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Chapter 459 The New Witch Council

Falosa sat down with her back against the alloy password door.

All achievements stem from lofty ideals. They made a promise to each other long ago to end corporatism.

Xu Yang's spirit has been completely uploaded to the Sea of ​​Hillis, decoupled from his brain, and fights with the utmost courage in a digital space that cannot be observed by the naked eye, trying his best to prevent the corporate elite from invading the Nisto network. Once he loses too much

, will be stranded in cyberspace, unable to return to his original body, and turned into a large number of codes in the database. What is the point of Farosha restoring his body?

Falosa couldn't bear the possibility of her lover getting lost in cyberspace, but now that the matter was over, there was no way to back down.

Xu Yang moved forward without hesitation, walking through fire and water, leaving Falosa alone to fear in a space that she could not touch.

Looking back at the past, their loving love was like a molten fire, forging an indestructible connection between flesh and soul. Now a great fear has filled Falosa's heart, fearing that the two parties will be separated forever. Only Xu Yang won the victory.

Only when she returns home with great honor can she be able to resolve her resentment.

Falosa covered her face and was speechless. All joy and fun were meaningless at this moment.

Kirino Reiyo observed silently and was surprised to find that Farosa's colorful cloak had faded.

The artifact, which shone like a phoenix feather, quickly lost its luster along with Falosa's own grief and heartbreak, and the feathers withered like crow's wings.

This is the fate of hackers. Kirino Reise knows it very well. Each of them is unruly and turns into a raging fire and burns towards the powerful enemy until they are shattered to pieces.

Due to the effect of the Pure Land of the Century, most hackers in the northern archipelago have been arrested and executed in recent decades. Their spirits have been transcribed and made into specimen-like consciousness disks for collection, and their original bodies have turned into stupid and silent walking zombies.

Cui Junyou once observed that Xu Yang's brain structure is different from ordinary people. Because he can quickly master the secret of converting brain nerve signals into photoelectric signals, he has now dived deeper into the Sea of ​​Hillis than anyone else, and it is extremely difficult to return.


Once a legendary hacker joins the battlefield and clears the defense units, it is entirely possible to eventually capture Xu Yang. Kirino Reise does not want to witness the separation of her lovers. She has suffered such tragedies herself. But now, there is very little that can be done.

We can only wait with bated breath, hoping that he can defeat the enemy.

"Your next job is..." Lila summoned Falosa.

Falosa turned off the communication channel in extreme boredom.

"Are you in the Solid Gold Building?" Lila then sent a message to Kirino Reiyo, "Have you seen Falosa?"

"You should come back and take a look, he is very dangerous." Kirino Reiyo walked to the corridor outside. She wandered back and forth repeatedly, still nervous about all this.

"No." Lila responded with an unprecedented indifference. This indifference made Kirino Reiyo feel frightened. "You should immediately cooperate with us to complete our next step and help to collect the witches of the New Xisheng Group and stop the Yokozuna."

"Where is the bond?" Kirino Reiyo asked.

"She's safe. Work hard and you'll see her when it's done."

Just like what he said to those mercenaries, Kirino Reiyo secretly sighed.

He also fooled the outsourced teams working for Kyoto Unlimited time and time again, making all kinds of empty promises, forcing them to risk their lives and go to war on his behalf.

Sure enough, people still have their own status, but now I have become a small labor unit in Lila Nisto's precisely controlled grid.

Thinking that Falosa was in the same miserable situation as himself, Kirino Reiyo felt doubly sad.

What she wants to do is to work with other members of the Witch Council to truly complete the ancient job of "council of witches".

An hour later, she arrived at Shangjing Xisheng Shrine.

She had been to this place many times and was more familiar with it than anyone else. Before and after her arrival, she gave advice to the Nisto Company personnel, instructing them on how to deal with this super-giant building and shut down the dangerous super-layer network and automatic messaging terminals.

An old engineer was buried at the bottom of Xisheng Shrine as a jinchūriki to support the giant tower. Kirino Reiyo secretly said. Now that things are so chaotic, it would be too dangerous for that guy to come out and cause damage in advance. We must wait until everything settles.

Then go and conquer it.

At this time, she could only make circumstantial measures and ask Nisto Company to avoid the lowest containment facility as much as possible, where there were beings buried there that they were not ready to contact.

In the middle hall of Xisheng Shrine, all seven members of the Witch Council were present.

"Where is the Yokozuna?" Kirino Reiyo saw Pan Ruiyin.

"The Tenjo-in Kiri Gun temporarily stopped the Yokozuna." She said in embarrassment, "October and I failed to stop the ship."

The Yokozuna was built by Kyoto Infinite with a budget of 220 billion. Kirino Reiyo secretly said. How embarrassing it would be to be stopped by a mere conquering witch and dragon.

"Our duty is to collect all the witches captured by us and controlled by the New Xisheng system." 101 hosted the entire event, "All witches will be managed by the Witch Department of Nisto Company. You can help us evaluate the witch data to

Divide into layers.”

"I understand." Kirino Reiyo recognized most of the local witches.

While they were talking, hundreds of witches entered the room one after another.

Some of them were captured in battle, and most of them were driven by control chips inserted into their brains. Their minds were connected to the thought control center of Xisheng Shrine. With just a few instructions, they would enter this place involuntarily without any chance of resistance.

It can be said.

The machines in the shrine control a total of 900 witches, and 450 witches can be present for review, including 36 war witches, 90 production witches and 324 research witches. There are many other controlled witches who are subject to

The calls to return will arrive one after another.

Seeing the dazed look of these witches whose minds were controlled by chips, 101 felt unhappy. Once they officially joined, the chips would be removed one after another and they would be freed.

Rescuing the witch is an important matter for Nestor Company.

"...Takahashi Kyoko." 101 watch list, and immediately found the powerful combat witches, high-ranking witches, and members of the Riot Suppression Mobile Team.

"Here." Kyoko Takahashi stepped out of the witch queue, carrying her heavy sniper rifle SN-99 "Supreme" on her back.

This rifle killed 49 people from the Nisto Company, destroyed 10 military shuttles and 66 "soldiers" in the past 24 hours yesterday, and now it stands together with its user in front of the Witch Council.

"Come with us!" 102 took her into the inner room, which was isolated from the candidate room outside.

In front of the New Witch Council, every witch will be judged. This was what Falosa planned, but she failed to arrive as expected, so she had to be represented by everyone. Although they work in this traditional way, they do not open it to the outside world.

Claims to be the Witch Council and still operates under the name of the Witch Club.

When Pan Ruiyin saw Jingzi's presence, he wished he could meet her. They were both members of the riot control mobile team and had a close friendship with each other. But now he couldn't do it, and he had to suppress his excitement. They had fought day and night, moving at full speed with steel wings, Yang

Conquer the power of the witch and annihilate extremely dangerous cyberpsychosis across the Eastern Hemisphere.

"Combat power 8.2, intelligence 7.0, magic power 7.4, endurance 6.9, mobility 6.3. The overall score is 7.16." Yoshioka Mizuro entered the report, "The overall evaluation is an A-level battle witch."

"You caused serious harm to the combat units of Nisto Company." 101 further studied the report, "Joining us and making up for your crimes with loyalty is your only way out. So, are you willing to join Nisto Company?"

Kyoko Takahashi said nothing.

"She is just a corporate machine!" Pan Ruiyin couldn't help but say, "She has erased her personal will and has no power to decide her own camp."

101 nodded, like a judge, and operated on the terminal next to her. She was now more powerful than ever with Shilou Wan on her back.

"Authorization code HT77633." 101 said coldly, "Takahashi Kyoko, according to the laws of Nisto Company, from now on, you will provide free services to Nisto Company and be put into the most dangerous battlefield to offset your crimes.


"Yes." Kyoko Takahashi responded and quickly saluted 101.

Pan Ruiyin looked at Takahashi Kyoko carefully. After being highly modified, she would become like this. She didn't know anything and was numb. If she stayed in Gaoge Kyushu for a longer time, she would become like this.

It is also difficult to slowly remove the implant, unless Ms. Falosa can restore Kyoko Takahashi to the state she was in many years ago, but her mind is deeply bound to the cranial nerve implant, to the point of distortion.

Can the disease adapt to the original normal witch's body?

The next person to be brought in was one of the guard witches of the Nostalgia Shrine. She was locked by Tenjouin Murasaki before she could take action, and now she is also captured.

She was wearing black aramid ceramic composite armor, her helmet was taken off, she had long silver hair, she looked uneasy, and she knew nothing about Nestor Company's witch countermeasures.

"Xisheng Shrine Guards Yin Shihua Rei," 101 opened the report, "The high-ranking witch's ability is battle pre-reading, and she can predict the enemy's next move at will. In military fighting skills, archery, gunnery, and

He has outstanding strengths in tool driving, battlefield maintenance, first aid, etc., and ranks first among the Shrine Guards in the witch-conquering sequence."

"Combat power 6.6, intelligence 7.1, magic power 6.0, endurance 6.3, mobility 6.0, overall score 6.4." Mizuro Yoshioka continued to record, "The overall evaluation is a B-level battle witch."

"What is the role of classification?" Yin Shihualian asked.

"It is mainly used to evaluate salary and accommodation conditions." Yoshioka Mizuiro explained, "If you join Nisto Company, you will receive a large additional bonus and free and relaxed living conditions. If you refuse to join, we will temporarily keep you under guard.

Until the battle is over, we will issue you a certificate so that you can continue to apply for jobs elsewhere."

"I join Nisto Company." Yin Shihualian said neatly.

Lila Nestor, a witch club president, what could be better than working for someone of her own kind?

In this way, the process of recruiting witches was carried out in an orderly manner, and there were many witches who died in the battle. Their flesh and blood were collected, waiting for Falosa to be resurrected in one go.

Takahashi Kyoko was sitting in a small room in the shrine cleaning her gun. As soon as Pan Ruiyin had time, he rushed in and locked the door.

"I'm Pan Ruiyin!" She picked up Takahashi Kyoko, "Do you still remember me! Fool Kyoko!"

"Pan Ruiyin from the Riot Control Mobile Team." Takahashi Kyoko felt confused, "Why are you here?"

"It's not just me!" Pan Ruiyin pinched Jingzi's cheek, "There are others, we need to gather everyone from the Riot Suppression Mobile Team... the six most powerful fighting witches in the Eastern Hemisphere! I'll be there to support you.

Shooting from behind, and Feng Qing...how many battles have we fought together?"

"That's right..." Takahashi Kyoko felt like she was waking up from a big dream in the lake, "It's you... Pan Ruiyin... I haven't seen you in nearly a year. Where have you been during this time?"

"Yes, it's me! You fool, I have been fighting, and I still have a vacation. Now come and be my reinforcements, Jingzi!" Pan Ruiyin said emotionally, and then hugged her hard, "Be behind me like before

Support me, it's like the Eastern Hemisphere Riot Squad is reborn!"

"Yes, yes!" Kyoko Takahashi's brain was cut into pieces by the implant, and she was basically unconscious about things other than fighting. She only knew that Pan Ruiyin was an important person, so she hugged her tightly and shouted, "Yes.


Pan Ruiyin patted Jingzi on the back and almost cried. Her best friend finally came back to her side. What could be more exciting than this?

This chapter has been completed!
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