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Chapter 200 Flames of Multi-domain

It was so cold that I couldn't stretch my fingers.

The progress of the Sea Dwellers' search for the fragments of the Innovation was too slow. Lila had already pointed out the location for them, but they were animals after all. No matter how Falossa scolded them, their responses were very confused. These Sea Dwellers were too young, immature and immature.

not smart.

It lasted until 7 o'clock in the evening. It was completely dark, not even the faintest sunlight was left, and the world was trapped in darkness.

They were still drifting on the sea, sitting on a large piece of building debris and waiting. During this period, what Xu Yang did most was to look at the sky. About 4 or 5 kilometers away, several drones could already be seen forming a search array to control the situation.

The ruins of the God Binding Project, at this distance, they look like fireflies.

There is also a shuttle located directly above the God Binding Project. The visibility is too poor to see clearly. You can only vaguely see the warning lights on the four corners flashing rhythmically. It is protected by other reconnaissance drones and attack drones, such as

The leader of the entire army.

The distance was too far, and Xu Yang could not scan their condition or control them. They were obviously sent by Kyoto Infinite to deal with the aftermath. After causing such a big mess and such a long time, they would definitely go to the scene to investigate the situation and thoroughly investigate the situation.

Seal the God-Binding Plan and find the whereabouts of Yando and the attackers.

Lila spent too much thought, her energy was almost exhausted, the oil was exhausted, and she sat on the wreckage holding her knees, Xu Yang pressed against her to prevent Lila from falling into the water.

Now Lila's skin is also terribly cold. Although it is made of bionic material, it is now no different from metal and is wetted by sea water.

"Not yet?" Falosa watched with annoyance as a stupid sea-dweller emerged from the sea. It opened its sharp fangs and only had chewed surimi in its mouth.

"Gah!" Another sea-born emerged from the water beside it and spit out a red metal block from its mouth.

"Is this...is this what we want?" Falosa was so surprised that she quickly picked it up.

Xu Yang held Lila with one hand and picked it up with the other hand to observe it repeatedly. His fingers were cold and could not be bent. He could only try to adapt. By comparing it with the pictures stored in the brain processor, he confirmed that it was

It's a piece of metal behind the leather seat cushion of the Innovation.

"It's the Innovation, turn it back." Xu Yang exhaled, "I'll throw it out... you've got it right."

Too cold and too tired, Farosha didn't even have the strength to shiver. She followed Xu Yang's movements closely. He threw the fragments to the sea on one side. Farosha quickly released her magic power and wrapped it around the red metal piece.

, activate the law of reply.

All other fragments and remnants of the Innovation disappeared from the seabed. Centered on the fragment anchored by Falosa, it was quickly restored, and all the supplies, equipment and circuit systems it had previously carried inside were restored, from damage to


With a crashing sound, the Innovation appeared in front of them in the blink of an eye, restored to its original state.

Without power, it was now just like a big iron block, sinking quickly to the bottom of the sea. Falosa was startled, and was unwilling to waste all her efforts. She quickly used the power of the ocean to drive the seawater to lift it up. She stretched out

His hands were driving hard, as if he were using his invisible power to control heavy objects, slowly raising the Innovation.

"Quick, quick..." Falosa urged.

Xu Yang stood up, exerting all his strength, and his nerves were almost numb from the cold, but he still mustered up his determination. He first used his digital mind to remotely control the Innovation, unlocked it, and then jumped into the cold and biting sea water, using all his strength to pull the Innovation

The diving hatch door opened, and the sea water slowly poured in.

Farosha helped Lila into the water and manipulated the sea water to push Lila in the direction of the Innovation. Xu Yang carried Lila in, and then Farosha. She got into the water and her limbs were stiff from the cold. Xu Yang also needed

Yang brought her in.

The seawater had already filled half of the diving cabin. He closed the external hatch hard, locked it, started the drain valve, and emptied the water in the diving cabin. Then he opened the watertight door connected to the interior of the Innovation, increased the engine power, and turned off the heater.

Turn it on to the highest level.

The whistling warm air rushed in. Falosa threw herself on the leather cushion and lay motionless on the seat. Xu Yang stood there for a while, waiting for his stiff body to be warmed by the hot air, and then hugged Lila.

Go to the center console, dry it and charge it.

As soon as the electricity surged into Lila's body, she immediately stood up, sat down on her seat, and skillfully began to control the entire Innovation. She first checked the status of each module of the entire machine, quickly entered the debugging parameters, and then let it run at full status.

He quickly dived and sank into the sea.

Xu Yang opened the supply cabinet and took out a variety of food and drinks. Most of the packages had burrito hat labels printed on them.

Everything was restored to its original state by Falosa using the law of recovery. Even the boiling water in the water heater was left. He used scalding boiling water to wash out the ready-to-eat foods, including lasagna with meat sauce, chicken soup, shredded pork tenderloin and braised pork.

Beef, originally sticky and tough, turns into a fragrant meal in 10 seconds.

Farossa drank 2 bottles of Coke to regain her strength. Her face turned red and she was reborn. She couldn't stand suffering on the ocean of eternal night. Thinking of the culprit of all this, she couldn't help but blame Yan Duo for stripping away the sunshine.

What a bad behavior.

"Yanduo? Yanduo." She ate a piece of chocolate, and then called Yanduo in her heart again.

"Yanduo..." It responded weakly through its mental power.

"It's awake." Falosa felt satisfied, "Let's go find it."

Lila released the magic power of perception. Yando was still lying on the seabed. The shuttle crossed the deep sea and reached a depth of 800 meters. Yando is now lying about 1,500 meters away from the God Binding Project. The previous battle had knocked it back to weakness.


"There's so much inflammation..." It saw Falosa and her friends on the Innovation approaching, and struggled to support itself with its arms, barely standing up on the seabed.

Its movements triggered violent undersea earthquakes and disturbed the sea water. At this time, most of the fish in the sea were on the verge of death due to the low temperature. Now they lost the ability to control themselves and were driven away by the currents, falling towards the bottom of the sea one after another.

Lila turned on the light and illuminated this 400-meter-tall giant. Yanduo alone occupies half of the height of the entire seabed. It was impossible to see its entirety. Only part of its half-rock, half-metal body could be seen.

"Don't worry." Falosa comforted Yan Duo, then released her endless magic power, wrapped around Yan Duo, and then used the law of recovery to slowly restore it, going back hour by hour, trying to get it back.

Return to the state where he just absorbed the power and was not attacked by Dirnai.

It can feel that the condition of its body is constantly changing, and the pain gradually decreases.

"Yanduo?" The reply was too far, and Farosha turned it back into the bare state it had been in after being torn apart in the God-Binding Plan, like a potato with arms.

"Yanduo——" The time was wrong again, and it was restored to the state it had just been severely injured by Dirnai, and it was in excruciating pain.

Farosha looked carefully for the time.

Suddenly, the bottom of the sea was illuminated by golden light. Farosha finally found the moment when Yan Duo's power was the strongest, and restored its state to that moment. Yan Duo suddenly felt endless power pouring into his body, feeling stronger than before.

The state of the underwater lake is much better.

"There are many flames, there are many flames." It was afraid, and could feel that other things around it were following its movements. They should be human things. So it quickly shook its arms and drew a path in the sea leading to the land of the sun.

The giant portal, and then got into it.

"What is that?" Xu Yang only saw Yan Duo swinging around in the sea, and then disappeared, leaving an oval burning ring connecting the scorching world.

"The path leading to the Yanduo Realm should be." Falosa observed, "Let's rush in!"

Seawater also continued to pour into this huge space gate through the portal, and Lila used full power to let the Innovation rush into it along with the current.

The moment the Innovation passed through the portal, Yanduo closed the door, and the Innovation immediately flew into a hot space. The strong light and high temperature tested the shell of the Innovation, and the temperature inside was heated to an unbearable level.


Xu Yang turned off the heater and turned on the refrigerator. It had been terribly cold at sea before, but now it was extremely hot. It was so hot across the shuttle, and he had no doubt that he would be evaporated once he left the cabin.

After his eyes could adapt to the light, Xu Yang discovered that they had arrived on a dry giant rock, which itself was suspended in a special space. The surrounding area was hot and boiling, and it was a completely barren and barren land. The whole world was devoid of any life.

Just endless rocks and some balls of light emitting heat.

"There is a lot of inflammation, there is a lot of inflammation." It apologized to Xu Yang and the others.

"It said its home was too hot and it was very embarrassed," Falosa said.

Xu Yang walked to the porthole. This seemed to be a strange space created by Yan Duo himself. It was shaped like this according to its wishes. Everywhere was filled with light and heat. There were many stones piled on the huge rock where they lived.

The strange facility seems to have no practical use, just like the artwork left by Yan Duo. It seems that when it is not working, it will return to its own small space and pile rocks here to play.

"Yanduo..." it said.

Xu Yang learned Yanduo language from Falosa before, and now he can gradually understand it. Yanduo said that he would rest here for a while. It was too hot here and was not suitable for them. He would send them back to their original place in a while.

Big world.

"Yanduo." It told Falosa again that the liar Mika had warned of the crisis at the beginning, and Mika should want to contact Falosa.

"Oh, that cat." Farosha thought of the liar Mika, "I'll talk about it when I have time."

Then, just as Yanduo was about to show them something good, he felt pain all over his body, suddenly fell down, hurriedly hurriedly, and finally sat heavily in front of the shuttle.

Falosa observed carefully and was surprised to find that it still carried countless malicious scars left by Dirnai. These attack wounds could not even be repaired by the magic of the Law of Recovery. No matter what state it restored Yanduo to, it still carried

These cursed injuries. These wounds may be permanent.

Even so, we have to work hard. Falosa thought to herself. Otherwise, the Lord of the Forest will not be able to explain.

"We saved you and helped you so much, Yanduo, you have to repay the favor." Falosa said, "You will go to the north to release the Lord of the Forest."

"Yanduo? Yanduo..." Ri Zhiyanduo climbed up with difficulty.

It is not familiar with the Lord of the Forest, who is like a big tree, like a stag or a wild boar, far away. However, this is what the great benefactor Falosa proposed, and Yando will not refuse.

It endured the scars on its body and stared gently at the two and a half souls in the shuttle. It was very grateful to everyone for saving it, and Yan Duo's huge body slowly bent towards the shuttle to express its gratitude.

"Yanduo..." It first expressed its thanks to Farosha, wishing her peace, joy and happiness forever, and hoping that she would not encounter bad people again in the future.

Immediately afterwards, it gave a gift to Farosha, transmitting a burning power essence to the inside of the shuttle. This essence looked like a round orb, and Farosha knew that it contained a lot of power.

As long as this essence is properly digested, Falosa can possess some of Yanduo's powers. Of course, it is far from being able to control the sun, but it can also allow her to master the skills of controlling flames and solar rays.

"Yanduo." It then thanked Xu Yang, hoping that this friendly human being would always be healthy and strong, and wish him a wonderful life in the future.

It also gave Xu Yang a gift, sending a fiery talisman into the inside of the shuttle. Xu Yang tried to put this talisman on. He instantly felt warm all over his body and was no longer afraid of the cold. The talisman provided endless power.

, adding endurance and energy beyond ordinary people.

"Yanduo? Yanduo." It finally thanked Lila, hoping that this half of the soul could stay in the world for a long time and not be expropriated by the underworld.

It helps Lila's soul communicate with the stars and reaffirm the magic link. With Yanduo's guarantee, the stars can restart transmitting magic power to Lila.

In the shuttle, Lila was so surprised that she immediately stood up from her seat. The magic power that had been cut off for a long time and could not be trained was rapidly increasing at this time.

Since becoming highly prosthetic, Lila has not experienced an increase in the upper limit of her magic power, but the situation now is completely different. Her magic power is far higher than before in both quantity and quality.

She was promoted to the ruler witch in one fell swoop!

She once thought there was no possibility of a breakthrough, but now Lila has indeed crossed that threshold. She can't help but project the magic of perception around her. The magic easily covers an area of ​​nearly 10 square kilometers. Countless signals and contents follow the magic.

Back to Lila.

"Master...I..." Lila turned around and hugged Xu Yang tightly.

"Promotion successful?" Xu Yang also felt a little excited. This is really great news.

Yan Duo looked at their happy faces and felt satisfied. As long as Yan Duo's friends were happy, Yan Duo would be happy.

It touched the wounds on its body, and every wound hurt.

"Yanduo, Yanduo." It said that it would rest here for about 10 days, and then it would go to the north to rescue the Lord of the Forest as Falosa said. It would send Falosa and her friends back to the sea.

, the specific location is decided by them, but it cannot be too far from the place where the previous portal was opened.

"Yan Duo." Xu Yang thanked it.

"Yanduo? Yanduo." Yanduo found that Xu Yang could also communicate with it. He was a little happy, but then he became depressed, "Yanduo..."

Yan Duo blames itself very much. It knows that it has taken away the sunlight. Although the sunlight will be restored soon, its actions will definitely hurt countless lives and have a very bad impact on the entire world.

"...Yanduo." Xu Yang comforted it, it was not its fault.

"Yanduo." It looked at Xu Yang, "Yanduo."

Yan Duo whispered softly, which meant - "The world has become too bad now. It is a chaotic, unfair, chaotic and corrupt world. I hope you can turn it into a beautiful world."

"Yan Duo." Xu Yang nodded vigorously.

It must be done.

This chapter has been completed!
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