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Chapter 616: Changing the Essence

Chapter 616 Change the Essence

The automatic resurrection service is very advanced. It removes all unnecessary red tape, prayers and sacrifices, and leaves the corpse to the law of restoration. Everything is handled according to the rules, so clearly.

With the codes, 120 glass cabinets containing different corpses were transported to the vicinity of the recovery star.

Xu Yang saw flocs of different lengths flashing out from the blood-red star. They were like umbilical cords and pink chains, holding on to the glass cabinets and restoring their contents.

Under the law of recovery, their remains recovered rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Each glass cabinet is equipped with a sophisticated monitoring system to observe and record the condition of these remains. Once the corpse is restored to the state before death, the glass cabinet

It will move backwards, away from the capture range of the resurrected body, and then check whether the resurrected person has restored his vital signs.

Most of them are still corpses, but they have become intact corpses.

It's also a good thing. Most people died from the incineration and melting of energy weapons. The death scene was really miserable, and the intact corpses at least looked decent.

A few people are extremely lucky and have retained most of their soul fragments. In this way, while recovering their physical condition, they will also regain their autonomous consciousness, control their bodies, and truly be reborn.

Once a vital response is detected, they will be injected with a pale treatment needle, enter a sleep stage, and prepare to be transported to the outside for further monitoring.

After 5 to 8 weeks of physical examination and psychological testing, those who meet the conditions can finally return to social life smoothly. They will be informed that some kind of super-standard treatment has worked, and their own will to survive is strong enough, so

They were brought back from the brink of death.

This is the plan optimized by Xu Yang.

Lila's original plan was to completely delete their memories, eliminating all trouble and all details related to rebirth. But Xu Yang insisted on telling the resurrected soldiers this information.

In his view, the only principle in dealing with occult science is honesty. One lie requires hundreds of new lies to make up for it, so he must restore the truth as much as possible.

His plans also include deciphering the secrets of mystical beings such as the Lord of the Forest.

Xu Yang compiled all relevant information into a systematic introduction to occultism and incorporated it into the knowledge base of Nisto Company, including why the landforms of the northern archipelago have changed drastically, how golden branches affect soil fertility, and how a wasteland with garbage and sewage flowing across it became an environment.

The quaint primitive jungle...this knowledge has been put in a place easily accessible, and the public can check it out as long as they have received a certain degree of cognitive protection training in advance.

Some forces tend to contain this information. They believe that "the public's ability to accept it is very poor, so the information must be encrypted and stored."

This idea was too arrogant and very selfish for Xu Yang.

Just like the corporate alliance, while hoping that human beings can be protected from the harm of the occult, they also exclude the vast majority of people from the knowledge of the occult, leaving them helpless and insane in the face of real disasters, leading to various disasters and catastrophes.

and sacrificial victims.

The strategy of corporate alliances for more than a hundred years is a complete failure in Xu Yang's eyes.

He wants to reduce the cost for everyone to obtain knowledge, not only science, but also occult science.

This is an era of high informationization and informatization. In the future, it will be as common for everyone to check the files of ancient mystics as it is to check the emotional history of people in leather jackets.

Every ordinary person will have basic occult knowledge. At least when something happens, they can check their residence, living conditions and cognitive environment according to the guidance and suggestions to see if they have been tampered with. They can also enhance it through systematic training.

Your own mental protection will not be easily captured by cognitive traps.

After this basic understanding system is constructed, when ancient mystics come to spread the sect in the future, everyone can say calmly: "Your dogma and divine grace are too rubbish and unattractive... If you provide some sexy girls,

We can think about it again."

"Other people's sects can get benefits by being ordinary followers, and you still want us to present gifts..."

In this way, only by deconstructing a bad thing to the greatest extent can we prevent bad things from happening again.

Therefore, Xu Yang believes that what is needed to fight against the ancient mystics is not a "salvation team", but billions of people in the world who clearly know what these monsters will and can do, and reveal them all from the fog of history.

As long as enough awareness is established about them and brought into the scope of human daily cognition, it will be difficult for people to blindly follow or worship them.

The 120 glass cabinets were processed by the recovery star, and all the boxes were transported to the specially built "morgue", or isolation room, outside.

Xu Yang checked and found that 6 of the cabinets had vital signs, so he transported the 6 glass cabinets to the next transfer station in the company, while the rest waited for family members to come and claim them and decide on the outcome of their disposal.

He was about to leave the morgue when he suddenly detected a signal coming from one of the glass cabinets.

Is it a fake corpse? Xu Yang walked to the glass cabinet and found that it contained Yoshiyuki Hosoda. His two arms were originally removed by Masusuke Ogyue. After being illuminated by the law of recovery, they are now

Complete body.

He indeed had no vital signs. Xu Yang checked the life monitoring unit and the system reported that Hosoda Yoshiyuki's brain nerve cells were static and showed no signs of activity. However, he was not brain dead and was in an unconscious state.

"Ah..." Yoshiyuki Hosoda opened his eyes and raised his hand to touch the glass cover.

"Why are you moving?" Xu Yang observed from the side.

"Where is this?" Yoshiyuki Hosoda turned around from inside the glass coffin.


"who I am?"

"Your name is Hosoda Yoshiyuki." Xu Yang explained.

"I don't recognize this name." Hosoda Yoshiyuki spoke in an electronically synthesized voice, which sounded very strange.

Xu Yang carefully checked Hosoda Yoshiyuki's current situation and discovered something strange.

The degree of Yoshiyuki Hosoda's transformation is very deep, 90% of which are mechanical bodies, all rely on underground transformation or manual modification, so the control system is very imperfect, and the whole machine relies solely on a central processing chip for processing.

Now that his spirit has passed away and his soul has dissipated, he can still carry out basic physiological activities relying on the "Ophiuchus-5030" control processor produced by a cutting-edge technology company.

This controller designed by a cutting-edge technology company is for robots and is much cheaper than expensive brain processors.

Xu Yang's "Feishen-4" cost 4.5 million, but the one used by Yoshiyuki Hosoda only cost 12,000.

Hosoda Yoshiyuki relies on this chip used to control robots to control his prosthetic body. It is not suitable at all and is imposed by the concept of relying on strength to fly.

No wonder his mental level has skyrocketed so quickly and his thinking is disordered...

Now that Yoshiyuki Hosoda is dead, this processor has replaced Yoshiyuki Hosoda's brain, controlling Hosoda's implants, and taking care of his few remaining organisms to prevent them from rotting and shrinking.

In other words, Hosoda Yoshiyuki became a robot with some meat...

Xu Yang found that it had a basic mental model. Although it became a robot, it still had some shadow of Yoshiyuki Hosoda.

"Now, your nature has completely changed..." Xu Yang sighed.

"The record is empty." Yoshiyuki Hosoda muttered.

Xu Yang found that he needed help entering maintenance logs and basic information so that the robot could complete control of the original Yoshiyuki Hosoda.

This is the most bizarre thing Xu Yang has ever seen.

Yoshiyuki Hosoda's soul has returned to another place, and his original body has been taken away by the implant. These prosthetic bodies have become guests and replaced all functions of Yoshiyuki Hosoda.

The scrap metal, metal skeleton, armed firearms, artificial heart, artificial circulatory system, and synthetic skin on his body formed a new whole, supporting Yoshiyuki Hosoda's skin under the control of the processor.

Xu Yang started to think about it.

"Biologically speaking, Hosoda Yoshiyuki's nerves are intact, and there may be a chance of recovery, but now his brain cells are all inactive, which is worse than a vegetative state. In other words, he can only rely on

You are here to guard his body." Xu Yang observed.

"I don't quite understand." Yoshiyuki Hosoda felt his situation. He felt that he had forgotten many things and did not realize that he was actually just a mechanical control system, a pile of leftover codes.

"You died before."

"I want to go back to an earlier time." Hosoda Yoshiyuki murmured.

"How long ago?"

"A long time ago." Yoshiyuki Hosoda read the hazy consciousness of the original owner. These consciousnesses repeatedly floated up and down in the brain implant, so that they were converted into data codes.

"All your modifications will disappear."

"The transformation made me ugly, like an inhuman person. If it weren't for the purpose of confronting the corporate lackeys, I wouldn't want to reform at all," Yoshiyuki Hosoda said honestly.

"It seems that Yoshiyuki Hosoda left behind a lot of data thinking... If there are intelligent modules, maybe you can play the role of Yoshiyuki Hosoda. Humans and machines are highly integrated, and eventually, machines will completely replace people..." Xu

Yang sighed.

He opened the glass cabinet, and Hosoda Yoshiyuki's tall and thin body climbed out of the cabinet. He was half a head taller than Xu Yang. His body was wrapped in a large black windbreaker, and his hair was disheveled.

Yoshiyuki Hosoda looked at the hundreds of cold and intact corpses around him, his face expressionless.

"But why do you refuse to admit that I am Hosoda Yoshiyuki?" Hosoda Yoshiyuki said.

"Because you are just a very low-level processor with the scratches of Hosoda Yoshiyuki's consciousness. It is neither a real personality chip, nor a consciousness matrix, nor a mechanical ascension surgery." Xu Yang observed him.

"I understand now." Yoshiyuki Hosoda defined the difference.

After the correction, it realized that it was just the remains of Hosoda Yoshiyuki's drive and operating system.

"Please install the basic smart module for me." it said.

"I have a simple set of software." Xu Yang came to the studio and inserted a disk into the slot behind Yoshiyuki Hosoda's ear, and the software was automatically installed.

It gets basic second-generation artificial intelligence and runs at low power.

"I read a piece of consciousness code from the original owner. It's a message to Mr. Network Supervisor of Nisto Company. Please take me to him," it said.

"That's me. If Yoshiyuki Hosoda has anything to say to me, then tell me now." Xu Yang nodded.

(End of chapter)

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