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Chapter 197 The Battle of the Supreme

"There is so much inflammation!" It felt painful and even felt that its life was in danger.

So it grabbed Dirnai with force, pulled her and the spear out of his head, then clenched his fists and tried to strangle Dirnai, but she disappeared in the palm of Yan Duo's hand and flew easily in the air.

, like countless phantoms intersecting, making it difficult for Yan Duo to distinguish.

She realized what Yan Duo was afraid of, and immediately began to spin the spear in her hand, summoning more terrifying beams, and blasted them towards the retreating Innovation in the distance. It was frightened and immediately ran over, turning its entire body into a bright light and blocking it.

Due to Dernai's attacks, more and more wounds from evil thoughts that could not be healed accumulated on Endo's body.

It howled in pain, and its body was cut into pieces.

Hold on! Yanduo! Falosa couldn't help cursing in her heart. Is there any mysterious person who is better at commanding than you? Is there any mysterious person who is as stupid as you? How could you die here? Play some role and put Dill to death.

Nai repels!

No matter how much Falosa hoped, Yando still looked very embarrassed under the attack of Dirnai. Over the centuries, Yando's power continued to weaken, while Dirnai became stronger and stronger.

Diernai still had the energy to wave his weapon towards the sky, summoning thirteen dark purple thunderbolts. They surged towards the sky and dispersed instantly, turning into a web of power that blocked prying eyes. As a result, all electrical equipment, satellites and detectors were

It is impossible to detect the actual situation in the venue, which makes it easier for Dirnai to act freely here.

"Yendo is at a disadvantage." Falosa had to admit, "I don't want to face Dirnai. Since the gods left us, Dirnai... is one of the most competitive among the many mystics.

She wants to kill me and seize the power of the gods. I can't die at this time."

"It treats us as friends," Xu Yang could understand Yan Duo's sad voice, "If we buy it time, it can absorb more sunlight and fight back."

Falosa clenched her fists.

A desperate fight.

The Law of Restoration activates quickly and can be used to protect yourself. Killing Life is temporarily useless. Diener can completely avoid it because she is too fast.

"First restore the sea water." Falosa tried her best to mobilize the dispersed sea water around her. The thick sea can form the best shelter and buffer zone.

Now that the sea is being separated by Diernai with her power, Endo stands on the seabed, barely able to withstand Diernai's suppression, and has no room to fight back or take action.

"Let's get closer and attract her attention." Xu Yang said, "Let Yan Duo not worry about us."

"It's too dangerous." Falosa frowned, "Dilnai's attack threat is infinitely high."

"If not, this expedition will be in vain. We can only watch Yan Duo being killed. And even if we are crushed, we can use the law of recovery to recover." Xu Yang judged.

"I will avoid the ballistic trajectory." Lila converted the Innovation from the diving state to the flight mode, broke through the wall-like sea water, and flew towards the fighting Yando and Dirnai like a red meteor.

Of course, Diernai's primary target was Falosa. Seeing her coming to his door, he relaxed his suppression of Yando and began to prepare to destroy Falosa.

"Yanduo, you don't need to help us block the attack, you can use all your strength to recover yourself." Falosa communicated to Yanduo in her heart.

"Yanda!" It staggered, flew high into the sky, and entered the state of a ball of light, absorbing sunlight from all over the world to restore itself.

Diernai stretched out a finger towards the Innovation, and a dark door connecting her domain opened behind her. Behind her, the corrupted orchards and roads could be vaguely seen, from which hundreds of dark purple thunder and lightning spears were summoned, heading toward the Innovation like a storm.


Lila spread out her sensory magic and carefully calculated the flight trajectory of each weapon. The Innovation rotated rapidly and passed through this net of death. Countless light spears whizzed past the window of the Innovation, like flowing against the current in a heavy rain.

But he was not contaminated. Xu Yang grabbed the armrest of the seat with one hand and hugged Falosa tightly with the other hand to prevent her from being thrown off during this violent maneuver.

After finally getting through the dense barrage composed of a large number of light spears, Diernai's attack immediately arrived. She clenched the weapon in her hand, her six wings vibrated, and she instantly appeared above the Innovation, and smashed her spear downwards.


Diener's attack instantly split the Innovation into two sections. Xu Yang only heard a loud crackling sound, and the cabin in front of him was split into two, and the aisle was severed from the middle. His body quickly fell outwards, Diener

The force has penetrated into the cabin and is preparing to capture Falosa.

Falosa quickly raised her hand to release the law of recovery, and the Innovation was instantly healed like new. Lila sat very firmly on the center console, silent and efficient, and quickly completed a series of precise and complex operating instructions to make the Innovation run smoothly.

As if he had never suffered this blow, he escaped from Dirnai's attack range.

Under Falosa's dedicated control, the power of the sea finally gained the upper hand. The force that supported the separation of the sea water dissipated, and the vast ocean held up by Dieneri surged toward the center again, as if the invisible walls around it had completely collapsed.

The sea roared shut, completely submerging the Innovation, and it sank into the sea again, while Diehlnai flew upwards. When he thought that the seawater was the incarnation of Orxian, Diehlnai had endless hatred for the sea and did not want to soak in it.


The throne of God... should have been hers. She is the most suitable to become a god.

Xu Yang and the others' suicidal temptation bought Yan Duo some time. During the fierce confrontation, Yan Duo desperately squeezed out the energy of the sun. The light on its body was stronger and more scorching than before. Diernai instantly noticed

With this surge of heat, it becomes dangerous.

If it drags on any longer, Endo will gain more power than Dirnai.

She jumped upwards, and the thunder and lightning prison woven above the sea glowed brightly. The blazing electric light wildly bombarded the ball of light transformed by Yan Duo, constantly attacking and weakening its power and slowing down its recovery process.

She waved the spear in her hand vigorously, creating powerful attacks full of evil thoughts. Each attack left a huge incurable wound on Yan Duo. If this continues, Yan Duo will be completely annihilated.

Everything happened so fast, both sides had already completed many attacks and defenses in the blink of an eye.

Xu Yang's expression was tense and he didn't have many resources to use, especially in this kind of top-level confrontation. They were not ready to intervene in this level of confrontation, but this was the ancient mystic who had lived thousands more than them.

Over tens of thousands of years, more strength and resources have been accumulated, and they may appear and attack at any time.

Thunder and giant flames intertwined on the turbulent sea, and shocking roars and vibrations continued to erupt.

"I'll devour all these things." Falosa quickly opened the cabinet and dug out all the power props that Xu Yang had fished out from the god fragments.

Farosha ignored her worries and tried her best to absorb them. Under the influence of pure Orxian power, Farosha's arms began to grow spines and scales, and webs grew between her fingers, but it was no longer the time to mind.


More fresh marine divine power poured into Falosa's soul. Her witch body at this time was not strong enough to bear and release this level of divine power, but things had come to an end and she had to fight to the death.

"If I am blown to pieces...before I regain consciousness...die too completely...I can't repair myself." Farosha's body has more and more marine features, "If I die, you will

remember me?"

"Where will the witch go after she dies?" Xu Yang's heart trembled.

"The afterlife, or the stars, maybe."

"Then I'll go to both places until I find you back."

"do not forget."

Farosha completely released the ocean power stored in her soul. The seawater burst her skin, and mixed with Farosha's blood and burst out. The entire Innovation cabin was instantly submerged by seawater. Lila immediately opened the hatch, and Reform

The number then began to collapse.

This divine power comes from the divine corpse devoured by Falosa. The ocean is the basic concept it can control. Under the complete guidance of Falosa, this power surges out from her soul, setting off an unprecedented violent ocean storm.

The clouds pressed down, heavy rain poured down, and the seawater rose rapidly, instantly wrapping Dirnai's body, forcing her to fight against this powerful torrent in a short period of time.

When she finally broke free from the shackles of the torrent, the ball of light transformed by Yanduo in front of her eyes had already bloomed, and the energy of the sun was integrated into an indestructible giant blade.

"Yendo!" It does not pursue fighting, nor is it good at fighting. For the first time in its life, it released such terrifying power, locking Dirnai with all its strength and trying to annihilate her on the spot.

Dernai moved the spear in his hand forward to parry, and the spiral spear collided violently with the Sword of the Sun.


The two ancient mystics clashed, and their endless energies merged and destroyed each other, creating a terrifying spherical vacuum field that tore the world apart, leaving an irreparable micro crack in the sky. At the same time, the giant shock wave caused by the collision knocked away

All matter along the way isolates everything else.

The torrent of power covers the sky and the sun, and light and darkness are indistinguishable from each other.

Then everything quieted down.

Falosa sank in the deep sea, suffocating and dark, and the water pressure became higher and higher.

Her body sank deeper and deeper, and Orsian's curse sounded in her mind again. She descended until she reached the bottom of the wet sand.

She was about to drown... Gudu Gudu... She felt so weak.

Her life was filled with resentments and regrets.

Farosha was thinking wildly until a figure picked her up and pushed Farosha higher and higher, until she reached the sea with hazy light.

Falosa resisted the thought of breathing, and when her head came out of the sea, she breathed desperately.

Her hair was completely wet, her arms were broken, and now she couldn't feel the presence of her hands, and her head was dizzy. Xu Yang was floating on the sea, his whole body armed by the beast in the cloud, and the entire sea was extremely quiet.

, nothing could be seen, both Dirnai and Yando were gone, and the sky was dim and sunny.

"It's okay..." Xu Yang comforted Falosa.

"How did you find me?" Falosa remembered that she was sinking very deep into the sea, feeling pain all over her body and almost being crushed into pieces.

"What do you think?" Lila surfaced.

Falosa rested her head on Xu Yang's shoulder, her body feeling cold and wet.

"I want to go home..." she said.

"Can't go home." Lila shook Falosa, "Yendo is still around, it needs us."

This chapter has been completed!
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