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Chapter 403 Peace Agreement

Micro October flapped its giant wings, and 101 and 102 sat on its back. After meeting, they quickly reached cooperation and decided to ride Micro October to hunt Milaya.

It swooped down. It had previously detected that Milaya had escaped into the abandoned outpost, so it was ready to rush down and destroy it. However, it saw a black phantom flying up from the outpost and heading towards Wei October!

Qingyao blinked and passed by Wei Yueyue's side, and slashed towards his neck with his knife.

Cut throat!

The high-speed flight carried astonishing potential energy, and only a violent sound was heard. Wei Shiyue suddenly felt a sharp pain in his throat, and the dragon scales had been broken!

Immediately afterwards, the steel wings on Qingyao's back roared again, propelling her to fly behind Wei Yueyue at high speed, then dropped sharply downwards, and launched an attack on the sisters on the dragon's back.

101 immediately grabbed 102 and jumped to the ground with her to avoid being attacked and killed by Qing Yao.

Everything happened too fast. 102 could still analyze the battle situation with enhanced reflexes, but 101 felt the pressure increase dramatically.

The ten-year-old dragon's throat drips blood endlessly, spreading to the earth.

A weapon made of mythical metal! Wei Yueyue could feel the power of the sun burning her neck. The pain was unbearable. She was speechless and weak from bleeding. She never thought that she would suffer such a serious injury if they met her.

What a powerful war witch.

Upon seeing this, 102 immediately strengthened his whole body, released the true form of the gun in his hand, and fired three rounds at Qing Yao in the sky. The secret enchantment took effect, automatically locking the target, triggering a shocking and terrifying bombardment. Every time 102 fired, his body

Meng Lie took a step back, and large-scale cracks appeared on the ground. They were destroyed by the astonishing recoil, leaving deep pits!

Boom boom——

The cannon was ejected from the chamber, and under the influence of Falosa's enchantment, the live ammunition turned into a magic meteor and shot towards Qingyao, forcing her to continuously distance herself in the air, making long-distance arc detours, until she was followed by the enhanced charged cannon.


Taking advantage of the time 102 bought, Wei Yueyue took the opportunity to pounce down, lay on the ground, raised his sharp claws, summoned Mingyao's moon spell, and used the healing miracle to repair his damaged throat.

She rushed all the way here, ready to kill him, but she didn't expect that Milaya would have such a powerful guard with her.

Qingyao! Wei Shiyue suddenly figured out that this was the strongest war witch left in Gaoge Kyushu on the border. The ace who stayed in the company's jurisdiction actually broke through the boundary river and came here.

In the air, Qingyao returned to the battle. She opened her steel wings, and four black floating cannons quickly flew out from the armed carrying equipment behind her armor. They took turns bombing the ground, focusing on attacking the huge Weiyue Yu.


Each floating cannon continuously releases energy bombs at an extremely fast rate of fire. Although it cannot destroy dragon scales like mythical metal, it can create a stopping effect through huge impact, suppressing Weiyue Yue to the point where she cannot lift her head.

He could only continue to release healing spells and had no time to raise his head and spray out moon flames.

Qingyao was secretly surprised by the protective power of the Micro-October Dragon Scales. These four "F-140 'Elite'" floating cannons can annihilate all living creatures within a radius of five kilometers within 30 seconds, destroying all enemy vehicles and defenses.

But it can only leave some cracks on the slightly ten-year-old dragon scales.

It seems that the key to fighting lies in the mythical weapon in hand.

After subduing Wei Yue, Qing Yao launched an assault on 102 on the ground. 101 saw the opportunity and jumped behind Qing Yao with 102, then returned to the air to join in the close combat.

102 fell from the sky, suddenly appeared above Qingyao, and slashed downwards with a spear blade!

The built-in radar in Qingyao's head locked onto 102's position at any time. She was not disturbed by the surprise attack at this time. She just used the wings of steel to quickly turn around in the air and use her magic weapon "Yanyang Bipolar" to fire at 102's gun.



101 jumped away in time, turned around and saw a terrifying explosion like a small sun in the sky. The double-headed spear collided with the blunderbuss. 102 and Qing Yao fought hard, and both sides were shaken by the shock wave and flew outward.

102's witch armor also has a propulsion system, and it is now activated by her. The thrusters behind her are spurting out, allowing her to stay in the air and maneuver at high speeds.

The fight between the two sides was in full swing, with double-headed spears and blunderbuss colliding repeatedly. 102 tried his best and used all the moves he had learned so far, but he was still suppressed by Qingyao. He repeatedly failed to succeed, and instead lost a lot of physical energy.

The battle between them has widened the distance, reaching an altitude of one thousand meters above the ground!

Seeing his sister and Qing Yao fighting incessantly, 101 seized the break in the firing of the floating cannon, jumped to Wei Yue Yue's side, grabbed her with one hand, and led her to jump hundreds of meters away, allowing her to avoid a round of concentrated fire.

This gave Wei Shiyue a rare opportunity for treatment. She hurriedly took the time to heal herself, accumulating moon flames in her mouth, turning around and spitting out fire at the pursuing floating cannon. Those blue light bullets instantly disappeared in the blazing moon fire.

, it was night at this time, the moonfire illuminated the surrounding area, the range increased dramatically, and the floating cannon itself was also wrapped in the flaming moonfire, and was quickly burned up.

"Roar!" Wei Yueyue eliminated the floating cannon, vibrated his wings, aimed at the direction where Qingyao and 102 were fighting, flew upwards at high speed, raised the altitude, and sprayed pale flames in the direction of Qingyao!

The sea of ​​fire surged into the sky, and the earth changed color.

Seeing this, Qingyao knew that she couldn't resist, so she swung a spear at 102 with great strength, and used the force of the collision of weapons to pull back. 102 wanted to pursue, but found that the moonfire was coming from below, forcing the two sides to separate.


102 also took this opportunity to catch his breath and regain his strength.

What a powerful fighting witch!

Regardless of technology, combat power or equipment, they are all top-notch. Call 102 to miss the invincible Pan Ruiyin. If Pan Ruiyin was here, how could he make this witch so arrogant!

But what worries 102 the most is the opponent's magic power. She is still using equipment and skills to deal with it, and she doesn't even have any intention of releasing magic power!

Wei YueYue joined the battle and besieged Qingyao one after another. Seeing Wei YueYue returning to fight, Qingyao lowered his head and keenly saw that the blood that Wei YueYue had spilled on the ground earlier had turned black.

"Necromantic magic?" Qingyao knew that pure dragon blood would only change color under certain conditions, so she stared at Wei Shiyue and shouted angrily.

The Immortality Technique has indeed changed Wei Yueyue's physique to a certain extent, and now Qingyao has revealed it, causing Wei Yueyue to feel a burst of pain.

102 continues to charge the gun and prepares to fire.

Qingyao discovered the undead physique of Weiyueyue, immediately recited the secret text, and launched the Zhengfa in a targeted manner. He applied a layer of shining light on the double-headed spear and quickly attacked Weiyueyue. Thanks to Tianshu

Through the technological exchanges between Zhuwu and Gaoge Kyushu, "immortal magic" has also become a weapon in the war against witches.

Weiyue sprayed moon flames at Qingyao, and 102 also fired out magic meteors. Two huge, destructive ultimate killing moves attacked Qingyao in the center. It was only at this moment that she released her magic.

102 and Weiyueyue could not see clearly in the battle situation. They only felt that their bombardment and flames could not capture Qingyao. Instead, she easily avoided the threat. She flew past Weiyueyue like a falcon attacking, "Fire" "Yang Shuangji" was originally a weapon forged by the combination of technology and mystery. Now it is entangled with the two powers of lightning and flame, and its power has increased dramatically. In Qingyao's hand, he whirled and slashed, breaking Weiyue's flank, and blood flowed freely.

If it weren't for the extreme protective power of the dragon scales, this blow would have disemboweled Wei Shiyue!

101 outside the field could see it clearly. At the moment of the attack, Qingyao released magic power. The effect was extremely powerful. Everything around her "slowed down", as if it was some kind of powerful magic power that controlled the movement of matter. So much so that the 102's bombardment and the micro-October moonfire were all moved in slow motion, unable to harm Qingyao at all, and she was easily cut by her steel wings.

It's time to go. 101 secret passage.

Qingyao pulled away and recovered four damaged floating cannons. When he looked up, he saw that 101 had jumped continuously. With exquisite coordination, he drew an arc in the air, forcibly passing 102 and Weiyueyue away, and disappeared several kilometers away. Qingyao Yao can pursue, but her first priority is to protect Milaya.

She landed quickly and adjusted her breathing. The fierce battle just now took a lot of energy from her. Qingyao pushed open the rusty iron door and saw that Milaya was dead on the seat, with several bullet holes in her chest and abdomen. .

The camera in the corner of the room was also broken, and Milaya died in her protection, which made her frown.

The fourth person.

More than three people from the other party came, and there was also a fourth person.

Qingyao will never know what she did.

Walking to the dead Milaya, Qingyao found that she had not closed her eyes, as if the brief encounter before her death was also extremely terrifying to her. What did she see? Who opened the door, came in and killed Milai Ya, Qingyao looked at the gun she gave to Milaiya. It was unused. Milaiya didn't even dare to shoot at the opponent.

Qingyao closed her eyes for her and sat on the old operating table. She looked at Milaya carefully and noticed that the joints between her arms and legs that had been replaced with metal prostheses and the original body were clearly distinguishable. No matter how high she was, It is impossible for the witch to remain intact after such a horrific transformation.

Bitch, slave, killing machine.

Qingyao deliberately waited for 10 minutes.

"Milaiya is dead." Qingyao sent a message to the supervisor of the superior department.

"Where's the brain?" the supervisor asked.

"Missed the best time to save." Qingyao replied.

No more words were spoken there.

With her back against the dilapidated outpost wall, Qingyao sat down next to the dead Milaya.

I'm afraid I will disappoint Miss Lu, who covers the sky with only one hand. But there is no way.

She took out a cigarette from the inside of the armor, lit one for herself, took a deep breath, and blew out a smoke ring into the darkness of nothingness. It slowly swayed in a ring in the air, like Milaya's life. period.

One week later.

Micro October returned to the battlefield and was even more wary of dragon-hunting weapons. The pressure on Modern Entertainment Company increased dramatically and they had to change their policy.

More importantly, the death of Li Gaoping was exposed. The media rushed to report the death of Li Gaoping, chairman of Hyundai Entertainment Company. The new chairman Li Minhuan took power and announced the reopening of Silla, ending the five years of martial law.

Modern entertainment needs to restart, and the rebels do not have the strength to march south. The military expenditures of both sides have bottomed out, so Lee Min-hwan conducted a seven-hour negotiation with the new committee of the rebels. In the end, both parties agreed to reach a peace agreement. Micro Ten Yue did not attend.

The two sides drew a ceasefire line on the Silla Peninsula. The rebel army's control area greatly expanded, crossing Yaoyun Mountain and controlling company cities such as Sunju City and Gyeongin City in South Heungpyeong Province. They walked out of the mountainous area and obtained their own ports.

Generally speaking, the Heping Grain-Producing Zone and the Modern Entertainment Company each occupy half of the area.

As a result, Silla was officially split into two regions: the "Silla Labor Federation" and the "Hyundai Entertainment Company Area".

The surviving Silla people hesitated on the ceasefire line, not knowing which way to go. In the north, the committee promised fairness, but it must be poor; in the south, the company promised openness, but it must be exploitative. In any case, the five-year civil war in Silla

When it ends, people will rebuild their homes on the ruins and make up for the horrific scars caused by the civil war.

"How did you deal with the Sapphire Machine Puppet?" Kong Tai looked at the warship that was escorting them approaching slowly, and turned to ask 102.

"Before it called for help, I dismantled it," 102 said, sitting at the port. "I pressed the spirit fire on the seat, plugged the data cable into its interface, and the boss installed a Trojan software inside. Then the spirit fire sent out

He gave a lot of ambiguous information and even revealed the news of Li Gaoping’s death.”

"What else?" Kong Tai was curious, "There must be more than that. The sapphire machine puppet has a very special status among Tianshu's creations."

"Lu Sizhou is not a good person. If she keeps messing around, she will definitely be angered." 102 waved his hand, "We did the simplest thing... Linghuo will say something good about Lu Jing when he goes back. Lu Jing should be fine...

…Maybe she will be stationed in the northern archipelago.”

"Northern Archipelago! You can take a vacation when you go back." Kong Tai sighed, "I have collected so much money, arms and machinery in the countryside of Silla, so it is a worthwhile trip."

People are packing their luggage and preparing to return to Anjiu City.

Du Qianqian was sitting at the other end of the pier, with a sad face and long sighs.

"What are you doing?" Wei Yueyue walked up behind her, patted Du Qianqian's head, and sat next to her.

"Where are you going next?" Du Qianqian looked at Wei Shiyue.

"I don't know, the command center of the rebel army has been taken over by Milaya." Wei Shiyue shook his head, and the Bird Regiment was loading supplies and retreating. "The new ones are all new faces that I am not familiar with... everyone can't fight anymore.

When I move, my enthusiasm for peace is strong, my war exhaustion level is skyrocketing, and it’s so boring... There are also family matters. I was injured in a previous battle and my physical condition is poor. I’m afraid I have to concentrate on recuperation.”

"How are you doing at home?" Du Qianqian asked, "You and your father..."

"I thought about it for a long time before," Wei October nodded, "Now I feel that I need to contact my father once, but this is a very private matter... What about you? Du Qianqian, why are you looking so sad?"

"You don't know." Du Qianqian sighed, "I came to Silla to make money. I swore to my boss that I would bring 300 million back, but so far I have only raised a small 5 million, which is not enough."

to the request.”

"What kind of person is your boss?" Wei Shiyue asked.

"A good person, so I don't want to disappoint him." Du Qianqian sighed, "I really hate myself now. Why do I have to talk nonsense? Is 300 million so easy to make?"

When Du Qianqian talked about his sadness, he lowered his head again.

"Is there a future for hanging out with him?" Wei Shiyue was curious.

"Of course." Du Qianqian nodded vigorously.

Wei October stood up next to her, watching the responding warships getting closer and closer. She blinked, made a major decision, and kicked a pebble from the pier into the sea, feeling relieved.

"Take me away too." Wei Shiyue pulled Du Qianqian up, "Do you think I'm worth 300 million?"

Du Qianqian looked at Wei Yueyue, opened his mouth slightly and held his breath.

Progress: Infinite/300,000,000

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