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Chapter 529 Yan Duo and his brothers

Yando and his two other brothers gathered together to discuss how to save the other three giants.

They are collectively called "external life" by the local existence. As early as the beginning of eternity, the old people have detected and noticed these super giant life forms that fell from the starry sky, and were extremely afraid of them.

In ancient times, Yan Duo made a big crater when he landed and the entire forest was burned to ashes. Since then, Yan Duo has always felt guilty for the world and must make amends.

"You have also been tortured by humans." The frost giant Ellid spoke, and it presented a ball of extremely cold air in the void. Due to the inherent extreme cold field, the molecules around Ellid moved extremely slowly, almost

Freezing all things, this cold air is just a tiny image projected by it, but it is enough to make Yan Duo feel cold, "But you don't want to join our plan."

"Yanduo...Yanduo..." Sun Yanduo clarified the situation to them.

First of all, the little people just want to dig out some metal from Yan Duo. They just want Yan Duo to help, but there is a misunderstanding because they cannot communicate. In fact, Yan Duo is also willing to help the little people, and Yan Duo knows that he has dropped a little something.

They can all be of great help to the little people. They must collect these debris to build houses, forge tools, and improve their own lives. Yan Duo doesn't mind.

The only problem was that the house they gave Yando to live in was too small.

Endo was unable to move, cramped, bored, without access to sunlight. Digging day and night made Endo thin and extremely frightened. When Endo tried to move, the villains hit Endo hard with huge explosive bombs.

head and heart, that's when it's most depressed.

But it was only a mere 150 years, which seemed like a moment to Yan Duo.

Yanduo will not care about people because of these things. Since it was exposed to the sun, it has gradually recovered to health.

What's more important is that when Yan Duo observes through the glass screen, he can occasionally see some kind-hearted little people. They stick to the glass observation cover, wearing protective clothing and gloves, with sympathetic looks on their faces, as if

I feel the same situation as Yanduo, but I am unable to reverse the situation.

What's more, there are friends! He rescued Yan Duo from the narrow seabed and allowed him to roam carefree. This sympathy alone made Yan Duo full of hope for humans and witches. They finally

Worth saving, the meaning of Yanduo's existence is not to destroy, but to help.

Just like the sun, full of heat, shining on everyone...

Both Bomoldy and Ellid despised the concept of Yando.

"You will be completely destroyed." Pomordi, the dead earth giant, warned Yando.

It is the master of death, and has already planted the mark of death on all living matter in order to restrain its soul. Due to the influence of Bomolti, once a life dies, its soul will leave the body and become an undead in the underworld.

Every moment, people turn into ghosts, constantly joining the shadow behind Bomoldi. They die of disease, war, famine and hard labor, and their end is reincarnation in the maelstrom of nothingness.

"There is no need to convince Yando." Ellid said.

"It will understand, just not now," Pomerotti agreed.

The two giants reached a tacit understanding and turned to each other, leaving Endo behind.

"I will transform the world to the point of extreme cold." The frost giant Ellid summoned the winter wind to blow high in the sky and spread the frost wind to all parts of the world. "The entire planet will become frozen and silent step by step until the earth is completely blank. Glaciers.

Expanded, plants fell and died. The tropics turned into temperate zones, the temperate zones turned into frigid zones, and the frigid zones turned into forbidden areas for life. Midsummer was replaced by cold winter, which turned into a prison of frost."

"People who died of cold and starvation turned into corpses, and their souls will become my strength. The survivors fought for fuel and survival resources." Pomerdi understood.

The two giants will work together to destroy the world.

Once human beings perish in the strange cold, the ancient mystics will lose the basis of their faith, and the witches without the ability to reproduce will embark on a path of destruction and annihilation. The planet will also be successfully controlled by six external beings and become a way for them to return to the starry sky.

's colony.

The brothers' plan made Yan Duo feel painful.

They hate humans and are disgusted with witches, trying to play with their fate and manipulate their future. This obvious contempt and arrogance makes Yando feel uneasy.

Indeed, humans and witches look so insignificant in front of the giant gods in the starry sky, but aren't the so-called "giants" also insignificant in the face of the vast universe?

Yan Duo always maintains patience and awe, especially those villains and witches. How rich their minds and creativity are are beyond Yan Duo's imagination. It feels like just a blink of an eye, human beings have built so many beautiful things.

The city, though, was so fragile that Yando could only look at it from a distance.

Ah, Yando loves it here, but its brothers want to drag everything into destruction.

It can only place its hope on its friends, hoping that they can preserve as many lives and resources as possible in the cold future.

A kind man will lend a helping hand, a careful witch can take care of things, and the little witch god can break through the limits, connect to the stars, and regain the shattered outer sky. By then, Endo can go home,

Returning to my hometown with all the wonderful memories in this land.

Looking at the brothers who were causing havoc, Yan Duo could not convince them.

Yan Duo believes that all life and existence in the world are interrelated, so we should look after and care for each other, share our kindness and enthusiasm, and a boundless love that fills everything and cleanses everything will be born in the world. By then

, hatred, jealousy and hurt will disappear, leaving only sincere passion and boiling joy, people connecting without argument and living in harmony.

However, there is always such a rule in the world: as long as one party treats you wholeheartedly, the other party will have evil intentions and intend to take advantage of this gift of goodwill. Therefore, all cooperation must be based on self-interest considerations, and pure goodwill will be bullied.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! So, are all Yan Duo's choices based on good intentions stupid?

The answer to this question is still unresolved. Now there is only one thing that can solve the mystery, that is, whether Yanduo's friends can fulfill Yanduo's original wish - "...the world now is a mess, unfair, chaotic and corrupt."

world, I hope you can turn it into a beautiful world."

If they do it, it means that Yan Duo did nothing wrong, good intentions prevailed, and good people were rewarded.

Now, Yanduo can only think of ways to slow down their frozen world. The friends still need time to grow. Yanduo hopes that they will grow enough to melt the ice and grow enough to conquer death!

"Yanduo." Yanduo handed over to Ellid a piece of the throne that Farossa asked it to donate. The diamond-shaped fragment shining with strange divine light almost illuminated the entire afterlife, making the tens of millions of

The fallen souls looked up, and the Frost Giant accepted it and carefully studied its secrets.

"Yanduo... Yanduo..." Yanduo told them that studying this fragment was of great significance. Yanduo was very clear about the information written on it, and he understood what exactly created it.

When Yando revealed a little bit about the origin of the god-ascension machine, Ellid and Bomoldy felt in awe and began to observe Sun Yando again, the eldest among the six existing outside races.

Immediately afterwards, Yan Duo sat down next to its brothers, allowing them to ponder the mysteries in the fragments of the throne. The frost wind blowing the world was no longer so harsh.

Yan Duo made up his mind that he would remain motionless from now on. As long as his friends didn't fall down, Yan Duo would not get involved in any of their plans or help anyone do bad things.

Unless even the friends fail in their pursuit of a better world, then Yanduo will have to make its choice.

As for now, Yan Duo only hopes that they will always be high-spirited, move forward resolutely, and live a beautiful and happy life!

This chapter has been completed!
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