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Chapter 404 The tail

From this distance, Du Qianqian could smell the fragrance of Wei Shiyue.

Hearing her bold words, Du Qianqian blushed and his heart skipped a beat. She felt that she suddenly became a completely different person. A soft and indescribable emotion lingered in her heart, which washed away the pain of the first half of her life.

"Okay." Du Qianqian tried his best to keep his voice from shaking, "Let's go back together."

The ship docked, and the metal gangway was extended by the sailors, slowly approaching the dock embankment. The hope of returning home has never been so bright.

Du Qianqian ran up, but he was afraid that Wei Yueyue would change his mind, so he felt great courage in his heart. He turned around and stretched out his hand to hold Wei Yueyue and take her on board.

Now, Du Qianqian wants to take Weiyueyue away from the ruins of Silla and live a leisurely life with her. This is more important than anything else.

Being held by Du Qianqian's hand, Wei Shiyue just followed silently, with a smile on his lips.

After getting on the boat, Du Qianqian's heart was pounding. He lay on the side of the boat and looked at the black foaming sea. He already thought about the grand occasion of bathing together with Wei Yueyue in the Shijin Building.

"I'm so looking forward to it!" Wei Shiyue didn't know that Du Qianqian's imagination had wandered so far. He just held on to the handrails of the boat and was ready to start a new life.

"Cut the box, cut the box." 102 made a sound simulating the operation of a train, thinking of himself as a crane, holding a large box on his head, and loading the seized materials onto the ship like a cargo.

Wei Shiyue looked at 102 and was deeply impressed by her ability.

The most terrifying thing is the "Army-Breaking Spear" carried by 102. Wei Yueyue can recognize secret texts. The gun is clearly engraved with exquisite ancient enchanted text, which adds a lot of terrifying power to this weapon. It is for

Prepare for brutal, advanced mythical battles.

When he fought Qingyao before, he became a burden that dragged down the battle and failed to make the final decision. This was an experience that Wei Yueyue had never had before.

She realized that her pursuit of power would never end. She couldn't help but secretly swear that she must continue to train combat skills, spells and physical fitness, and equip herself with advanced weapons.

What you have to deal with in modern battles is not only kinetic weapons, energy explosions and biochemical toxins from all directions, but also magic. The witches are huge in number and their strength is difficult to measure.

The situation of witches in Silla is somewhat different. Many witches were rescued by Youai Company. In the future, they will also go to other areas to continue the business of rescuing witches from the company.

"Where are the others?" Du Qianqian shouted towards 102.

102 piled big boxes next to the container and continued to move the boxes. She liked to move heavy things and feel the magic power stirring in her body. The magic power rose and fell like a tide, and was strengthened during the high-intensity back and forth movement, pushing 102 miles forward.

The path to the ruler.

"Some people want to stay in Silla." 102 thought for a while, and then explained, "Yoshiyuki Hosoda feels that he has not fought enough, and plans to blow up modern entertainment to the sky; Niedelait also wants to bypass some alliance law here,

Buy a factory and make cheap imitation prosthetics. After this war, there will be many disabled people, so there will probably be sales... Miying also needs to stay behind, be active in the chaos after the war, and maintain order.


"It sounds like these people are doing good things." Wei Shiyue asked curiously, "Are they all spontaneous? When did humans become so active?"

"None of them are living people." 102 laughed, "Hosoda has been transformed by 90% and is a humanoid arsenal; Niederrat has been transformed by 60% and can fly over walls and walls. Miying is completely a synthetic human."

"Then...are there still pure humans in your power?" Wei Shiyue was puzzled, "In this world full of modified humans, synthetics and witches, I think the only way out for humans is to not be human.


"Company? Yes, for example, the boss himself." 102 thought about it carefully, "The boss is more in line with the definition of a 'normal person'."

"So you are all willing to listen to the orders of a normal human being?" Wei October's eyes lit up.

"Probably." 102 turned around and looked around, waving his hand as if to wrap up everything on the dock, "The boss is the boss anyway, and we can't mess around in front of him."

"Is he a big entrepreneur? Rich in assets?" Wei Shiyue was even more curious.

"He is not as rich as we are." 102 said with a smile, "He is a rare kind of... free person, who has no desires and desires, and does whatever he wants."

"It's amazing." Wei Shiyue couldn't help but nodded.

"I'll give him a call." Du Qianqian walked to the stern of the ship and asked Xu Yang if he could take Wei October to the Shijin Building. "Hey, boss... Xiaowei... can Wei October go to the Shijin Building?"


"Bring her in." Xu Yang already knew the news about Wei Yueyue's survival. He also wanted to see what kind of character Mond's daughter was. "I'll ask someone to clean up Princess Moon's room."

"Thank you!" Du Qianqian was so happy that he forgot for a moment what a terrifying scene it would be if Wei October met Falosa.

At this time, at the port of Shunju City, rows of Silla people with their families were waiting for a ship that could take them out of Silla.

People carried heavy luggage, shouted and waved to the big ship, desperate for a chance to leave Silla.

The soldiers were all present and the cargo was counted. Due to safety concerns, Kong Tai had the ship directly pull anchor and set sail without taking the Silla people on the dock with them.

On the one hand, because the route is really unsafe, if it encounters an enemy, it may be troublesome; on the other hand, this ship cannot carry many people, and after it is filled with members of the Bird Group, the remaining tickets will be unfairly distributed no matter how they are sold, and they will be sold at high prices.

?Randomly selected? No matter what, it makes Kong Tai unable to balance his mind.

The ship sailed further and further away. Standing on the side of the ship in October, you could still see the fluttering figures on the port at first, but then they gradually disappeared.

Leaving Silla...

After the ceasefire was negotiated, Modern Entertainment also canceled the bounty on the rebels. Now Weiyueyue can be regarded as having nothing to do. He is an outlier in the world of corporatism and has multiple identities such as a resistance fighter, an idol trainee and a flying dragon.

The number of human beings has reached tens of billions. Wei Shiyue looks at human beings from the perspective of a "dragon" and has no special thoughts about them. He just laments how they are so good at reproducing.

If these 10 billion people unite, they can scream and hold the supernatural power to death in prison, but they are too good at torturing their own people, but they give the mysterious person a chance to come back.

Her original intention was to defeat the company, but Modern Entertainment also has a good fighting force and capital foundation. In the past five years, Micro October has only gained war experience. In addition to becoming stronger, it still failed to unify Silla.

The reason why it became like this is probably because I supported it alone and did not establish a strong force. Wei Shiyue secretly said that if he went to the northern archipelago, he might be able to make new friends.

Micro October intends to find a way to unify the world in the new environment.

"Unifying the world" is undoubtedly the greatest idea since the birth of the entire civilization, and no other ambition can compare with it.

There are countless engineers, scientific researchers, technicians and mathematicians among 10 billion people, and they continue to give birth to so many witches who can distort the world.

How wonderful it would be if we could break down the barriers, unite as one, and build starships to control space! This is the ultimate ideal that we have often thought about when we were looking at the stars on the moon in October.

After eight hours of sailing, the ship anchored at the port of Anjiu City.

The outline of Anjiu City is getting closer and closer. Wei Shiyue opens his eyes and carefully observes this colorful and gorgeous city. Colorful, this is the first impression of Wei Shiyue. Almost every building is as gorgeous as possible to decorate their outer walls.


"Let's go shopping first and then go to the Shijin Building." Du Qianqian took Wei Shiyue's hand and got off the boat. Now she was getting more and more skilled in holding Wei Shiyue, and she no longer blushed.

She took Weiyue to the bustling streets of Anjiu City, known as the large business district of the Gowangji area. Even though the economic situation was unfavorable, the city's central business district was still prosperous, with people coming and going.

it's beautiful.

Everything in front of him left a deep impression on Wei Shiyue. The blocks were divided by huge buildings, all of which were majestic. When observing, he had to raise his head hard and look left and right to see the whole picture clearly.

The upper floors are occupied by specialty stores of giant companies, with luxury shuttles moving back and forth. The middle floor is contracted by large companies, and the surrounding areas are connected by sky corridors, integrating the functions of a shopping mall, specialty stores and the sale of boutique clothing.

The shops from the middle level down to the streets are crowded with individual merchants. There are unique game arcades, animation cinemas, hotels, private Internet cafes, izakayas, barbecue restaurants, spas and fitness clubs everywhere... The lights and shadows are bright and colorful, and it is inexhaustible.


Wei Shiyue and Du Qianqian strolled there and enjoyed their consumption.

As a city in the northern archipelago, Anjiu City is also deeply immersed in the unique animation cultural industry.

Even if I don't like anime, I can still feel this relaxed and happy entertainment atmosphere. There are giant anime characters on the outer walls of the shopping malls, and advertisements for seasonal dramas and popular mobile games are projected on the sides of the traveling airships. On the streets and alleys

All have lively theme music, and the real scenes and paper characters are indistinguishable from each other.

The city's traffic is also carefully layered, with vehicles flying through the sky, light rails running through the city, drones exploring roads, and vehicles flowing continuously, most of which are decorated with cute cartoon stickers. There are also Nisto company's security units patrolling the streets.

Synths, security personnel and drones are a trinity, always on call to maintain order.

Everything makes Wei October happy, and this is the city she wants to live in permanently.

Shopping is full of fun for little girls.

Wei Shiyue patiently accepted the trinkets, luggage accessories and various hair accessories that Du Qianqian bought for them. They also bought new clothes. When they arrived at the fitting room, Du Qianqian got in and discovered the human form of Wei Shiyue.

It has a tail.

"...Tail, tail!" Du Qianqian stammered.

"Oh? Do you have any ideas about the tail?" Wei Shiyue changed her underwear and twirled her tail in the mirror, "Usually she uses magic to cover it up."

It was a rather powerful tail, extremely strong, covered with fine white scales, arranged in an orderly manner, and there was an extendable one-way tail at the tip to help maintain balance.

"I, I...can I touch it?" Du Qianqian said. Before Wei Shiyue could reply, she had already started to use her hands. After rubbing them for a while, she found that the end of the tail would "swell" after being filled with blood.

No one had ever dared to touch Wei Shiyue's dragon tail. Wei Shiyue also felt strange. Instead of taking his tail back, he repeatedly passed the tip of his fluffy tail through Du Qianqian's palm. It took a long time before he took it back.

It’s the end of October! This, this is so happy. Du Qianqian has never felt so happy!

She felt like she was a different person inside and out. She looked at Wei Shiyue with an expectant and shy look, but Wei Shiyue smiled calmly.

"There are no cameras here, can you show me your true appearance?" Wei Shiyue requested.

Du Qianqian returned to his original appearance, youthful and a bit sinister, like a bad high school girl, standing next to Wei Yueyue.

"This is your true beauty." Wei Shiyue adjusted her hair in the mirror, "I still think you look best this way."

Du Qianqian's heart was beating wildly, and he was about to be hit to death. After that, he could only follow Wei Yueyue, looking limp the whole time.

This chapter has been completed!
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