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Chapter 615: Rebirth Plan

Chapter 615 Rebirth Plan

Before, I had brief contact with them, but no formal cooperation had been reached, presumably because of the other party's internal doubts.

Now even the last scruples have been dispelled, and the two major companies are finally reaching a comprehensive and open strategic cooperative relationship.

"Nisto is happy to find a partner in the Western Hemisphere. We can provide enough food, oil and natural gas, and we can also share our scientific and technological information, including medicine, synthetic human technology, military equipment manufacturing, etc., as well as occult knowledge and magic.

Drug development." Lila said simply.

"And we will also license our world-class implant technology to you. Our two parties have very obvious complementary potential in terms of industrial structure."

This is true. They all know that Nistor Company is like solid soil, able to provide a large amount of food and basic resources. This is mainly because the ancient mysterious man, the Lord of the Forest, has personally joined their alliance, a demigod.

Personally using its power to guide and change the geographical conditions of the northern archipelago is naturally unmatched by other companies. At this time, excess agricultural products can also be sold overseas.

Not only that, they also gained control of North Korea's crude oil and gas fields by defeating the Black Fire Revolution, and have made great progress in offshore oil and gas resources.

Food and oil are important strategic resources for the Scarlet Transformation Company on the Cadiz Islands. They also trade their advanced implant technology to facilitate the Nestor Company to unlock advanced implant technology.

The two companies are completely complementary to each other, and with the force support of Nisto Company, the strategic security environment of Scarlet Transformation has also been greatly improved.

"Besides, the colonel is ready to return to Tequila Island." Lila said calmly.

"This day has finally come. The colonel's wife was originally a friend of our de la Cruz family, and the colonel's career also developed simultaneously with the Scarlet Transformation career. It's just that we didn't have the power to protect the colonel's career at the beginning... It's not the same now.

It's better than before, we will support him... How is he doing now?" Sylvia asked.

The current photo of the colonel was uploaded, and when the de la Cruz family saw the colonel, they were almost shocked.

He is young again.

The colonel wears a military cap, has a plain and resolute expression, is muscular, wise and tough.

When she first heard the news about the colonel, Sylvia still wanted to support this aging symbol of progress and secretly expand the witch's interests in Tequila Continent.

But now that she saw that the colonel had miraculously regained his youth, Sylvia felt that the old days had returned and she was filled with awe.

The colonel who was invincible in countless battles came back. At one time, he led tens of thousands of soldiers who were willing to shed blood and sacrifice for the cause of progress to fight in the north and south. They penetrated the entire territory of Tequila Island three times and established a progressive force in the core of the lighthouse across the sea.

, 70 companies sent representatives to plead for a ceasefire, just to preserve their company assets that were surrounded by groups.

The format is also very beneficial.

As a witch, Sylvia can observe the obvious cyclical laws of human history from the sidelines.

Whenever the economy develops and prospers, people sing praises for the company and support all the company's initiatives. Whenever the economy goes down and the mood is depressed, people hope that leaders of progressive forces will appear and do something.

As for whether it can be done, Sylvia is not sure.

Immediately afterwards, she gathered her mind and focused on finding out about the Witch God.

"Let's open the skylight and speak openly. When will the Witch God wake up?" Sylvia asked.

"Soon, we will have a way to wake her up." Xu Yang said simply.

Falosa was sleeping too deeply, but now that they had the arms of the River Goddess, the scent might wake Falosa up.

"I can't wait." Sylvia is looking forward to receiving grace and finding the opportunity to become the Supreme Witch.

Scarlet Transformation Company sent some planned cooperation projects and high-end products for secret transactions. Xu Yang noticed that there was a Feishen 6th generation brain processor inside! It was 50% more powerful than what he was using now.

The 6th generation processor has not yet been launched on the market, and the secret technology belonging to Scarlet Transformation Company is now being traded.

Sylvia herself is only responsible for combat and has little research on implant development. Xu Yang cannot get information from her, but judging from the information sent by the other party, Scarlet Transformation Company is already designing and developing Feishen 7th generation processor.

There are still 5th generation processors on the market.

That’s how much toothpaste you have to put on your hands! Xu Yang found it amazing. Even if it takes another 10 years, it can crush all other products. The Feishen processor inside is at least 20 years beyond the level of other companies’ processors.

Xu Yang couldn't help but secretly nod, it was really great news for him. Xu Yang already had a lot of experience in technical computing power. If he replaced it with Feishen 6th generation, he would undoubtedly be able to reach the top level in the world. Back then, he was among the top hackers in the world.

At the conference, he entered the top 50 in the world. If he had installed Feishen 6, he would definitely have reached the top five in the world.

"The technology accumulation of giant companies is indeed excellent." Lila was also very surprised when she saw the technology they traded. Compared with these giant companies with profound foundations, Nisto Company did have many shortcomings.

Fortunately, with the support of Scarlet Transformation Company, Nisto Company's implant technology can be upgraded from the fourth-tier level to the first-tier level. Self-production and self-sufficiency are completely enough.

Scarlet transformation technology is so advanced that even from the core of the lighthouse, many citizens go to the Caddis Islands for medical surgeries every year.

"We are no longer a giant company," Sylvia said.

She shared the internal report.

The company alliance conducts an evaluation every 10 years to determine which companies receive the honor of giant companies. However, with the economic crisis and occult disasters in recent years, the entire company landscape has been completely reshuffled.

"Times have changed." Lila observed this preliminary annual report, and found that famous companies in the past had dropped more than a dozen positions.

"Scarlet Transformation Company happens to be ranked 21st. According to the rules, it cannot be rated as a giant enterprise." Sylvia was helpless.

"Although Nisto is not listed, it is still ranked 19th..." Lila observed that the company alliance also ranked Nisto too high! When this report is released, it will definitely be a surprise to those news observers.

It's a publicity stunt.

Xu Yang flipped through it and found that the situation was indeed very different from a few years ago.

Established companies such as Lighthouse Core, Gaoge Jiuzhou, Tianshu Manufacturing, Suweihui Metals, Rose Medical, Iris Group, Northern Military Industry, Near East Tianci and other companies have maintained their positions.

Two companies, Nemisis Group and Wanjiade United Group, rose rapidly and were ranked 8th and 10th respectively. They were miraculously able to protect themselves in the financial crisis and seemed to be able to predict or manipulate the economic situation.

The West Coast Technology Manufacturing Group and Yemen Technology Company, both affiliated to Lighthouse Core, were singled out and ranked 14th and 17th respectively. It seems that the company alliance regarded Lighthouse Core as a threat. Originally, the three companies were counted together.

The company is located on the west coast and serves as the gateway company at the core of the lighthouse that is open to the outside world. Now the alliance has singled out these two companies as giant enterprises. New Taixizhou has three giant companies at once, making people re-examine the people behind the high walls of New Taixizhou.

Island man.

Blackfire Innovation dropped from 5th to 15th.

Nisto has attracted much attention and is currently ranked 19th.

Grand Daojia Retail Co., Ltd. is ranked 20th and has become the gatekeeper of giant enterprises. It is the largest retailer and online trader.

As for the six giant companies that fell out of the top 20, the situation is very bad. Including Burrito Hat and Qianhu Electronics, which were severely damaged, their remaining forces are struggling to survive and are not as good as before.

Scarlet Transformation dropped from 15th to 21st.

Burrito Hat dropped from 20th to 38th.

Songhai Internet fell from 19th to 30th.

Qianhu Electronics dropped from 16th to 54th.

Kyoto Mugen is the worst, falling from 10th to 62nd...

Xu Yang looked through it and found that there was something even worse. He saw that the Peacock Tristan Group had completely disappeared and was completely swallowed up by the power of the reborn Edith.

The company's situation has become more complicated, Xu Yang said secretly. In the future, he will have to do a lot of work involving distant contacts and close attacks, and he will face a cold wave in the future and a more serious Great Depression.

Immediately afterwards, Sylvia also ended the meeting after saying goodbye. At present, only a preliminary cooperation intention has been reached, and there will be continued discussions many times to reach more business cooperation.

"It seems that everyone is looking forward to Falosa waking up." Xu Yang left the meeting.

"Who would like the mischievous Farossa to come back and do whatever she wants?" Lila thought about how to suppress Farossa's arrogance. After being in seclusion for a long time, her strength increased significantly. After waking up, Farosha will definitely be full of anger and do whatever she wants.

"I have to go do something." Xu Yang wanted to solve the myriad things at hand. After the war, the company had more opportunities, and he had to make good use of them to further enhance his own foundation.

It became necessary to collect the corpses.

A huge arm of the River Goddess was transported back to Nisto headquarters, sealed in a restricted area, and placed in a giant coffin-like holding facility.

Its aroma continued to attract the gluttonous Falosa, and Xu Yang felt that it was not long before she would wake up completely.

Some debris, including dead soldiers and reliable allies, were also brought to the recovery star to try to be reborn under the blood-red light.

This kind of recovery may not be absolutely effective, because the law of recovery cannot affect the damage to the soul and spirit, and once a person dies, the soul is constantly passing away.

When the law of recovery is finally used, there may not be much soul left, which means that what is resurrected is just an unconscious body and zombie.

Other companies will be happy to trade these fresh soulless bodies, or use them to create modified humans and biological weapons.

Nisto Company has principles, so it will not use these corpses for modification or biological experiments, and will bury them in coffins.

Falosa's divine domain has been roughly formed, and it presents a starry sky with different stars suspended in it.

The Law of Restoration appears like a bright blood-red star, and the Law of Killing looks like a pale gray gaseous star.

There are many other shining stars, floating in the distance, shining brightly, symbolizing the different powers of Farosha.

Xu Yang carefully walked on the golden silk road. These lines were horizontal and vertical, arranged according to the shape of the zodiac. When he walked, his feet felt as if they were rising and falling in nothingness.

The Silk Road is connected to each other by huge arcs. You need to pay careful attention when walking to avoid falling into the endless deep space next to it.

A long and narrow automatic shuttle moved towards the recovery star. A large number of transparent cabinets were hung below it, which was specially designed to transport the wreckage, so that they could send the dead bodies to the recovery star.

Rebirth plan!

(End of chapter)

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