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Chapter 530: Return to the Star

102 Close the windows in the corridor of the headquarters to block the cold wind coming in. The weather today is quite evil.

In order to keep out the cold, she pulled the zipper of her black rubber coat all the way up, making her body tense, especially her breasts, which grew day and night, just like the story about stuffing pumpkins into a barrel.

Likewise, the barrel will explode sooner or later.

102 patted them in distress. What do they look like? They have no practical function. They can't even be used to feed little fools. It would be great if they could be used to feed little fools. 102 wouldn't have to buy milk every day.

She turned back and called to Linyin and the others to follow. They originally wanted to send the injured Miying to the maintenance station, but after 102 heard about it, they asked them to bring Miying to the headquarters.

Niederreiter turned his head to look at the injured Rinne, feeling very uncomfortable and disgusted with A999 who looked as if nothing had happened next to him. However, they were unable to enter the core layer and could only wait outside.

There is a vertical tower area on the core floor of the headquarters. Directly below is Farosha's secret room. Due to Farosha's transformation of the secret room, many floors and rooms around it have been divided into core layers, which are constantly influenced by Farosha's power.102

He has a rich imagination and dreams constantly every day, so he is responsible for receiving guidance from Farosha in his dreams to guide these powers correctly.

"There is a confidential area ahead. The others are outside, Linyin, follow me." 102 strode across the beautiful terrazzo floor and led them to the exquisite testing station.

Linyin hugged Miying. Due to the mysterious sniper's shooting, Miying's body was penetrated and the core circuit was damaged. It is now in a state that cannot be turned on. It is really unfortunate. Because Xu Yang gave her permission, Linyin can also follow

Enter the confidential area behind 102.

She was very curious about 102's condition. 102 was plumper than Rinne, had longer legs, and was taller. They were similar in age, but had a childish face. How cute, and also had the unavoidable charm of a witch. She

Those bright eyes are very attractive, and combined with the beautiful curve of her lips, they are enough to make anyone intoxicated. Her twin sister 101 is no different from her, that is, twice as beautiful and handsome, every time she sees

When 101 and 102 are in pairs, Rinyin can't take his eyes off them.

"Be careful, the front is Lady Farossa's domain." 102 opened the locked door.

Linyin looked forward and opened her eyes unconsciously. The space expanded. It was not the scale that this room should have at all. The world inside was completely deformed and turned into a complex three-dimensional geometric structure, composed of interlaced golden arcs and straight lines. In

Beyond these golden lines that can stand, there are empty starry skies everywhere. The core layer of the headquarters has become an indescribably beautiful area, as if a sea of ​​​​stars has been copied here, and the wind of magic is blowing everywhere, making Rinyin feel his own

Magic power grows and recovers quickly.

It can only be described as a spectacle...

"Be careful not to fall." 102 walked forward on the golden arc.

Linyin worked hard to maintain her balance and followed closely behind 102. When Linyin stepped on these golden threads, she felt a solid touch under her feet, which made her slightly reassured. But every time she looked far into the distance, she could see the universe spreading out.

Come on, all kinds of celestial bodies are arising and dying in distant places, making Linyin dizzy.

The journey was very close. The clothes on 102 were too tight. She originally wanted to squat down, but it felt heavy and hard, so she hurriedly waved to the front.

"Did you see it? Just push Miying over and bring it back." 102 said with a smile, "Forget it, I'll help you!"

Looking forward following 102's words, Linyin was surprised. There was a colorful star floating in front of the silk thread where they were standing. It was at least a hundred meters wide and terrifying in size. It released a strange phantom light, and all the colors were

It turns into a continuously surging liquid, slowly rotating and shining in the depths of the star.

102 took Miying from Linyin's arms and placed Miying close to the circulating star. Miying did not change much at first, but was soon covered by a strange light released by the star. Then, Linyin felt the surroundings

The color of the world is smeared with bright red, as if this sea of ​​stars has been dragged back to the mother body that gave birth to it and reproduced from scratch.

The blood-red light flashed, and Linyin held her breath while 102 carefully observed Miying. When the bullet marks on Miying's body disappeared, 102 grabbed Miying's ankle and dragged her back to the golden thread where 102 was standing.

In an instant, the continuously shining celestial body slowly retreated, and the surrounding sea of ​​stars returned to its original splendor and color.

"We want to recruit A999!" Miying shouted while being held by 102.

"No, no..." Linyin quickly corrected Miying's understanding, "Reconnect to the Internet and correct the body time, Miying, 5 hours have passed. We found A999 and you have been repaired!"

Miying sat on the ground and slowly corrected the code in the cognitive module.

"I see..." Miying closed her eyes.

Linyin breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the continuously circulating recovery star.

"What kind of...well...who made such a thing?" Linyin asked tentatively.

"It's Lady Falosa who appeared in the dream when we were sleeping." 102 said naturally.

"Can she control dreams?" Linyin asked.

"Lord Farosha enters our dreams every day and guides our lives, but you never dream?" 102 couldn't quite understand Linyin's situation.

"I didn't." Linyin slowly shook his head, "But I know what dreams are. You mean, you can always see her in your dreams? Don't you think it's strange? It's been like this from the beginning?"

"Ah!" 102 thought for a while, "Isn't it surprising? If it's Ms. Farosha, she can do anything. She is super powerful. She has kneaded the law of reply into such a big shiny ball, so that we don't have to

If you keep disturbing her, you can fix things by yourself here."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! It is mysterious and unpredictable. Rinyin looked around. The magic power in her body returned to the upper limit, and then there was no sign of growth. Her magic circuit was due to the body's

She was damaged due to the transformation and is not as powerful as a real witch.

There is a particularly powerful witch here. Rinyin pursed her lips and thought, her brows furrowed slightly, Rinyin had never been in contact with her before.

"Is she a member of Nisto Company? Do I have a chance to meet her?" Rinyin had to ask the question. There is such a mysterious existence, but Rinyin knows nothing about it. This is too bad.


"Yes, yes, you may be able to see her soon." 102 I believe that Lord Farosha will treat Rinyin well.

102 likes Lord Falosha very much, because Falosha keeps showing 102 new things, including new powers, new mysterious knowledge, and the hope of going to a new world, as well as the law of recovery that reverses everything, giving

A chance for her and her sister to survive. Even for this, she would be willing to be driven by Farosha.

"What will happen if I fall?" Linyin turned to look at the void universe landscape on both sides of the golden thread. She always felt that it was an illusion. After jumping, there would be something real waiting for her, but she did not dare to take the risk.

"Then she will be swallowed directly by Lord Falosa." 102 said with a smile. She looked down and saw that the depths of the sea of ​​stars were connected to the secret chamber itself.

Now Linyin can understand the horror of Falosa.

Her mood fluctuated between weirdness and awe. But Rinne was not born to be timid. She lowered her head and looked at the boundless starry sky. As a hacker witch, she knew that she had to exceed the limits of all traditional witches. This Falosa

No matter how powerful he is, he can never make Rinyin flinch.

Linyin took Miying out and as soon as she reached the corridor, she felt at ease as she returned to the real world.

She first sent a letter to question Tanaka Taro.

"Mr. Tanaka," Rinne said in a serious tone, "The A999 you created was completely arrogant and conceited, which caused a lot of trouble to the entire team. But we did not receive any prior warning from you."

"I told you that it is very unruly, otherwise it would not run away from me." Taro Tanaka's tone was equally unyielding.

"You'd better watch it yourself, we don't have room to take care of such a perverted synthesizer." Linyin warned.

"I'm not familiar with your team, but it seems that you always have difficult challenges." Taro Tanaka explained, "Why not try to get along with A999 and improve its personality? A40 is more changeable than it is, but in the end, it seems that A40 helped

It’s still more trouble than it causes.”

What a cunning scientist. Linyin sighed secretly. He threw the trouble on himself.

After some social training in the disciple team, Taro Tanaka will be more confident to take him with him in the future, and he will not be afraid of A999 causing trouble at overseas exhibitions.

And the team really needs the help of A999's super combat power, including Rinne's own biggest ambition, to invade Enomoto Bank! If a powerful team breaks into the underground layer and helps Rinne kill those hackers, Rinne can successfully break into Hillis.

The sea takes everything she wants, destroys the Enomoto Bank, and fulfills her long-cherished wish.

To kill a big company, the more helpers the better. Bring a heavy blow to the company that cares about human life, and avenge all the pain Rinne has suffered from the past to the present.

"Miying?" Linyin muted her communication, and then quietly asked Miying for her opinion, "It's the so-called A999 that caused you to do this. Do you want A999 to join the team?"

"No problem." Miying said indifferently, "It is the last Class A synthesizer in the world, please be patient."

Yes. Rinne nodded secretly. Taro Tanaka will no longer produce more Class A synths, and will probably turn his attention to more diverse home service and companion synths from now on, which are more in line with market demand.

"Okay." Linyin returned to the communication channel and agreed to Taro Tanaka's request, "We will guard A999."

"Thank you, I will provide you with relevant funds." Tanaka Taro was satisfied and ended the correspondence. The money was generous. Rinne received a remittance of 300,000 yuan.

"A999 is not liked now," Linyin shared the money with Miying, "I also have to find a way to cure it. I will first go to the hospital to find Ogyue Zensuke and ask him to help control the crazy A999, and then continue to participate in training


"I will go purchase supplies," Miying nodded briskly, "The headquarters also has other weapons projects for us to test."

"This team will become more and more amazing," Linyin couldn't help but smile, "Everyone of us works hard."

"Miss Linyin." Miying said solemnly, "I like the feeling of us all fighting together. This team has never been so strong. I am very happy!"

"Me too!" Linyin couldn't help laughing.

With a group of trustworthy partners, what could be happier than this?

After splitting up, Linyin went to find Ouzuki Zensuke based on the contact information left in the bounty hunter directory in Beijing.

Ouzuki Massuke told Rinne that he was currently at the Rose Medical Medical Center in Shangjing, and Rinne took a taxi there. Rose Medical is the most powerful medical company in the world, controlling the Britannia region, and it is located in medical centers all over the country.

Often represent the highest level of local medical services.

The waiting area outside the ward is full of waiting patients and their families, all looking worried. The hospital is Rinyin’s least favorite place, and it is crowded with scenes of life and death. All consciences and morals will be tested repeatedly in the hospital.


Masusuke Ozuki stood next to the radiator. He was clean-shaven, expressionless, and completely meticulous. His black hair was tied back, wearing a black formal suit and tie, and carrying his katana behind his back.

"Why are you in the hospital?" Linyin looked around. There were promotions of discounted medical packages everywhere. All kinds of diseases could be cured. It just depended on how much money people could pay for their own lives.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "My girlfriend is hospitalized here." Ozuki Masusuke's voice sounded devoid of any emotion, as if the pressure of life had made him numb.

"Sorry to mention this." Linyin sniffed the smell in the air, mixed with the sporadic smell of disinfectant. The air in the hospital always made Linyin feel clean, "The place here must spend a lot of money every day. If necessary

As for money, we are still recruiting people to help us, and you will also get your dividends."

"I don't know." Ogyue Zensuke did not agree directly, "...the medicine doesn't work, she is about to die."

"When did you get the disease?" Linyin couldn't help but ask, thinking of Nisto Company's reply star.

"..." Ozuki Masosuke felt speechless about this question. He stepped on the ground as if he wanted to kick the question away, but finally said, "It's been a year."

"We can help her recover." Linyin proposed her idea, "But you have to help train a very cruel and unreasonable synthesizer, and help us complete the task."

Ogyue Zengsuke was silent for a while, weighing the pros and cons.

"...Yes." Hazuki Zensuke nodded, "You said you are from Nisto Company. Since you are from Nisto Company... there may be a way."

"That's it." Linyin stepped back lightly, "If you want to help, come to this place."

Rinne left the coordinates of a company warehouse to Ozuki Zensuke, and then left the medical center.

Masusuke Ozuki looked at the opportunities in front of him, and then looked back at the ward, as if he could see those who died or were dying. He recalled all the efforts from the past to the present, closed his eyes, and silently sought inner strength. Nisto

The company's invitation is not simple. This company has done too many wonderful things, its mystery means sinister, and there are all kinds of rumors about terrible witches. Ozuki Masusuke cannot accept it hastily.

After Rinyin left, he went back to practice with Da Pan in the training camp at Nisto headquarters.

"You've made some progress." Pan Ruiyi was condescending and stabbed Linyin with his spear. She responded flexibly, using molecular wires and dragon knives to resist the damage.

But now Pan Ruiyi does not use magic power. He only relies on his natural strength, witch armor and sharp weapons to fight, making Rinyin appear more comfortable. Rinyin is under the pressure from Pan Ruiyi, frowning, the gap still exists, the only optimistic person

Yes, it is not as unattainable as she imagined.

According to this progress, Linyin will gradually become a threat to Pan Ruiyi, and in the end, he will become an opponent that Pan Ruiyi must fight with all his strength.

As for when she can completely defeat Pan Ruiyi, Linyin is not sure. She has to use hacking skills, shooting and detours to compete with Pan Ruiyi, and she cannot stick to melee combat.

After training, Linyin picked up a sports drink and drank it, while Da Pan turned around and left.

"Where are you going next?" Linyin asked.

"Do some errands, finish them quickly, and then there will be activities in the evening." Pan Ruiyi walked in a hurry, not as calmly as usual.

In the evening, Linyin went back to the Solid Gold Building to drive piles. This time, he had to drive the piles that had not been driven in the morning and noon.

Linyin was Pon-Pon beside the bed. She suddenly saw something shining outside approaching, so she opened the electric French window and came in. She was surprised to find from the tall figure...it was Da Pan!

"What are you doing here!" Linyin was surprised.

"Why is it you!" Pan Ruiyi was even more surprised, "When did you... No, you guy... when did you!"

"Don't worry." Xu Yang disagreed, "Let's come together."

Linyin lay on the quilt, her face as red as Pan Ruiyi's beside him.

"You are so good-looking." Linyin saw Pan Ruiyi's face under the mask for the first time and heard her real voice.

"...Stop arguing!" Pan Ruiyi was so embarrassed that he was actually with his students. They fought fiercely in the battle, but now they were beaten together.

After the unprecedentedly enthusiastic do, Rinyin always felt that someone was missing. Sure enough, in the early morning, the president Lila Nisto came to clean the house regularly.

"I'll be here in a minute." Lila took a look at the scene in the room and decided to clean up the outside room first.

Linyin had to move a lot to grab a seat from Pan Ruiyi, but now she felt that her hope was slim. But it didn't matter, she could assist, and she didn't want to be idle anyway!

This chapter has been completed!
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