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Chapter 474 Gathering

Lu Jing, Miying and Linyin went to the light rail station in Asakusa District, preparing to take a ride to the "disciple's" hideout.

"Down with the witch rule! Save Shangjing!" An advertisement against the Nestor Company was played in the bulletin board. The Nestor Company has witches as its core, and accordingly, witch hunting activities have become popular.

It's very complicated. Lu Jing secretly thought about the relationship between witches and humans.

Witches must be employed by the company from birth. The company provides a contract. As long as the witches perform well and show loyalty, they can be honored to become company assets and be protected by the company. Ordinary people can also accept witches calmly and believe that they will be completely protected.


However, there are still a large number of rebellious witches, hacker witches, and witch companies... They live in the cracks of the corporate world, and it is normal for ordinary citizens to be frightened.

Lu Jing looked at Linyin from the side.

Linyin's walking movements were light and graceful. She always pursed her lips slightly and looked straight ahead. Her calmness and calmness made Lu Jing envious. Her frosty white skin and slender legs were also very beautiful, and her silver-white hair was charming.

How should witches survive?

Complete isolation from humans to prevent them from using magic to tamper with reality and cause destruction. Or... adopt some kind of coordinated method to allow witches to naturally integrate into human society.

Lu Jing often thinks about this issue.

"Look up." Linyin still looked ahead, but seemed to catch Lu Jing's wandering eyes with his peripheral vision.

Lu Jing raised his head and saw that the Asakusa Light Rail Station had arrived.

The light rail station connects the transportation lines that shuttle through the city. The express trains composed of multiple carriages have extremely high carrying capacity. More importantly, they provide citizens who cannot afford shuttles with a way to get to super high-rise buildings.

"There are soldiers from Nisto Company everywhere." Lu Jing looked at the sharp soldiers running around. They jumped on the light blue painted armored vehicles and drove down the ramp to maintain public order.

"Nisto won the war by launching nuclear bombs to the West." Linyin turned her head and looked at the advertisement, which was promoting new commercial and household synthetic products and promoting Nisto's new product line.

"Yes." Lu Jing nodded, "I was shocked, nuclear bomb! The weapon among weapons... Anyway, it's great that the war ends as soon as possible."

Nisto Company won the corporate war in 50 hours, but if it wanted to win all the support of the northern archipelago, it would take more than that.

Miying heard them talking about the war and immediately had his own opinions.

——"The people who pursued peace were eventually affected by the war; the companies that started the war now enjoy peace."

A sentence like this suddenly appeared in Miying's sentence making module.

She was extremely excited instantly!

Great! Such elegant words, poetic and sarcastic, focusing on war and peace. How wonderful it would be if I could say it from a little synthetic mouth like myself! It shows that I am thoughtful and have a decent tone...

"Hold on..." Miying had just started to play the voice when he saw Lin Yin and Lu Jing walking several dozen meters forward.

Lu Jing turned around and called Miying to follow quickly, but Miying quickly interrupted the playback and continued moving forward.

The escalator divided into two levels in front of them.

The upward escalator leads to the security check. A huge photoelectric curtain wall stretches across the aisle, with warning signs floating on it. High-voltage electricity will be used to expel suspicious persons from the station; the downward escalator leads to the waiting room, which is exempt from security checks.

A group of students walked towards the upper escalator. They were drowsy and their eyes were dull. The school used mature knowledge instillation technology to burn knowledge in batches and write fixed data and personality models into their memories to cultivate docile and reliable company personnel.


The knowledge they learned is only prepared for specific positions and has no scalability at all. Once they can't find a corresponding job, they can only wait for death. What's more, major companies are now laying off employees, and most of them have nothing but useless brains after graduation.

Gained nothing but knowledge.

Lu Jing had never been to the waiting room on the lower level. She had always walked up and walked through the security screen calmly. She was naturally shocked when she saw Miying and Linyin walking down naturally.

"Wait a minute! The waiting room on the lower level... isn't it very dirty?" Lu Jing said hurriedly.

"There is a bounty on me." Miying pointed to his head, "Although the bounty hunter doesn't have the guts to collect it, the alarm will be triggered at the security checkpoint."

"You are indeed a good boy. You have never gone down there?" Linyin clasped his hands on his chest and looked at Lu Jing with narrow eyes, "Then don't go down there. If you are a sap, you will be sent to the witch

The trafficking ship crosses the ocean and disappears into an entrepreneur's villa."

"There's nothing to be afraid of." Lu Jing mustered up his courage and walked down the greasy stairs.

The waiting room on the lower level is noisy and crowded, smells bad, anime theme music is playing, the walls are covered with dazzling advertising lights, promoting "Siphon!", tacky large-scale movies and popular stars' slightly dragon-shaped peripherals, more than

Sales of her action figures are a hundred times higher.

At the corner, Lu Jing saw a large group of homeless people with disheveled hair, wearing cheap clothes that had never been washed since they were made. The clothes were covered with cartoon characters with obscene movements. As a symbol of like-mindedness, fat inflatable dolls and

The tent is their greatest asset.

At the other end, a large group of people gathered around the prosthetic doctor's booth, waiting in a long line for surgery. The lower level of the light rail station was a gathering place for people. The prosthetic doctor was as tall as an iron tower, wearing a splash guard and anti-surgery.

The scanned black mask does not use disinfectant or detergent, smooth scalpels, poisons and blood bags are piled randomly together. The tough guy on the operating chair grits his teeth and is covered in cold sweat as he undergoes transformation.

Several private thugs were responsible for maintaining order and driving away all those who didn't open their eyes. The person at the end of the line was squatting on the ground waiting for his place. Electric sparks started to appear from head to toe. It seemed that it was too late.

More people are waiting to commute by light rail, each with their own reasons for not wanting to go to the upper waiting room, anxiously waiting for the train to arrive, and taking care of their personal belongings.

Like the gel sea in Sticky Lake, Lu Jing thought vaguely. Most people.

"Where is the enemy!" Reizu shouted loudly, carrying a gun and patrolling back and forth on the waiting platform beside the track. Next to him were Nisto Defense Force soldiers wearing black heavy armor and fully enclosed helmets, holding "Snake" type weapons.

Main battle rifle.

Their arrival is like a sharp knife piercing the gel, deterring potential criminals.

Lu Jing regretted why she ran downstairs. She smelled the smell of smoke in the air. She hated second-hand smoke, so she just whispered the mantra to avoid smoke. She missed the upper waiting room so much, with its invisible cameras and hidden

In the automatic turret, everyone sat quietly on the aluminum waiting benches. Smoking and tapping stamps were prohibited.

"There are really huge differences between the two of you." Linyin turned her head and looked at Lu Jing, "You see that synthetic lady is adapting to it very well."

Lu Jingxun saw Miying. The platform was white when it was first built, but now it is stained black by dirty oil.

Miying naturally stood on the dirty side and never cared about what was under his feet.

"Someone has to spend money to renovate this place," Lu Jing said.

"Who's going to pay the bill?" Linyin looked at the old-fashioned train that was approaching. Miying ran into the crowd honestly and boarded the train in the blink of an eye. Lu Jing was not as quick as Miying, and he didn't want to put his beautiful Tsing Yi

get dirty.

"Light rail company." Lu Jing said, "This will cause safety risks..."

"As long as the company can run, it doesn't care about anything else." Linyin put his hands behind his back and watched the crowd noisily crowded towards the light rail train.

"Nisto will acquire public services. When the time comes, they will buy the stations and rebuild them!" Lu Jing said.

"Putting your hope to change the world on the conscience of Nisto Company? You really have illusions about big companies." Linyin walked forward, "Squeeze up quickly, otherwise you will miss this train."

"I decided to take a taxi!" Lu Jing said hurriedly.

Then she saw Linyin approaching the train.

She did not enter from the carriage entrance, but jumped onto the side of the light rail, walked sideways along the carriage shell, and walked in through the window easily.

What an exquisite scene this was! Lu Jing watched intently, but unfortunately everyone else kept their heads down and hurried on, not even noticing how Lin Yin got in.

Linyin sat down comfortably on a cushioned position, Miying stood next to her, both of them looked back at Lu Jing, waving their hands to indicate that they should take the first step.

Lu Jing ran outside the light rail station and chose to spend 60 yuan to take a taxi to the hideout, No. 2, Liangmu Street, Luye District.

This is a small and old single-family apartment. It was bought by the disciples and used as a base of operations. The first floor is a garage, and only a few bicycles are parked.

She walked into the living room on the second floor and saw Niederreiter intently browsing doujinshi on the wide screen.

Lu Jing slammed the door hard, then slowly opened it, and saw Niederter intently browsing the Intercontinental Implant Academic Yearbook.

"I'm back." Lu Jing greeted, "You must be Niederite. Miying showed me your photo."

"Yes, I am Miying's friend." Niedlet was wearing a full set of black clothes. There was not a trace of leather on his body, and he looked nervous.

"What's the news?" Lu Jing put on his slippers, hung his Tsing Yi on the coat rack, and threw his small backpack towards the sofa.

"The biggest news today is that Enomoto Bank has been taken over by the Intercontinental Establishment Committee to subsidize bad debts." Niedlet sat on the floor and switched the screen to the news column. "People from other large companies are frantically infiltrating into Beijing.

Enomoto Bank is their bridgehead."

"Why didn't Nisto Corporation annex Enomoto Bank?" Lu Jing was curious.

"First of all, there are too many bad debts, and Nisto's performance in the financial industry is weak," Niederreit analyzed in an orderly manner. "Modern super-large banks like Enomoto Bank can only rely on the financial operations of other large companies.

To save them, external capital also brought a lot of manpower and material resources to maintain their influence in Shangjing to avoid being taken over by the Nisto Company."

"Enomoto Bank...has become a new stronghold for large companies." Lu Jing quickly searched for relevant surveys. Enomoto Bank is the largest banking company in the northern archipelago, with thousands of business outlets. It is now capital injected by the temporarily established Intercontinental Enterprise Committee.

Restored its vitality and has total assets of more than 2.85 trillion.

"After receiving various investments, Enomoto Bank has also continued to promote expansion and mergers and acquisitions of industries." Niederreit explained.

Lu Jing looked at the intelligence as if he wanted to compete with Nisto Company.

Both sides are racing against time to gain territory in the northern archipelago.

Hot money from Taixi and New Taixi is pouring in. There must be higher-level instructions behind it, and we must not sit back and watch Nisto Company grow in the northern archipelago.

Linyin came to the apartment and smiled slightly.

"So you live in a small house like this," she said.

"That's right, it's dirty and small." Niederrett added, "The layout is very similar to the future props laboratory in anime. Uh, you haven't seen it? Forget it... the money is all coordinated by Miying."

"Save your travel funds." Miying said, "The money saved can be used to buy Big Bang Bang."

"I don't have any savings either." Lu Jing recalled the money spent on taxis and just wanted to cry.

"No, no..." Linyin laughed, "What I'm more curious about is, seeing that you have a close relationship with Nisto Company, I thought you would live in the 'Xisheng Shrine'."

"It would be great if I were a member of the Witch Club." Niederrett said, "Unfortunately, I am a prosthetic body."

"Didn't you open a prosthetic workshop in Silla?" Lu Jing asked, "It's over in Shunzhou City."

"Yes, all the money I earn is donated to the charity foundation." Niederreiter said seriously, "You have to know how many displaced people in Silla are fleeing with their families."

——"Actually, it is very simple for us to enter and leave the headquarters. However, if everyone lives in seclusion in the super high-rise palace, we will not know what is happening in the dark corners of the city."

Wow, I can also make up such great dialogue. Miying was secretly excited. He is a cool synth.

"Take me to see the cyber monster." Linyin said, interrupting Miying's fantasy.

This chapter has been completed!
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