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Chapter 239 Self-helpers Association

Anku City is a larger and more complicated place than Aizu Castle, so you have to be careful when going there.

Going to Anjiu City to explore the road and check out the places, Xu Yang revealed the secret and wanted to see if any of the witches were willing to follow him. Du Qianqian was the most enthusiastic. It was not that she had any private thoughts, she just wanted to go with him.

I want to go out with my boss and see if I can learn something from him.

Lila actually wants to go the most, but Lila has to go to work and manage the daily operations of Nisto Company. However, she can chat privately with Xu Yang remotely and leave memories that only belong to the two of them in a separate communication channel.

Sitting on the Innovation, this big red battleship is quite majestic in appearance. Xu Yang and Du Qianqian drove all the way out of Aizu City from the air channel and arrived at Anjiu City. They were all implanted with the chips that Ye Zi had sent before, thus making them immune to the century.

Scanning and blocking of the Pure Land.

"The sky is like an oil painting." Du Qianqian leaned against the window and looked out, "There are so many high-rise buildings."

"It's completely different from the underground." Xu Yang said.

"Every time I see those giant foundations piercing the ground in Aizu Castle, I always imagine how tall the buildings above are," Du Qianqian said. "Now that I look at them, wow... they are really tall."

In Anjiu City, nearly 50 giant buildings covering a vast area are connected to each other by suspended corridors, depriving the underlying buildings of sunlight and rain. Xu Yang needs to drive the Innovation to an altitude of 600 meters to have a slightly wider field of vision and overlook the city.

A vast, luxurious and magnificent city.

Traveling through such a large company city, you will feel very small at any time, becoming a passer-by between countless steel cages. This is the feeling of flying in the sky on a shuttle. If you use your feet to measure these metal honeycombs

, the feeling will definitely be more profound.

Prosperous and fiery production and operation activities are taking place all the time in these commercial buildings. Company people are obsessed with work, which is like a barbaric ritual under the leadership of corporatism. Every battery, every cow and horse has a prescribed daily process.

Xu Yang still remembers how people returned to their dormitories from their workstations every day, just like batteries being put back into the charging bin to replenish energy. The layout of the company dormitory was as neatly arranged as the slots in the charging bin, and the space was narrow enough to accommodate just enough.

The battery itself cannot be plugged in, and nothing else can be plugged in.

"The archipelago is too small," Xu Yang said. "Every small island has very little flat land for development, so the style is endless high-rise buildings."

"It's very comfortable if you live in a high-rise building," Du Qianqian said. "It gives you the joy of being a master."

"In the future, we should be able to get an office building in Anjiu City. Now that capital is flowing out, many companies are selling their assets at cheap prices." Xu Yang observed.

"Oh, I also want to have my own floor." Du Qianqian's eyes were eager.

"Don't you like living with everyone?"

"That's not true," Du Qianqian said, "I just want a bigger bed, a dressing room and a private gym. It doesn't matter if I live with other witches. I used to hang out with 102 and them in the industrial park.


Far away from the core of the city, there is a significant difference in building height, and the flight height of the Innovation has also dropped sharply. From a distance, you can see a large area of ​​low-rise "one-family buildings", and small single-family houses with 2 to 3 floors are crowded together.

, there is an unnatural transition where low-density bungalows meet high-rise areas. A large number of houses have been demolished, leaving a wide and contiguous construction site. It is obviously prepared for new giant commercial buildings, but there is no intention to start construction at all.

After all, due to the deterioration of the economy, all ambitious construction plans have been suspended. Many construction workers and residents are troubled by this and require developers to be responsible for their lost profits.

"There are a lot of 'unusual movements'." Du Qianqian mused, looking at the street below. A group of people gathered with banners and faced the robot at the risk of having all their credibility points deducted.

"Reiyo Kirino organized the dome game to celebrate her wedding, which shows that she is very confident in controlling the situation." Xu Yang walked to Du Qianqian's side and followed her gaze to look at the people on the street. When a whole team of huge "

When the Inugami-class bipedal combat robot approached, they dropped the signs in their hands in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

Du Qianqian looked at the outer city of Anjiu City. It was boundless and endless. It was much wider than Aizu City. There were mountains, rivers and seas in the distance. All of these could not be seen from the narrow underground.

"There are too many people." Du Qianqian unleashed his magic power, and her appearance kept changing. Not only her appearance, but also her height, clothes, and accessories were changing. She was a white woman with curved eyebrows, a nun with dreadlocks.

The people are a young man of Western descent from South Thailand with smooth hair, an aging woman from the Xia region, a young man with melancholy eyes, wearing half a metal mask on his face.

"Oh?" Xu Yang looked towards Du Qianqian.

"Do you think this face looks good?" Du Qianqian kept the last appearance, a young boy who looked sad, with a crescent-shaped steel mask covering the upper half of his face.

"After you release your transformation magic, you will copy the other person's clothes and accessories together." Xu Yang pondered.


"Then when you transformed into Kirino Reiyo, why didn't you also copy the other person's fox-face mask? Instead, you copied her true face under the mask in one go?"

"This..." Du Qianqian hesitated, "I'll try again when I go back."

A40 The town where they are stationed is located outside Beicheng District and has left the narrow scope of Anku City. The terrain around Sweet City is rugged and there are many small hills, which isolates it from the northern beaches.

Due to excessive logging and deterioration of the natural environment, although there are hills around, the vegetation is sparse. A large number of shantytowns have been built along the bare mountain ridges. There are also some manufacturing factories located in the valleys, creating a unique style.

suburban scene.

Xu Yang had greeted A40 in advance and asked the Innovation to park safely at the top of an abandoned factory in Tiancheng Town 7-chome. He carefully stopped the shuttle, and A40 climbed up to the rooftop and waved to them excitedly.

"Yo! Boss!" it shouted, "Who is that next to you?"

Du Qianqian still retains the illusion of being a teenager. She plans to live with this face for a few days and try out what it feels like to be a man.

"Nice to meet you." The boy Du Qianqian shook hands with A40, "My surname is Du."

"Hello, Mr. Du." A40 dealt with it casually. This guy named Du looked like he couldn't fight at all and was boring.

"Is there any new news about the Self-Rescuer Association?" Xu Yang followed A40 and climbed down the iron ladder on the rooftop.

"I don't know, I'm in charge of the fight." A40 said, "A group of modified maniacs called Guwan thugs are wandering in the nearby mountains. They come around at night to scare us and rob lone people. During this time, I

Jing is fighting against them. Because Miying and I can provide protection, more and more people are coming here."

Everything about the association of self-rescuers surprised Xu Yang. The factory workshop has been transformed into a shack for people to live in. From craft rooms, warehouses to parking lots, the self-rescuers have transformed this place into a small and vibrant community.

Generators provide power, including diesel, and small solar and wind energy equipment, which they source from unknown sources and donate to the community.

In terms of basic maintenance, self-rescuers also do their best. People who understand medicine join the clinic, those who understand mechanics are responsible for helping people repair electrical equipment, and there are many small vendors setting up stalls. The original one in the center of the two production workshops

The aisle has been transformed into a small commodity market for self-rescuers. Small light bulbs are hung on colorful wires, illuminating a dazzling array of products. There is also a prosthetic doctor in the center of the market, who installs implants, chairs and surgeries for people in need.

The lamp was placed in the aisle, and the removed arm was placed in the ice bucket at his feet.

If it is a market transaction, it is not surprising. Xu Yang found that people here had a rebellious mentality because they deviated from corporatism. They decided to re-adopt the barter transaction method. Therefore, these goods were not marked with prices and became a self-rescuer.

When he wants to buy supplies from another seller, he can choose to exchange what he has on him, or "sell" his knowledge and skills. Xu Yang saw someone singing a song in exchange for a basket of nutritional ointments.

"How come this place has become a refuge for anti-corporatism?" Xu Yang followed A40 as he shuttled between the tin houses. "Miying and you alone can't do it, right?"

"There is a witch who has been advocating her ideas, and it has gradually become like this." A40 said, "We are on the way to see her now."

"Where did Miying go?" Xu Yang was curious.

"It's still the same, hunting guilty people." A40 lowered his voice.

Large-scale production equipment is old and out of maintenance, and has become the foundation for people to build their own small residences. The rusty machines are like the backs of camel beasts, holding up the small homes of the self-rescuers and carrying their thoughts on family and life.

The ideal of community structure. This simple and primitive atmosphere seems to awaken people's vitality. Men and women can be seen everywhere working together to reproduce human beings and help the continuation of civilization.

Arriving at the lowest level of the self-rescuer's association, A40 opened the door curtain made of plastic picks, and faced a dead man soaked in an ice bathtub, with blood floating on the water.

A woman wearing rain boots and a lab coat was washing her hands next to her, giving Xu Yang the feeling of being in the kidney transplant industry.

"She is the witch in the association?" Xu Yang asked in a low voice, "What is her magic power?"

"From what I heard, she is a 'poison master'." A40 said.

This chapter has been completed!
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