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Chapter 631 Endless Wealth

Chapter 631 Endless Wealth

Falosa's expression remained unchanged and she was thoughtful.

"This old man..." Kirino Reiyo looked at the old man.

Even though he carried the entire Xisheng Shrine on his back, was pierced by three black spears, tied and hung by two chains, and lived deep underground without eating or drinking for more than 120 years, this old man was still alive!

Falosa watched carefully.

"We are not familiar with these materials. They are some kind of more powerful and mysterious metal, a supernatural material. They should be the smelting technology of the old man, which in turn is used to suppress this old man." She looked at the chains and the black spear.

"Are the vitality of all old people so strong? I heard that the most powerful old person... the reborn Edith." Kirino Reiyo was curious.

When the reborn Edith was mentioned, the old man who was bound at the bottom of the Xisheng Tower raised his head and made a hoarse voice.

"Rh sv zorev?" the old man spoke in secret.

"He asked 'Is Edith still alive?'" Kirino Reiyo is proficient in secret texts.

"I can understand it now. I have devoured the memory of the River Goddess. The secret text is no longer a problem for me." Falosa nodded.

"..." Kirino Reiyo feels a little insignificant, and Falosa's shortcomings are really getting fewer and fewer now.

Falosa skillfully talked to the old man in front of her.


She started to curse, then humiliated Edith, humiliated the old civilization, and then humiliated the bound old man in front of her.

After hearing what Falosa said, the old man did not give in. He cursed Falosa in a low voice, then stopped talking and bowed his head deeply.

Kirino Reiyo scratched his head and said nothing.

"It seems like this guy won't answer us." Falosa crossed her arms.

"He seems to be a very powerful member of the old people. I can't believe that every old person is as immortal as him." Kirino changed the subject.

"I don't know. The River Goddess has hidden all her memories with the old man. The old man seems to have imprisoned the River Goddess or... did something even stranger. I don't understand." Falosa looked at the golden talismans around her.


"I thought, if the power of this wealth tower can be re-bound to the Nisto Company, wouldn't the Nisto Company be able to dominate the world?" Kirino Reiyo speculated.

Falosa looked at the old prisoner carefully for a while.

"Where did he come from?" Falosa pondered, "The Northern Archipelago is an isolated island in the sea. Where did they pick up such an old man to be a jinchūriki? It has been a year since the civilization of the old man.

It has been ten thousand years, how can there be such a living high-level old person? Even the reborn Edith must have been sealed for a long time."

While Falosa was still thinking about it, Lila sent a message to summon her away.

"What are you doing in such a deep place?" Lila asked knowingly.

"Turn around." Falosa said in a mysterious tone.

"It's time to come back."

"You have no right to order me."

"Xu Yang is trapped in Yibei City." Lila said.

"Wait." Falosa turned off the communicator and hurried out.

Kirino Reiyo followed Farosa, closed the black door, and left the old prisoners and the wealth runes in the secret room. Everything remained as before.

"I'll leave you alone for now." Kirino Reiyo said goodbye to Falosa.

"Where is Micro-October now?" Falosa finally asked.

"Because she hated the extreme cold wind, she went further south, perhaps on a tropical island." Kirino Reiyo said slowly.

Falosa nodded, did not pursue it further, and said goodbye to Kirino Reise.

She returned to the combat command room, and Miyari Kazama was also there.

Xu Yang and his party were stranded in the Yuebie Mine on the outskirts of Yibei City, while the retreating shuttle brought the news back to the Shangjing headquarters.

The information about the new frost giant has been imported into the archives to revise the understanding, but the top priority is still to decide on the action plan, especially after Xu Yang personally sends back the coordinates, Lila must personally formulate a combat strategy, clean up all the monsters, and recover Yibei City.

The combat command room is very spacious. On the black standing table in the center is a three-dimensional image of the frost giant suspended, and its burly body and ugly appearance are clearly visible.

Lila sat at the table, and Miyagi Kazama stood on the other side with a handheld terminal, responsible for sorting out technical information and providing scientific weapons.

"We are conducting modeling tests to see what kind of weapons can cause enough damage to frost giants." Miyari Kazama executed the program.

Judging from the test items, physical bullets, grenades and heavy missile heads loaded with explosives can weaken the mass of the Frost Giants, but the amount of ammunition required to annihilate the Frost Giants is very high.

Conventional flame weapons, incendiary bombs and napalm bombs will be extinguished in the severe extreme cold. Frost giants exhibit a non-biological characteristic. They are wrapped in solid ice and are difficult to ignite.

Laser weapons and energy weapons will attenuate and refract rapidly in complex blizzard environments. If they want to cause enough damage, they must be overloaded to obtain greater emission power.

"We are facing an extraordinarily strong supernatural creature. In this severe cold, they are much stronger than normal." Miyari Kazama warned.

"The magic blade can cut through their shells and cut into the frost essence inside. The cannonballs can reduce their defense and destroy their physical quality. This combination is the most effective." Falosa said.

"We can send about 200 combat witches." Lila counted the combat troops. Most of them are low-level witches, and the high-level witches are captain-level figures among them.

"First let Pan Ruiyi and Takahashi Kyoko break the deadlock, lead Xu Yang to repair the Internet site in Yibei City, and finally launch a saturation strike." Falosa said in a brief and powerful tone.

Lila never thought that Farosha would make plans. It seemed that Farosha had really become smarter and could easily understand the overall situation and make arrangements, which saved Lila a lot of trouble.

"But...what about yourself?" Lila asked, "We need you to go to Yibei City in person."

"Me?" Falosa chuckled.

She stretched out her fingers to draw a spell in the air, and then took out her colorful cloak and the divine sword Star Rider from the void.

With the cloak on her body, the entire combat command room was instantly illuminated by a colorful phantom light. The pressure was like a tide, overwhelming Kazama Miyari's mind and forcing her to take a few steps back. Falosa turned her hand over and held the Star Controller in her hand.

In the sky, the long sword is dark blue, like a deep sky background.

"I'm very busy - I want to see if there are any opponents that are truly worthy of my crushing." Falosa's fingers touched the Star Rider.

It must be an illusion. Kazama Miyari seemed to hear the secret sound of stars exploding thousands of light years away. Different nebulae collided. Her eyes did not dare to move to the Star Controller. It was like the god of winter bringing ice coldness.

Just like the influence of the stars, Falosa is also exerting the influence of the stars at this moment, and Kazama Miyari is not ready to bear the wisdom of the universe.

"We will definitely encounter such a big battle." Lila agreed.

On the other side, Xu Yang and Little Fool also woke up. Xu Yang immediately checked the mine to see if the entrance to the mine was still blocked. The result was extremely pessimistic. Before, it was just the frost giant that kept its face against the door. Now it is full of snow.

, completely blocking all light, and the cold air was endless.


"It's completely blocked."

"If this continues..." The miners trembled.

"Wait for me to check the communication." Xu Yang ran back to the area where the cracks could be seen before, collected signals, and found that Nisto Company had arranged an aerial clearance operation for the area, so he reassured everyone.

The miners are hesitant, but currently the mine tunnel is blocked and they can only work according to their usual schedule.

"Where should we go next?" The little fool followed Xu Yang.

"Go to the bottom and see where those scale monsters come from." Xu Yang pointed to the bottom of the ancient mine. They had already explored the top of the mine yesterday, and now it was time to go to the bottom.

The little fool likes to go on adventures with her father. She follows closely behind Xu Yang, with Snowball's small body opening the way in front and using a searchlight to illuminate the area ahead to prevent them from losing their footing and falling off the cliff.

Xu Yang noticed something was wrong with his feet and squatted down to check the ground.

"Look." Xu Yang brushed away the dust on the ground.

The little fool took a closer look and saw that the road in front of them was no longer rugged and rocky, but a precise paved stone corridor. Someone had carefully built the road they were walking on.

She walked to both sides and groped around, and soon came across a wall of stone cut perpendicular to the ground. Each stone brick was tightly joined together.

"This is not a cave." the little fool whispered.

"Someone lived here before us. They built a strange facility inside the mountain." Xu Yang walked toward the depths of the stone path.

Xueqiu was leading the way, and suddenly he stopped suddenly and arched his back towards the road in front of him. Xu Yang realized what threat Xueqiu had found, so he slowed down his movement. The wolf girl stayed at the end to guard the way back for them.

"Woof..." Snowball made a hoarse sound. Xu Yang walked past Snowball and found a motionless scale monster lying on the ground. It was exactly the same as the monster they fought yesterday, but this monster was close to the ground and had no trace of anything.

It means to take action.

Xu Yang used the armor's life detector to scan the scale monster. Since there was no detailed data, he could only see the most basic vital signs, which meant that it was currently in a deep sleep.

He signaled the little fool to be silent, and then they tiptoed deeper into the corridor. Looking around, they saw more and more similar scaly monsters lying in the corridor and other smaller corridors and narrow rooms.

There are at least dozens or hundreds of them, which can be regarded as an entire small group.

Xu Yang walked to the end of the long corridor, which was connected to a wide stone door. Xu Yang estimated that whether he moved or exploded the stone door, all the scale monsters in this place would be disturbed. He felt that it would be more valuable to capture them all alive. These cold-blooded creatures must be

Being put into hibernation due to low temperatures, such biological materials are quite valuable.

He took the little fool to the wall and asked her to listen slowly.

The little fool listened for a while, and then left the corridor with Xu Yang and returned to the dark and cold cliff outside.

"What did you hear?" Xu Yang asked.

"The sound of dripping water, the sound of dripping water on the wall." The little fool nodded fiercely.

"Why is there a dripping sound in the wall?"

"The water pipe...the water pipe is in the wall." The little fool thought.

"It's such a cold weather, why doesn't the water freeze and is still dripping?"

"Heat source." The little fool pondered.

"Then what are these water pipes used for if there is no such weather?"

"A certain project requires a lot of water." The little fool kept thinking about it.

"Let's go." Xu Yang saw the little fool walking up the road and walked outside. Immediately afterwards, they all looked outside, and deafening bombing sounds sounded one after another.

"Plane bomb?" the little fool wondered.

Xu Yang's attention was not focused on the outside. He turned around and looked at the long corridor, only to see that the scale monsters in the corridor were also waking up due to the vibration.

He quickly grabbed the gun.

(End of chapter)

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