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Four hundred and seventieth chapters exchange consciousness

Miying took Linyin to the technology studio on the third floor and asked her to lie down on a "Hellinox" hacker chair.

"The apartment is small, but the equipment is very good." Miying said, "The network cable is also the fastest. You will never regret coming here."

"Miying, the deep anonymous network said that you are the shadow of a cyber monster," Linyin lay on the chair, "What does that mean?"

"It means I can summon its great power." Miying brought the helmet to Linyin, "Put it on yourself. Before your hacking equipment arrives, you can use this to work."

I am going to meet the cyber monster.

What an "honor" this is.

Could it take to itself the technology used to hack into big companies?

Linyin watched Miying operating on the terminal. She closed her eyes and connected the four lines to the interface deep in her silver hair.

——The world has become very far away.

This feeling is extremely strange, as if one second it was scorching summer and the sun was scorching, and the next second it was suddenly plunged into cold sea water.

The infinitely deep "waves" instantly shield all human organs, and the sense of smell and vision are instantly deprived, leaving only emptiness and darkness, accompanied by indifference and fear.

Linyin has seen greater terror, she is no longer afraid, and her consciousness is gradually connected to the software.

She is before the point where her consciousness is completely uploaded, which is what people in the industry call a "dreamless" state.

The "dreamless" state is like a person who has fallen asleep, but the colorful dreams have not yet appeared. The person's thinking just falls into eternal silence, darkness and nothingness, leaving only huge echoes and ghosts of the past.

Nothing. Linyin judged.

Unreasonable... Linyin thought. She should have been connected.

Unless Miying deceives himself.

After a long while, until a trace of arc light moved in the darkness, Linyin suddenly realized that the cyber monster had been in front of him and that he had already observed it.

It's just that it's too big!

The cyber monster was boundless, and she could only observe a small black fragment of it.

Like the creation of life in mythology.

Linyin tried her best to explore in the data space, and gradually she was able to capture the huge image.

The cyber monster is like an infinite outline in the deep sea. Her tiny consciousness seems extremely small in front of the huge amount of data, and will be swallowed up in an instant.

Linyin felt a little strange in the haze.

Her life is now under the gaze of a more powerful being.

"I see you. I want to know, what is the end of technology?" Linyin asked her question.

The scale of the world has expanded, from an ocean to deep space.

In the concept of digital life, it is like the end of the world. No matter how small a storage unit is, it can be used to contain a person's entire spirit. Similarly, all a person's will is also insignificant in the vast data structure.

Linyin silently felt her own insignificance.

The giant beast slowly slid over her head, and she was half asleep and half awake in the infinite scale.

It answered in this way. Linyin knew that the cyber monster must have seen the end of technology and understood the truth before it could respond like this.

"I want to dive into the deepest part." Linyin knew that she hadn't gone deep enough. She was still outside the data fence, using the original way of receiving information to understand everything. "I want to know... I want to know how to enter Healy."

Sea of ​​Sri Lanka.”

A narrow bridge appears in the system.

Linyin tried to squeeze through and go to the access port on the other side of the bridge, but it was too difficult and the transformation was not enough.

She couldn't catch her spirit in this situation.

Equipment, she needs her own complete set of hacking equipment. A simple hacking chair cannot support her to complete a real consciousness upload. She does not even have a digital mind and needs to rely on enterprise equipment for support, and even that is not as good as actually holding a digital mind.

Engineers of the mind.

Linyin could only give up.

"...You killed nearly four hundred hackers alone." Linyin looked at the illusion of the cyber monster, "You are a monster that specializes in devouring hackers, is that right?"

A long silence.

Linyin held her breath and thought, thinking that the cyber monster had left, but in an instant she saw hundreds of consciousness remnants that had been cleaned and archived.

It’s the “Hacker Cemetery”!

Linyin's consciousness almost trembled in front of this spectacle.

Death, grand death.

On that ever-defeating line of defense, no matter how powerful the technical elite was, they were wiped out in the Sea of ​​Hillis, irrecoverable, leaving behind only hundreds of empty files! Made up of fragmented consciousness files.

How majestic - how admirable.

Will something like this be possible once we reach the end of technology?

Linyin longs to enter the Sea of ​​Hillis, step into the peak of technology, become an eternal digital life, omnipotent, and destroy the company.

Gathering her mind, Linyin continued to try to communicate.

"A company owes a blood debt. I want to go back for revenge. I want them to pay with their lives." Linyin's attitude was calm.

"I have been catching up. I have always wanted to catch up with the pace of big companies, so I keep trying." She said.

"But one day they installed the Sea of ​​Cylis, and all my efforts suddenly became meaningless."

"All my skills have become a thing of the past, and I can no longer enter the depths."

"So, I want to learn from you how to dive, no matter what the cost."

After a pause, Linyin approached the data bridge again.

"I know," Linyin said, "You were arrested, degraded, destroyed by the data virus, and turned into a puppet beast of Nisto Corporation. Maybe this is the price of technology users... But I completely understand. I also swear to you

, once I master the Sea of ​​Sylis, I will try to rescue you from the data trap! So, Cyber ​​Monster - please, teach me how to enter the Sea of ​​Sylis!"

Linyin did not get the response she expected.

Everything returns to silence and returns to zero point.

Communication was interrupted, and Linyin was forced to return to his original consciousness.

"Cough——" She sat up from the hacker chair, the circuit fell out of the interface on the back of her skull, and her eyes were bloodshot.

She held her breath, adjusted her nerve signals, and soon sat down calmly as if nothing had happened.

"Have you seen cyber monsters?" Miying stood next to the terminal.

"..." Linyin was silent.

The more I learn about the situation of cyber monsters, the more desperate I feel.

Even though he is a powerful technological being like a cyber monster, he still becomes the watchdog of Nesto Corporation...


"...I'll go make dinner for you." Seeing Linyin's silence, Miying didn't know how to comfort her, so she had to walk away quickly.

Linyin shook his head and suddenly saw a communication invitation light up on the device next to him, calling for Linyin by name.

She entered the communication cautiously.

"Hello, Miss Linyin." A man's voice.

"……Who are you?"

"My surname is Xu."

"I do not know you."

"Miss Linyin, you just contacted the cyber monster in the data space, right?"

"You..." Linyin closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Everything is under surveillance.

Linyin felt a chill.

Even the cyber monster can't block outside communications at all, and all communications are under supervision!

What a desperate situation this is...

"In general, Miss Linyin has a good grasp of technology, but she is not yet good enough to control the Sea of ​​Silis."

"People from Nisto Company," Linyin responded with a smile, "...what are you going to do?"

"We can provide you with course training in Sea of ​​Hillis, as long as you complete the mission of Nisto Company."

Linyin wanted to denounce the "corporate dog!", but then she thought about it, the cyber monster was still imprisoned deep in the cage, and she really needed the technology to achieve a deep dive into the Sea of ​​Sylis.

She closed her eyes and made a decision.

We must master the Sea of ​​Silis, complete our goal, and rescue the Cyber ​​Monster so that it will no longer be enslaved by the Nestor Company.

Until then, I'm afraid I can only reluctantly serve Nisto Company and work for them in exchange for knowledge.

"I understand." Linyin said calmly, "Thank you."

"The first class will be held in a week, free of charge."

Communication ends.

Linyin took off the data cable.

Yes, we can definitely rescue the cyber monsters. Without it to guard the Sea of ​​Hillis, the Nisto Company would be just a superficial shell, and would be overwhelmed by the technological offensive of large companies at any time.

This network supervisor named Xu seems to have a certain status in Nisto Company, and I have to find a way to get close to him and obtain information from him.

It's a pity that now I have to listen to that guy's mercy, in order to get the lessons of Sea of ​​Silis...

Linyin calmed down her emotions and made her goals clear.

On the other side, Xu Yang ended the communication and took a walk in the botanical garden of Farosha. Due to the technological upgrades and experience improvements during this period, he was able to exchange consciousness between the data space and his original body without additional equipment.

Miss Linyin is a good prospect, Xu Yang pondered. She should be able to grow up gradually as a hacker witch.

Once she has grown to a corresponding technical level, it is not an exaggeration to send her to take charge of her own role. However, we still don’t know what kind of past and abilities she has, and we still need to gradually become familiar with her.

And she doesn't have a digital mind... She can't transform consciousness as easily as Xu Yang, and she may not be able to grow to Xu Yang's height. After briefly becoming a digital being, Xu Yang has understood the end of technology, and is the only one in the world.

For someone who has actual combat experience with the Sea of ​​Hillis, it is more than enough to teach Linyin how to crack it.

However, due to the risks, the digital mind has been mastered by only a few giant companies, and is now classified as a forbidden technology. It is not yet known how to install one for Rinyin, which is the most troublesome.

Xu Yang is currently on the core floor of Xisheng Shrine, the center of the entire building. This is also where the new secret room is located and Falosa's residence.

The courtyard is filled with magical plants. Hundreds of little witches are walking around wearing small safety helmets and protective gloves, fighting against the big trees that can eat people, and picking screaming flowers from them. They are noisy and come running.

He ran and filled the cart with harvest while Falosa practiced alone in the secret room at the deepest part of the garden.

Farosha was too busy working before and neglected her training and study. Now she must continue to meditate and hone her strength.

In Nisto Company, Xu Yang is still doing his job - network security and management. He is currently building more data computer rooms to bear the server pressure of the deep anonymous network and use its channels to collect intelligence.

Mizuiro Yoshioka presides over the daily operations of the Witch Club, and is also responsible for reviewing and archiving data for the witches.

Lila is the president, responsible for daily operations, and the top person in charge of the security department. Anyone who seeks help from Nisto Company will be protected.

Her adjutant Elodie is responsible for external security and managing the company's armed forces.

Domokumo's extension is responsible for managing the production and construction of the community, and conducting economic planning and resource allocation according to established procedures without any favoritism.

Pan Ruiyin is the captain of the mobile commando team, leading the elite of the Conquering Witches to respond to emergencies at any time.

Miyazaki Kazama presides over the science and technology department, allowing the scientific research witches who join the company to smoothly carry out their own research and development work.

Ye Zi is the director of business. Without people like her who are proficient in finance and economic operations, Nisto Company will have shortcomings. Currently, Ye Zi is solving foreign trade issues and preparing to sell the products stored in the warehouse to overseas markets.

Make huge profits.

Du Qianqian and Wei Shiyue were in charge of intelligence and propaganda work. Xu Yang gave Du Qianqian an order to personally go out and investigate the information about the "Ghost Warriors" with Miying.

If this person is not found and eliminated, Nisto Company will be attacked secretly again and again and cannot be ignored.

On the other side, in a small apartment, Miying prepared a table of food for everyone.

Speaking of preparation, Miying's cooking module is only enough for her to heat various pre-made dishes and convenience store fast food.

The table is piled with a variety of food, mainly rice balls, broccoli, French fries, mapo tofu, hamburger meat, beef slices, miso soup and tempura, as well as mushrooms, purple rice,

Complementary food such as tamagoyaki, pickled vegetables, sausages, grilled chicken and steak pieces is a rich meal.

"Please use it slowly." Miying bowed to them, "Considering that everyone has various tastes, I bought a copy of all the products in the convenience store on the corner. Please enjoy your meal."

Eating happily. Miying only felt ashamed. The inefficient social module could only talk nonsense in a hurry.

"Thank you for the hospitality, I'm starting." Linyin put her hands together and said loudly.

"I don't agree with it if there is no fuel." Niederreit took out a small bottle of fuel from the inside of his coat and poured it into his mouth.

Lu Jing saw that underneath his coat was another black double-breasted windbreaker, and he could not see his body at all.

Just as they were preparing to eat, the apartment door was suddenly kicked open.


A cool girl wearing sunglasses and a black trench coat walked to the table and sat down as if there was no one else around, picked up the food on the table and started eating.

"In a moment, a combat meeting will be held immediately!" she said loudly, "No one is allowed to be absent!"


"very scary……"

"Who is she?" Lu Jing was confused and stretched out his hand to the sword beside him.

Miying observed it for a while, but came to no conclusion.

"You can call me Du Qianqian." the woman said.

"Du Qianqian doesn't look like this." Miying stood up, "Who are you? Why can you be identified through the entrance?"

There are traps everywhere to stop spies.

Du Qianqian threw a separate chip to Miying. She carefully took the chip, read the contents, and then understood.

It turns out that Du Qianqian has been upgraded to a high-level witch, and her transformed appearance is even more powerful, and Miying cannot scan it no matter what.

Lu Jing was startled by Du Qianqian, lowered his head and ate quickly.

During the dinner, Du Qianqian seemed to have received other news. He quickly got up and walked to the corridor outside to communicate.

"She's so scary!" Lu Jing got the idea and couldn't help but tell Lin Yin.

"What?" Linyin raised her beautiful eyebrows, "Are good boys afraid of strong women?"

"No, no! I've seen her before. She used to be a bit submissive, a bit gloomy, and passive. She looked very cowardly at first glance... but now she is fierce!"

Linyin picked up a can of beer, drank half of it, and then put her arms around Lu Jing's neck.

"A good boy won't understand." Linyin spoke close to Lu Jing's ear, and the hot breath he breathed made Lu Jing's earlobes itch.

"You...what do you know? Can you see the reason?"

"Of course, her current situation is that her life is not harmonious."

This chapter has been completed!
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