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Chapter 319 Young Witch Dormitory

After Xu Yang took Du Qian back, he discussed it with Lila and found that the wedding preservation service was indeed feasible and almost a must.

After all, Nisto Company still owes Enomoto Bank a 1 billion loan. Although it does not need to repay it now, it still needs to prove that the company has healthy cash flow to avoid early calls from the bank. Enomoto Bank is backed by Hisheng and cannot fall out with them at this stage.

It is necessary to maintain a healthy business outlook.

"We still need 100 million to 200 million working capital." Lila pointed out, "Before Falosa performs the ceremony, we should aim to fully operate the company and obtain a large amount of funds."

"There are not many ways left for us." Xu Yang pondered, "If we want to raise funds, we have to continue to borrow debts from banks. However, each bank has tightened financing channels and raised the review threshold, so it is basically impossible to borrow money. Or we can buy equity.

Financing, by selling part of the ownership in exchange for funds, but at that point, it is considered to be at the end of the road.”

"We now operate independently and refuse external capital injection," Lila said. "Once we open the door to invite external capital to enter, destruction or deterioration may occur."

"The parent company has to develop its own business, and you will always have full and actual control over it," Xu Yang said. "However, the synthetic human company that I cooperated with Taro Tanaka can invite Ye Zi to be an investor, dilute the equity, and expand production.


"She is short-sighted." Lila didn't like Ye Zi, and she noticed the aura on Xu Yang's body.

"But Ye Zi is rich and is our friend." Xu Yang nodded.

"We want her to join our system?"

"Of course, the public safety service provider in Anjiu City has a big list. We are being watched by many people."

"They can't beat us."

"Yes, if we want to fight a corporate war, we are not afraid." Xu Yang said, "But there are too many means of capital. Even if entrepreneurs cannot defeat us head-on, they will fully support other competitors and fight with us overtly and covertly.

Competition, once those entrepreneurs with no lower limit enter the game and oppose us everywhere, we will have no energy to do our own thing. This is why Ye Ye is very important. After all, any external capital with brains who wants to compete for the local market will first look at Nice.

Once the company finds out the name of Kojima Ye Zi, they will have to weigh their own strength."

Lila nodded. She could analyze it, but she didn't like it. The more she understood these so-called interests, the more disgusted she became.

"As far as the current situation is concerned," Xu Yang said, "we still have to find a way to get these 40 million. Let us first find out the information about Yoshiyuki Hosoda."

"...Yes, Master." Lila understood.

Therefore, Xu Yang decided to build up his own strength as much as possible before the year-end ceremony. No matter how Falosa dealt with Noriko Honma, Nisto Company must have corresponding strength to be able to cope with the changes in the situation.

From the Blackfire Siege to the Maikar Incident, they all reveal their current dilemma, that is, their accumulated resources are far from enough, so they always feel stretched.

On the other side, it was already past one o'clock in the morning when Du Qianqian came back. She was trying to sneak back to her dormitory to sleep, but she was caught by 102 who was ambushing her at the door.

"Don't move!" 102 grabbed her.

"let go!"

"Don't act stupid!" 102 raised his head and pointed at Du Qianqian, "It's your turn to work the night shift with Yoshioka Mizuro. Sister Yoshioka has been waiting for you!"

"I went to work with my boss during the day." Du Qianqian tried to excuse her. She didn't want to guard those little witches at night and spend the whole night in the smell of diapers.

"But that's what the schedule says." 102 took out her handheld tablet, "Thursday night at 23:00 to Friday morning at 9:00 morning, Du Qianqian + Yoshioka Mizuro. You are still two hours late!"

"But the boss asked me to work the day shift," Du Qianqian said sternly, "We must adhere to the ten-hour work system. If you don't believe me, ask the boss."

"The boss will give you money, but Lord Farosha will kill you, so think carefully about it!" 102 put his hands on his hips.

"No, I'm too sleepy," Du Qianqian yawned, "I'll just switch shifts with you. You can help me tonight, and I promise to keep vigil for you in two days."

"Ah, I hate changing shifts the most." 102 said, "When I change, I can't remember who went to work at what time, so you are not allowed to run away! I will carry you away."

Du Qianqian yawned profusely and was carried by 102 to the young witch dormitory on the fourth floor. This was the quietest place. The young witches would go to bed after 9 o'clock and spend the night in a very large dormitory.

102 put Du Qianqian at the door, and then went back to rest. Du Qianqian took off his shoes, put on his white socks, walked through the silent sliding door, and came to the Little Witch Dormitory in the dark. It is almost the quietest in the world.

It’s a place where you can see hundreds of exquisite beds.

Little witches aged 5 and above sleep in single beds, far apart from each other, so that the little witches do not have to sleep well at night and have to whisper to their friends. Each bed is equipped with two small cabinets to store them.

small toys and clothes.

The younger witches share a huge bed, which is at least 50 meters long. It is filled with stuffed animals, thick blankets, quilts, pillows and light colored sheets, building a gorgeous blanket castle that may be the world.

The largest one on the street, full of fun for children, with a small flag on the top.

These little witches who are less than 5 years old are too young to go out and study every day. They only need to play around in the blanket castle. When they open their eyes, they can see a variety of toys, pictures and handicraft materials, as well as sizes.

Different slides. It was Falosa's idea to build this castle. According to her aesthetic, the blanket castle also has two towers for throwing wooden balls, and a stable with children's bicycles.

During the day, the Blanket Castle would become a paradise for little witches to play wildly. Du Qianqian would often go in and search for the little witches who were over the age limit, and pull them upstairs to study hard. The curriculum was complicated, with literacy and arithmetic as the pre-school skills.


It was dark now, and the Blanket Castle was extremely quiet, as quiet as the surrounding cribs. Du Qianqian saw Yoshioka Mizuro patrolling like a ghost, holding a little witch in his arms.

As soon as Du Qianqian entered the young witch's dormitory, Yoshioka Mizuro quickly walked towards her.

Du Qianqian really tried her best to prove how tired she was at this time. She kept gesturing silently in an attempt to resist, but Yoshioka Mizuro mistook this as an act of eagerness and couldn't help but speed up and stuff the little fool in her arms.

In the hands of Du Qianqian.

The little fool never sleeps much. She just opens her eyes and looks at the world melancholy in her own way, as if nothing in the world has passed her moral judgment.

As soon as she reached Du Qianqian's arms, she looked up at Du Qianqian's face, her eyes dull, as if she had some kind of regret, which made Du Qianqian feel like he had done something wrong.

Damn little fool. Du Qianqian poked the little fool in the face. Then he quickly walked out of the lounge, followed closely by Yoshioka Mizuro.

"I won't ask you why you arrived so late." Yoshioka Mizuiro said, "Anyway, you always have a reason."

"We should find some specialized child care robots." Du Qianqian complained in a low voice.

"This is impossible," Yoshioka Mizuiro explained, "We also thought about it, but Kazama Miyari told us about a scientific experiment with monkeys."

"What monkey?"

"Just find a group of little stupid monkeys," Yoshioka Mizuro gestured in a low voice, "and give them two 'mothers'. One is made of wire with a bottle hanging on it. The other is made of cloth and doesn't provide anything.

But the little monkeys will not go to the wire mother to drink milk, but would rather stay with the cloth mother. Only when they are very hungry will they go to the wire mother to drink some milk, and then they will return to the cloth mother."

"Are you saying that the technical level of those people at the beginning was not enough? So we need advanced synthetic nannies."

"Wrong," Yoshioka Mizuro stroked the little fool's hair, "it means that we must take responsibility and raise these little witches with real and warm contact."

"If you make a bionic skin for a synthetic human and increase the temperature of the skin, will a child be able to tell the difference?" Du Qianqian was puzzled.

"Of course, children are much smarter than you think, and we have to get along day and night, how can we not show any flaws! Even the few synthetic maids that the company already has, we just let them do some logistics."

Yoshioka Mizuro had rested during the day for the night shift, and was now in good spirits. Du Qianqian and Xu Yang went out for a walk, thinking that they would be able to avoid trouble tonight, but in the end they were caught working, so they were drowsy.

"I also like robots more." Du Qianqian yawned long.


"I was discovered to be a witch only when I was in kindergarten." Du Qianqian held the little fool steady in his hands to prevent her from falling to the ground and making her fall even more stupidly. "Before, when I was 4 years old, my mother used a cloth to hold me

I was tied to my back and walked 10 miles to buy seeds. Someone tried to raise the price, but my mother refused. She had an argument with him and was slapped. On the way back, my mother cried, and so did I. There were people on the roadside.

A candy-selling robot said that it had detected sad humans and gave each of us a piece of candy. At that time, I felt that robots were really better than living people. Now they are more advanced, and synthetic humans are made exactly like humans.

, can people still be immoral, can robots be immoral?"

"I think the A40 is quite wicked," said Yoshioka Mizuiro.

"At least it helped us earn real money."

"Okay," Yoshioka Mizuiro said, "If you find it troublesome, we can apply to the boss to recruit adult witches from society. It's time to do this."

"Then, I'll sleep for one hour first, just one hour, and then I'll help you." Du Qianqian was so sleepy that he almost fainted.

"Keep an eye on her." Yoshioka Mizuro glanced at the little fool.


Du Qianqian held the little fool in his arms and lay on the bench in the aisle. The little fool blinked slowly in her arms.

"Why don't you sleep?" Du Qianqian held the little fool in his arms, "I'm going to sleep. Can you guarantee that when I sleep, you won't run around or cry?"

"Quack." said the little fool.

Du Qianqian closed his eyes and slept until seven o'clock the next day.

This chapter has been completed!
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