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Chapter 546: Detonator

Mateo is wearing a black plastic military jacket. He is tall and wears a black beret. He carries firearms of different sizes. Behind his back is a laser three-eyed blunderbuss "Red Eyed Devil". Two pistols are fastened to his belt. There may also be


Masusuke Ozuki believes that he is the only one in the world who knows that Mateo is a clone.

He once killed a Mateo in Jialongpo, and later fought another Mateo during a mission in Nanke City, and was slightly better.

The third Mateo was met in Kamikyo. Masosuke Ozuki followed him last year, but eventually lost him. After he went to Anjiu City, he caused the explosion of the Kamikora Building and disappeared soon after.

These Mateos do not share memories and experiences, but judging from the nearly five years of contact with Ozuki Masuke, Mateo has become more and more sophisticated, sharp and arrogant as time goes by. Especially the last one he met

Mateo, who could hardly be seen as a synthetic human, was deeply surprised by Masusuke Ozuki.

Maybe Blackfire Innovation used a new algorithm to train synths.

Haoyue Zengzhu is still in gaseous form, floating at the top of the power plant entrance.

He could observe the scene in the depths. Huge unit units were located in the depths. When the fire burned, they emitted an orange-red light, and tongues of flames gush out from tiny places, as if those steel structures were trying to suppress a burning monster.

As long as Ozuki Masuke puts in a little effort, the entire thermal power station will shut down, but with a Mateo guarding here, he doesn't dare to act rashly.

Masusuke Ozuki turned around to leave, but Mateo, who was leaning on the railing, suddenly turned around and looked up at the transparent dark clouds clinging to the concrete dome indoors.

Discovered? Hazy Moon Zengzhu suddenly became vigilant.

Mateo's eyes looked particularly vicious behind his sunglasses. He put his hand on the three-eyed laser gun behind his back, which immediately put Masosuke Ozuki in a dilemma.

Should he escape from the narrow gap to the outside, or should he immediately regain his physical body and fight Mateo?

Hesitation was not his strong point, so he lifted the fog, returned to his human form, suddenly jumped out of the air, and pounced on Mateo like a falcon.

——The feeling of fainting hindered him. Ogyue Zengsuke was physically and mentally exhausted when switching forms, and his accuracy and agility dropped significantly.

Mateo saw that he was coming quickly but roughly, so he swung the butt of his gun and hit him hard.


The strong alloy gun butt hit Ozuki Masuke's nose.

Severe pain and bloody smell hit my forehead, as if I had been hit head-on by a truck.

He subconsciously leaned back to slow down the impact, and Mateo kicked out hard again, using his strong mechanical legs to push his thick rubber military boots onto Ozuki Masusuke's chest.

The second attack was more painful than the first. Ozuki Masuke took two steps back, and a large stream of blood spurted out from his mouth.

A bloodthirsty and cruel look appeared on Mateo's face, and he asked Hazy Moon to help Vision transform himself into the Black Fire.

He fumbled and found his sword, chanted the incantation in a vague voice, and a flash of lightning lit up on his body, blocking Mateo's pursuit.

When Mateo drew his gun, Ozuki Zosuke was already attacking with his sword.

Offense and defense transition.

Facing the menacing Ozuki Masuke, Mateo turned sideways to avoid the knife. Then, it bent his arm, and the strong elbow slashed downwards like a saber, hitting the left shoulder of Ozuki Masuke hard!

The moment it hit, Ozuki Masuke felt excruciating pain, as if his entire left arm had been chopped off from his body, and the sharp elbow could cut through the flesh like a sharp weapon.

At the same time, the electric balls surrounding Masusuke Ozuki also roared and exploded on Mateo.

Like a lamp that shines after being powered on, its synthetic metal skin lit up with a series of dazzling electric lights! Mateo's voltage was disrupted for a while, forcing it to take a step back.

Ozuki Masusuke said nothing and fumbled for his gun, which still had a chance to turn defeat into victory.

His left arm was crippled, he suffered continuous heavy blows, and his physical strength has been reduced by half. After all, he is only a mortal, and now he has fallen into decline.

As an advanced experimental synthesizer, Mateo obviously still has room for success.

Masusuke Ozuki first threw the katana at Mateo with his right hand, and the blade hit Mateo's head and pierced its alloy skin, but the penetration was not deep.

"I know you." Mateo made a synthesized voice, and it moved mechanically. His left hand tried to pull the knife out of his face, and his right hand pulled out a pistol and shot at Ozuki Masuke.


The bullet penetrated Ozuki Masusuke's abdomen, and blood surged like a fountain. The secretion of adrenaline temporarily blocked the pain. He fell to the ground, took out the energy pistol hidden inside his clothes with his right hand, and kept shooting at Mateo's legs.

With a continuous whizzing sound, the bright red energy projectiles ablated its knees, causing it to fall to the ground like Ozuki Masusuke!

Mateo felt that the machine's performance was severely degraded. While reporting about the intruder, it slid on the ground and retreated, trying to avoid Ozuki Masosuke's gunfire.

Ozuki Massuke poured out all 6 energy bullets in one breath, and then recited the incantation.

Before Mateo could regain his balance, Hazuki Zengsuke turned into a cloud of mist and drifted towards the depths of the generator unit.

As a target? Mateo was alert to this fierce battle and refused to miss the opportunity. He immediately put down his pistol and took out the three-eyed laser gun from his back. After charging for 2 seconds, the three barrels rotated rapidly and shot out bright red high-energy bullets.

The laser bullets whizzed towards Ozuki Masuke.

Ozuki Masuke tried his best to dodge.

The energy projectiles with astonishing destructive power flew through the air, hitting the combustion furnace and power chamber hundreds of meters away, melting the furnace shell, destroying the machine, and creating cracks.

Mateo fired wildly in order to hit Ozuki Zosuke, but these bullets also killed the generator unit itself one after another!

The powerful three-eyed laser blunderbuss attacked the generator set like this. The entire power plant stopped after a terrifying buzz, and the alarm sounded continuously.

The soldiers standing guard outside the power plant came because of the sound of gunfire. Now that they heard the sirens, they struggled to open the main entrance.

They opened the door with all their strength, and Mateo waved at them angrily: "Don't open the door!"

But it was too late. Masusuke Ozuki, who turned into smoke, flew out easily. After the soldiers outside opened the door, he also escaped through the door.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Mateo was left to confront the large group of soldiers of the Black Fire Revolution. Masusuke Hazuki was too weak to hear what they said.

He looked at the entire Blackfire military base, and the only remaining lights were extinguished.

Mission accomplished? Hope this helps.

Ozuki Masuke thought vaguely and flew towards the forest in the distance. The team members were roughly in that direction, up to 40 miles away.

As soon as he entered the forest area, he returned to his human form and sat on the ground in pain.

The latest Mateo has also become extra strong. Is it getting stronger every year? Ozuki Masusuke thought to himself. Why can't he still beat a Mateo?

Hit by a rifle butt, a kick, an elbow, and a shot.

He sent a request for help to the team channel, then sat by the roots of a tree and waited quietly.

It would be better if he were more careful, Ozuki Masosuke thought. But this kind of secret agent and spy-like work is always accompanied by risks. He still has to continue to train his sword skills. By the way, that sword still remains.

By Mateo's side, he would have to get it back sooner or later. If it weren't for the feeling of weakness caused by the change of form, he should be able to defeat Mateo steadily in close combat.

In his wild thoughts, about twenty minutes passed. When the team members arrived, Ozuki Masuke was already sitting in a pool of his own blood.

Chiyuki Saba quickly rushed to Ozuki Masuke's side.

She pointed her right hand at the moon and prayed to Mond, the Lord of the Bright Moon.

"...I pay my respects to you. The bright moonlight heals all injuries, eliminates pain, makes people happy, and makes people satisfied..." Chiyuki Saba slowly guided and performed the miracles of the moon series.

If you want to perform the miracles in the spell book, you must offer your loyalty to the corresponding god.

Chiyuki Saba recalled the mysterious person who gave them the spell book. He was unwilling to practice magic, presumably because he refused to bend down to engage in ancient mysteries. The Saba siblings had to show their sincerity before they could trek on the Road to the Moon.

Deep, until the inheritance of the ancient archipelago witches and exorcists is restored.

Shaba Chiyuki skillfully guided the Mingyue Technique, and the shining silver light shone on Ozuki Zensuke. His wounds healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like tens of millions of nano-robots were constantly repairing them diligently.

It was sewn on bit by bit until it was as smooth as new.

Ozuki Masuke completely relaxed under the moonlight.

He panted, his breathing gradually returned to calmness, and his spirit gradually became more stable.

Slowed down.

"You must have fought too hard." Linyin saw the blood on the ground.

"I don't want to be looked down upon by you...even though I'm just a mercenary with some knowledge of magic." Hazuki Masuke sighed.

"It's more than just a brief knowledge of spells. It's amazing to be able to complete a mission from a place like that and escape unscathed..." Yoshiyuki Hosoda looked at the large military base with intricate structure in the distance. At this moment, the lights were shining from room to room.

The lights came on and they activated the backup power supply.

Ozuki Masusuke couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard Hosoda Yoshiyuki's words.

"...I want to prove that even an ordinary person can become a partner of justice as long as he is willing to pay the price."

"The price is too high, kid." Yoshiyuki Hosoda patted Masusuke Ozuki's head gently.

"You did a good job." Linyin nodded, "Sure enough, due to the power outage you caused and the subsequent alarm communication work, I have locked the location of their communication hub and intercepted a lot of key content! Including Ba

The Laya will approach on time tomorrow and together with the Storm Queen, destroy the Nesto Company's fleet..."

"Undeclared war?" Lu Jing's consciousness was still within the company's legal framework. "They haven't declared war on Nisto Company yet. This is too bad. A ruler witch plus a capital ship..."

"Let me tell you, they have done more than this." Niederreiter interjected.

"We need to do something before the Baraya arrives." Miying pondered, "We can't just wait 12 hours for them to break into the exercise waters and attack the unsuspecting three ships with the support of Storm Queen."

Thinking of Storm Queen's terrifying strength, they had no doubt that the fleet would be destroyed.

Although there is a war witch accompanying her, judging from Storm Queen's powerful wind magic power, even Pan Ruiyi will certainly not be able to fly up to threaten her, and Wei Yueyue will not be able to fly in such a strong wind.

Storm Queen's wind control magic is too powerful.

"We can distract them and cause destruction everywhere on the island." A999 said.

"Then, I can sneak into the workers and lead them to resist." Yoshiyuki Hosoda thought of this.

"Well... I want to go back to the military base. Only I can enter and exit without hindrance." After Ozuki Masuke recovered, he had room for action again.

"You are so courageous." Yoshiyuki Hosoda laughed, "You are looking for death."

"Actually, what's more important is that since I have infiltrated their information hub, I can use encrypted messages to remind President Lila, so that they will not be defenseless." Rinyin said firmly.

With more information, Lila can reduce the uncertainty of the war and may even formulate a plan to defeat the Storm Queen.

"Then we'll split up." Miying also made up his mind.

"One more thing..." Linyin hesitated, "...they said that the Baraya Admiral brought the 'Wasp' to join the war, so what does this 'Wasp' refer to?"

On the other side, aboard the Baraya.

In the cabin, Wong was lying on the bed reading magazines, mainly advertisements for luxury goods.

"I want to buy a piece of Life Myth clothing... endorsed by Wei Shiyue!" Xing Huan shouted.

"...let the Yokozuna disappear." Rollo sat across from Wasp. He was Wasp's guardian and never left.

"The Yokozuna disappeared?" Wasp chewed the sentence that commanded reality, and her tone was crazy, "The Yokozuna exploded, the Orochi sank, the Konjima melted. Lila Nisto died? More than one word. Lu Sizhou

Die, almost. The world is my entertainment venue."

"Let people be scared... let Nestor Company be defeated..." Rollo took a deep breath under the black mask, his voice was hoarse through the respirator, "... Wasp, the future of the world belongs to you. Many people also admire you... casually

Command reality, your words threaten the world and nourish... black flames."

This chapter has been completed!
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