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Four hundred and thirtieth chapters continue to learn

A bitmap composed of countless pixels forms Todd's fat face, and the most powerful hacker king in history reveals his true face at this moment.

He was active decades ago, but now he is old and frail, approaching the end of his life. Xu Yang secretly thought that this conference has far-reaching implications, and it may be a major opportunity for him to completely leave the physical form.

Xu Yang observes other hackers.

There are many people with extraordinary abilities in this army of hackers. They are experienced, creative, and not as capable as Todd. However, they do not cause trouble, but behave themselves. After all, every hacker is more or less a descendant of Todd.

Having gained experience and lessons from technical documents, it is no exaggeration to say that Todd is the ancestor of all hackers.

Todd's happy avatar began to speak. His eyes were still kind and kind, and there was still fat on his face. Only his mouth opened and closed, like a graduation project for three years of studying animation.

"Long time no see!" Todd's words appeared in the form of code above his avatar, placed in a bubble like a dialog box, and accompanied by a "didi" message prompt, which was quite crisp and took people back to his early days.

From the days of Internet surfing, a retro chat room-like atmosphere comes to mind.

"Welcome to this conference." Todd sent out a second chat bubble, pushing away the previous dialog box. Its transparency gradually increased, and gradually faded out until it was nothing. "Obviously you have all discovered that this is deep anonymity.

The server of the Internet.”

"I have verified the unique keys of everyone present." Todd continued to send a message, "We successfully avoided agents and spies and met in this unique secret space. An event like this is probably unprecedented. I am very emotional,

It is the Internet communication service that saved human civilization. The brilliant financial activities are also based on Internet sites all over the world. We are just the wanderers who shuttle among them. The survival form of hackers is based on the Internet, and the deep anonymous network is all the Internet.

The best of them all, let’s cheer for it!”



“The Deep Anonymous Web is here to stay!”

"Nice to meet you, man." Communication bubbles popped up above everyone's heads. Even though they could transmit hundreds of megabytes of information in one second, they still chose to use this retro communication method to show respect to Todd.

The Deep Anonymous Network is of great significance. Xu Yang used it to find Mateo and accept the initial contract, so he understands how important this thing is.

Before Todd could continue, Xu Yang saw the entire virtual network base come alive.

First hundreds, then tens of thousands of microscopic creatures crawled out from the data dunes made of hexagonal gravel. They were large and small, as small as mosquitoes, and as large as buildings and vehicles, and they were shining with colorful lights.

Beautiful mosaic texture, inside is a string of characters that is constantly scrolling and playing.

"Don't worry, guys," Todd said, "These are the native inhabitants of the server. Most are made up of information, some are digital creatures based on wild artificial intelligence, and there are also people who gave up their physical bodies in the process of using digital minds.

, they were unable to fight against the immeasurable chaos of big numbers, and they also turned into this form and joined the chaos symbols. All those who abuse their digital minds will fall into this fate."

This was the most amazing scene Xu Yang had ever seen in his life. There were digital beings of all sizes everywhere. They were angular and the amount of data could be distinguished from their body shapes.

Hackers consciously move their positions to avoid running into these digital beings floating on the server disk. Once swallowed by their huge mouths, although they will not die, they will also lose personal information.

In an instant, Xu Yang traveled to another corner of the virtual space, and in the blink of an eye he could no longer see the pink-haired girl from Xintai Xizhou.

Observing carefully, he discovered that a chasm appeared in the center of the entire data dune, tearing the entire server apart and extending into the bottomless night at both ends.

"I awakened them to give you a long view, because these digital beings are eroding the foundation of the entire deep anonymous network." Todd sent a message, "Wherever they pass, channels are blocked and files disappear. Those with basic consciousness

Digital beings devouring other data to grow themselves larger and larger like slime gel. The strongest of them have threatened the very existence of the entire Deep Anonymous Network."

Xu Yang observed the bottom of the chasm, and a sense of terror arose spontaneously. An unprecedentedly huge digital life lay at the bottom. It was formless and invisible. Different functions constructed its identifiable outer layer, just like chaos itself, which reminded Xu Yang of

The shining dark purple evil sun will rush up at any time and engulf everything.

There's a crisis happening in the Deep Anonymous Web.

"Without the Deep Anonymous Network," Xu Yang sent his message, "hackers would have nowhere to go."

"Yes," Todd responded, "We encounter threats on two fronts. On the one hand, the establishment of the Sea of ​​Hillis means that the company's public network will be impeccable; on the other hand, the rampant artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence on the deep anonymous network

Wild digital life is eroding our dark home. This conference is to solve these two problems. Now, I hope all the brave and outstanding hackers present will listen to my opinions."

"In this century," Todd continued, "elite hackers continue to breach corporate security lines. The emergence of the digital mind is like a double-edged sword. Both network security and hackers use the extra computing power it provides to sift and decipher data patterns.

Looking for loopholes in each other's key construction and cracking. Obviously hackers are better at this, so companies have stopped cultivating digital mind engineers to prevent them from falling into the dark side of power."

“The emergence of the Sea of ​​Hillis urges us to continue to win in this competition,” Todd said. “We are hackers, and our only enemy is the information barriers that companies have built higher and higher. We are the information of this era.

Grand thieves, affect terminal equipment, shut down exchanges, empty and steal digital assets in any cash card, steal key information, and create signal jamming and interference on the battlefield. Only local area networks and physical disconnections can escape our killing techniques.


The heroism and courage of the King of Hackers deeply inspired the hackers present, and Xu Yang also felt a little moved.

In this century-old battle to end corporatism, hackers are taking the lead and becoming the winning force to break the deadlock. He was born as a network security engineer, but his fate was ultimately deeply bound to the hacker's way, which was also dictated by his personality.

"To this end," Todd said, "I stole part of the source code of Sea of ​​Hillis, which is enough to give you a preliminary understanding of its framework foundation, so that you will not be helpless when attacking or building your own XLS system in the future; I also decided

Passing the service key of the Deep Anonymous Network into your hands, you can use it to continue to configure anonymous servers everywhere and distribute data through encryption algorithms, thus delaying the progress of the entire large server being swallowed up by digital life."

A large number of folders appear on the left and right sides of Todd's avatar.

Xu Yang checked briefly and found that on one side were some project files of "Sea of ​​Hillis" and on the other side were the port keys of the Deep Anonymous Network.

People must build their own servers to share the traffic pressure of the overwhelmed deep anonymous network. As they see, this large server has been filled with violent digital lives and is no longer safe.

This is a most dedicated job, with no profit to speak of, but everyone doing their part to share the endless burden of the deep anonymous network on everyone's shoulders.

"I, Todd Compson, am approaching retirement and the end of my physical body. In the future, my life will be hosted on the server." Todd concluded, "My future life and death depend entirely on whether you are willing to take over the important task of maintaining the server.

Responsibility, if the firepower of hackers is passed down from generation to generation and the maintenance of this ultimate server continues to survive, I will live forever, be immortal, and live happily. If this baton finally breaks, I will disappear when the server is shut down.


The moment this last message was sent, the hackers present all saw Todd's pixel image gradually disintegrating in the air, fading, and turning into a black and white photo, indicating the fall of this hacker king.

The brisk music of the golden age of corporatism sounded. Under their joint witness, Todd's digitized personality information was uploaded to the digital space of the deep anonymous network, condensed into an ordinary hexagonal piece of gravel, and fell into the sand dunes.

Mixed with other data groups, it is difficult to distinguish each other.

Legendary hacker Todd Compson passed away at the age of 85.

Xu Yang was lucky enough to witness all this himself.

After he disappeared, all the hackers sat down on the data dunes and began to receive and download the two legacies left by Todd.

Part of the source code for Sea of ​​Cylis, and the server configuration key for the Deep Anonymous Network.

Todd cleverly left behind a series of keys that only experienced hackers can crack. It is like an ingenious yet difficult mechanism. As a final test, the faster it is solved, the stronger the hacker's skills are.


Legendary hackers cracked the keys one after another and downloaded the files. There were 495 elite hackers present. Xu Yang exhausted his computing power and entered the download column, only to find that he was the 56th one to crack it.

It seems that there are at least 55 people with more computing power than him, and this number also roughly reveals Xu Yang's position on the world rankings.

It is indeed a hacker conference filled with experts, and the best among the best will have the best.

After downloading and studying the two pieces of information, many hackers turned away and disappeared into the virtual space.

Xu Yang was not in a hurry to leave, but calculated and analyzed on the spot, digesting the legacy left by Todd. Some of the other hackers also stayed here for a long time, silently studying the core information.

Xu Yang first studied the core code of Sea of ​​Sylis.

It is a brand-new technology that integrates the advantages of artificial intelligence and digital mind to build a hierarchical intelligent operating system with multi-model collaboration, allowing operators to drive vast network security systems with cognitive intelligence, surpassing all previous traditional encryption methods.

Traditional firewalls are like "walls". If the wall is bypassed or cracked, the protection will be ineffective. The key must be replaced in time to avoid injection attacks and malicious data.

The Sea of ​​Hillis is the real "sea". It requires attackers to temporarily upload their consciousness to the inside of the Sea of ​​Hillis, otherwise they will not be able to perform any external operations. Once entering the Sea of ​​Hillis, you will feel huge at any time.

Resistance, the deeper you swim, the easier it is to fall into it and eventually suffocate and drown, thus achieving perfect defense.

All companies are united, and all giant companies will go online with the Sea of ​​Seas system, Xu Yang secretly said.

Sure enough, traditional hackers will be unable to deal with the new network from now on. He himself has only initially identified this system and knows its way around, so he will not be overwhelmed by it.

After watching Sea of ​​Hillis, Xu Yang downloaded the port key of the Deep Anonymous Network and prepared to build a server room in Anjiu City to share the data pressure.

This is a career that has come and gone. If the deep anonymous network is completely broken, then hackers will have no way out, which is of great significance.

After doing all this, Xu Yang took one last look at the digital dune.

A large number of crazy digital lives are surging on the gorgeous information sand. Many hackers choose to stay here for a long time and become the guardians of the sand dunes. They use data cleaning programs to kill these manic lives, discuss maintenance methods, and delay the totalization of large servers.

Crash time.

Hackers with no camera connections are also constantly discussing the running issues of the entire organization after the death of founder Todd.

Everything was developing quietly and intensively, Xu Yang secretly understood.

This is a unique conference. As Todd said at the beginning, such an event is unprecedented and cannot happen again in the world. Hackers have different positions and different goals, and it will never be possible to unite together again.

It will also become unsafe here.

Xu Yang was filled with emotions, but he still disconnected and left the entire virtual space and returned to real life.

This chapter has been completed!
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