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Chapter 240 Poison Master

Poison Master has wavy brown hair. She wears a white mask and goggles. Through the ring-shaped plastic lenses, you can see her pair of dark brown eyes with sharp outlines. When she saw Xu Yang, her eyes were neutral. With a bit more vigilance and scrutiny, she put on the gloves she had taken off again, rinsed them under the tap twice, and then walked towards Xu Yang.

Xu Yang realized that Poison Master's figure was quite toned. She was not tall, about 1.6 meters tall. Different from the traditional hourglass figure, her shoulders were very broad, like a professional beach volleyball player. She was light-colored under a simple white laboratory coat. The buttons of the green button-down shirt were pushed outwards. Her waist was quite plump and connected with her strong thighs in graceful curves. The blue washed jeans were stretched very tight, as if they could not bear the pressure.

"So..." She looked at A40 first, "What's going on?"

"Please repeat your question with clearer logic." A40 said.

"Who are these two people?" The poison master raised his chin in the direction of Xu Yang and Du Qianqian, showing no respect at all.

"This is my boss," A40 turned sideways and introduced with exaggerated movements, and then pointed at Du Qianqian, "This is Mr. Du, the boss's friend."

"Hi." Du Qianqian subconsciously wanted to test the poison master's bottom line and walked in with one step.

"This is not a place for visiting." The Poison Master raised his arm to stop Du Qianqian's movement, "There is nothing interesting to see here."

"Really?" Du Qianqian's tone was extremely flirtatious.

This is also a special technique she learned from Falosa. First make an obviously offensive action and then observe the other party's reaction. If you back off, it means that this behavior can be repeated in the future, which helps to suppress those with weak temperament. , passive people, and profit from it.

"Most of the things here can kill you within 0.1 seconds." The poison master sneered, "You can try it."

"Place potent poisons within a few feet of residents?" Du Qianqian raised his head and looked upward, as if he could see the self-rescuers above through the floor. The environment was not soundproof, and the hustle and bustle of trading could still be faintly heard. , "This is neither safe nor responsible. I really want to know why you do this."

"Because they trust me, and can I trust you?" The Poison Master sneered.

Du Qianqian ran out of tricks and looked at Xu Yang for help.

Xu Yang was still wearing the beast in the cloud, and the nano armor did not detect toxic gases, reporting a high level of safety. He walked forward casually, and the poison master wanted to stop him, just like Du Qianqian, but A40 had already pressed his hand on On the famous sword "Wrath", the color of the light tubes in the eyes changed from black to red, which immediately made the poison master's heart skip a beat.

Who is this "boss"...?

The A40 specializes in combat. One person can clear an entire building with one sword, and can even cut away bullets. Its miraculous martial arts skills are well-known in the self-rescuer community. However, even such a combat robot will also attack People are respectful and respectful, which makes it difficult for poison masters to understand.

"Who is he?" Xu Yang walked to the aluminum alloy console on the other side. There was a backpack on it. The contents had been taken out and laid flat next to it, including handcuffs, a small flat smart terminal, and two cash cards. , one is white with the image of an anime girl printed on it, and seems to have been released to commemorate the 10th anniversary of a certain shoujo drama. The other is gold, but has no label.

"Mi Ying killed a company dog." Poison Master said in a disgusting tone, "He brought the little girl home, which is inhumane. Yet he still holds an important position in a company."

"Is this bag his inheritance?" Xu Yang turned his head.

"Yes," Poison Master said, "Although he is a scumbag, he looks very rich. I am sure there is a lot of money in these two cards, and I have to find a way to get it out."

"Taking cash cards has nothing to do with corpses." Xu Yang was curious about the corpse in the bathtub. It looked like it had been pretreated, and the poison master seemed to be trying to pull out the electronic hub in his body.

"You don't understand this," the poison master's voice sounded quite lazy, as if he didn't want to bother with it. "To get the password of the cash card, I have to dig out his implant, and then think Ways to restore memory."

"What's his name?" Xu Yang asked.

"Are you here to make a family report?" Poison Master snorted coldly, "This person's name is Shiraishi Yingxiu."

Xu Yang picked up the white souvenir cash card, looked at it for about 15 seconds, and then slid it from the table to the poison master.

"The password is 040404." he said.

"What?" The poison master entered the password, and the cash card automatically opened. The hidden number in the upper right corner glowed, indicating the reserve of 290,000 funds. She raised her eyebrows, "How did you do it?"

"Magic power." Xu Yang said half-jokingly.

"Okay, you're not a witch." The poison master gradually became interested, "Tell me how to do it."

"Search for traces of the name Shiraishi Yingxiu on the Internet," Xu Yang said. "Twenty years ago, he was not deeply involved in the world. He was still surfing the Internet using his real name, and he left his own email address on some forums that distributed seeds. The private domain name is Noboru#mail. After searching for this ID, I found that it appeared on the anime forum of the Deep Anonymous Network 10 years ago. It is very famous in the fan forum of a girl anime. The anime and this commemorative cash card The heroines in the pictures above belong to the same series. According to the official archives of Kyoto Unlimited, 040404 is a classic line of this popular heroine in anime, which is often used as material for peripheral videos. I think he may use 6 The number that entered my mind was set as the password for this commemorative card. I tried it and it was true."

"I've made similar mistakes before," Poison Master said. "You've made me nervous about my online traces."

"So you must protect your privacy." Xu Yang said.

"You... found so many in such a short period of time?" The poison master was deeply impressed by Xu Yang's ability, "How did you do it?"

"Implant." Xu Yang said.

"Hacker." Poison Master nodded. She couldn't help but become curious about everything about Xu Yang, "What about the other one?" She looked at the other golden unmarked cash card, which seemed to store more funds.

He picked it up and examined it.

"Don't worry about it," Xu Yang said, "This card is preset with an alarm program. When the man's vital signs disappear, the locator on the card will be triggered."

"Locator?" Poison Master was stunned, "To whom?"

"Metropolitan bounty system," Xu Yang put down the card, "If my guess is right, a recovery mission has been automatically generated on the bounty list in Anjiu City. Someone will come to attack this factory. All the people in this card The funds have been automatically uploaded and turned into bonuses for this bounty task, the amount is about 1 million."

"..." The poison master quickly took out her mobile phone from her pocket and checked the current reports from Anjiu City. She immediately turned to A40, "He is right, we are being targeted."

"I'll kill a few of them." A40 didn't care, "Who is it?"

"A mercenary called the 'Chaos Division' has taken over this job on the website." The poison master kept searching for information.

"Sounds like a good fight." A40 jumped up on the spot, "Really?"

"There are hundreds of them," the poison master said in a somewhat uneasy tone, "and several military drones and combat robots. If they attack the factory... the consequences will be disastrous."

The poison master took off his gloves.

"Is it too late to destroy this cash card?" Poison Master asked Xu Yang.

"Destruction is of course useful, but it's too late. The positioning program has been running for 9 hours. Unless everyone in the factory is moved away in the blink of an eye, it will not help." Xu Yang played with the golden cash card, "Just prepare for the war.


Xu Yang slid the cash card from the table to the poison master. She broke the cash card and threw it into the ice water, causing it to sink together with the dead company member.

When she thought that the mercenaries had targeted the self-rescuer association, the poison master frowned. The mask covered most of her face, but she could still see her worry at this time.

"Can you still talk?" Du Qianqian sneered.

"If you can't help, stop talking nonsense. Thank you. We may have a fierce battle to fight next." The poison master pulled out a cabinet from under the operating table, which contained several sealed and light-blocking black bottles.

"Poison?" Xu Yang looked at the bottles and felt quite dangerous.

"The most powerful one, mixed with my magic power." The poison master put the bottle on the table. "Breathing, touching, or swallowing, just a little bit of it will cause fatal damage. It is completely irreversible and will not be destroyed."

It has been examined through scientific and technological means, and its toxicological mechanism has not been included by any medical company. This is my poison."

"Do you want to use poison in the dome competition?" Xu Yang asked A40, "If there is such a method, it would be no problem to fight all the way to the finals and win the championship. In any form of battle, you can become a bloody player.

A strong warrior who seals his throat."

Use poison! A40 secret channel. This is too disgraceful!

However, an enemy that can be defeated by a mere "toxin" is not considered powerful at all!

Defeating the weak in battle is a matter of course!

"Powerful poison!" A40 shouted, "It's so convenient. Please be sure to rub it on my knife!"

This chapter has been completed!
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