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Chapter 458 Sea of ??Hillis

【Sea of ​​Hillis】

"Hey, newbie, don't wear this baby out. This is a recording I Todd left here, playing because you had your phone on for over 12 hours at a time. Yes, I know people are excited about new technology, but don't wear it out.

Your own neurons are burned to the ground. There are more interesting things in life than surfing the Internet. Think about the future."

"This is Siemantec Information Security Company. We have never seen an opponent as difficult as you. Come with us. We will pay you 204,000 per month. Don't waste your youth here. Nisto Company will give you

So much money?”

"Hi, dear 'Electronic Ghost',

We are honored to inform you that you have been removed from the client list of our services in most corporate jurisdictions, neutral territories and free municipalities around the world. Due to your persistent confrontation work, we have included you in the list of our partners

In the joint blacklist, no matter where you are connected to the public network, we will find you, destroy you, and kill all your relatives to make up for the huge trouble you have caused us.

——Digital Ark Senior Technical Support Specialist, John Donne.”

"Stop pretending. I know where you got the Sea of ​​Hillis. I was also there. I know what Todd gave us just like you. But I have already sold the technology to the company and I made 1.2

Billion, what about you? Who are you working for? Idiot, you are still here, driving this prototype system that is on the verge of collapse. You will die, and your consciousness will be annihilated here."

"Hey, you idiot, the longer you persist here, the more attention you will attract. We have made a reward for the project to break through the Sea of ​​Cylis, and the world's top hackers are vying for bids."

"The principle of the machine has been found. This is a prototype. As long as it finds enough broilers to carry out self-destruction attacks, it will have no place to stand and will be forced to sacrifice part of its own consciousness in order to engage in peer-to-peer combat."

"Colleagues around the world, it has been 15 hours. We have launched 37 trillion attacks on the Sea of ​​Hillis, weakening 65% of its defenses. According to the progress, by this time tomorrow we will have destroyed Nistor

The company is in the palm of your hand."

"You have to pay the price for the 120 companions we lost, Cyber ​​Monster, we will not stop."

Hackers around the world initially tried to communicate with it, but they gradually discovered that the spirit guarding the Sea of ​​Cylis had turned into a wild beast.

Under the attack of their large amount of data viruses, the external physical signs of the cyber monsters were forced to transform from surface data information into a more "entity" deep data life, which meant that the integration of the operator and the Sea of ​​Hillis became deeper and deeper.

This can create a more powerful defensive effect and isolate all opponents at this stage.

"Why don't you back down?"

"Turn off the Sea of ​​Cylis!"

"Fuck, die, die, die, die!"

But the hackers did not give up and continued their attacks.

Xin Xisheng paid a sky-high price to hire them to conquer the network services of Nisto Company. Projects that paid hundreds of thousands per hour did not happen every day.

They hooked up their own servers and automatic attack programs, and hundreds of teams and thousands of people launched attacks in their own technical cabins, freezers and hacker chairs, and they were bound to conquer the Sea of ​​Hillis.

too close!

They almost did it - with the crazy attacks of countless hackers, the preservation range of the Sea of ​​Hillis became increasingly narrow, and the area where the wild beast could move became smaller and smaller.

Right behind it!

The communication channels and network modules connecting 20,000 combat units are right there——

"Where is the enemy!" The synthesizers named Ruizhu, their information processing arrays are just a few feet away! As long as hackers cross the Sea of ​​Hillis, they can easily reverse their friend-or-foe identification and turn them into a frenzied killing spree.

Companion, a rampaging machine that massacres citizens, treats comrades and civilians as enemies.

Those Nisto soldiers who bravely marched forward. Even their communication implants on the military network were clearly visible. Once they were attacked by the network, they would be shut down in an instant, causing them to fall one after another during the march and commit suicide.

Destroy, collapse!

A large number of shuttles, factories, production machines, combat command camps, and computing centers were originally the first network targets to be targeted and destroyed in the corporate war. However, they are now safe and sound and are still operating normally without any flaws.

There is also the target core of these communication links, Lila Nisto! Sitting behind all information terminals, using her meticulous and cold mind to process and arrange everything, planning the flawless offensives of Nisto Company one after another, bringing the company to the next level.

Nisto's limited manpower and material resources are arranged in the most suitable place.

Lila's cold face, the millions of machines waiting to be captured... are all protected by a barrier.

This is a network security service that will never fall. The Sea of ​​Hillis, which integrates hundreds of millions of defense units, is guarded by cyber monsters!

As time passed by, the nightmarish mental body became more and more ferocious, turning into a huge evil spirit swimming in the Sea of ​​Hillis, eroding cruelly and cruelly, devouring all corporate hackers who dived too deep, and destroying all the corporate hackers who dived too deep.

The neural consciousness they dared to inject into the system disappeared, and the closer they got in the data system, the easier it was to be killed.

Countless hackers died tragically in its predation!

There are also sudden changes in the hacker team.

"This is Xisheng Shrine, we seem to be under attack."

"Xiao Lin was dragged out of the technical cabin! It seems they are going to catch me!"

"Kiseki Shrine is under attack! All the 'Kawasaka' team retreats!"

"Stop diving!"

Thousands of attack units disappeared from one side of the Sea of ​​Hillis. After losing the professional hackers of Xin Xisheng, other hacker teams had to postpone their attacks and divert the pressure of information and data.

And the demonic scene that stretches across the sky still stands in the Sea of ​​Hillis!

The attackers are well aware of the effectiveness of their attacks, and have come close to completely paralyzing Nisto's network services many times and ending their attacks, but they have been beaten back tenaciously.

The consciousness of a hacker who dies in the system is annihilated and turned into a part of blank data, just like a person drowning in the sea and disappearing in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, another data center on the defense side of the Sea of ​​Hillis was lit up, and the scale was still expanding.

"Judging from the identification code... it is the database of Xisheng Shrine!"

"Nisto Company occupied Xisheng Shrine?"

"We not only have to attack the Sea of ​​Cyris where there are cyber monsters, but we also have to deal with the palace's network defense system?"

The hackers were in great pain, but they regained their fighting strength under the heavy reward.

——Information, spiritual links and information flood the Sea of ​​Hillis, as inexhaustible as the endless waves in the sea.

At the same time, the cyber monster's information body is collapsing and dissipating!

The empty position it left behind was immediately taken away by hackers, and it got closer and closer to Nisto's data core.

As long as they find a way to overcome the defense of Xisheng Shrine, they can file in.

"The cyber monster has fallen!" The hackers celebrated.

The newly arrived hacker had just dived into the Sea of ​​Hillis and immediately saw countless files of destroyed and annihilated consciousness wreckage, each file representing a devoured consciousness.

This is the Sea of ​​Hillis? No, this is the hacker cemetery! The brutal scene where cyber monsters devoured countless hackers.

"The cyber monster is dead!" The senior called him forward, "break into Nisto Company and you will get your reward!"

The little fool sat in the corner and slept all day, until he was woken up by the sound of the technical cabin opening.

She stumbled to the side of the white cabin, grabbed the edge of the machine with both hands, pressed her small shoes against the shell, climbed up with all her strength, and sat on the cabin head. She was shocked when she saw the blood on Xu Yang's body.

Xu Yang was lying in it covered in blood.

The technical cabin was filled with an awakening agent mixed with Shimaru Nitrile, and boiling steam gushes out from the inside. However, he could not move, his consciousness could not return to his torso correctly, and he was blind and deaf.

He was just a little bit away from being unable to return. Fortunately, the troops captured Xisheng Shrine, and he was able to use the shrine's data defense system to protect Nisto Company and give himself a little breathing space.

But the defense system is their own product, and the attacker can easily get the key from Kurokawa Kana, so Xu Yang must adjust his state and return to the Sea of ​​Hillis immediately.

It hurts...it feels...empty.

The war is not over. Xu Yang will continue to return to his online battlefield, but he cannot move. The real world has become a much narrower black hole. He has changed from an all-seeing and all-powerful controller in the Sea of ​​Hillis to a resident.

Prisoners in the physical prison find it difficult to even breathe.

As soon as the war began, Xin Xisheng hired almost all the most powerful hackers to violently crack the Sea of ​​Hillis day and night. It also caused profound physical and mental damage to Xu Yang, so much so that he lost everything as soon as he returned to the real world.

There was nothing left, it was riddled with holes, and her physical and mental condition had reached the worst stage since birth.

Life functions disappear minute by minute.

Quietly, the sun is setting, everyone is fighting outside, continuing to advance, fighting with mercenaries, cleaning up gangs, gangs and criminals. The young witches live far away from here and are being evacuated because the Yokozuna

It is continuing to advance.

"Quack, quack..." The little fool called out sadly, but he couldn't get a response no matter what. A great fear enveloped the little fool's heart.

The little fool ran outside quickly and tried to feed Xu Yang his milk.

In the corridor, Kirino Reiyo leaned against the wall, wearing a black vest and white loose plastic jacket, black stockings and open-toed sandals, which he prepared for the meeting with Seven Lives.

"Stop there, little turtle." Kirino Reiyo saw the little fool coming out of the sealed technical cabin and knew something was wrong.

"Huh?" The little fool stopped. In her eyes, Kirino Reise was like a mist, nothing.

"Give this to him." Kirino Reiyo took out two treatment needles from the inside of his coat, "Put it under the neck. If one needle is not enough, use two needles."

"Quack." The little fool saluted her, quickly picked up the two treatment needles and ran back.

When she was halfway through, she felt her collar being lifted up again. Kirino Reiyo carried the little fool with one hand and walked toward the technical cabin.

"...I will demonstrate the first injection," she said.

Arriving at the mezzanine of the office, Kirino Reiyo opened the collar of Xu Yang's clothes, opened the disinfectant sachet on the outside of the treatment needle, spread it evenly on the skin, then inserted the needle into his chest, and pushed it slowly until all the liquid was gone.


"The second injection will reduce the sequelae. Come on." Kirino Reiyo picked up the little fool from behind. The little fool followed suit, holding the second treatment needle with both hands and inserting it into the same position, using all his strength

Press down.

"Quick!" The little fool pushed the liquid to the end.

Kirino Reiyo stood by holding the little fool until Xu Yang opened his eyes slightly.

"Hey." The little fool reached out from Kirino Reise's arms.

Xu Yang had a lot of things to explain, but he couldn't say a single sentence.

"Lie down." Kirino Reiyo ordered, then turned around to find Yamano Sanae.

After Sanae settled the little witch, she quickly ran upstairs, cut off all the wiring, carried Xu Yang from the technical cabin to the sofa next to her, put the little fool outside, then changed all Xu Yang's clothes and used clean water to wash it.

He wiped his body, cleaned up the blood stains, sutured the wound where the blood vessel burst, gave him three injections of nano nerve repair agent, dried his body with a blanket, and put on new clothes.

"The digital mind has been overused." Sanae Yamano used a health monitor to check Xu Yang's brain. "24% of the neuron cells are in a state of insensitivity, which may leave permanent sequelae."

"Did Xin Xisheng surrender?" Xu Yang looked at Kirino Reise weakly.

"They still have the energy to fight with you for at least half a year." Kirino Reiyo said, "Submarines, mercenaries, public opinion wars, and missile bases deployed in Taixi."

"I have to go back." Xu Yang got up.

"Think about yourself!" Kirino Reiyo yelled, "Didn't you hear what I said?"

"The Sea of ​​Hillis is my home court," Xu Yang gasped, gathered his thoughts, and then said in one breath, "——I have trained, I have trained a power called Internet Incarnation, to transform my consciousness into

Scattered among thousands of different machines, the principle of the Sea of ​​Hillis is the same. Each defense module is a drop of sea water and a me. It is connected with the power of digital mind, so I am there.

It's easy to solve the problem and let me protect everyone..."

"There are countless hackers in the company," Kirino gritted his teeth. "If you kill one, they will train another one. If you stop them for one day, they will fight you for ten years... I have run a giant enterprise - I know better than you!"

The little fool brought her precious milk bottle to Xu Yang, and he drank it all in one gulp.

"For the second dive, I will make more preparations than before." Xu Yang stood up and stared at the technical cabin, "I will use the resources of Xisheng Shrine to cooperate with me."

Sanae Yamano was quickly wiping it there, cleaning up the blood stains, removing the fog, and quickly restoring it to a clean-as-new condition.

"Is it because Falosa can restore you, so you are so unscrupulous?" Kirino Reiyo said coldly.

"The equipment is ready, Mr. Xu." Sanae Yamano greeted him.

"On the contrary..." Xu Yang sat back in the technical cabin, "...I won't let her see me covered in bruises. Don't tell anyone about this miserable situation..."

"..." Kirino Reiyo said nothing.

"I also have my own friends." Xu Yang said.

He communicates with the relay.

"Hey," Relay replied, "Have you heard? It's super cool. Hundreds of technical elites were eaten by the 'Cyber ​​Monsters' when they attacked Nisto Corporation!"

"I know," Xu Yang responded briefly, "Bringing you first-hand information - all information security companies, Siemantec, Golden Shield, Proterra, Xinghuan Internet... are all focusing on besieging Nisto Company.

With the camera turned off it would be easy to hack into their headquarters database."

"Really? All hands out? I thought it was just a small fight. It seems that Nisto Company has really stabbed the company... As expected of Xisheng, there are even so many fire brigade. But they really don't care about us.

The agencies are taking it seriously. Okay - I'm telling everyone, I'm going to kill these Internet security!"

"Come on." Xu Yang quickly ended the communication.

He was sitting in the technical cabin, and his consciousness was impatient. He wanted to escape from this small body and longed to return to the vast and infinite Sea of ​​Hillis. Those spiritual consciousnesses that crossed the boundary were his prey. The Sea of ​​Hillis

Hai has unparalleled advantages in defense. No wonder the company will fully develop it as a substitute for all network security methods.

He cannot be afraid of fighting. As long as the Sea of ​​Cylis is captured, all the efforts so far will be in vain, the factory will self-destruct, the synths will rebel, and Lila... Lila will be killed by the information virus.

For decades people have been dying like moths to a flame fighting corporations, and Nisto cannot afford to follow in their footsteps.

Xu Yang suddenly thought of everything that happened after escaping from the company. Far Far Away, Falosa, Rat Tide, Golden Branch, Milaya, Yanduo, Dome Festival, Nanggong Island, Martinez, and Garbage

Mountain, wedding, moon princess, crystal man...

"I hope," he whispered, "that in the future people will look back on this history and say - 'It was worth it, it was all worth it'."

Sanae Yamano inserted the wiring into the data interface on his body.

Leave real life behind.

Xu Yang observed thousands of high-level consciousnesses invading the Sea of ​​Hillis. In conjunction with the large number of data terminals and communication modules in the Xisheng Shrine, he quickly launched an attack on them. Many hackers who were constantly harvesting defense units were suddenly caught.

Returning defenders are annihilated and recovered.

"We can't break through!"

"It's back! It's back -"

"Don't go offline, beat it until it collapses!"

"Wait a minute - Greenland City has been hacked!"

"Lundenim too!"

"Our VIP customer data is under attack - we need to stay away!"

Xu Yang uses his transcendent digital state to target these hackers. Come on, come on! Unless you kill me... don't even think about winning!

On the bloody and chaotic virtual battlefield, endless data attack and defense continues!

Kirino Reiyo looked at the technical cabin from the outside and could guess how intensely Xu Yang was fighting against technical teams from all over the world to protect Nisto Company in this battle.

She took Sanae Yamano and the little fool out of the technical room and closed the door.

The little fool stood guard at the door.

"Are you willing to protect him with your life?" Kirino Reiyo looked down at this stupid little witch.

"Quack!" The little fool saluted Kirino Reise to show his determination.

"I really hope to see you grow up." Kirino Reiyo let out a long breath, "I am already over 170 years old. Even if we get married and come back, I won't be able to spend much time with her."

"Quaa?" The little fool was puzzled.

"The growth cycle of a witch is too long," Kirino Reiyo looked down at her. "They usually only understand the truth when they are 30 years old, understand how to use their magic power correctly when they are 60 years old, and reach the age of 90 when they are 90 years old.

Your strength is at its peak...but you will grow up very quickly, be beautiful and have a firm temperament, be upright and have great perseverance."

During the conversation, Falosa hurried back, and Kirino Reiyo stood at the edge of the corridor, closing his eyes.

"Get out of the way!" Falosa stared at the little fool blocking the door, "I want him to stop."

The little fool calmly stretched out a palm to Falosa, indicating that she could not pass.

"A man is fulfilling his mission." Kirino said, "You will destroy it all."

Falosa walked to the door and squatted down. A sense of sadness and fear came to her heart. She could see more things clearly, so she was particularly worried. Xu Yang's mind had endured too much. If his spirit was destroyed in Xilis

The sea of ​​​​or being trapped in a machine, the law of recovery has no way. Magic can only target tangible objects. If Xu Yang's mind is torn to pieces, it will be irrecoverable. Just like after the dead is resurrected, the memory remains as usual, and the soul

As before, since the law of restoration has no power over the existence of nothingness, it has nothing to do against spiritual death.

"I don't want him to die." Farosha leaned her head against the door, "I want him to come out and accompany me."

"..." The little fool stroked Falosa's hair. Stupid witch, not everything goes as planned.

This chapter has been completed!
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