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Chapter 25 Clinic

In Lao Cui's prosthetic shop, Xu Yang saw the middle-aged man who had previously taken a short video. Looking at him from a close distance, he looked more vicissitudes than in the video, with a stubble on his face and an anxious expression.

There was a masked man next to the middle-aged man before, and he was very quiet during that period of yelling.

Now that I saw him in person, this guy was still exactly the same. He was still calmly handling the implant parts on hand, with no intention of talking to anyone.

Xu Yang looked around. The shelves were filled with various implants and prostheses, smart eyes, optical scanners, subcutaneous temperature control devices, blood cleaning equipment, alloy claws, biochemical intestines... which can greatly enhance the human body.

Various functions can not only make up for disabilities, but also help humans transcend physical limitations.

In the center of the prosthetic clinic, there is a huge operating chair. Several shadowless lamps illuminate the blood stains on the chair with their pale light. It is unknown how many patients have undergone operations on it.

In addition, other areas are very dark. Only the TV and computer are still emitting light. Due to signal problems, the sound and shadow are not smooth, the TV picture is intermittent, and the computer on the counter is not in use. The lock screen screen

It was a few naked women posing.

Overall, this is a dirty, messy prosthetic clinic with turbid air. Xu Yang would never visit such a place before the surgery.

Before most implant surgeries, doctors and customers must sign a contract with the corresponding company to obtain after-sales service and troubleshooting consultation.

However, a small clinic of this size will definitely not let customers go through the process to avoid claims from customers in the event of prosthetic failure. Customers also like this kind of non-compliant store, which can avoid restrictions on age, physical problems and affordability.

Install your favorite prosthetic body in one step.

"Where are the rats?" The middle-aged man rushed out the door and saw the corpses of rats lying scattered everywhere. Their miserable death condition obviously shocked him, "Why are they all dead?"

"You're safe." Xu Yang said.

"Safe?" The middle-aged man looked at Xu Yang suspiciously, "This world is not safe! There are surveillance everywhere, and people are scanning you everywhere. Who is safe? I am not safe! You are not safe either!"

"There is a massive power outage in Pianmu District. All the cameras on the road are offline, and as long as you don't enter the company's jurisdiction, they don't bother to pay attention to you."

"Young! Naive!" the middle-aged man gritted his teeth, "The giant tower project has swallowed us all."

"What exactly is the Tower Project?"

"It's a long story."

"...Forget it, let's do something else first." Xu Yang was not sure whether he was ready to hear this mysterious message.

"This door is completely rotten." Ye Zi closed the iron door.

"That's not my problem." The middle-aged man said, "There are too many rats."

"Getting back to the topic," Xu Yang said, "I'm here to treat you, so I'm helping you get rid of the rats outside."

"Of course, of course!" he said, "everything has a price."

"My implant was affected by an electromagnetic pulse and is now showing signs of severe disorder. It would be great if you could help me repair it."

"Customers come first." The middle-aged man's face was thin and he looked more like a rat man than the rat men outside. "But there are too many rats outside, so we must act quickly."

"Do you have any idea about the Rat Man?"

"The entire Aizu City has fallen. I can guarantee that this is a conspiracy of the company. The company is behind everything. It wants to clean up us poor people, and we don't even have the courage to unite and loudly oppose it!"

"Relax, let me do a checkup first." Xu Yang thought about repairing his digital mind, "Here." He pointed to the metal interface on the back of his neck.

"Brain implant, you lie down first." The middle-aged man walked to the operating chair, "God knows you installed it in some third-rate small clinic."

"What's your name?" Xu Yang lay down on the operating chair.

"Cui Junyou, you can call me Lao Cui, what about you?" He pulled a swivel chair over, sat on it, and brought a cone-shaped scanner wrapped with a rubber cable to examine Xu Yang.

"Just call me Xu. How long have you been doing this?" Xu Yang didn't want his precision implants to be handled by an unskilled prosthetist.

"30 years."


"That's 30 years." Cui Junyou then cursed, "What do you think I am, a monk halfway through? I worked for a fucking company right after I finished high school."

"Which company?"

"Stop talking, stop talking." Cui Junyou didn't want to mention it anymore, "I have seen countless prosthetics and implants, and I have saved tens of thousands of lives. This is not bragging... Uh, you implant...


"It can still be repaired."

"The method of directly connecting the cranial nerves, the conduction of the hippocampus... Hey, isn't this the digital mind? Although I didn't see the marking, but... it looks like... the workmanship of Gaoge Kyushu."

"I think patients need some privacy."

"What is your relationship with Gaoge Kyushu?"

"Can we continue the inspection?" Xu Yang was disgusted by this.

He never wanted to mention his past again, there were too many involved.

"You are a spy sent by a giant company." Cui Junyou stopped, "That's right! You are a professional spy sent by Gaoge Jiuzhou! The giant tower plan has been spread by me, and there is no point in killing me!"

"Really, Gao Ge Jiuzhou?" Ye Zi was curious, "They have many products."

"No." Xu Yang could only deny, "I have nothing to do with Gaoge Jiuzhou, nor do I have anything to do with giant companies."

"Are you lying?" Cui Junyou put down the scanner with doubt on his face.

"This has nothing to do with the current situation," Falosha said. "We saved you and you served us. It's that simple."

"Nishihachi...forget it," Cui Junyou said, "How could employees of a giant company end up in Aizu City to hunt rats?"

"Maybe because he was fired." The masked man said.

Xu Yang glanced at the masked man. He was wearing a mask and helmet with a hood, and was wrapped in a cloak. He was unwilling to reveal any information about his true body.

"Who is this?" Xu Yang asked.

"Niederreiter," the masked man said, "don't pay attention to me."

"He is my assistant, Niederreiter Abel," Cui Junyou took a few implant parts from the masked man's hand and inspected them carefully, "He came to learn from me."

"Master Cui has a meticulous craftsmanship that is not commensurate with his violent appearance." Niederreiter said, "I have traveled to many cities in the world, including Greenland City, Savaspol, Hongnong, and Shangjing, and finally found someone here who is willing to teach me the true

A skilled prosthetic doctor.”

"The prosthetic company on the ground is better than here." Xu Yang asked.

"The resume was swiped and sent," Niederreiter said.

"You wouldn't think that he was out of luck here," Cui Junyou said. "Although the equipment here is not as good as the prosthetic center, my prosthetic medicine level is first-class."

"I experienced an electromagnetic pulse explosion. All the components inside must have been burned. Can they be repaired?"

"It's a miracle that you can survive to this day and talk to me normally. These stripped wires are almost piercing your cerebral cortex. You are lucky not to suffer from epilepsy or something like that."

"That's great."

"Who have you been treated by before? Why do many wounds heal on their own, leaving only some bruises?"

"Unique physique." Xu Yang hesitated.

Falosa possesses a "miracle" that has been lost, and this matter cannot be left to others at will.

"Well..." Cui Junyou carefully scanned the internal structure, "...so many things are broken."

"It seems I'm hopeless?"

"No, although this is a process of a giant enterprise and it is very complicated, there is nothing that I can't solve in my hands."

"..." Xu Yang was keenly aware of a possibility, "You are from a giant company, right?"

"You only need to know that I have been working for 30 years," Cui Junyou continued to observe the imaging in Xu Yang's head, "In 30 years, I have seen people worse than you."

"You don't treat people as human beings." Xu Yang suddenly felt a strong resonance.

"There will be a group of employees who are all equipped with work and rest chips. In order to catch up on projects, the work and rest chips always secrete chemicals to hinder sleep and stimulate the spirit, making them feel like they have drunk an overdose of caffeine and X-drug every day.

Full of energy, working like crazy. Starting from the seventh day, people fell to the ground one after another. When they were sent to me, their bodies were like needles, and their blood vessels contained more artificial compounds than red blood cells."

"Can you still live?"

"Thanks to prosthetic technology, I turned these employees into another kind of thing and allowed them to survive." Cui Junyou said.


Cui Junyou patted Xu Yang on the shoulder and asked him to get up.

"I can only tell you that they are living very well now and are admired by their peers. Their work efficiency and intensity are higher than before. As long as the company is still providing power to these people, they will 'survive' longer than us."


"I don't want to be like that."

"So I just need to reorganize the messy circuits in your head, and then solder on the new processor."

"Do you have brain processors for sale?"

"It's true. It's probably about 40% worse than the one you used before."

"So bad?"

"I don't dare to sell good goods here. What if I get robbed?" Cui Junyou complained, "Besides, this thing in your head has been completely burned out and must be replaced."

Although the digital mind has been pre-installed with enough software packages and execution programs, coupled with Xu Yang's deciphering ability, it can complete the task most of the time. However, if the processor level is not high, once certain difficult cracking scenarios are encountered

, or if you want to compete with other digital mind owners, a slight difference in performance will affect the outcome.

"...Show me your best."

"If you have money, you want the best products."

"I have money."

"Come here, are these enough here?" Cui Junyou took Xu Yang to the rare glass cabinet deep in the clinic. Inside, the implants were refrigerated and stored, protected by high-strength anti-theft glass, and placed outside.

Compared with , there is obviously a difference in quality.

Xu Yang quickly found three processors with superior quality.

The first is the advanced brain processor "Thought Arc 5th Generation" produced by Scarlet Transformation, which can greatly increase the thinking speed of the human brain, enhance logical judgment and intelligence, and greatly enhance wisdom and the ability to handle multiple tasks. It is worth 500,000.

The second is a processor designed by Kyoto Unlimited "Don't be sad! Think like Nanako~2nd generation", which can also greatly improve the thinking ability of the human brain. It can also regulate the transmission of specific neurotransmitters, increase dopamine secretion, and reduce

Sad and painful emotions keep people in a happy state for a long time. Worth 650,000.

The third is the advanced brain processor "Destiny MKII" produced by Lighthouse Core. It is equipped with a neural processing module with superior performance, uses a built-in microcomputer to assist thinking, and can also convert neural signals into photoelectric signals. It is worth 800,000.

Xu Yang frowned.

"Hey, these are all too expensive." Cui Junyou said, "I'll take you to see some cheap ones."

"They are not expensive enough." Xu Yang said, "Is there anything more valuable?"

"That's what you said." Cui Junyou glared at him, "I do have a treasure. If you see it and say you can't afford it, I'm not done with you."

"Just show it to me." Xu Yang said.

Cui Junyou went to the back room, opened an extremely strong safe, and took out a fully packaged implant to show to Xu Yang. In an instant, Xu Yang was deeply attracted.

This is the implant he needs to take his neurohacking abilities to new heights.

This chapter has been completed!
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