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Chapter 594: Convoy

Chapter 594 Motorcade

The Leafs need to restore order to the hotel as soon as possible.

Under the protection of soldiers, she entered the main office on the core floor of the 60th floor and gained full control.

Sitting on the seat covered with leather and goose down, Ye Zi felt particularly comfortable. She opened the smart terminal in front of her and looked for available resources.

The information monitoring unit is a good interface. Through the chip in each employee's body, Ye Zi can track their physiological conditions. The most important thing is to know who has the highest position among the survivors.

Her eyes flicked over the list, and there were several candidates. Kanai Reiko, Wei Ruo, Mephas... They were trapped on different floors and had just been rescued. The bust photos of these managers were all smart and capable, but when they thought about the hotel, they were...

After being attacked at their hands, Ye Zi could no longer trust their talents.

When there is more than one person qualified for a certain position, loyalty becomes the most important factor to consider. Ye Zi quickly selected a manager named Qiu Shanyue and ordered her to go upstairs to meet him. This woman had some connections with Ye Zi's father's family.

Ye Zi sat behind the desk and looked at the female company employee who hurriedly walked into the room.

The other party had light blonde hair, a meticulous expression, and wore a formal skirt and gray stockings. The empathy chip indicator on her forehead flashed, providing her with strategic suggestions to assist communication.

If you want to move up in the company, a certain degree of technological transformation is essential.

"You sent my hotel into a sea of ​​fire." Ye Zi spoke in an interrogative tone.

"I'm very sorry! Miss Kojima... We sent out a call for help as soon as possible, but there was no response from the public security services of the entire city. The hotel's security force was severely attacked. 8 of the 10 data centers were hacked and 2 of them were hacked.

After holding on for 20 more seconds, there was almost nothing we could do. These thugs must have taken a fancy to Xisheng's assets. Now only Miss Kojima can stabilize the situation in this situation! Please..." Qiu Shanyue said deeply to Kojima Ye Zi

He bowed, with tears in his eyes.

"When I first arrived, they launched an attack. There must be some connection. But I will find out... I will send people to deal with the gangsters and hostages. You gather all the middle-level managers and above for a meeting.

Be there; finally, prepare a safe room for me." Ye Zi ordered.

"Yes!" Qiu Shanyue responded immediately, then turned around and went out, hurriedly arranging hotel affairs, with a flustered attitude.

In order to win the favor of Kojima Yezi, she needs to be as flattering as possible, preferably acting like a fool, so that Yezi can give full play to her talents.

If Qiu Shanyue was too dazzling, wouldn't it look like Ye Zi came here in vain? All these favors were calculated by her software, all just to get promoted.

This approach is effective, Ye Zi sits behind the table, pinching his fingers, contented.

Like all leaders, she needs compliments, humility and adulation from her subordinates. Now that Ye Ye is surrounded by power and money, people are also willing to know her thoughts in order to gain some favor from her.

These are harmless and not important matters. What Ye Zi pursues is to hold Jialongpo in her hands, so she has to try her best to complete all tasks.

This requires her to go all out. She knows nothing about monsters and magic. She only knows that she has just arrived in a chaotic city, and the assassin will probably come to her bedside tonight.

And those powerful enemies...

Ye Zi snapped her fingers, and a shadow appeared from behind her. A female ninja "Eechi" wearing a green tights was waiting behind Ye Zi.

Ezhi carries a ninjutsu scroll on her back and wears a blue dragon tattoo. She is not tall, shorter than Ye Zi. Although she still has one year to go before completing all training, her grades are excellent and she is not inferior to the official ninja.

"Ninja." Ezhi said in a delicate voice.

"Find Lu Jing and come here; then contact the intercontinental suppliers according to the list I gave you to confirm stable supply and allies. Finally, compile a list of all assets to be auctioned." Ye Zi ordered.

"Endure it." Hui Zhi disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Ye Zi was thoughtful and tapped her fingers lightly on the table. She once had a guard like this, the most loyal and brave. Now the entire ninja army listens to her orders, but they can no longer find the same person as before.

Not long after, Lu Jing ran in, her green clothes swaying slightly with her movements.

"I'm here!" Lu Jing nodded frequently to Ye Zi, "Miss Xiaodao, what are you sending me to do?"

"I have a meeting, a long meeting. You join the team, rescue all the hostages in the hotel, take away their entire den, and dare to raid the Xisheng Hotel. They seem to be ready to die," Ye Zi ordered.


"Understood!" Lu Jing ran out quickly, carrying two swords, one large and one small.

The criminal gang that previously attacked the hotel called themselves the "Cold Bay Mob." They boarded a modified car they left in the garage, stuffed a dozen crying hotel company people inside, and drove off.

The vehicles of the Lengwan thugs passed through the streets of Jialongpo. The tall palm trees on both sides swayed violently with the strong wind in the evening, like hundreds of madmen performing. The five large vehicles of the thugs' convoy were rampaging along the way, as if they were in the wilderness.

Like a galloping bull, he ignores obstacles.

The front end of each vehicle was reinforced with clearing nails. The vehicles parked on the street were crushed and turned into scrap metal in an instant. There was also a white Traveler car waiting for the signal light in front. It was too late to drive away, and it was also roared by the convoy.

Run over.

Several people in the car were instantly pressed into the iron wreckage and turned into sticky blood and mud.

The thugs were shouting and shouting all the way, and the car was filled with the loot they had stolen from the hotel-gold, silver, porcelain, electronic products, as well as firearms and unopened implants.

They filled the iron boxes with metal gadgets, which were removed from hotel machines. They may seem inconspicuous, but in fact they contain expensive components that can be sold for high prices on the black market. The thugs are both crude and subtle.

I don't want to go in vain.

The hotel company people in the carriage were wailing.

Most of them are hotel waitresses, hired very cheaply from the Taiya region. They came to Jialongpo originally to stay away from the violent environment, but they didn't expect that things would change suddenly, and the city would go bankrupt and turn into a place of turmoil.

At the rear, two heavy military shuttles pursued from a high altitude.

"Don't shoot, there are still hostages up there!" a soldier shouted.

"I'm tracking their signals!" Linyin was in charge of technical support, closing her eyes and desperately searching and hacking into the control modules of these thugs' vehicles.

Nowadays, all vehicles have the function of sending and receiving signals, and at least they need to confirm navigation through positioning satellites, thus giving hackers an opportunity.

"Let me try!" Lu Jing opened the porthole of the shuttle, letting in the cold wind outside.

She stretched her hand out of the window and threw the Fuyao Sword with all her strength.

I saw the shining silver flying sword flying out instantly and stabbing one of the cars that was left behind.

"Quahahaha!" The gangster driving the car was drugged, his eyes were bloodshot, and his whole body was made of metal from the waist down. He was driving with a pair of iron legs, his fingers kept tapping the steering wheel, and the sound was loud in the car.

metal rock music.

Lu Jing controlled the flying sword to fly synchronously with the car.

The gangster looked to the left at the loud reminder of his companions, and saw a flying long sword appearing on his left side.

He screamed strangely, thinking he was hallucinating, but saw the flying sword suddenly change direction, pierce the glass from the side in an instant, and pass through the driver's seat in the blink of an eye!

The sword roared fiercely and instantly penetrated the heads of him and his co-pilot companion. The sword body was stained with blood and penetrated from the other side!

Kill two people instantly!



"Help!" When the people in the company who were tied up in the rear compartment saw this scene, they were so surprised that they struggled desperately and shouted.

The flying sword flew in from outside the car again. Since it was a new sword for commercial use, it had new camera, video and audio functions compared to the ancient weapons. At this time, it shouted "Don't worry" and asked them to calm down.

Without the driver, the vehicle's direction on the road suddenly becomes shaky.

Under the control of Lu Jing, Feijian skillfully shifted gears to reduce the speed of the car. He also quickly turned the steering wheel with the hilt of the sword, causing it to slow down and hit a nearby street tree. His movements were so precise that it almost seemed to have a life of its own.


The vehicle bumped hard against a tree and came to a stop. Two soldiers were immediately parachuted from the shuttle to rescue the hostages in the vehicle.



"As expected of you!" Everyone was overjoyed when they saw the magic of flying swords, and nodded frequently to Lu Jing.

Lu Jing also had a smile on his face.

She immediately drove the flying sword, and the sword flew out of the car. The whole sword kept steaming. A powerful nuclear fission battery powered it. With the support of polonium isotopes, it would not lose power even if it flew for hundreds of years.

She tried to use her flying sword to chase other cars in front of her, but they crashed into the city's shantytowns and disappeared instantly.

How broken! Following the direction of the vehicle's movement, Lu Jing saw the other side of Jialongpo and couldn't help but be shocked.

Most of Jialongpo was composed of gardens, hotels, apartments, and luxurious pavilions and clubs, which made her think that it was the entire Pearl of the South. However, before her eyes, a large area of ​​twisted and chaotic iron shacks appeared, like some kind of mushrooms.

Like a carpet of bacteria, large tracts of low shanties are connected together.

The wires are the mycelium, and the houses are the umbrella handles. Clothes hanging outside, plastic tarpaulins, buckets and people with indifferent expressions can be seen everywhere, which together add color to this shanty town.

"Holy shit." Linyin forced herself to follow.

The shanty town is crowded with large and small jamming devices and signal groups. Each house is like a small trap. For the purpose of self-protection, people living in such places will fill the room with anti-tracking and automatic security equipment.

A small part of it was bought, but most of it was robbed, picked up or stolen. There are all kinds of strange models, and there are also homemade products.

Therefore, Linyin immediately encountered at least a thousand jammers of different brands. Even if she could find a channel to bypass one of the jammers, other jammers would continue to affect her tracking. This place was a complete signal maze.


"Let's jump in. Their lair must be one of the buildings." Miying opened the door of the shuttle, jumped down with the "Fire Tide" shotgun on his back, and landed on the top of one of the buildings.

She looked up and saw that no one else jumped off the two friendly shuttles to follow.

"When you find the enemy's stronghold, we will put down the soldiers." The soldier shouted.

"You'll break your leg." Lu Jing looked around. The distance from the exit of the shuttle to the roof was at least 6 or 7 meters. Only people with professional training could avoid injury.

Immediately afterwards, Masusuke Ozuki jumped from the shuttle and quickly rolled over to slow down the impact when he landed. He glanced at the distance, as if he could see the movement of the vehicles.

"Follow me." He set off in a hurry.

"What did you see?" Miying thanked Ogyue Zensuke for jumping off with her. She couldn't find those vehicles in such a complex building complex.

"It's not just for watching." Ouzue Zengsuke said in a mysterious tone.

Miying and him quickly shuttled through the shanty town, running along the roofs of each house, the clothes drying area and the rooftop where food was dried.

"——Who the hell are you!" A nervous man kicked open the door of his attic house, holding a gun and aiming it at the two people who were running wildly on the roof of his house.

Miying suddenly stopped and the nervous man shouted.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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