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Chapter 28 Rat Tracks

"She is still conscious." Xu Yang said.

"If this is dead, then you are a necrophiliac pervert," Falosa shook her head, "If this is alive, you are practicing necromancy. No matter what the situation, you have to do it with me.

Burned at the stake."

Falosa's tone revealed her thoughts: she would never want to be in the same room with such a thing.

"Her will to live is as strong as ours." Xu Yang tried to make Falosa understand this concept.

He has always respected people who love life.

"If all the witches in this era are like this, I really have no desire to communicate." Falosa's attitude became extremely cold. She turned her head and would rather stare at the rat corpses on the dirty streets without saying a word.


Cui Junyou looked at Farosa and vaguely judged that she was a powerful witch. This made him unconsciously touch his neck and heart, and then gritted his teeth. He cherished the fact that he was still breathing and his teeth were intact.

A time when the heart beats powerfully. In Cui Junyou's view, witches are violent masters, and their madness will affect countless innocent people.

Xu Yang saw Cui Junyou's uneasy look and thought he didn't want to give up his prosthetic clinic.

"Old Cui, I have a lot of money. I can support you until you are in a safe place and then open a new one. This place cannot survive anymore. There are rat people everywhere."

"That's not a problem for me," Cui Junyou shook his head. "The implants I carry in my bag are worth more than the total garbage left in the institute."

As if to show off, he deliberately revealed a high-tech prosthetic eye in his bag. Even the outer packaging was quite exquisite, so it wouldn't look shabby even when given as a gift.

"Then you have to guard against robbers and thieves."

"That's why we traveled together. Moreover, my important technological achievements and my money are all stored in cash cards and data disks weighing several grams. They are the same wherever we go. This is the benefit of modern times. In the past,

Just think about it, you have to carry a bunch of documents with you wherever you go, and sometimes you have to find a way to prove that you are who you are."

Even though his tone was so relaxed, Xu Yang could still feel that Cui Junyou was a little scared, because he picked up the thing again, zipped it up, and looked around at the same time.

Who can stay calm in this situation? There was a huge power outage and monsters were rampant. Xu Yang couldn't help but look around.

One rat-man after another quickly crawled past in the darkness.

"Be careful." Xu Yang took out his submachine gun and was alert to their movements while moving forward.

Falosa had no magic power and was sulky. She never liked the witch head in Xu Yang's arms. Ye Zi held the iron pipe in both hands and looked around, afraid that the mouse would jump out from some angle. Niederreiter followed quietly at the back of the team.

He didn't seem to be good at fighting. He hid his hands in his sleeves and didn't know what he was thinking.

This is the time when our group is most vulnerable. Once attacked by a group of rats, the situation will be very tragic.


The rat people had no intention of rushing forward.

There were many of them, but they were just crawling around quickly. Xu Yang didn't want to waste bullets to disperse them or attract more ratmen.

The rat-men did not attack rashly, but they were even more frightening. Xu Yang was worried. There were many rat-men, there were at least 1,000 of them running around this street alone, but they were not hostile to us, and they just ran deep into the Pianmu District.


Observing the movement trajectories of the rat men around him, Xu Yang found that they were in order, as if they were marching.

The strong, black-haired rat-man walked in the front, as strong as a human who had exercised. He was holding a variety of firearms, which must have been looted from gun shops, and they were all new models.

The female rat-man, who was fat and carried a large number of rat-men children on her back, was in the middle and was covered by her kind.

The thin gray-haired rat men were armed with crude weapons and homemade firearms. They were at the outermost edge of the entire team and seemed to be responsible for attracting firepower and acting as cannon fodder.

The rat men didn't even look at Xu Yang and the others, and even if they noticed Xu Yang and the others, they didn't take any extra action. They just walked on calmly and communicated with each other with short, sharp squeaks.

Xu Yang observed them and found that the team of rat men always followed a pattern. A group of 3 to 5 rat men from each family always formed a group, so a group of about 40 rat men. The larger unit was a clan, which consisted of at least 10 groups of rat men.

The human composition, that is to say, each clan has reached a huge scale of more than 400 ratmen, and judging from the marching situation, there are at least 3 clans nearby. Judging from this, the number of ratmen in the entire Aizu City is terrifying

It is no less than human beings.

They move neatly and orderly along the dark underground roads, crawling out of hidden cracks, vents and pipes everywhere, and moving in the same direction.

Now Xu Yang knew what they were doing. Huge roars came from the distance, telling them to speed up. This reminded Xu Yang of the roar he heard when he rescued Ye Zi.

It's an order, the rat people are being mobilized.

"The rat men are gathering their troops." Xu Yang murmured, "They were gathered by a certain order and moved very fast."

After hearing the news, Xu Yang could feel that the atmosphere in the team was much more solemn, and people's steps were even heavier.

"If these rat men really want to capture the entire underground city," Cui Junyou said, "it is not enough to cause a power outage. They must defeat the security teams stationed here by the big companies."

Cui Junyou kept raising his head and looking around, very alert to the black diamond-shaped cameras hanging high up. Only Xu Yang knew that they were not functioning due to a power outage.

"How much do you know about the rat people in Aizu City?" Xu Yang asked.

"There are a lot of ratmen here," Cui Junyou said, showing a very disgusted expression at the same time, "Xiba, I quoted the measurement report of a third-party company on the local forum, pointing out that there is a huge ratman nest nearby, and the population

The total number has reached one hundred thousand. A large number of murders, disappearances and kidnappings over the years were actually done by rat men. If the garbage deep underground is not enough for them to eat, they will rush up and exterminate humans, but no one believes it, hum.

…Now their eyes are open.”

"The Rat Man caused the power outage?" Xu Yang frowned. If this is true, it would be too outrageous.

"I can't believe it," Cui Junyou said, "If the rat people start their attack by cutting off energy, they would be too smart."

"With the technical capabilities of the Skaven, it is impossible to destroy the energy supply of Aizu Underground City."

Xu Yang looked at a distribution box on the metal wall next to him. It had a delicate appearance and fit perfectly. There was no way to open it from the outside. It was controlled remotely by the power company.

"Yes, Arai Energy Company is mainly responsible for the power supply of Aizu City. Arai Energy is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kyoto Mugen. Its technical capabilities are guaranteed. Nezumi alone cannot do this." Cui Junyou pointed to the distribution box.

logo on.

"Many people think that the Skaven are just urban legends or outdated rumors."

"Until the rat men break into their doors, lift off their quilts, and pierce their skulls, they will stop mocking and abusing my posts! Netizens think they know everything! I see who is still scolding me in private messages now!"

To Falosa, the rat-men were still a brand new species, and her eyes kept wandering over the nearby rat-men, as if she wanted to record every detail of them.

If Aizu City's security services are paralyzed and rat-man plagues become rampant, the major companies in Anku City will definitely not be able to sit still, after all, they are so close. Not only that, Kyoto Mugen, as the highest ruler in the jurisdiction, will also be hit hard. If the news spreads,

If it goes out, its stock price will plummet overnight.

Based on this consideration alone, Kyoto Mugen will try their best to cover up the news and clean up the rat infestation that is now raging. They will even request a mobile riot squad to calm the situation.

By the way, Pan Ruiyi is a member of the mobile riot control team. If she comes to the scene, I will be finished.

She saw me with her own eyes the day I escaped from the company!

Once we meet face to face, she will execute me without mercy.

In order to achieve a quick victory, the Ratmen will not sit still and wait for death.

Judging from their rapid gathering, they obviously intend to fight to the death with the main corporate security force in Aizu City and annihilate the main human force once and for all.

Then he turned back, hunted and ruled the residents of Aizu City, sealed the entrances and exits, captured the entire Aizu City, and established rat-man rule.

In the fierce battle between the Company and the Skaven, can we...can we safely leave the dungeon and return to the surface?

Worry swirled in his heart, and it wasn't until he saw the bright lights of the Lijia Robot Supermarket that Xu Yang calmed down a little.

At least we still have a place to stay.

Now, there are two things of primary importance.

The first is to repair the brain processor. Without the brain processor, the operation of the digital mind is too slow, which I cannot accept. However, because Lao Cui Prosthetics Shop is unsafe, the surgery cannot be done there, and I have to find another place with medical conditions.

The second is to find a suitable machine body for the witch head in hand and install it on it.

Back at the hypermarket, Xu Yang connected to the camera and took a look around, and found that many gang members were transporting robots and dragging all the important robots back to Suzuki Izumi. However, this was also part of the agreement and could not be controlled.

"The people from the Suzuki team are here." Ye Zi saw them dragging the robot and took out his cell phone to look at it. He was shocked again, "There are so many missed calls from Katsuragi Asa."

"What are Katsuragi Qian doing on the phone?" Xu Yang was puzzled, "Is there anything else?"

"She also sent a text message," Ye Zi said, "telling us to leave as early as possible. Unfortunately, my phone is still in game mode and is usually muted."

"Then she must have broken up with Boss Suzuki and want our lives."

Like Katsuragi Asa, it's not like he's not good at communication, he just accepts death.

"What should we do?" Ye Zi kept standing on tiptoes, wanting to see more things.

"Get out of the way as soon as possible, but we are still safe within the mall, don't be afraid."

Xu Yang can still control all the defense facilities in the hypermarket and is not afraid that the Suzuki team will actually take action.

"It turns out that he cooperated with the Suzuki group and defeated their old enemy." Cui Junyou felt nervous about the Suzuki group, "The gang..."

"It's okay," Xu Yang reassured him, "We won't stay here for too long. You can buy some things you need from the vending machine here, and we will set off to Highland No. 26 soon."

Hey, is there something here that can not only take us out of here quickly, but also have certain self-defense capabilities?

"The vending machines here are free." Ye Zi took Cui Junyou to find the previous vending machine.

Falosa yawned, rubbed her sleepy eyes vigorously, and followed them, hoping to find magic coffee to solve the problem, refresh herself and restore her magic power. She wondered if there was a way to greatly stimulate her spirit, called

Every inch of her body and mind felt intense, and her magic power was greatly restored.

Xu Yang walked into the shopping mall. There were five floors in the hypermarket. Except for the fifth floor, which was the command level of Toshiie Ichiro, the first to fourth floors sold various robots.

Xu Yang held the witch's head in his hands and walked through various large shelves.

The lights are bright all around, and the cleaning robots that were started in batches are still cleaning the floor diligently. There is the hum of mechanical operation everywhere. Although they have been fully noise-reduced, there are too many of them. The advantage is that the surroundings are very clean, just like before.

There is no massacre.

Seeing him holding a semi-mechanical beauty head in his arms, the members of the Suzuki team who were moving goods around pointed at Xu Yang and started gossiping. However, Xu Yang always took other people's opinions in stride and did not feel any disturbance in his heart.

The top priority is to find her a suitable new body!

Although there were a lot of robots, the store was located underground after all, and they mainly sold cheap gadgets. Xu Yang saw a lot of ugly things along the way. Although the witch in her hand couldn't speak, she definitely didn't want to become a robot when she woke up.

An old sweeping robot.

When it came to finding a new mechanical body for her, for some reason, the image of a tall, cute mechanical maid came to Xu Yang's mind.

Hypermarkets...must also sell robots of this type.

This chapter has been completed!
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