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Four hundred and seventieth chapters Rin sound

Hearing this, the two thugs took a deep breath and did not relax their guard. Instead, they stared at Lu Jing, making her feel uncomfortable.

"Put the things down," said a strong woman.

Lu Jing could only hold her breath and leave the sword outside as they asked. It took her a lot of effort to find a cleaner place to put down the sword.

It was like an animal losing its claws, and she became frightened every step she took. Lu Jing looked up and saw that this place was far away from the noisy room above, but she had to go on.

"Let you see a little bit... our team's greatest treasure." The leader opened the compartment door, and the cold air blew in his face.

Lu Jing saw a girl with bright white short hair, with dark red and azure highlights in her hair, making her even more charming.

She was lying on her back in a bathtub filled with ice cubes. She was wearing a black mask with a breathing valve on her face. Her eyes were closed. There were traces of modifications everywhere on her body. From her ankles to her shoulders, common artificial limbs must not be assembled with the original body.

Few strip seams.

Her clothes were hanging on the bathroom wall, only a pale canvas jacket and dark shorts, and four sharp blades of different lengths hanging next to them, all from the company.

The surrounding walls are covered with metal shelves, with large black terminals placed on them, which are quite heavy, as well as six servers with flashing red lights. These devices can provide additional computing power for her brain, and at the same time, it will

Her brain becomes part of the overall device system.

Finger-thick black cables were spread throughout the room. They converged into a main line, inserted into the girl's head from behind, and connected to her brain and all surrounding devices.

"Hacker Witch." Lu Jing blurted out.

"She helps us 'get some money.'" The leader leaned against the wall next to him, his orange basketball shoes making a squeaking sound on the ground. "And we took good care of her and helped her contact other profitable deals."

"She wants to contact Nisto?"

"She wants to learn from powerful technical experts." The leader said, "She wants to learn secrets from cyber monsters, including how to dive and so on."

"The Sea of ​​Hillis." Lu Jing thought about it, "I want to learn it too."

"She told me that all the big companies have used Sea of ​​Sealis, and it seems to be some kind of awesome technology. From now on, if Rinyin doesn't learn how to dive deep, she will have no choice but to change her career.


Lu Jing felt like he was being stared at by something. He looked up and saw some subtitles lighting up on the wall-mounted screen in the corner.

"Who is the stranger?" The white text flashed repeatedly.

"People from Nisto Company." The leader gestured to the bathroom monitor.

She saw us, and used this screen to type and speak, all done with her thoughts. Lu Jing thought to herself.

"So she is in the device now, she is in the data now!" Lu Jing was obsessed with this situation.

"Don't make a fuss." The leader shrugged, "By the way, how much it will cost to study with Nisto Company, we don't know if we can pay in installments."

"It's hard to say. Maybe I won't ask for a penny." Lu Jing explained.

Gunshots rang out outside, and another sniper rifle. Lu Jing's heart skipped a beat. The gunshots meant danger and death.

"Here we come again, we came here a few days ago." The leader looked up, "They... they seem to be planning to rush down our billiards shop and kill Rinyin."

"No! It's us who caused the trouble, and we will also help defend the billiards shop!" Lu Jing said hurriedly.

"Then be honest!" The leader ran outside, "Are you a witch... Let's fight with those 'purifiers'!"

Just as Lu Jing was about to follow him, he turned around and heard a loud, long-lasting sound of equipment stopping. All the rotating magnetic tracks stopped, making the bathroom suddenly become quiet.

With her eyes widened, she watched the indicator lights on the device go out one by one, and the consciousness that was wandering in the device gradually returned to her brain.

Two female gangsters walked quickly outside and skillfully lifted the hacker witch out of the bathtub. Lu Jing was stunned when he looked at the figure of the other party. The water flowed on the delicate and fair skin. A thug pressed a few times on the terminal.

, and finally pulled out the wire tube from the back of her head.

The witch opened her eyes.

The female thug quickly left the bathroom and went above to support the defense of the billiard shop. The hacker witch walked towards the wall and put on her clothes.

"Are you Linyin?" Lu Jing looked at her smooth back.


"Wear something like that - isn't it cold?" Lu Jing couldn't help but say.

Linyin put on her top, pulled up her sports shorts, turned around and put on her white short jacket, and then took Lu Jing's hand. Her cold and wet palm felt so wonderful that Lu Jing didn't pull away for a moment.

"It's warm now." Linyin tied four sharp blades on her black belt and ran out to join the battle. The previous separation of consciousness did not seem to affect her current combat effectiveness at all.

"Wait for me!" Lu Jing looked at the water stains on his hands while following him out and picking up his sword.

There was a fierce battle in the billiards shop, and those who rushed in were not other thugs, but armed men wearing bulletproof armors!

They held submachine guns and fired wildly into the store, sending the gangsters fleeing in all directions. Lu Jing could vaguely see Miying's figure being submerged in the middle of the enemy.

"Be careful!" Lu Jing stood at the basement stairs, "Everyone, come down!"

She called on the gangsters to rush down and take refuge. Linyin had already jumped to the center of the billiards room, quickly pulled out two short knives and threw them at the opponents.

The blade was extremely sharp and could penetrate the weak points of the armor. The two armed men who were stabbed immediately screamed. Her figure quickly shuttled through the billiard room.

Subjective slow-time implant? Lu Jing was surprised when he saw her moving at high speed. The cutting-edge product is enough for people to move multiple times in an instant, and it requires extremely strong brain power to drive it.

"Look at the talismans!" Lu Jing didn't want to let Lin Yin fight alone, so he quickly took out three talismans filled with spells from his pocket and quickly threw them into the air.

The three talismans hovered in the air for a moment, and then, dazzling electric rays bounced in all directions, hitting the armed men one after another. The electric current was weakened by their insulating armor. Although it did not kill them, it also caused them severe pain.

, the intrusive situation is suddenly reduced.

Lu Jing saw Linyin standing on her head on the ceiling and walking quickly. She was impressed by both her skills and tactics. The armed men who broke in shouted loudly and began to retreat in a well-trained manner, keeping distance.

"They are going to escape!" Miying brandished his ion sword and fought his way out of the tight siege. Nine opponents had fallen around him, accounting for half of the total number of enemies. There was no conventional armor that could withstand the violent destruction of "Shadow Kill".

Linyin jumped down from the ceiling, and the extreme speed she had previously burst out had now slowed down. At least Lu Jing could see her figure clearly.

Blood and ice water flowed on her frost-white skin. Linyin quickly shook the blood on the knife and went to the ground to pick up the knife. Then she turned to look at Lu Jing and winked to show that she was happy to kill.

Very strong!

"Miss Linyin——" Lu Jing followed, "You, what is your magic power?"

"A lot." Linyin jumped up on the wall, walked on the wall, walked sideways, completely ignoring the gravity of the ground, holding her hands behind her head, a posture that Lu Jing could not imagine and could not imitate.

"Acrobatics?" Lu Jing's eyes lit up.

"Magic can be a very interesting thing!" Linyin grabbed Lu Jing with both hands, placed her feet against the wall, and lifted Lu Jing up so that she was parallel to the ground.

"Wow -" The field of vision in front of Lu Jing's eyes rotated rapidly, and she felt dizzy. Linyin kept looking at Lu Jing's face, as if he wanted to remember her appearance.

"A clean face, you have never been a bad boy, have you?" Linyin asked.

Lu Jing held his breath.

"Fuck, let them run away!" The gangster leader was beaten into a state of disarray before. Now he saw the armed men being driven away with anger. "These people are mercenaries! I don't know who gave them money!"

"It's an organization specifically here to hunt down witches..." Lu Jing was put down and immediately thought of the recent frequent attacks. She rushed towards the broken window and saw the surviving mercenaries running towards the light rain outside. An armored vehicle, ready to leave quickly.

"There's nothing we can do if we run away." Linyin stood on the wall next to the window, tilting her head and looking outside.


With the sound of a cannon, the armored vehicle that the mercenaries were running toward exploded instantly!

They panicked and fled in the wilderness, trying to run to the temple where they had previously hidden, but fell down one after another in the shooting.

"The Iron Shell is coming!" shouted the heavy shuttle.

Nesto Corporation Witch Department!

The Iron Shell landed directly from the air channel like a monster, 102 held a blunderbuss to provide suppression, and the witches and sharp soldiers also shot at the fleeing armed personnel on the ground.

"Finally we caught the criminal! Big bad guys!" 102 jumped down from the shuttle door, severely taught the villains who were hunting the witch, and prepared to take them back to investigate the intelligence.

"That's the Witch Department of Nisto Company!" Lu Jing was overjoyed, knowing that it was Miying who had brought it on, so he had to be secretly grateful.

Linyin watched carefully and jumped back to the ground inside the house.

She said nothing, lying next to the broken window frame, watching 101 and 102 wearing "Infinity" level witch armor deal with the situation and capture the prisoners.

"So you are interested in Nisto Company." Lu Jing remembered the original purpose, "I heard that you want to learn things from cyber monsters."

"Do you know about cyber monsters?" Linyin turned around and changed to lying on her back. Lu Jing found that she didn't dress well, but he was embarrassed to help her button it up.

"Everyone in this city has heard of it." Lu Jing said, "What do you want it for? It's been put in a cage."

"Then let it out." Linyin's eyes flashed with ambition.

The strange thing is that Lu Jing was moved by this idea. The cyber monster with supreme power and wanton behavior has now become the caged beast of Nestor Company, guarding its entrance. But on the surface, she just nodded slightly and did not say anything. Talk too much.

Outside, after capturing the prisoners, 101 came to check the situation in the store.

"The evil gangster gang 'Asakusa Savage'." 101 looked at the report, "This area has been placed under the jurisdiction of Nisto Corporation. You must clear your stamp inventory immediately and operate legally."

"We are free people, but you force the rules on us." The gangster leader shouted, and the gangsters in different clothes behind him also shouted one after another.

Nisto Company continues to promote order to various fields, and it is extremely difficult for them to accept that things are changing day by day.

"According to the report," 101 reviewed the records, "the 'Asakusa Savage' committed at least 24 intentional injuries, 15 property robberies, and 7 arson and explosions. Most files do not have detailed evidence and cannot be prosecuted, but you really feel that you are innocent.

If you are innocent, can you be exempted from all accountability?"

"Uh uh..." The gangster leader was silent for a moment.

"Of course your existence is free." 101 said coldly, "But you are here to stir up trouble and suck stamps. Your words and deeds are damaging the foundation of society and making other law-abiding citizens frightened. You

This kind of 'freedom' is based on the fear of the people around you. Nisto Company will investigate this place again in 7 days and decide whether to take over, block or clear out the store."

"What about these mercenaries who suddenly attacked?" asked the gangster leader, "They must be from outside."

"We are doing our best to investigate," 101 said. "If you feel that your safety is threatened, you can ask Nisto's security service to intervene, and we will definitely protect you, just like what we did today."

101's words were so precise that even the gangster leader felt at a loss. Maybe times have indeed changed. The security director who used to say this was just to get some bribes, but now they are really promoting something called "law".

He turned around and chatted with the other cadres for a while.

"Hmm... maybe open a billiards shop." The leader decided, "... people from the nearby Nisto Company may come to spend money... If we continue to mess around like before, we may be killed."

"oh oh!"

“Are we finally going to reopen the store?”

"Wow... there's nothing we can do about it..." the gangsters said.

Miying sat aside and looked up at how clearly 101 had sorted out the responsibilities, regulations and obligations, and was quite envious.

101 carries the world's sharpest shokuromaru on his back, but he subdues people with words without using a sword, and separates order and chaos.

The social module of Miying is still under development, and I realize that there are still many shortcomings. It is not easy to explain things clearly, let alone convince others.

After 101 and 102 finished their work, they arrested the mercenaries for interrogation, leaving Miying and the others behind. Before leaving, 102 stuffed Lu Jing with a large box of chocolates, yokan and cream snacks.

"Thank you!" Lu Jing was grateful.

"Ah, you are doing complicated things." 102 said, "It must be very hard to investigate those bad guys who are anti-witches. If they are not caught, Qianqian and October will not be able to get married with peace of mind."

"So they really want to get married?" Lu Jing only felt that they were very close usually, and talking about marriage was another matter. "I have to prepare big red envelopes for them."

"Marriage is nothing magical, right?" 102 didn't understand anything. "Why is everyone so weird? Two good friends decided to move to the same room to sleep. Is it the same as my sister and me?"

"Don't talk nonsense." 101 pulled 102 away.

Lu Jing watched them leave with a smile, but soon his expression darkened again.

"...When I think about how the anti-witch organization will harm them if they succeed, I feel...terrible." Lu Jing said uneasily.

"You yourself will also be injured. It is said that they will burn the witch to death like the ancient witch trial." Miying organized his outfit and helped the gangsters clean up the attacker's body, "We should go."

"Rin Yin?" Lu Jing looked at Lin Yin aside. She was holding a can of cold beer in her hand, "Are you coming with us? We will take you to contact the cyber monsters."

"Cyber ​​demons, have you really reached the end of technology?" Linyin asked standing there.

"You can find the answer yourself." Miying said.

"I have to take my equipment away. Then..." Rinyin nodded to them, and then went to say goodbye to the gangster leader and thanked him for taking care of him. After they had a chat, Rinyin handed a small thing to

He then followed Miying and Lu Jing.

"What did you give him?" Miying asked.

"Cash card, he will entrust my hacking equipment to a transportation company to move it away." Linyin put her hands behind her back and looked back and forth on the faces of Lu Jing and Miying, "So, shall we set off?"

After they left, the leader led his subordinates to pack up the equipment that Lin Yin left in the basement.

"Let's sell these equipment quietly." The cadre lowered his voice and said to the leader, "Anyway, Rinyin has left the team."

"No...you fool," the leader shook his head, "these equipments are the assets of large companies. Once sold, they will be discovered by interested parties. We will seal them up quietly and send them to Linyin secretly."

"Big company..."

"Remember, kids, if you don't want to cause trouble, no matter who asks in the future, we will tell you that we have never seen her."

This chapter has been completed!
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