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Four hundred and thirtieth chapters human

The mercenaries swallowed their saliva, losing their drones and losing their means of safe reconnaissance.

It became more difficult for them to step into the majestic forest in front of them. It was said that the land in front of them was originally covered with garbage, which was piled up like mountains and was endless, but now what they saw was a vast and primitive jungle.

It is full of greenery, with colorful plants growing wildly under the night sky. Giant pink flowers, green vines, towering old trees, moss and rocks can be seen everywhere. It is difficult to imagine such a vibrant landscape without seeing it with your own eyes.

The drone was easily shot down in the forest, and these mercenaries felt strongly threatened, but the warriors who were on the battlefield would not be easily deterred.

In principle, they are heading towards inevitable death. This is an industry that pays in blood. No matter how cruel and terrifying supernatural phenomena they face, they must risk their lives.

In addition, insurance companies will repeatedly check their death reports. Cowardly deaths will result in their relatives being unable to obtain compensation.

In this era, both ideals and courage can be purchased with money. The mercenaries murmured at the nihilistic threats, exchanged glances to ensure that each other's morale was sufficient, and then checked their weapons and equipment one last time.

Eight people carry "Snake" 7mm main battle rifles, and four people use electric energy submachine guns, which can easily use high-rate energy ammunition to erode armor. Other items such as fragmentation grenades, pulse bombs, treatment needles, repair kits, military spikes or daggers

Same as everything.

After completing the inspection, they left two of them to guard the evacuation ship, while the rest set foot into the majestic woodland with the determination to die.

Modern mercenaries are more flexible than their counterparts in previous eras. They have undergone appropriate human body modifications and are equipped with composite artificial eyes that have magnification, night vision, and lookout functions, replacing bulky night vision goggles and telescopes. Materials and technology have improved

Improvements also allow them to wear lightweight and sturdy helmets and armor.

Not only that, they carry less bulky rocket launchers and individual anti-aircraft missiles, instead using wrist-pop-up bee missiles and laser shoulder cannons, which are more portable. These man-made kits are connected together through a bionic circuit bundle that runs through the back of the spine and are powered by a unified power supply.

There are many ways to supply energy. If the device consumes less power, micro-gears in the knee joints are usually used. When the mercenaries move in the forest, the gears in their knees will rotate rapidly every time they take a step.

Generate electrical energy.

The electronic products buried in their bodies make them feel particularly confident. They do not rely solely on flesh and blood to advance. Companies, R&D personnel and retailers secretly help make them become sophisticated mercenaries in this era. The promotion plan

The advertising slogan also makes them feel more at ease.

"Safety ahead."

"No trace of monster detected."

"There is no life response within 200 meters."

"Cheer up and collect enough information to understand what happened here." The mercenaries moved forward in a tactical formation to ensure that threats from all directions would be discovered immediately, while constantly recording the images in front of them.

After ten minutes of strolling, they had gone deep into the majestic forest and even picked up the drone that had been shot down before. It suffered electromagnetic interference and was seriously damaged.

"It's too quiet here." A mercenary couldn't help but say. He moved the muzzle of his gun down an inch and looked up at the cloudy sky. The full moon was hidden behind the clouds.

Almost in response to his words, a rustling sound came from the soil.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of strong and powerful vines burst out of the ground, entangling and capturing them like ropes! The mercenaries shouted loudly and used guns, flamethrowers or sabers to destroy these vines.

Every tree shook violently at this time, making extremely harsh and confusing sounds, and the flying green vines plunged the mercenaries into chaos.

In an instant, they transformed from fearless technological warriors to frightened herds. After all, they were facing the most terrifying opponent in the world - nature itself.

The earth is no longer reliable, the soil is churning under their feet, the sweet smell of pollen is jumping on their olfactory receptors, the vines are like whips and sharp blades, and madness pours the wrath of nature on them.


"Keep your distance!" A mercenary pulled the handle of a portable flamethrower. Its end was connected to his abdomen, and liquid fuel was extracted from his metal intestines. He saw blue-green flames exploding in front of him.

, the sea of ​​​​fire spread on the grass, the night was illuminated, the grass was ignited, and the more fuel the injector consumed, the lighter he felt his body became.

He roared loudly and vowed to conquer nature until the black creature appeared again.


Another bolt of lightning spread out at high speed, sweeping across the battlefield like a giant transparent blade waving in the blink of an eye. Even the most advanced protective equipment present could not withstand this level of electromagnetic pulse waves. Human body equipment was instantly destroyed by high temperatures and arcs.

They screamed and lost control of their bodies. They were as fragile as if all their bones had been ripped out. They fell to the ground easily, and their internal organs were set on fire.

When they lost all the electrical appliances on their bodies, the only thing they could do was to see the monster clearly with their naked eyes and tremble in fear at its terrifying appearance.

It was the one that had previously shot down the drone with its lightning. It was a giant rat, the largest female rat-man. She had a slender head, a giant snout full of sharp teeth, a slender body, long arched legs, and roots at the end of her limbs.

A rat claw is extremely sharp, a long razor-like tail is sweeping behind him, and deformed bone spurs are growing along the back of his spine, which is a complete nightmare.

"No, no..." The mercenaries lay on the ground in pain. When the end of their lives was approaching, their greatest wish was to deny it all. They sadly and greedily enjoyed the last time of their lives, breathing every second.


The ruthless natural executioners followed them, wrapping vines around their necks, lifting them up and dragging them away, constantly tightening the restraints along the way until they died.

The corpses of these mercenaries will be hung evenly on the edge of the majestic woodland, exposed to wind and sun, and become food for crows and maggots. Their decayed and festered appearance will serve as a warning to those who come after them before setting foot in this protected land.

Think twice before protecting woodland.

"Beautiful." Falosa emerged from the depths of the dense forest at night, approaching the bloody slaughterhouse step by step. The pungent smell of burned gasoline exuded from the ground, reminding her of the failed works in the alchemy workshop.

"You are here too." Sally turned around and looked down at Falosa.

"I like it here, and I like to live with people of equal power and position." Falosa walked up to Sally and talked to her like a long-lost friend, "I once believed that I was superior, so I was ridiculed by fate.

I was called a lonely shadow and was forced to run away alone. Now I am keen on making allies, hoping that I can defeat the enemy this time."

Sally felt terrified and uneasy in front of Falosa. This witch regarded life as child's play. Life and death were at the mercy of her thoughts. She had no choice but to obey her and cater to her with all her strength, otherwise she would be punished.

She turned her head and looked towards the dark forest, hoping to see the ancient gods dormant here, but she sighed no. The vines retracted deep into the earth, the trees stopped shaking, leaving her alone to face Falosa herself.

"I just want to find the answer." Sally walked deeper in the woods, faster and faster, "I like this big woodland."

"Better than any city..." Farosha followed closely. Sally started running, walking as fast as flying. She walked through the forest like a phantom. Farosha refused to be conciliatory and took big strides.

Can follow slowly.

Sally came to the huge golden tree in the center of the majestic woodland. It has lush branches and leaves, and every leaf exudes supreme golden light. The Lord of the forest has planted part of its deep power deep here, making it thrive and powerful.

Resist pollution and corrosion.

"After the Lord of the Forest came," Sally said, "the golden trees in Mouse Village also changed. My people are transforming towards our natural essence."

"Rat?" Falosa said in a contemptuous tone.

"Human." Sally solved the mystery. She climbed up the giant golden tree and hung herself upside down on the golden branches with her tail. Her body covered with soft hair was only covered with a few leaves and animal skins, which made her feel

More at ease, "The rat people are turning back into humans."

"Ratmen should look like ratmen," Farossa said. "Otherwise, how would it be decent?" She also thought deeply about the millions of ratmen who would be the most qualified labor force and devote themselves to all jobs that require heavy labor.


"You don't understand." Sally's body slid up, she stretched out her slender arms, and climbed halfway up the tree. Her voice came from afar, echoing in the forest, "They received education and returned to the forest."

At work, I received respect and rest, and then gradually returned to my normal self."


"I thought everything wrong before," Sally said as she climbed to the top. "I thought the rat-men were eternal changes. But when I thought about it carefully, those who were disrespected and the hardest working people gradually turned into the rat-men.

, and this process can also be reversed, and the rat people can return to normal humans."

"Nisto Company?" Falosa stared at Sally's huge black figure, imprinted in the brilliant canopy of the golden tree. In her eyes, it was just like a black spot that needed to be torn off.

"They transform the fastest." Sally sat on the top of the golden tree branch. "I sent three rat men. They put on work clothes, hats and masks, bent over and worked in the corner, and got their salary. Chapter 1

Its hair decreased rapidly in three days. When they got up on the seventh day, they saw their human appearance in the mirror. Then I asked them to leave the mouse village forever to avoid turning back into mice. A new life began. This is what happened in the mirror.

The rat village has become a continuous cycle of business, and the number of rats in the rat village is getting smaller and smaller."

"You are reducing your own followers." Farosha scoffed in a low voice, "You must be weaker than before."

"So I came here to find an opportunity to relax, and I made a difficult decision." Sally looked at the prosperous city of Anjiu in the distance from the canopy of the trees. She took a deep breath, "I want to help everyone, and I want the rat people to be safe."

One by one, they will turn back into humans, and when the rat village is emptied, I will go to other places to continue healing rat people around the world and teach them how to turn back into humans."

"Too stupid." Falosa sneered, "If I had the ability to transform people into witches, I would do so without hesitation. Let them become my admirers, look up to my power, and enhance my strength.


"Everyone has always taken good care of me from beginning to end." Sally murmured, "I want to help everyone."

"You don't understand." Farossa reminded, "You are completely wrong; if the rat people look like rats, they are a unique group with their own culture, racial characteristics and advantages. If you turn them back into humans,

They will become numbers and cannon fodder like the mercenaries who were killed before."

"The worst-off human beings are better off than the rat-men," said Sally.

"You still don't understand that there are already too many humans in this world. What you have to do is to protect the rat people and increase species diversity."

"So our existence is to increase diversity!" Sally lowered her head and yelled at Falosa.

The huge scream made Falosa frown. Such an obvious transgression made her feel deeply resentful. Such an offense should be punished.

But when Falosa looked up, she saw cracks on the golden tree, and each crack was filled with countless pairs of eyes. They stared at Falosa, making her unable to move.

"Don't forget, you are a witch first. A rat-man witch." Farosha said these words, then turned away from the golden tree.

Looking at Falosa leaving, Sally fell into silence.

Yes. She is a witch first. Sally raised her hand to the sky and looked at the layers of hair growing on her arms. The chaotic beliefs of the rat people were gathered into the dew drops, and she drank the dew drops without discrimination.

Then it became like this.

Sally didn't tell Falosa what she suspected -

If all the rat people become humans, then the belief projection of the rat people will also disappear, and Sally will fall from the deformed form of the rat devil and return to her original appearance.

However, even if she told Falosa about this idea, she would laugh at herself, thinking that Sally did not cherish her precious divine power. Falosa would never take the initiative to understand others.

Falosa is so good, it has everything. Sally lay in the depths where the branches of the golden tree meet, huddled up like a mouse, surrounded by dense golden branches and leaves, like a curtain and a veil.

Falosa has people who love her, a group of dedicated subordinates, a large group of young witches who listen to her teachings, and is familiar with many powerful ancient beings. But Sally is just an ordinary female mouse.

The ideal of the little mouse was not important in the first place. Sally comforted herself like this. Then she lay down in the tree and slowly fell asleep.

This chapter has been completed!
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