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Chapter 539: Integrate into it

Join a new team, complete desperate missions, and receive excess rewards.

Ozuki Masusuke couldn't be more familiar with this kind of work. He felt like a sea fish, swimming upstream in the dark and deep sea. The pain was not that he was lost in the sea, but that he had lost the opportunity to return to the shore for life, and he had forgotten the end of this kind of thing.

Since when.

He watched people walk into the warehouse one by one. Using general terms such as transformed people, women, and teenagers obviously could not describe their respective characteristics. The only thing they had in common was their vigilant and serious expressions, as if they already knew that their road was bumpy.

Be prepared to face challenges head-on.

After exchanging names, Miying, as the team leader, asked them to use the warehouse as their base of operations and conduct 48 hours of preparation work before finally getting ready and heading to Sado City to perform the mission.

Enough buffer space was given, but there was nothing to prepare for.

He has participated in hundreds of missions, large and small, and has been through life and death more times than he can count. He is very confident about how much he is capable of and how much he can accomplish.

As long as others don't hold back, Ozuki Zosuke can fulfill his responsibilities. He actually sees himself as a lone wolf, who can always go deep behind enemy lines and repeatedly achieve surprise.

Among the team, the new member Jiro Saba appears to be alienated from the others. At this moment, Jiro is also interested in the new member Ozuki Masusuke.

"This is our first meeting," Jiro Tomasaba walked towards Ozuki Masusuke, "This is Jiro Tomasaba, he is Chiyuki's younger brother. Please give me your advice!"

He had a clear face and a thin body, and wore a pair of pale leather gloves that seemed to facilitate casting spells.

"My name is Ozuki Masusuke." He didn't want to reveal too much about himself. People in this kind of industry shouldn't tell everything about their life experiences. One moment they were partners, and the next moment they might be facing each other with swords.

After all, Ouzuki Masuke is still new here. He cannot trust other people, and I believe that others will not trust him. He also knows that he will receive extra attention and scrutiny, and Ouzuki Masuke is already familiar with it.

He just wants everything to go on as normal without any accidents.

"I heard that Mr. Ozuki Masosuke is quite good at casting spells, that's amazing!" Jiro Toshiba is a young man with an active voice and a cheerful expression. He has a temperament that suits a boy of his age, green and sunny.

His cheerful attitude made Masusuke Ouzuki feel a little wary. Such people usually cannot keep secrets. People like Jiro are more suitable to appear in low-pressure environments, not here and now.

"Yeah." Ozuki Masusuke thought that his cold response would make him retreat, but unexpectedly, Jiro Saba smiled.

"Being able to cast spells is really amazing." Jiro Sheba was excited when he met a spell caster. He looked at the palm of his hand and could almost summon a faint white light. "You can distinguish mortals from extraordinary people at once."

Casting spells can distinguish between ordinary people and extraordinary people. Can't it be done by adding implants to oneself? Can't it be done by burning professional knowledge in one's own brain? Masusuke Ozuki thought silently. According to Jiro Shaba's definition, what is extraordinary in the world?

They should be all over the streets.

The true transcendence must be the gathering of great power into one body, which can be independent of ordinary forms, follow one's will, transcend the turmoil of the world, and pursue one's heart without fear.

Ozuki Masuke only regards himself as a juggler, and his magic can only attract people's attention.

However, these thoughts only lingered in Ouzuki Masusuke's mind. It is the biggest taboo in the world to talk about the superficial and the deep. Ogyue Masuke was speechless and nodded slightly to Jiro, but he had nothing to say after that.

Jiro felt that he was not interested, and he weighed his ideas repeatedly in his mind, thinking about how to attract the attention of this cold-faced mercenary so that he could find out the source of his mysterious power.

But after much thought, I was still limited by my lack of experience, so I finally gave up and walked away silently.

"Do you want to buy anything?" Niederreiter helped everyone register the material needs. After registering Snowball's batteries, he found that Hazysuki had not said a word, so he walked over to ask.

"...I want to get some funds and buy it myself." Ozuki Masosuke took out his cash card, and Niederreiter transferred 25,000 funds to his card for preparation before departure, "It's really refreshing.


"After all, we have to go to such a far place," Niederreiter explained. "When I travel in the world, I always worry about the lack of certain equipment."

"Have you been to many places?" Hearing this, Masusuke Ozuki couldn't help but pay a little attention to the strange man hiding in a thick black coat in front of him.

"There are too many. I come from Europe and I have probably been to more than 30 cities." Niederreiter nodded, "Because I am poor, I always have to travel and work at the same time, and I can't go very far every time. I can only buy

Pay a ferry ticket to the next port and continue working.”

"Then this is your final destination." Ouzue Zengzuke understood, "From the Taixi Continent to the Northern Islands Continent, it spans half the world."

At this moment, Ozuki Masuke couldn't help but feel a little respect for Niederreiter. Others may not see that he is special, but Ouzuki Masosuke can detect his uniqueness. Niederreiter has traveled to so many cities, like this

Long-term roaming requires not only vigilance and self-defense methods, but also a persistent heart of exploration.

After listening to Ozuki Masuke's words, Niederreiter just nodded without seeing his facial expression.

"I'm just lucky, otherwise I would have to wander all over the world." Niederreiter said friendlyly, "I'm very good at maintenance and mechanics, but I'm still short of money. If I can get dividends, I can do more for myself.

What you want to do.”

"Then, please take care of me in the next mission." Ozuki Masosuke bowed to Niederreiter.

After Niederreiter left, Masosuke Ozuki looked at the other new companions walking around in the warehouse, making preparations for their departure in an orderly manner, and felt a sense of belonging that he had not seen for a long time.

Unlike other mercenary teams he was familiar with, they were not as utilitarian as the people here had their own ideals and beliefs, and they did not come together simply for financial gain.

"Hey, Ozuki!" Hosoda Yoshiyuki walked towards Ozuki Masusuke, "I have vaguely heard of a person like you before. It seems that you are a private business expert who came to Beijing."

"The tasks I take are all low-key and secretive." Ogyue Zensuke felt the seals on his body. They require Ogyue Zengsuke to pay a price to survive forever. "My abilities are special and I am not suitable to appear in front of the public."

"Are you a local? Where were you born?" Hosoda Yoshiyuki suddenly thought of this. Although everyone is used to coming from different places, being born in the same area can still create some nostalgia ties.

"Kana Prefecture." Ouzuki Masosuke explained. This is a small county located on the outskirts of Shangjing.

"Oh!" Hosoda Yoshiyuki said in awe, "I was born in Zhuoi Village in Kyoin, which is only 12 kilometers away from Kanna."

"The northern archipelago is so small." Ogyue Masosuke nodded. A quarter of the population is concentrated in Shangjing. Being born is like a lottery. There is a 25% winning rate. After winning the lottery, the difficulty of life can be greatly reduced. If you miss it, you will have to

Find your own way.

"I've thought about this too. It would be great if I could be born in a place as vast as Xia." Yoshiyuki Hosoda said, "It's thousands of kilometers from the south to the north. You can drive or fly all the way.

They are all different scenery. Have you been to summer?"

"I had a few bowls of noodles in Guangnan Mansion." Ogyue Zengsuke couldn't help but think of the scenery he had seen in Xia. Although he was just on a mission and went back quickly, he was still impressed. Many "cities" are in other parts of the world.

Counted as a city, in Xia it can only be considered a suburban county.

"Vermicelli? How does it compare with sushi?" Hosoda Yoshiyuki became interested.

"No matter what food, once digested, it becomes a unified thing..." Masusuke Ouzuki tried to clarify his thoughts, "...it is all protein, fat and water. There is no distinction between good and bad. The original deliciousness stays on the tip of the tongue.

, but only five to ten minutes.”

"Boring, boring!" Yoshiyuki Hosoda cursed, "You are just like those monks who say eating dough is better than eating cake."

There are eggs in the cake, maybe there are other things. Masusuke Ozuki wanted to say something to Yoshiyuki Hosoda, but his personal communicator rang, so he said goodbye to Yoshiyuki Hosoda and walked behind the pillar of the warehouse.

Communicate with your girlfriend.

In a place where he couldn't see, Linyin hid on the top of the steel beam and observed.

She secretly hacked into Ouzuki Zensuke's communicator and checked its stored contents. Most of them were chat and call records between him and his girlfriend. In addition, there were also pictures of places taken by Ouzuki Zengsuke when he was performing tasks. They seemed to be from a certain place.

This kind of commemorative activity means that he has visited various areas in Beijing.

There were also photos of his girlfriend. According to the annotations, Rinne discovered that Masusuke Ozuki's girlfriend was named Yukihana Reiko. Except for the photos he took of Reiko wearing cosplay clothes, the other photos were all group photos with roughly the same content. He looked indifferent.

His girlfriend happily held his hand and took pictures everywhere. The record ended last spring, which seemed to be the beginning of his girlfriend's illness. Ozuki Masusuke seemed to have no personal hobbies, except for tasks, training and illness.

He has no other thoughts but his girlfriend.

"Where have you been?" Reiko's voice came from the communicator.

"I have to go on a business trip, public affairs." Ozuki Masosuke lowered his voice and explained to his girlfriend, "Reiko... I may have to go for a long time before I come back, maybe two or three weeks. I may not have the signal to call you when I get there. I will definitely

Take care of yourself...I bought you fruits and a lot of comic books. I paid the hospital's three-month hospitalization fee. Just stay there...be obedient and wait for me to come back."

"...Did you do something dangerous again? You say that every time, you always..."

"No, listen to me..." Ozuki Zensuke squatted down and patiently explained a series of things to Reiko.

It seems that because of Reiko's condition, there are many things that need to be explained repeatedly by Ogyue Masuke in order to awaken some of her memories. However, Ogyue Masuke is honest and patient, and can explain repeatedly until she understands the cause and effect.

Rinyin listened patiently. This kind of hacking was necessary. Rinyin had to make sure that the newcomer was reliable. This was the most basic of basics.

After eavesdropping on their conversation, when Ozuki Masuke sighed and turned around, Rinne also hid on the other side and turned his gaze.

At the entrance, Miying had bought a large box of supplies. The catalog covered a variety of firearms, ammunition, tools, and auxiliary supplies such as treatment needles, electromagnetic grenades, and landmines. Linyin couldn't help but secretly nod. This mission

The probability of victory is one point higher.

Apart from absolute victory, Linyin wanted nothing more.

This chapter has been completed!
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