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Chapter 268 Resisting Death

Lila vowed to fulfill all orders given by her master.

When her master handed over Aizu City to her, Lila secretly thought that she must keep this underground city watertight and never let her master down.

There are two ways to open the lock of the cell door. One is a key, which only Falosa holds, showing her control over the prisoners. The other is information recognition, which is bound to the electronic tokens of Xu Yang and Lila.

After passing the verification, the iron door opened instantly.

Prisoners are dangerous. Lila held her sniper rifle steady and used her sensory magic to lock onto the Chainsaw Angel in the cell. Any movement she made was clearly visible to Lila, preventing her from taking any chances.

Chainsaw Angel also understood this clearly. She bent down and climbed out. The door frame was too narrow to accommodate her huge white wings. She ate very little, relying on the little food sent by 102 to survive until now.

Her figure became particularly thin, with straight bones, sunken cheeks, and her wings were full of defects.

"Give her a little life," Lila ordered.

Sally walked forward, held hands with Chainsaw Angel, and released the power of the Rat Witch. Her magic allowed creatures to grow at an extraordinary speed. Under the influence of the magic, Chainsaw Angel quickly improved. In just a few seconds, her body

The condition has improved greatly, especially the originally skinny wings, which are now as smooth as new, and the frost-white feathers are as exquisite as brocade.

"Thank you." Chainsaw Angel bowed to Sally, "May God bless you."

"She is a god herself." Lila looked up into the sky, "We have to seal the hole above, can you help?"

"Yes. But, what about that woman who is famous for her cruelty and arrogance?" The Chainsaw Angel cast his gaze on the hole in the dome, "Where did she go?"

"Don't worry," Lila said, "I'll keep you safe."

Chainsaw Angel flapped her wings and flew high into the sky, summoning the miracles of the angelic system. She began to sing with ancient secret texts. The tune was soft and simple, elegant and thick. The sacred chant made the air tremble slightly, the cracks began to repair themselves, and objects appeared from the gaps.

Blessed metals, these metals continue to flow, quickly fill the gaps, solidify naturally, have considerable strength, and can block the influx of sea water.

As the Chainsaw Angel unleashed its miracle, the surging seawater was finally blocked. The sea current that spilled into the industrial park suddenly broke, just like a piece of cloth being cut off. The remaining parts were scattered on the ground and quickly disappeared, no longer posing a threat.


Lila observed clearly.

Miracles are abilities related to ancient mystics. The oath of the Lord of the Forest, the tablets recently deciphered by Farosha, and the sacred chants of the Chain Angel all use ancient mysterious texts, and their history is even older, until the giant tower was built.

, the gods unified different languages, and this ultra-ancient writing gradually left the scope of human cognition.

"Solved." Chainsaw Angel flapped her wings and landed, with a nervous look on her face, "Are you satisfied?"

"That's right." Lila nodded lightly, "Now let's go to the exit from Aizu City to the surface. There must be a lot of refugees there."

"I don't know you." Chainsaw Angel asked the Rat Witch who was following them as they flew.

Sally's body is larger, her rat characteristics are more obvious, her hair is densely covered with fur, her tail is long and thorny, her body is slender and strong, and she has the aura of a rat god. Any rat person will feel completely awed by Sally's new image.

"I don't know you either," Sally crawled quickly on all fours behind her, fast and light, as if she was born to move like this. "My name is Sally, and I am the leader of the rat people."

"I am Azrael, the Chainsaw Angel." said the Chainsaw Angel.

When they came to Highway 90, they immediately saw that the "canopies" all over Aizu City had stopped working, and the whole city was dark.

The canopy is responsible for creating a realistic sky and weather system 24 hours a day. It is a means for underground residents to paralyze themselves. It is also of great significance and represents the stable order of society. Even the canopy system is no longer running, indicating that the current situation has become extremely bad.

The noise made people panic, and they all left the room one after another and went to the street, or looked out of the window. Lila could see clearly that it was very similar to the original situation. They seemed to be afraid of the second rat attack. The tide breaks out. However, the killers coming this time are ten thousand times more terrifying than the rat men, and the number of deaths caused will be much higher.

This is a corporate war.

"Control the situation," Lila sent a message to Katsuragi Asa, "keep it stable."

"Of course I know!" Katsuragi Asa replied, she was very busy, "There is a fight ahead, there are many cave-ins in the city, and monsters are rampant!"

Boom, boom——

More tremors and explosions continued to erupt, and scattered screams and uneasy yelling rang out in the streets. Security personnel stationed in the community tried to control order, but their methods were limited and they could only shout loudly for people to return. Go home, don't panic. Many people are doubtful about this, fearing that they will have to wait for death if they stay at home, so they immediately start packing what they can, looking for available vehicles, and try to escape from Aizu City.

"Everyone in the Mouse Village will also be very scared." Sally wanted to return to the Mouse Village that she missed so much.

"As long as they don't come out, everything will be fine." Lila said, "Follow me!"

The Innovation, White Smoke, Purple Wind, and Anonymous were all pulled to the ground. It was troublesome. Lila ran to an unmanned taxi parked on the street, swiped her cash card, and opened all four doors.

Chainsaw Angel closed her huge wings with all her strength and squeezed in. One person occupied all the seats in the back row. She closed the doors on both sides with force, and suddenly felt overcrowded. Her wings were pressed against the roof of the car, and she felt suffocated.

Sally sat in the passenger seat and used the Ratman communicator to send a message to the other Ratmen, announcing that she had recovered. At the same time, she asked them to stay calm and not lose their minds in the huge chaos. They must stay in the Rat Village and wait. She goes back.

She believes that she has some kind of responsibility, not only for the nest of rat people near Aizu City, but also to help the remaining kindred ones in the dark corners of the world. The rat people were once divided, extreme and ignorant, but now they have a A leader in the true sense of the word.

The taxi was self-driving. It stopped when it reached Highland 26 and refused to move forward because the fleeing traffic was stuck on the road, making it unable to move.

Overhead, several shuttles quickly crossed the air channel, trying to escape to the ground. Once they reached the entrance, they discovered that the ground was the real source of the crisis, so they hurried back and announced loudly:

"The monster is coming! The monster is coming!" Several well-informed aircraft owners shouted to the frightened traffic below, "Don't go out! Hide at home!"

Lila asked Asagi Katsuragi to send a shuttle to pick them up, but Asagi Katsuragi was too busy. She had to organize the gangs scattered in various neighborhoods of Aizu City. They were in chaos and could only be found by one gangster. The shuttle is available, but it will take a lot of effort to get to Lila.

The sudden fierce battle disrupted everyone's rhythm of life. Lila turned on the news channel, but the signal had been interrupted. It seemed that Kadoya Media was also attacked, and the entire Anjiu City was in chaos.

Rumors are spreading. Most people already know or guess that the Martinez appears. A small number of people have also seen Yan Mo from the news. Many people sit on the street and look for real-time live broadcasts available on short video platforms.

, several live broadcasters who are not afraid of death are live broadcasting the scene of giant aerospace battleships bombing the city, and immediately reveal the truth.

Several heavy fighter jets streaked across the sky, continuously dropping bombs with astonishing power. The deafening explosions sounded, making the people in Aizu City even more frightened - they first heard the loud noise, felt the ground shaking, and then saw the tweets in the live broadcast.

Streaming live footage, it's all true.


"I don't want to die..."

"What should I do?" Whispers, wails and cries kept ringing out from the crowd. Many people originally just wanted to hide at home and wait for the storm to pass. When they saw everyone evacuating on the street outside, they rushed downstairs to follow everyone.

Escape. When they heard that there was a monster ahead, they fell into an extremely contradictory state. They wanted to escape from Aizu City, but they couldn't get out. They wanted to stay at home, but they were unwilling to do so. They were afraid of missing the first line of news, and they were even more afraid that everyone would escape and stay.

Waiting for death underground.

The entire Highland No. 26 was crowded with people and blocked. A dozen green unmanned taxis were stuck on the road, honking loudly. Lila looked at the scene in front of her and couldn't help but think of the situation in the rat tide.

, it was also terribly blocked.

"In the future, I will dismantle the No. 1 connection." Lila said, "Replan the entire underground city. Miss Chainsaw Angel, you take me to the exit of the underground city. Sally, you follow me from the rat track."

"Oh." Sally crawled away quietly.

Chainsaw Angel opened the car door, got out, spread the wings that she had been holding in for a long time, fanned her arms desperately, and flexed her muscles. Lila held the sniper rifle, jumped on the back of Chainsaw Angel, and rode the angel to the front line.


"Notify all ground anti-aircraft firepower," Lila sent a message to Katsuragi Asa, "friendly large-scale winged humanoid units are online, codename: Chainsaw Angel."

Katsuragi Asa was on an eight-lane highway at the exit of Aizu Castle. She led the elite members of the Katsuragi Gang to erect roadblocks and defended desperately. She was in a hurry and kept shouting loudly to tell the vehicles that were fleeing like headless flies in Aizu Castle to get back. Received from Li

Pulling the message, she quickly sent a message to the people left behind in Huicheng District, pointing out that the current Chainsaw Angels were not enemies.

"Chainsaw Angel——"

"Chainsaw Angel!" On top of several buildings in Huicheng District, the weapons team responsible for security almost shot down the Chainsaw Angel, but after receiving timely updates from Katsuragi Asahi, they quickly stopped.

"You are much cooler than that crazy woman," Chain Saw Angel vibrated its wings vigorously and flew towards the exit of the dungeon, "Are you also a witch?"

"Yes. And, as long as I am here, Aizu City will not fall!" Lila stood up from the back of the chain saw angel, delicately maintaining her body balance in the strong wind, and aimed the sniper rifle at the exit.

This chapter has been completed!
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