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Chapter 472 Justice Combination

After coming out of the park, Miying received a message from Xu Yang, asking her to help find a qualified hacker.

Sea of ​​Hillis is a defensive system, requiring Xu Yang to be in charge for a long time, which greatly reduces the ability to take the initiative, so another technical expert is needed.

Yoshioka Mizuro has a foundation, but she tends to cultivate the magic power of ink and has no interest in continuing to study hacking technology. In other words, whether in order to expand manpower or improve fault tolerance, she has to find other outstanding hackers to help. In addition to being in the open

In addition to looking for technical elites online, Miying also needs to pay attention to hackers inside and outside the city.

"What news have you received?" Lu Jing stopped when he saw Miying.

"Recruiting hackers." Miying set out again.

Lu Jing and Miying left the suburbs on foot. As long as they walked to a place called Asakusa District, they could take the light rail back to the city center.

"There are more and more anti-witch propaganda in Beijing." Lu Jing saw an unmarked drone passing by in the sky, always wondering what kind of force it was as a scout, "Although I specialize in anti-witches."

I’m a witch, but they won’t look down upon me because of this. There are killers hiding in the shadows, specifically targeting witches.”

"Then you stay with me." Miying walked forward, "I won't let you get hurt."

Lu Jing and Miying both pursue justice, but neither of them can tell what justice is.

"I don't understand." Lu Jing still remembered the scene where the golden tree grew out of Naoya Aozu's corpse, which gave her endless nightmares, "Why on earth could a person end up in that state?"

"First of all, he is a bribed traitor." Miying put the evidence in the pocket of his tactical vest. "He plans to steal important assets from the Nisto campus."

"Deciding whether a person should die based on his position?" Lu Jing was confused.

"This is an occult incident. You are an employee of a giant company and know more than me." Miying walked onto an abandoned road. It was quite secluded and the surrounding grass was growing wildly.

"Naoya was killed by cognitohazardous things." Lu Jing lowered his head, "If it happened within the company, it would be filed as an occult incident, which is terrible."

"The witch itself is the biggest occult." Miying walked and alerted the surroundings. Lu Jing was often distracted and had random thoughts, so he needed Miying to carefully protect him. "People are killed by witches using magic power, or by supernatural phenomena caused by occultism."

Death is the same thing."

When they arrived in the Asakusa district of Kyoto, it started to rain lightly.

Lu Jing recited the Water Avoidance Technique, and raindrops fell one after another on the invisible barrier around her. She turned around and saw water droplets on Miying's artificial body. She was afraid that she would be short-circuited, so she took off her Tsing Yi and put it on her body.

Looking at Miying's head, her thin coat looks like silk, but is actually made of lightweight plastic.

"Are you reciting spells?" Miying, who was wearing Lu Jing's clothes on her head, heard her mumbling.

"The gods of Xia move the clouds and bring rain, and they teach us a lot." Lu Jing said softly.

"Tianshu Creation uses mysticism," Miying said, "Nisto Company is also using mysticism. At least those 'land transformation devices' are really effective. The rain here used to be ten times more poisonous, but now it is much cleaner. Let's go

The soil was originally densely polluted, which would cause the extremities of the limbs to gradually become necrotic, but now they are gradually recovering."

Lu Jing thought again of Xia's strange stories, alchemists, golden elixirs, and Jiaozhu. The company's exploration of occultism was esoteric, and experts in biology and semiotics copied the power from ancient gods, and she was ecstatic about it. She

I rarely investigate internal occult files for fear of losing my mind.

Like Aozu Naoya, when you touch something you shouldn't touch, a golden tree grows out of your body.

"I'm afraid," Lu Jing confessed to Miying, "I'm afraid of being transformed and having a control chip inserted. I'm also afraid of being destroyed by unknown horrors. I'm even more afraid of the continuation of that...unjust world."

"I'm afraid too," Miying said neatly, "but I'm just afraid that I'm not strong enough. If you're worried, just keep following me. Two people are better than fighting alone. My friend Ned is also very fast.

Now that we have returned from Silla, it would be great if you could give us some technical upgrades. Are you willing to accept the transformation?"

"I haven't been transformed at all." Lu Jing looked at his smooth hands, "I don't know what it feels like to be transformed."

"Both humans and witches can use implants to strengthen themselves.

Lu Jing thought thoughtfully, if metal was buried in the body, would life still be pure? But if she wanted to meet the cyber monster, she would have to undergo transformation and become a hacker witch, allowing her to upload her consciousness and lead it to Healy from the line.

Sea of ​​Sri Lanka.

They continued walking through Asakusa.

This place has always been famous for tourism, and Lu Jing could still see ancient temples and pavilions, which were all grey. The operator refused to pay for material upgrades, so the toxic rainwater eroded the wooden roofs, and now the homeless people occupying them were

Returnees, homeless people and homeless people.

They pieced together rain shelters from discarded materials and took shelter among the wooden statues. The statues were engraved with the three gods of the ancient islands, the giant god of the sun, the white dragon of the moon shadow and the giant beasts of the sea.

Seeing the rain getting heavier, Lu Jing hid near a billiards shop on the street. There was a shaky sublet sign on the facade and it was crowded with vicious gang members.

One of the men with a detector quickly scanned Lu Jing and Miying, and they immediately went on alert.

The smell of cigarette smoke and the sweet smell of stamps wafts out. The gangsters are playing pool, wearing virtual helmets and using their hands to exert force. There is no distinction between reality and illusion. Deeper, men and women are entangled like bugs on the dilapidated sofa.

"It's so disgusting." Lu Jing whispered.

Miying noticed something was wrong, and she signaled Lu Jing to be more alert.

"Is there an enemy in the store?" Lu Jing frowned.

"It's outside." Miying looked towards the distant temple.

Her marking device indicates several potential opponents in the abandoned temple, marked in bright red in her field of vision, hiding among the big red plaques and broken statues, using the flower and bird screen as a cover.


Sniper gunfire.

Miying heard the movement of Cassandra's Comet, a standard sniper rifle popular among mercenaries. She pulled up her landing goggles and rushed into the store. The bullets penetrated the glass door beside them, leaving huge bullet holes and spider webs.




"Go to hell!"

Lu Jing and Miying broke in, and the gangsters in the store yelled.

Miying put her hand on the ion sword. As long as they tried to attack, she would use her sword to fight back. Unexpectedly, they passed by the two of them, rushed outside, and fired in the direction of the temple.

"Fire!" the tall leader roared.

Under the leadership of the gangster leader, the gangsters showed great discipline. More than a dozen homemade firearms and cheap commercial self-defense weapons were fired together, and the gunshots were heard.

Miying didn't hear the sound of the sniper gunfire. It seemed that the other party was scared away by the gangster's violent counterattack.

"Fuck, rubbish!" the gangster leader yelled in the direction of the temple, then turned around and told everyone to go about their business.

Miying was very uncomfortable in this environment. She herself had been assaulted by a similar group of people. She glanced at the leader and saw that he was wearing a spiked jacket and a green punk hair style. The gangsters around him were holding water pipes and crowbars.

and large and small firearms.

"Why are there people shooting at us outside?" Lu Jing asked.

"Nonsense - you two don't look like ordinary women," the leader said.

"Is there someone who specifically attacks people like us?" Lu Jing felt uneasy, "Anti-witch people?"

"Pure Land Army, Human Purity Project, Anti-Witch Army, who knows?" the leader said, "Shangjing was defeated by the Witch Company, who can endure it?"

"You don't want to deal with them?" Miying suddenly said.

"We are the bosses here! And we also have a witch in our family," the leader shrugged. "Granny, these inexplicable 'purification troops' shoot at witches indiscriminately. We can't let them get used to it."

"Local witches should report to the Nisto Witch Department and receive reviews." Miying explained the company's articles of association to them. "Otherwise, the Witch Department will come to investigate in person."

"Wow, it's so scary, then let them come." The leader was very arrogant, "The witch is our family, not a commodity moved to the company."

"Have you ever heard about the nearby Nisto Park?" Lu Jing was curious. "There is food, shelter and work there."

"Why do you have to work when you can have fun?" the leader asked, "People from Nisto Company are not allowed to knock stamps, so what fun is there in life?"

"Smoking stamps is also against the laws of Nisto Company." Lu Jing reminded, "They will send people to collect it, and then ask you to recruit suppliers."

"There's so much control!" the leader yelled, "and you can't let anyone live anymore! Who are we bothering by taking a few stamps? If you care about the rich, you will bully the weak and avoid the strong."

Unable to explain to them, but curious about what kind of witches there were in this gang, Lu Jing looked around, looking for a way out of the lobby of the billiards shop.

Miying went to the door to guard against the approaching hostile armed forces. At the same time, he secretly asked Nisto Company for help, hoping that the Witch Ministry would send someone to investigate the place as soon as possible.

"By the way, you mentioned Nisto Company everywhere." The leader carefully considered what they had said, turned to Lu Jing and said, "You don't have anything to do with Nisto Company, do you?"

"I have a cooperative relationship with them, so of course I can talk to them." Lu Jing felt that there were traces to follow and couldn't help but say a few more words. Anyway, Nisto Company is a big sign now, and it can be used as a backer. If the other party continues

Arrogantly, he directly took out the Tianshu Craftsmanship Card and scared them to death.

The leader looked at Lu Jing and thought about it again and again.

"Follow me." He waved, and Lu Jing felt strange and followed the leader.

Miying turned around and saw Lu Jing following the dirty leader into the house. His low alertness made Miying uneasy. On the one hand, Miying was worried that she might be in trouble, but on the other hand, she had to be wary of the invisible enemies that might be approaching from outside. She fell into


"Are you okay?" Miying squatted down, hiding behind the blue aluminum door frame, with his back against the red painted brick wall, and quietly contacted Lu Jing using the communicator.

"Fortunately... um... I'm fine... I'm in the basement, it's a big place..." Lu Jing whispered back.

At this time, she had followed the leader to the underground area of ​​the billiard hall. Half of the space below was a box for people to complete private matters. The other side was a warehouse, filled with huge cargo boxes and equipment, and huge iron boxes piled on top.

There are cardboard boxes full of various colors, different sizes, and contents.

She saw the cubicle at the end of the basement, surrounded by black plastic wires and piles of equipment boxes. It seemed chaotic, but Lu Jing found a pattern in it. The person who arranged it must have extraordinary knowledge of the relevant technology.

This guy probably wasn't pretending. Lu Jing glanced at the gangster leader.

"So, is there a hacker witch in the gang?" Lu Jing speculated that she wanted to see how the hacker witches worked.

The leader nodded simply.

Two strong female thugs with eye-catching tattoos sat on both sides of the aisle, obviously to protect the hacker witch in the cubicle. They glanced at Lu Jing warily, and took out submachine guns and bolters respectively, ready to attack her at any time.

A shuttle.

Lu Jing would be momentarily speechless at such a tense moment, so he had to quickly gesture to the leader.

"She is from Nisto Company." The leader waved his hand, "Okay, Rinyin has always wanted to meet such a person."

This chapter has been completed!
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