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Chapter 434 Hacker Conference

After returning, Falosa conducted several controlled deductions in the secret room. When she entered the deep meditation state of the Witch God, she was able to fully mobilize her extensive divine power and wisdom to explore various future situations.

The results of the corporate war are tragic, not only the giant corporate battles currently taking place in the Eastern Hemisphere, but also the battle between Nisto Corporation and New Xisheng Group for hegemony in the northern archipelago.

At present, they are unable to prevent the destruction of cities by nuclear weapons, so no matter what, the northern archipelago after the war will be devastated, and it will take an entire generation to rebuild what has been lost.

The New Hisheng Group's nuclear arsenal inherits the foundation left by Noriko Honma, including a strategic missile system that operates around the clock, and a large number of ballistic missiles hidden in silos at secret military bases.

The northern archipelago is so narrow that there are traces of mountainous areas and uninhabited islands that can be used to hide nuclear weapons bases, but this is top secret and will never be disclosed to the outside world.

At the same time, they also have nuclear submarines, which are the strongest and most viable force in the nuclear strike force. Of course, Farosha can use sea descendants to search offshore areas, but after all, they are a company. They can use nuclear submarines at will if they wish.

Jizo hid in the jurisdiction of another company, completely without a trace, and was only waiting for the right time to launch nuclear weapons into Anjiu City.

In addition, there are those large strategic bombers and stealth bombers that will be dispatched in batches at any time, causing irreversible effects on the city.

Law of Recovery? After the city was destroyed by nuclear weapons, Farosha could indeed use complex rituals to drive divine power and restore the entire city to the state before the bombing.

But this is the resurrection of the dead on a scale of millions. People after resurrection will also retain their memories. They will never forget the terrible fact that they died and lived again. Once the matter reaches this point, it is impossible for the citizens to pretend to be deaf.

Being dumb, when nothing happens, you will definitely do all kinds of troublesome things.

If humans become suspicious thorns, the cost of controlling them will rise dramatically.

Therefore, we must first dismantle the nuclear weapons system, and then strike hard at these corporate dogs, seize their industries, annex their territories, kill all their members, and seize their funds. Falosa secretly said.

This matter still needs long-term consideration.

The opponent is an entire group company, and there may be some accidents. Yan Duo was originally supposed to carry the nuclear bomb, but it was called away by those giant brothers. This made Falosa adopt a more cautious strategy.

She suspected that the New Xisheng Group's winning rate was less than 1%, but she did not dare to gamble with her own destiny, so she must first cut off the New Xisheng Group's last means of resistance, so that they would be defeated strategically and tactically.


She went upstairs to find Xu Yang. He seemed to be negotiating with someone and had a pleasant conversation.

"Who are you talking to?" Falosa frowned.

"Seven lives together." Xu Yang leaned back, "I sent her the creative plans written by Kirino Reiyo. She was happy and excited. Of course, she didn't know that Kirino Reiyo was here. I just said it was her.

A passionate fan of.”

"The big fox was more amiable when he was a cartoonist." Falosa sneered, "Or maybe it would be quite suitable to be a pet."

"I'm leaving for a while." Xu Yang put on his coat and left his terminal.

"What to do?" Falosa felt even weirder, "You'd better explain it to me clearly."

"Global Hacker Conference." Xu Yang adjusted his clothes and said, "It will be held online, but I have to dress up before setting off."

"You look extremely happy."

"Yes." Xu Yang was eager to give it a try. "It's crowded with technical experts, the strongest hackers, and fighters from all over the world who are willing to fight against the company. Hackers are creative, curious and solitary. They can be said to be the coolest

A group of people, and this conference has gathered all the elites.”

"You will scare them to death." Farosha said in an arrogant tone, "Prove them your strength."

"No," Xu Yang said, "I entered as an apprentice. Compared with those real legendary hackers, what I can do is very limited. I must try my best to learn from them so that my skills can reach the highest level.


"Is it possible that you still want to take the certificate?"

"Yes." Xu Yang faced the mirror to adjust his state, "I don't have the ability to break into the core database of a giant enterprise now. There are layers of prevention and control there, with first-level network engineers personally checking it, and world-renowned network security companies providing protection.

, only by climbing higher and reaching the highest level of my skills can I have the opportunity to go in and see what’s going on.”

"Find the military base." Falosa came back to her senses, "As long as you sneak into the data center of the New Xisheng Group, you can reveal where their strategic weapons are stored."

"More than that, when it gets to that point, I can tamper with everything." Xu Yang was fully prepared, "Okay, leave the office to me alone."

"Hmph." Falosa kissed Xu Yang, "You'd better do it."

She turned and left.

"Xu Cheng?" Xu Yang looked for the little fool's location.

The little fool looked at Xu Yang, who was extremely handsome and energetic, with wide eyes. She saluted Xu Yang, nodded, ran to close all the curtains, then made herself some milk, sat on the cabinet, and held her hand in her hand.

Li held the milk cup firmly and looked at Xu Yang blankly.

"I'll be back in six to ten hours." Xu Yang was relieved, sat down in the chair, checked the line, ensured the emergency backup strategy, took a deep breath, pulled out the data cable from his wrist, and reached into the terminal.

Type the communication key sent by the relay on the screen in front of you, and take a deep breath.

——His spirit turned into photoelectric information, entered the vast and infinite network space, and then entered the main venue along the established channel.

This is an online meeting space. High-end business meetings are also carried out in a similar form. People are exposed to digital light, shadow, sound, and color. Everything can be constructed, shaped, and deleted by the administrator. Participants act in the virtual environment on the server in the form of code.

in the platform.

The location he is in is a virtual sand dune. The undulating sand is composed of fine hexagonal particles. The surrounding land is composed of numbers and strings, reflecting the underlying source code of the server.

Xu Yang stared intently at the soil filled with advanced technical information. Those familiar codes and code names gave him a sense of enlightenment. He suddenly realized where this place was.

This is the server of the Deep Anonymous Network.

Right here! Xu Yang's heart was racing. He finally saw it. This is the ultimate server that provides anonymous activities for countless Internet surfers, allowing them to carry out a series of secret operations without supervision and tracking. The global hacker conference is held here.


He looked up and immediately saw the dark purple "starry sky". The dome of the digital space was a concrete network firewall. It was so sophisticated that it looked like hundreds of millions of grids, isolating the deep anonymous network from the public network operated by the company.

The two parties reached a tacit agreement, and the company tamed billions of people at one end of the network firewall, allowing them to be satisfied with the superficial information provided by the surface network. All the evil, madness and deviance were hidden in the deep anonymous network, making them like sparks.

They all flicker on their own, swirling up and down, showing their own faces on this vast sand dune.

The so-called public networks are like planets. Many planets are dying and withering above Xu Yang's head, gradually turning into cold rocks. That's because the companies that operate them have gone bankrupt, leaving behind abandoned servers waiting for them.

Recycling, there are still hundreds of thousands of unarchived websites, thus becoming dead celestial bodies in cyberspace.

Neon lights and shadows crisscrossed everywhere. Xu Yang could instantly move to every corner of the server with just a thought. Other hackers were also drifting on the virtual sand dunes. They were real light and current, not bound by the mortal body.

A string of codes crossed Xu Yang's side and turned into a young girl with pink hair and fancy tattoos. She held a lollipop in her mouth, wore a black vest and leather pants, and was covered in metal jewelry from head to toe.

He regarded himself as an object of engraving.

"Where are you from!" she shouted with great interest.

"I can't say!" Xu Yang felt a crazy atmosphere spreading. The hackers invited here were all proficient in information technology and keen to declare war on authority, but he had to stay rational. You must know that there are not many hackers in Xia

, many of them were defeated by communication servers, or were lured out of their holes by network security knowledge contests.

"Okay, you crazy guy, I'm from New Taipei!"

"Strange." Xu Yang was curious, "I thought people in Xintai and Xizhou were all people with high aspirations, living an unimaginable luxury life and living with the highest standards of welfare."

"The dog-raised lighthouse core pursues an isolation strategy and treats us like animals in the interior of the mainland of New Taipei." She said viciously, "You don't know, the people of New Taipei have been raised to waste, and everyone is so stupid that they are useless.

I can't tell the difference between the people of Xia, Silla and the Northern Islands. I can't tell where in the world Lundenim is. I even think that the company established on Hepingzhou is a kangaroo company. I get along with them very quickly.

I will become another fool, so I have to break out of the Internet barrier and embrace freedom!"

"I remember that Todd Compson, the founder of the cameraless relationship, was also from New Zealand." Xu Yang looked into the Internet Dune. The initiator and leader of this conference was about to give a speech and transfer core files.

, publish the core information of Sea of ​​Hillis.

"Yes, his whole family was killed by the risk prevention and control force at the core of Lighthouse." The girl said enthusiastically, "There are always people in the world who are unwilling to be cowards. We have a deep grudge against the company."

More and more hackers stopped streaming and stayed in place. Xu Yang looked around and saw that there were Internet ghosts everywhere. Each one was a cyber ghost with its own unique skills. There were thousands of them.

Almost ready to begin, the oversized pixelated head of Todd Compson, founder of the Cameraless Connection, rises from the bottom of the dune, a happy, fat, pale cheek, rising high into the sky to look down on everything.

This chapter has been completed!
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