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Chapter 269 New hatred and old hatred

At the exit of Aizu Castle, a ghostly monster was entrenched in the middle of the wide road. Many Katsuragi gang members fell around him. The monster flickered out of the bunker they had used for defense, and its mist-like appearance was erratic.


Lila pulled the trigger, and the bullet passed directly through the center of the ghost without causing any damage. It penetrated the road behind it and left a crater on the road. The monster stopped in the road as if in a daze, motionless.

"Lila! You're finally here!" Katsuragi Asa stood in a gas station next to the road. The core members of the gang each held weapons and leaned against the motorcycle. She looked anxious and uneasy, wearing a heavy burgundy coat.

, holding a handy crowbar.

"Traffic jam." Lila recalibrated her sniper rifle.

"We thought the commando team of the Black Fire Revolution would come," Katsuragi Asa felt angry, "but it turned out that these monsters came! It killed many people in an instant, and no matter how hard you hit it, you couldn't hurt it!"

"The Black Fire Innovation will not come," Lila jumped off the back of Chainsaw Angel, "The target of their first wave of offensive is not here, but the command center of Kyoto Unlimited and its affiliated companies, and then they will control the air defense arrays one by one

, security bases, airports, missile launch sites, then threatening or attacking other third-party companies, establishing temporary committees to detain and manage the population, and finally Aizu City.”

"We can't wait for the Martinez to knock down the entire city of Anku!" Katsuragi murmured, "We have to do something, otherwise we will be too passive."

"But you were blocked from the exit by a phantom monster!" Lila shook her head.

"It can't be defeated at all." Katsuragi Asa was puzzled, "Nothing can hurt it, as you can see."

"These are phase demons," Chainsaw Angel said well. "They are beings that live in the gap. They only appear when they attack. Bullets and explosives cannot affect them."

"Does that mean we need to use close combat to subdue it?" Lila judged, "Let it reveal itself, and then defeat it in one go."

"I see, let it see the power of human beings!" Katsuragi Asa jumped out of the bunker, grabbed the crowbar and rushed towards the phase demon.

"Boss Katsuragi!"


"Follow me!" The rest of the gang immediately shouted and rushed forward following Katsuragi Asa.

"Reckless guy..." Chainsaw Angel whispered, "But I am no longer qualified to judge other people. I am the loser."

"Your opinion is very valuable." Lila said calmly.

She received a call from the Witch Department of Nisto Company. The communication quality was very poor, and the surrounding signal base stations were damaged to varying degrees.

"...Lila!" Yoshioka's watery voice sounded, "...we have to escape to Aizu Castle..."

"Has the Solid Gold Building been captured?" Lila frowned.

"...No...but it's dangerous! Bombing——"

"Keep it," Lila said. "That's an order."

"You are so heartless..." Yoshioka's watery voice was broken.

"The Solid Gold Building is your position, and I refuse for anyone to escape without a fight." Lila's tone was cold.

"Grass..." Yoshioka Mizuiro ended the communication.

"It's really strict." Chainsaw Angel held her breath. She thought that 102, 102 should be in the Solid Gold Building, and she sincerely prayed that 102 would be safe.

"My tenderness will only be reserved for one person." Lila said.

At the exit, Katsuragi Asa activated the armed mode of the nano-armor, and the bright red nano-robots crawled all over his body, transforming into dragon-like armor. The phase demon let out a scream and rushed towards Katsuragi Asa, its giant claws slashed through the air, waving.

Revealed during the attack, the scaly appearance was extremely eye-catching. Katsuragi Aa swung upwards, and the crowbar collided with the Phase Demon's claws, smashing it into a bloody mess.

The Phase Demon restored its damaged claws to an invisible state. It flashed and disappeared, and moved in an extremely strange way. One second it was fighting Katsuragi Aa beside her, and the next second it had appeared above several other gang members in the rear.

"It's coming-"


"Disperse!" they wailed, filled with fear, and felt sincere fear of this supernatural creature. The phase demon revealed half of its body and swung out its claws. Almost in an instant, the sharp claws separated.

Of the two bodies, one had half of his body torn off, and his internal organs were flying everywhere; the other was hit in the head, his neck was instantly bent, and his head hung softly on his chest.

When others fired wildly at the phase demon, it escaped into the void again. This time, there was no shadow at all, and it was impossible to determine its next target.

"Roar!" The phase demon rushed into the gas station next to the road and directly attacked the reserve armed personnel on standby. They were so frightened that they quickly picked up the weapons on hand and prepared to fight back.

The phase demon waved its claws——


The gunshot rang out, and half of its arm was broken to the ground and disappeared. Lila pulled the gun bolt hard, and her magic power could capture the traces of the phase demon. Whether it became invisible or escaped into a different space and then reappeared, it would

Lila found her bearings instantly.

When the phase demon missed, it immediately retreated instinctively. This time it disappeared completely, slipped into another space and never returned.

Huh... all the people present let out a sigh of relief and turned their admiring eyes to Lila. Lila Nesto, dressed in black battle armor, seemed to be their savior!

At this moment, the whistle sounded one after another.

"Assemble!" A Kyoto Mugen shuttle painted with cherry blossoms quickly arrived, passed through the underground road, and issued an announcement to them, "In the name of Kyoto Mugen Security Headquarters: Recruit all armed personnel of Shin-Aizu Security Company and Nisto Company

, Witch, your unit will be mobilized by the wartime high command!"

"This..." Katsuragi frowned. On the surface, she was still a security contractor officially recognized by Kyoto Unlimited.

Temporary workers, cannon fodder.

All fools know what will happen to "enlisting" in this situation. Lila secretly thought. Her side will definitely be sent to the front line to fight with the Martinez and Yama, with the advanced battleship and

The ancient monsters fight until all their own blood is shed, just to protect the unlimited interests of Kyoto.

Even if you help Kyoto Mugen win the defense war, the result will be meaningless. You will still be shackled by Kyoto Mugen and continue to live under the system they designed.

"Rejected." Lila reported with a sniper rifle, "Due to conditions, our company cannot cooperate with your company's actions."

"This is the jurisdiction of Kyoto Unlimited!" Kyoto Unlimited's staff said in a tough tone, "Your company is affiliated to the Kyoto Unlimited management system. If you refuse to be dispatched, all of you will be assigned a negative credit code, all company rights will be revoked, and you will be severely held accountable!


"Try marking the monster above you red, and tell it that the Century Pure Land System restricts its travel. Unfortunately, you don't have the ability to resist foreign enemies." Lila aimed at the vital parts of the shuttle, "Now, get out of here."

"The scum of Aizu City." The shuttle immediately turned around and fled. It was also avoiding the pursuit of the Black Fire Innovation heavy fighter jets. The Black Fire Innovation's professional pilots showed extremely superb military qualities.

After the Kyoto Mugen personnel left, everyone present had their own thoughts.

"The city of Anjiu is burning in the flames of war, and everything is changing." Chainsaw Angel looked into the distance. Her sight passed through the underground passage, and she could see the bustling giant buildings collapsing in the smoke, and the ground continued to tremble slightly. It has not stopped since the beginning, as if there is an infinitely huge monster that is constantly churning.

"Have we completely broken up with Kyoto Mugen? Are we no longer going to play the company's superior-subordinate tricks with them?" Asa Katsuragi asked Lila.

"The master is not here, I need to have the courage to make a decision." Lila said coldly, "It was the company that cut me into parts. There is no difference between these giant companies. We must defeat them, it's just sooner or later. Now is an announcement. We will respond to the starting point of the struggle."

"Do we have enough troops?" Katsuragi thought thoughtfully.

"We're late, there's a traffic jam." Kong Tai hurried over, pulling 8 large trucks behind him, and countless members of the "Bird Regiment" quickly jumped out from the top. They held standard rifles and wore uniforms, ready to join at any time. fighting.

On the other side, in the Solid Gold Building.

The sudden attack frightened Qianmeng to tears. She hid in the middle of the activity room, and was disturbed by the bombings and loud noises that broke out everywhere. The real-time reports on the news were short-lived, but she still saw the terrifying image of Yama. The monster's body is covered with skeletal faces, its appearance is ferocious, it devours human lives, and it is as big as a hill. The damage caused to it by bullets or artillery fire is very limited.

"Lila, let us hold on here!" Mizuro Yoshioka ran down and shouted, "Don't be afraid!"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" 102 hugged Qianmeng hard, "Don't be afraid!"

"Woo..." Qianmeng cried on 102's shoulder.

Yoshioka Mizuro thought of the sophisticated defense system that Xu Yang left for the entire solid gold building, and immediately activated it.

High-standard metal shields rose from the inside of the building, reorganized and formed, blocking every piece of fragile glass. A piercing alarm sounded inside the building. All entrances and exits were locked by explosion-proof doors. All radars and alarm devices were online, and real-time reports were reported from each floor. Suspicious person movements.

Because of this, when the Black Fire Innovation parachute commandos arrived on the roof of the Solid Gold Building, they were alerted immediately.

"Someone has fallen!" Yoshioka Mizuro cut into the camera, and saw that several well-trained Black Fire commandos had landed on the top rooftop of the Solid Gold Building. According to the Black Fire spy's pre-reconnaissance report, the Solid Gold Building was A building waiting to be sold at auction belongs to the safe landing zone.

"This is our Witch Club's territory!" 102 shouted, "Keep them away!"

"...The Blackfire Innovation is the culprit of all tragedies," 101 longed for revenge. "They made us into killing tools."

"Go, get rid of them!" Yoshioka Mizuiro was also angry, "Black Fire Innovation never pays money on time, nor does it buy insurance for temporary workers."

It is our duty to destroy the Blackfire Innovation.

This chapter has been completed!
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