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Chapter 364 Sales Booth

An eyeball robot floats over, reminding people in the waiting room that they have run out of patience and are now threatening to cancel their appointments and not only get all their money back, but also claim delay compensation.

"These guys are really rich," Cui Junyou glanced at the waiting list. "They were willing to pay a sky-high price just to queue up. I thought I would lose money by running a clinic. I underestimated the crazy rich people... they are short-handed! There will be more later.

There are several surgeries, so I have to go and get busy."

"Then I'll leave first." Xu Yang said goodbye to Cui Junyou, "Thank you very much, Lao Cui."

"There are very few people who are willing to listen to my nonsense, and you are one of them." Cui Junyou waved his hand, "But this is an era when friends gather less and stay apart more. You are running around and I am running around. Twenty-four hours a day is not enough...

…Let’s go and live our own lives!”

Afterwards, he closed the corridor door, returned to the operating room, and began to neatly receive the customers who had been waiting in the waiting room for a long time. Xu Yang nodded secretly, then left the clinic and took a path to the parking lot.

This small parking lot is far away from the public vehicles in front of the clinic. The Zifeng is parked here. There is also a brown electric motorcycle and a flying skateboard next to it, which should belong to Cui Junyou or Niederter.

Pan Ruiyin is also here. She is wearing a full set of heavy black armor, her appearance is completely unclear, and she is as scary as an iron tower. She was already tall, but now she is more oppressive and can easily intimidate Xiao Xiao.

The little fool was placed on the top of the shuttle, sitting still like a doll.

"Surfing the Internet is so fun." Pan Ruiyin leaned against the side armor plate of the shuttle and was playing with his mobile phone.

"You can't put the child in such a high place." Xu Yang climbed onto the Zifeng and took the little fool down.

The little fool is very clingy, because the unfamiliar environment makes her feel uneasy. Only when Xu Yang appears does she regain her energy. She always looks particularly frightened. Xu Yang can't imagine what will happen if she is left in that dirty child care institution.

What's the end?

"I will catch her." Pan Ruiyin vowed, and at the same time looked at Xu Yang, "Oh, company man, have you accepted the transformation?"

"Minor technology upgrade." Xu Yang was a little surprised every time he heard Pan Ruiyin call him someone from the company, as if he was back in those tiring days, "There is no need for too many modifications now."

"Isn't it more powerful?" Pan Ruiyin looked at Xu Yang, his tone full of teasing.

"Maybe you shouldn't continue to call me a company person." Xu Yang couldn't see Pan Ruiyin's expression. She was wearing a cone-shaped heavy-faced armor helmet, and she was painted with dark purple and green fluorescent paint, which was full of murderous intent.

"We can't escape our origins." Pan Ruiyin walked towards Xu Yang and put his hands on his shoulders. "These things are like labels printed on us. For several nights, I dreamed of the worst endings. I was

Imprisoned, reformed, exiled or simply killed, being killed is still the happiest ending, and everything else is sensational."

"I have never thought about such a thing." Xu Yang shook his head, "I put life and death aside on the first day I escaped from the company. I am not afraid of any enemies or any challenges."

Pan Ruiyin stepped back and looked at Xu Yang carefully.

"You are really a bold company person." She was a little surprised. "I have seen too many cowards in the past twenty years. I thought that humans would never be as brave as witches."

"Some people are forever frightened by giant companies, and every sound they make from then on is distorted." Xu Yang said coldly.

"I'm not afraid of fighting, but sometimes I still can't help but doubt." Pan Ruiyin said in a confused voice, "Your biggest goal is... to defeat all companies. But there are many companies with terrible scale in other places in the world, and they control

There are a lot of terrifying armies, advanced weapons, reality manipulators and various mysterious monsters. They control the witch as precisely as they control the robot. Are you really not worried at all?"

Xu Yang looked at Pan Ruiyin. Her past experience had hurt her forever and left a psychological shadow on her control over giant corporations.

"If we were the only ones in the world, we would be very worried." Xu Yang said, "But we are not alone. There are many people in the world who have more limited resources and face challenges that are ten times more difficult than us, but they are still

Choose to join a just cause. There are unyielding people in every corner of the world, and there are always like-minded people... Thinking of this, no matter how big the problem is, it is not scary. Instead, I feel that I have to keep working hard until I can reach contact with them.

One call and a hundred responses.”

"I don't understand. I can never be as open-minded as you." Pan Ruiyin smiled.

"Your enemies may be more timid than you. This is the key to the matter." Xu Yang nodded, "The scale of Nisto Company is limited, and our burden is actually very small. We can fight as many enemies as they come. But company executives are different.

The whole body is moved by their anger, and they are always restrained when making decisions."

"It feels very interesting." Pan Ruiyin nodded repeatedly, "Wang Qi'an of the W3 Corps used to be my instructor. She said that I would definitely be a bad star on the battlefield, but my biggest enemy is not on the battlefield, but in my heart.

Its name is 'Fear', and it is a big venomous snake. If I don't catch this venomous snake and kill it, I will never be successful. When you let 'Meridian Gate' roast me half-cooked, this venomous snake became

It happened once, and that incident really made me afraid of you."

"Are you still afraid now?"

"Now, I'm just afraid that something will happen to you under my nose," Pan Ruiyin teased, "If you get injured, that will be my biggest loss. Company people, now you are the highest asset in my eyes."

"Let's go back." Xu Yang glanced at the Zifeng.

"Wait a minute - have you eaten? I'm still hungry." Pan Ruiyin suddenly thought of the information he had read before, "I heard that there is a place called Green Ridge Market here, and the Xiaolongbao they sell is full of fat.

, when you bite it, it’s filled with hot soup.”

"Then buy two bags and go back." Xu Yang looked up the map in his mind and locked the location. Green Ridge Market is a food street, just three hundred meters away from here. It is roughly circular in shape and is laid out around the wide foundation of the giant building on the ground.

,Very lively.

When they arrived at their location, vendors selling all kinds of goods spread their goods all over the street, and the streets were crowded with people.

Because it is the New Year, festival-related products are also on sale. The dazzling array of colorful colors and hot food make the entire Green Ridge Market eye-catching.

The little fool's vitality was awakened in this lively environment. She stood on Xu Yang's shoulder, boldly cast her eyes here and there, and then stretched out her hand to point at things that interested her.

"Quack." The little fool likes a wild beast.

Following the little fool's instructions, Xu Yang came to observe an exhibition hall of rare modified organisms set up by Wanyu Biology Company.

You are allowed to scan the QR code on site to access the company's homepage. They sell live organisms and provide high-standard air transportation services.

Wanyu Biological Company is a large company headquartered in Taixi. It specializes in biological genetic technology and can produce very powerful genetic warriors. It also provides genetic programming services for children.

On display now is a modified tiger. It is covered in orange-red mottled fur, with several pale stripes on it, and a pair of sharp antlers on its forehead. It is suddenly strange and looks around with a pair of fierce eyes.

"Antlered tigers have been bred in batches, mixing two genes, one from the extinct Aslague-toothed tiger, and the other from the reindeer of the Great North." Wanyu Bio's sales robot introduced them enthusiastically, "It's

Our flagship product for life sciences.”

While technology is exterminating living things, it is also creating new ones. Xu Yang secretly thought. It seems that you can really buy one and use it to guard the solid gold building, so that children can see what animals are like. It is also a life education.

Part of it.

"Which company made you?" Xu Yang observed the sales robot.

"Iris Group." It said in a very cheerful tone, "My factory setting is to sell perfume and bags, now? I think I am more suitable to sell animals! Are you not considering buying a bio-programmed tiger to decorate your home? They are any real estate

The best guard animal to ensure your safety and health. This staghorn tiger is 7 years old and its current price is only 2.7 million."

Pan Ruiyin came back from buying two bags of Xiaolongbao. Standing next to Xu Yang, he suddenly saw the electronic price tag next to the deer-antlered tiger changed from 2.7 million to 0. As long as he swiped his cash card, he could unlock the cage for free and take it away.

"Ahhh...this is..." The sales robot also noticed something strange on the price tag.

Someone hacked into the market's Gongwang network. Xu Yang immediately turned around and found a commotion in the entire food district.

The electronic price lists of most vendors all turned to 0, and the unattended stalls suddenly became 0 yuan. People rushed to swipe their cash cards and buy a large number of products for free. They never thought that such a good thing could happen.

The owner of the food street is a small company called Green Ridge Trading. Self-employed people in Aizu City who want to set up a stall must not only apply and pay the rental fee, but also connect to a software called Green Ridge Sales Platform to facilitate Green Ridge Company's accounting.

The amount allows the company to increase the rent for individual stalls with good business, so as to drive them away and take over their business.

Now that the Green Ridge sales platform has been hacked, the food street has instantly turned into a trading paradise for free purchases.


“All for free!”

"Buy quickly!" Customers knew that this kind of thing only happened once in a century, so the brave ones immediately started to plunder the goods, while the timid ones also touched one or two items and ran away.

The whole street was in chaos, and the vendors were on the verge of tears. They never expected that something like this would happen again.

Green Ridge Trading Company immediately called in the security service they hired, Social Security Company, which provides moderate-scale and reasonably priced security services.

Xu Yang saw two security shuttles blocking the two exits of the food court. A group of security personnel wearing social security uniforms rushed down and began to control the abrupt and chaotic behavior and maintain business order.

"I'll track down the original access point." Xu Yang and Pan Ruiyin stepped aside to avoid getting involved in this 0 yuan incident.

Xu Yang himself has done things like changing the price of vending machines to 0. He can probably figure out the hacker's mind. It is very likely that he himself was at the scene.

He found that this person was very violent. He might have originally wanted to adjust the price of goods at a specific unmanned stall, but in the end, the pricing system of the entire Green Ridge sales platform was triggered. The mistake was so big that even security services were in place.

The hacker must be found.

If this person has no other means, I'm afraid he will be arrested soon.

"Be careful!" Pan Ruiyin stepped aside to protect Xu Yang.

With the sound of an overloaded circuit explosion not far away, a transformer box burst open, and the colorful food court suddenly became dark and chaotic. Only the canopy above the head was still functioning, emitting a pastel light, barely allowing people to see.


This chapter has been completed!
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