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Chapter 320 Witch Trading

Yoshioka Mizuro was reluctant to wake up Du Qianqian. When Du Qianqian woke up, he found that the little fool had fallen asleep instead.

"I'm sorry." Du Qianqian quickly apologized to Yoshioka Suise.

"I sent a message to the boss," said Yoshioka Suise, who was very tired. "He replied at 6 o'clock this morning and said it was no problem."

"Finally we can recruit more witches." Du Qianqian was happy.

"...The premise is that there must be an adult witch leading the team, and the recruitment process must be standardized and background checks must be done." Yoshioka Mizuiro said.

"Our adult witches are not only Pan Ruiyin, Kazama Gongri, but also you." Du Qianqian was a little surprised.

"Let's get to the point. Let's find a way to get Pan Ruiyin or Kazama Miyari to take you out."

"I can get out on my own!"

"You went out by yourself last time and got shot... Be honest, I'm going to sleep." Yoshioka Mizuro looked back at the young witch dormitory. It was time for them to wake up, and the whole dormitory became more noisy. The young witch wanted to go to school.

They put on their uniforms and skirts and got ready to have breakfast, and the younger ones started to play and play in the blanket castle.

Today's day shift was in charge of 101. She walked like a ghost between Du Qianqian and Yoshioka Shuise. Du Qianqian handed the little fool into the hands of 101. She disappeared in front of Du Qianqian without saying a word.

Du Qianqian scratched his head, not knowing what to do. In any case, she was now given the power to recruit a group of new witches to join the Solid Gold Building. They would take care of the young witches' daily life, or help the company continue to expand in other aspects.

Witches can provide real-time combat power and use magic power to achieve various purposes, which is naturally very important. The seven witches have arrived one after another, which can be regarded as the core team of the Witch Council. Now it is time for further expansion.

Du Qianqian took out his pamphlet. He had been encouraged by Lila before and she would collect the psychological files of everyone in the organization in order to track their ideological status.

The boss has faith; Lady Farosha is great; Lady Lila is very serious... Du Qianqian adds her own records and understanding to the file. 101 is like a ghost, 102 is stupid, Qian Meng is arrogant, Yoshioka is kind,

Pan Ruiyin is very big, and Kazama Miyari likes girls.

After registering, Du Qianqian rubbed his hair and walked to the restaurant to have breakfast. When he saw 102, he couldn't help bragging about what he had seen at the LaCrosse Hotel.

"...So there are very, very large conference rooms and baths there," Du Qianqian said, "It is really prepared for top-level business meetings. Hundreds of robots are waiting to take care of me. There is no place more beautiful than that.

Well, really, it’s a pity that you didn’t go...”

After saying that, she couldn't help but raise her face, waiting to meet 102's envious gaze. But 102 just raised his head and opened his mouth, very confused.

"Oh!" 102 took a long time to react and realized that Du Qianqian wanted her to comment on this, "It's amazing!"

"You ruined the atmosphere." Du Qianqian took the plate and went to the buffet table to grab a large piece of steak for himself.

"Eat this for breakfast. Were you hungry yesterday?" Kazama Miyari walked into the restaurant and saw the meat on Du Qianqian's plate.

Du Qianqian had rarely eaten anything good, so she was naturally obsessed with meat, but she was unwilling to confess her embarrassment to Kazama Miyari.

"This is a personal habit." Du Qianqian was as proud as a peacock and returned to the table with his chest puffed out. "By the way, we are going out to recruit new witches to join us. Will you follow me?"

"I have a scientific research mission." Kazama Miyari brought herself rice, miso soup and radish slices, "Can't you go out by yourself?"

Du Qianqian didn't want to tell the key here, but 102 could guess it.

"You must be accompanied by an adult." 102 couldn't help but smile secretly as he said, "Because I'm afraid Du Qianqian will be injured again."

"Like a fool." Du Qianqian cursed in a low voice.

Since Fengjian Gongli couldn't do it, he could only find Pan Ruiyin. Du Qianqian ran to the internal swimming pool of the building. Pan Ruiyin was wearing sunglasses and a black swimsuit, lying on a metal bench playing with his mobile phone. There was a glass table next to him.

Enjoy it with watermelon juice and bread, as comfortable as you want.

"We are recruiting new witches to join us." Du Qianqian said, "Please go out with me."

"I have to go to work." Pan Ruiyin raised her toes, her red nail polish reflecting brightly, "I am the permanent security officer of the Solid Gold Building and Lord Falosa's knight."

"You look like a security guard!" Du Qianqian complained.

"Then what should I do? I have no enemies." Pan Ruiyin sat up from the swimming pool lounge chair, took off his sunglasses, and glared at Du Qianqian, which almost made Du Qianqian's heart skip a beat.

"So you can go out with me." Du Qianqian said, "This is not internal affairs work, but field work. Anyway, you are really overqualified here!"

"No." Pan Ruiyin moved the chair indoors to a place with sunlight, "I'm going to sunbathe, so go farther."

Du Qianqian couldn't go out without an adult accompanying her, and she didn't want to wait until Yoshioka Suise was free.

Pan Ruiyin gave Du Qianqian a very scary feeling, because Pan Ruiyin was definitely the most powerful one among them, with absolutely no water at all.

Well... Du Qianqian thought hard.

Got it!

"Then come with me to pick out a shuttle. Let's go to the shuttle shop." Du Qianqian said.

"Oh?" This aroused Pan Ruiyin's interest, "Buy a shuttle?"

"Yes, it's our own." Du Qianqian struck while the iron was hot, "It belongs to the Witch Council. The Zifeng is the boss's car, so we will buy one of our own. We can go for a ride and visit the mall."

"Are you rich?" Pan Ruiyin got down from the chair. She had no habit of saving, and she didn't know where her money was spent. She had been penniless for a long time. Fortunately, her official identity was blocked, otherwise she would

I will definitely take out a lot of consumer loans.

"Yes, yes." Du Qianqian was confident. She didn't have enough money of her own, but Hu Nong 102 would be enough.

"Okay, okay." Pan Ruiyin suddenly became interested.

"We bought our own shuttle, and we can all go out and have fun." Du Qianqian took Pan Ruiyin to find 102, "You can go wherever you want to go."

After the previous Golden Tree War, Xu Yang also paid bonuses to the participating members of the Witch Club. 102 has always received high dividends, and now has 2 million saved on the card.

"Buying the Witch Council's own shuttle, wow, so cool." 102 was very happy.

Hum hum. Du Qianqian thought to himself. Fortunately, 101 was on duty today, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to get 102 to pay.

Before 101 found out, she took Pan Ruiyin and 102 with her. First, they changed their appearance in accordance with the confidentiality regulations and made enough disguises to ensure that no one could recognize them. Then they hurriedly took an unmanned taxi to the nearest shuttle retail store.

Shuttle technology is basically monopolized by giant companies. From the perspective of manufacturing technology, Suvihui Metal in Taixi Province and Kaoge Kyushu in Xia region both provide high-quality products, but if you want to buy fancy and trendy styles, you still have to look at Kyoto Unlimited

And the gods tomorrow.

Du Qianqian now checked the shuttle that Ye Zi came to the hotel and found that it belonged to the sub-brand "Overia Chant" of the gods tomorrow, so he wanted to buy the same model of Ye Zi, and found it in the list provided by the robot.

After rummaging around for a long time, I found it. The price is 29.99 million yuan. The supply is limited. If you want to buy it, you must make a reservation one year in advance.

29.99 million! Du Qianqian wilted immediately, and was replaced by an inexplicable feeling of jealousy. Why could that little island leaf be able to take such an expensive shuttle?

Powerful witches should enjoy these highest-level lives, not mere mortals. Du Qianqian went around the brand store of Ovelia Chant, and the cheapest one cost 4 million, which was far beyond the budget.


Pan Ruiyin couldn't help but raise her lips when she saw Du Qianqian's poor appearance. When she was working at Gao Ge Jiuzhou, she saw that the company's private parking area was full of luxury aircraft, and she thought that her horizons were much broader than Du Qianqian's.

"Just buy an 800,000 yuan car for transportation." Pan Ruiyin said, "It drives fast and has solid skin. It doesn't matter what it looks like."

Gaoge Jiuzhou's influence in the local area is very limited, with only one store, and it needs to be as far away from there as possible to reduce the risk of exposure. Du Qianqian couldn't afford those luxury brands, so he followed Pan Ruiyin to Suweihui Metal's factory store in Anjiu City


Suweihui Metal is an industrial giant in Taixi Province. It has a huge building in Anjiu City, which occupies an entire block and covers a wide area. It is 77 stories high. The bottom floor is an assembly factory. Industrial robots and technical experts are responsible for maintaining it.

Assembly line operation. The middle level is the living area, and the upper level is the sales store. During the Black Fire siege, they were a neutral enterprise. Due to the destruction of the port, work was suspended for a long time, and work has only recently resumed.

Du Qianqian heard Xu Yang say that as the situation becomes turbulent, the prices of vehicles and shuttles will drop, and his words are true.

High-net-worth people have already fled the city, while the middle class and small citizens are watching. The bottom class has no money, and the sales of shuttles are very embarrassing. They have to hire some professional customers to pretend to be prosperous, so as not to lose the face of giant companies. As soon as Du Qianqian and they arrived

, the salesmen came up to them happily, with smiles on their faces, and introduced them to the main models currently in supply.

"It's so... proactive." 102 felt very uncomfortable. It felt like these salesmen had lost their personality and were only working hard to sell more goods.

"Enjoy it." Du Qianqian was very satisfied. The servile living people were more enthusiastic than robots. Now she believed that humans were more suitable for the service industry than robots. Only humans can understand what humans need most.

Du Qianqian suddenly lost interest when he saw these silly, big, dark and cheap cheap shuttles. Only Pan Ruiyin observed with her professional eyes. The database of Gaoge Jiuzhou has a product analysis report for Suwei Hui Metal.

She can see clearly which model is more powerful and more efficient, and which model is more affordable and more efficient.

As a result, after paying with a cash card at Hu Lane 102, the company purchased the company's fifth shuttle after the Anonymous, Innovation, White Smoke, and Zifeng, a "

"Bearshark" class shuttle.

It has a simple and majestic appearance, is sturdy and durable, and is very domineering when it shuttles through the city. It uses military-grade armor plates and propulsion systems at the cheapest price. Other shuttles have to give way. If it collides with this steel monster, it will definitely be destroyed.

It's not worth it. It will peel off a layer of paint, and someone else will lose their life. It will cost 500 to repair, and someone else will spend 20,000 to repair it.

"This is the thing I should drive. It has strong defense! It's fast! It also has machine guns and so on." Pan Ruiyin personally piloted this steel ship.

"It's just a bit ugly and a bit noisy." Du Qianqian felt that the boat was like a construction site, and it was far less quiet and brisk than Xu Yang's Zifeng.

"102, give it a cool name," Pan Ruiyin said.

"Iron Shell." 102 said.

"If Lady Farosha knew that the Witch Council's ship was called the Iron Shell, she would be furious," Du Qianqian said. Farosha's aesthetics have always been elegant.

"But this is our ship." 102 was very happy. "The iron shell protects us from wind and rain, and no one can damage it."

"Then let's sail this ship to recruit witches." Du Qianqian clapped his hands, "The boss tells us to follow the process, and we will follow the process. We are the three interviewers!"

Du Qianqian used the smart panel on the Iron Shell to search the job market. Due to the economic recession, many witches were laid off. However, due to the company alliance's laws, adult witches cannot wander outside the company and must be under the control of a certain company at all times.

, so the witches on the market are only listed for sale. In fact, they have to trade with the company that the witch previously belonged to.

"We also know some witches in Aizu Castle." 102 recalled that the witches on the streets often hide in the corners of the city due to poor supervision.

Du Qianqian didn't like Aizu Castle.

"Disgusting dungeon." Du Qianqian felt physically uncomfortable when he thought of what happened in the Sunrise Bar, "I would rather pick a witch in Anjiu City."

She flipped through the pages and selected five cheap witches with innocent backgrounds, ready to trade them back and use them as cheap labor. She flipped through a few more pages, and her eyes lit up.

"How about this? The ability is very magical and can be evolved by Master Falosa. Master Falosa seems to be able to control the ocean!" Du Qianqian showed them a public transaction file.

Sanae Yamano, 27 years old, has the ability to transform part of her body into sea water.

This chapter has been completed!
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