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Chapter 547 Battle Deployment

The Baraya advanced through the air, on the verge of sinking the three Nisto ships.

The ship is fully loaded with 230 fighter jets and 100 military shuttles, with 12,000 troops and 8 combat witches. In addition, there is a reality controller, which is more powerful than the Baraya itself.


They have made adequate battle plans and have countermeasures against the potentially powerful witches of Nisto Company. They are labeled with code names such as "Lancer", "Teleporter" and "Destroyer" in the intelligence department of Blackfire Innovation.

.As for the true identities of the latter two, Black Fire Innovation also knows it clearly. They must be 101 and 102.

The Nesto Company robbed two important materials from the Son of Phantom Sequence, and the Black Fire Revolution couldn't help but worry.

The Baraya prepared for battle day and night, waiting for the opportunity to confront the Nisto Company.

Welcome this air-to-ship decisive battle and sing the victorious chapter of Blackfire Innovation to the whole world.

As the Sons of Phantom Light trained by Black Fire Innovation with huge investment, 101 and 102 have countless recyclable experimental data. As regular combat witches, they will never miss this military exercise and will train together with the air force.

Prepare for future transoceanic expeditions.

"This is our chance... Defeating the Nestor Company, which has been winning consecutive battles, will increase our momentum, and we can also get back 101 and 102..." Rollo whispered, "...you must use magic to tear apart their fleet.


In Wasp's mind, she had a vision of how she was commanding reality to destroy the fleet. Although she didn't want to be an enemy of Nisto Company, it was quite interesting to destroy one or two airships. Since she can command reality, then reality is hers.


"The only question is, what do I get?" Wasp sat up.

"Suffering fire will lead to punishment..."

When Wasp heard this, she felt uneasy. Legend has it that the most powerful witches in the Black Fire Revolution all accepted the roasting of the Black Fire and became the bearers of the Black Flame.

"...becoming just like you."

"...remember the last time I took you to see the black flames..." Rollo stood in the corner of the narrow cabin. He was huge, occupying almost half of the entire room. Compared with the thin wasp, he looked like an adult.

Different from childishness.

Wasp shivered when she thought of the black flames. She couldn't stop trembling and struggled on the small bed, thinking of the pain the flames had brought to her. At that time, the boiling heat divided her spirit and psychology, like an invisible sawmill.

He also cut her body, trying to find the source of her magic power.

She couldn't help screaming, and smashed Rollo's head with her fist, making a feeble knocking sound on the outer leather of his helmet.

"Monster!" cried the Wasp.

Monsters—monsters—echoes linger.

The Blackfire Fleet soldiers in the corridor couldn't help but look at each other, the sound almost awakening fear in their hearts.

"...The wisp of flame you saw at the headquarters...is just what we separated from the black flame...hiss...hoo..." Rollo looked at the wasp.

"Becoming like you! Disgusting!"

"The flames under this armor can also sing and dance. What are you dissatisfied with?" Rollo raised his arms and listened carefully to the sound of burning fire under the metal gloves.

"I don't want to be used as firewood! I want the A40 to protect me!" the hornet screamed.

"No need for A40, we will protect you... You have facilitated physics experiments, made hostile intelligence agents surrender, resurrected the dead, changed the outcome of battles, created superhuman soldiers, sunk many fleets... brought 3 to the Blackfire Revolution

Hundreds of billions of returns..."

The wasp beat Rollo furiously.

He is just a ball of fire, wrapped in invulnerable armor and able to withstand the beatings of wasps.

"...Idiot Wasp...Idiot A40..." Rollo said contemptuously.

"Only idiots attract each other." Wasp's roar became louder, and her voice tore her vocal cords until she became hoarse.

"Why do you...love A40 so much?"

Rollo bore her blows, and the Wasp became more and more convulsed.

"Only in this way - I don't have to be a witch, madman, or monster - I can be A40's wife!"

Hearing her last voice, Huang Weng was instantly enveloped in a rose-colored hallucination. She was going to be the bride of A40. She thought sweetly about how she would take care of A40 after her marriage. She would wipe its casing dry.

She can remove the bloodstains and dirt, mend its tattered coat, tidy up its appearance, and repair scratches. She can build a hut and live in it with A40. During the day, it goes to work, and the wasp is willing to dry its clothes on the balcony. At night, they

We meet again, sit at the same table and talk to each other, then make the bed and wait for the wonderful next day.

The wasp was fascinated by her imagination, and a hazy and happy expression appeared on her face. She stopped screaming, which made the soldiers in the corridor outside feel uncomfortable. The wasp sat on the bed, and then fell straight back

Go down.

Rollo took off the wasp's shoes, moved his feet to the bed, and placed himself facing the bed. Then he turned off the light, walked out of the cabin, and locked the door.

"How is she?" the armored guard at the door asked anxiously.

"...provide twice as much food after three hours," Rollo whispered. "Be careful when feeding her, she will bite off your fingers."


Rollo glanced at the time.

In nine hours, the Baraya will engage in an air-to-ship decisive battle with Nisto Company.

I'm afraid this will become the largest ship burying operation. The Wasp can command reality. What chance does the Nestor Company have? After defeating the weaker Nestor Company, it will be Xia's turn.

Rollo came to the airship barracks, where 20 invisible guards were on standby. They were wearing more advanced armor and now stood up uniformly to pay respect to Rollo, the retired old guard.

"...annihilate the main force of the enemy fleet in one go, shoot down the 'Rancers', and recover 101 and 102. Once it is discovered that Nisto Company has been beaten so miserably...Xia will also give in." Rollo briefly explained the main goal.

"Understood!" The invisible guards lined up neatly, like a wall of shadow.

Rollo nodded slowly.

... Weak entrepreneurs will only play bubble-like financial games and be terrified in the face of the inevitable collapse. And Blackfire Innovation will show them... what it means to have the courage to rule the world.

On the other side, the outskirts of Sado City.

The team members split up and completed their respective tasks. Linyin was responsible for communications. She, Lu Jing, Miying, A999 and Ouzue Zengsuke were also preparing to raid the military base. Hosoda Yoshiyuki and Snowball went to the countryside to gather workers, and Jiro covered Qianxue.

and Niederreiter set up a retreat camp.

Yoshiyuki Hosoda had to grab something to eat first, and then find a quiet place to sleep. The logging camp he saw before was a good choice.

"Why did you choose to follow me?" Yoshiyuki Hosoda looked at Snowball behind him.

"Afraid of being used as a human shield by Miss Linyin..." Xueqiu was afraid.

Arriving at the logging camp, Hosoda Yoshiyuki looked around. It was about 3 o'clock in the morning, and almost no one was standing guard. There were only guard posts at the south and north entrances.

Snowball crawled around and sniffed everywhere.

"Did you find anything?" Hosoda Yoshiyuki looked at the snowball and remembered the stray dogs near his home when he was a child, which were trapped and killed by strays.

Snowball ran to the wasteland 100 meters away, dug around with his front paws, and soon dug out some bones. Yoshiyuki Hosoda frowned and checked, and found that there were dead bones everywhere.

This is a corpse pit.

Yoshiyuki Hosoda squatted down and inspected the tattered clothes of the citizens on the skeletons. About 200 to 300 people died here. Yoshiyuki Hosoda felt ecstatic and angry just thinking about that kind of beastly act.

"I will help you take revenge." Hosoda Yoshiyuki grabbed a handful of soil, squeezed it tightly, and then sprinkled it on the bones.

The island has not been visited by foreign enemies for more than half a year, and all animals have been hunted. The defenders of the logging camp are not vigilant and only guard against fish monsters on full moon nights. They are usually quite lax.

Yoshiyuki Hosoda opened his right arm and pulled out a small-caliber sniper rifle.

He took out a silencer and stuffed it into the muzzle of his sniper rifle, switched his eyes to night vision mode, opened fire quickly, and clicked on the helpless sentries, watching their figures fall in sight.

After clearing the entrance guards, he slowly entered the barracks.

In the early morning, when people sleep most deeply, the snoring of soldiers came and went, still loud through the door. Yoshiyuki Hosoda felt like he had entered a factory, surrounded by countless roaring engines.

He popped the knife out of his arm, carrying a sharp weapon with murderous intent.

Throats were cut, hearts were pierced, and heads were shot. The sleeping soldiers were killed one by one by Hosoda Yoshiyuki silently, and blood flowed between the beds.

Yoshiyuki Hosoda heard footsteps, which seemed to be that of a soldier who had just returned from using the toilet. He left the soldier he had just killed and came outside, where he saw that the man was still walking half asleep, completely unaware that his companions were being killed one after another.


So he walked around behind the sleepy soldier like a ghost and chopped off his head with a knife. The man was still walking forward, but his head had already fallen off his neck.

Yoshiyuki Hosoda quickly grabbed the soldier's sleeve and quietly placed him on the ground.

He believed that killing these brutal garrisons was a meritorious deed, and the blade of the prosthetic sword was covered in blood.

In the end, there was a locked room left. Yoshiyuki Hosoda took a deep breath, broke it open with all his strength, and then slaughtered a dozen soldiers who were still confused and surprised inside.

"Who's making the noise?"


"There are enemies..."


Yoshiyuki Hosoda rushed into the center, swung his sword left and right, and cut down everyone he saw, killing the last enemy. The movement was a bit louder this time, but there were no survivors left.

knock off.

Yoshiyuki Hosoda put the knife into his arm, and it felt so good to clean up the debris. The smell of blood around him was strong, and Yoshiyuki Hosoda had long been accustomed to it.

"Does it feel good to kill someone, sir?" Snowball followed.

"When it's so easy to take someone's life, you... don't care that much."

After killing all the defenders, Hosoda Yoshiyuki left the bloody barracks and came to the material warehouse. Most of the things were sealed in crates, and he had no idea what was inside.

Snowball used its olfactory module to smell the box where food was stored. Yoshiyuki Hosoda opened it with a knife and found that it was full of canned food.

His eyes lit up, and he quickly took out canned fruits, canned soybeans and pork, and luncheon meat to eat, hoping to fill his hungry belly, and the delicious food turned into strength bit by bit.

After eating, he lay down on one of the crates to sleep.

"After daybreak, the workers will find themselves free." Hosoda Yoshiyuki said, "I have killed all the garrison troops."

"But even so, do they really have the courage to resist?" Xueqiu didn't quite understand.

"Slaves are nobler and more powerful than their masters," Yoshiyuki Hosoda murmured, "because slaves will eventually have a chance and look forward to becoming masters. But masters are always afraid, fearful, afraid of being killed by slaves, and even more afraid of themselves.

Become a slave."

"That's it..." Snowball nodded.

"We are all slaves to varying degrees, subject to various forms of oppression in the material world, so we want to resist and go to a new world without torture. We always think about it...although we can't get there, our hearts long for it..."

Snowball squatted on the ground and made a simulated huffing sound.

Yoshiyuki Hosoda found that he finally had a loyal audience.

He muttered, talking about his own affairs, other people's affairs, the past, present and future. The blood of his enemies dripped from his arms. After saying that he was tired, he gradually closed his eyes and fell asleep.

This chapter has been completed!
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