless. It had just recovered, but Diernai came prepared. The difference in size did not affect her inflicting horrific damage to Yan Duo.

Farossa racked her brains to think about how to deal with it. Dirnai's ambition for the throne of God was obvious, and he was obviously here to kill Pharosha. If Yando interfered, Dirnai would also kill Yando.

She wielded the weapon that ruled the world, flapped her six wings filled with divine power, and the cross-shaped portal closed behind her.

"Sending the appropriate revelation to all of you." Dirnai stood on Yando's chest and stabbed the spiral spear into Yando's core. Most of her body was hidden in the shadows, always maintaining a sense of mystery.

"Yanduo..." It howled sadly.

Diernai pulled out the spiral spear from Yando's chest, leaving a malicious scar that could not be healed. Then she turned towards the direction of the Innovation's retreat, and swung the spear 6 times in the blink of an eye, sending out 6 dark purple arc energy waves.

It attacked at high speed towards the Innovation, each one more than 10 meters long.

"Yanduo!" It was frightened and quickly stretched out its arms to release its power to crush and weaken those hostile terrorist attacks. Those were its friends...

Dirnai flapped his six wings and teleported to the top of Yan Duo's head.

She thrust the spear downwards with all her strength and penetrated Yan Duo's head.

This chapter has been completed!
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