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Chapter 24 Purification

Everything Xu Yang could see belonged to the company, floor tiles, windows, walls, domes, lamps, billboards, boxes, vehicles, not to mention merchandise.

In the past, I had wondered whether the corpses of company employees belonged to the company. After consulting the employee handbook, Xu Yang confirmed that the corpses also belonged to the company and were usually used for experiments.

Everything is written in a thick employment agreement. If there is a second option, no one is willing to sign it, but people cannot stop working.

Sharon Brown, a witch in New Taipei who studies social morphology, pointed out that the world entered the corporate age after the witch era, and lacked a "national era" that was very important in normal historical evolution.

In a historical model she constructed, if there were no witches and no companies that landed in New Taipei in advance, the world would be divided into countless countries based on ethnic divides.

In the corporate era, national boundaries have been dissolved and all populations have become equal labor forces.

Sharon praised the corporate system. Under its guidance, the meaningless internal conflicts of mankind have ended, and mankind can finally put aside the differences of civil war and loyally serve the expansion of capital.

At the same time, she also strongly criticized the intensifying ethnic rights movement, opposed the establishment of special departments by companies based on ethnic groups, and opposed people's reconstruction of historical concepts such as nation, nation, and country. This wave has continued to surge in the past 10 years.


That era, when the world was dominated by witches and consisted of some feudal or slave countries, seems to have become particularly beautiful in today's online propaganda.

Relatively speaking, modern corporatism is a social system based on the corporate system. In this social form, the most important thing is each company and its legal person status. The company alliance is responsible for disaster relief, distribution, welfare, etc.

Work and its objects are all based on the company.

Each company builds towering skyscrapers in its respective corporate areas, so a lot of fortifications must be built below the surface to bear their weight.

Each underground city not only provides high-quality labor for the upper parts and absorbs low-quality people, but it is also the foundation of the above-ground metropolis.

This also brings troubles to the actions of underground residents.

After leaving the square, Xu Yang's path forward was blocked by a huge underground structure.

These structures are high-strength cement buildings with clearly written logos on each side, "Built by Zhendi Construction Company" and "Property of Yue Feng Club". They are accompanied by a large number of fluorescent identification codes. As long as they are scanned, they will enter the company's homepage.

Learn about their glorious history.

At the same time, these signs also provide a clear warning that these structures belong to Anku City and residents of Aizu City are strictly prohibited from approaching them.

Some people died near these structures.

"Why are these people dying here?" Farosha saw that they were in different states of death, some had broken heads and bleeding, and some were charred and suffered electric shocks.

"Perhaps they were accidentally touched, triggering the automatic defense device..." Xu Yang said, and after a moment he rejected it, "It's impossible, these things are too conspicuous."

"I want to attract the company's attention." Ye Zi turned his head, not wanting to look at the body.

"Deliberately provoking quarrels and provoking trouble..." Xu Yang felt a chill in his heart.

"Yes," said Ye Zi, "something like this has happened before."

Only by deliberately destroying company property can you attract people from the company to come down and investigate the situation. If you spend all your property and beg for mercy, you may be taken away by them.

However, what they encountered was an automatic defense facility, and Xu Yang scanned the discharge equipment inside the wall.

These dead bodies will only appear as some no longer moving spots in the thermal monitoring system above. After the body temperature cools down, everything will remain the same.

Xu Yang heard the rustling movement and turned around to see a few thin gray-haired rat men sitting in the distance. When Xu Yang and the others walked away, they were about to haul away the corpse. Their postures were alert, and Xu Yang

If there is any movement, they will turn over and hide.

With no time to deal with this, Xu Yang could only move on.

Along the wall, they walked through the dark underground city, surrounded by cold metal, which was so oppressive that it made people breathless.

Xu Yang recalled the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, the gray sky and the heavy rain. They had never been so nostalgic. Their work station was on the 24th floor. If they jumped, they would be rescued by an interception device and their performance would be deducted for one day.

"A lot of smashing and noisy sounds." Falosa listened to the bursts of movement in the darkness.

"They are fighting the rat people. Aizu Underground City has a population of at least 300,000," Xu Yang said. "Even as the 'underground garbage dump' of Anjiu City, there are many people here. There are about 100,000 people in Katagi District."

"Three hundred thousand people!" Farosha was surprised. "This is an amazing and huge city! Constantiniya, the largest city in Western Europe, has about the same population."

"There are a lot of people," he said, "but it's hard to fight the rat-men in this situation."

The Pianmu District is like an intricate pipeline system. Except for the square where the former hypermarket was, which was relatively open, the view from other places is extremely restricted, and the situation of people being separated is particularly obvious.

Especially when there is a power outage, it is difficult to find each other once lost. Being blind and deaf, they are far less flexible than the Rat Man who relies on pheromones and noses. The Rat Man can respond to everything, but people are suspicious of each other.

"There are 10 billion people in the world." Ye Zi said.

"Ten billion? Then just the food you eat will eat hundreds of mountains every day, and the garbage you produce every day will be as much as hundreds of mountains. How do you survive? No, you must be lying.

Me, ten billion people?”

"Everything has changed - be careful!" Xu Yang stopped.

At the corner ahead, there is a prosthetic clinic with the sign "Old Cui Prosthetic Shop". It is located on the ground floor of a simple apartment. The apartment itself seems to have been destroyed. Several rat men poked their heads out of the high windows and sat on the metal terrace.

Eat living people nearby.

A woman was grabbed by their hands and feet, whining at the top of her lungs. They cut off her fingers, internal organs and eyeballs to eat, and pulled out the circuits and parts from her body. The rat people were so happy that they chopped off one of her pale thighs and threw it downstairs.

, and threw it to the companion below who was crying for food, and soon the woman's last voice stopped.

Boom, boom! Downstairs, the ratmen used crude homemade spears, steel pipes and stones to knock on the iron door of the prosthetic clinic. With their efforts, the door was shaken and the handle was deformed.

These rat men were wearing simple clothes, baseball caps, T-shirts, jackets, torn coats, overalls, jeans, sneakers, leather shoes, sneakers, human clothes on the rat men, which made Xu Yang's hair stand on end. They must be

The clothes he picked up at the garbage dump were dirty and commonplace, making him feel that the rat-men were infinitely closer to humans.

"Ahhh - come on!"

"Smash it open, smash it open!"

The rat people even uttered human words, which made Xu Yang feel uncomfortable all over.

The nightmarish humanoid race that was rumored to live deep underground now appears alive in front of us, in groups of thousands.

What a nightmare scenario.

From the top of the street, from the ventilation pipe of the dome, a strong and burly black rat jumped down. It was covered in thick black hair and held a pistol.

"Hurry up and smash it!" it ordered loudly.

The black rat-men seem to have a higher status than the thin and ragged rat-men below, and they all show extra respect when they see the black-furred rat-men.


"Get out of the way!" they shouted.

Bang! The Black Rat Man shot at the door handle, and the bullet penetrated the chain of the iron door. Xu Yang vaguely heard the panic shouts of men coming from inside the prosthetic clinic.

"Kill them." Xu Yang raised his submachine gun and aimed at the heads of the rat people.

Falosa looked indifferent and raised her right hand. Xu Yang noticed a gray light on her hand.

"Destroy lives," Falosha whispered.

——Death comes in an instant.

"Quack quack——"


Gray light flashed through, like an unbreakable law depriving the rat man of his life, and like sweeping away dust.

Immediately afterwards, their heads exploded one after another! Then their bodies and limbs quickly melted and shattered.

A ratman noticed the sudden death of his companion, and his face was horrified. The next second, his own head exploded into pieces, shocking the surrounding ratmen.

The rat people dropped their belongings, got down on all fours, and scattered and ran away, but they could not escape the fate of death. One by one, including the proud rat people and the big black rats high up, they were all turned into pieces.

Blood splattered everywhere and minced meat flew everywhere.

Seeing them being shattered by magic one after another, Falosa lowered her head, covered her mouth and laughed.

Xu Yang heard the sounds of the rat people's internal organs being torn apart, their bones broken, and their limbs broken. Death soon enveloped the entire apartment. Xu Yang held his breath for a long time before accepting the facts before him.

No rat man survives.

Her strength had never returned to its peak. Xu Yang slowly turned his head and saw that the gray talisman on her right hand was greatly dimmed. Just killing the rat men in front of him had already consumed most of his strength.

If what Falosa says is true, she has the ability to wipe out the entire population of the world.

Even though there are 10 billion people in the world, to her, it just takes more time to kill them.

I live with such a witch. Xu Yang feels that everything is absurd, but he has tried his best to adapt to it.

Ye Zi was dumbfounded. The steel pipe in her hand was suddenly useless.

"Why are you so stunned?" Falosa turned to Ye Zi, "I killed the mouse, you should be very happy, it's time to continue setting off."

"...I..." Ye Zi was at a loss, "I..."

"It's okay to feel scared." Farosha looked to the side, "Others have always had this attitude towards me anyway."

"Ye Zi is not a coward." Xu Yang said.

"Ha...yeah." Ye Zi wiped his sweat, "It's just magic power, just magic power."

"I like friends," Falosa smiled, "but it takes courage to be my friend. Ah, when I wake up from a long sleep, no one knows me. I plan to take this opportunity to make more friends, Ye Zi, what do you think?


Ye Ye nervously looked at the broken rats all over the ground, and walked forward bravely.

Maybe if we let Ye Zi join us in our vow, she won't be so nervous.

Xu Yang took them close to the prosthetic clinic and pushed open the broken iron door.

This chapter has been completed!
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