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Chapter 632: Broken Tomb

Chapter 632 Broken Tomb

"You go first." Xu Yang asked the little fool and the others to keep their distance.

The little fool looked up at the dark corridor. There were vague shadows scattered along the dark corridor. Each shadow represented a monster, and each monster symbolized a threat.

As the vibrations from outside continued to come, they slowly began to move and recovered from their stiff state.

Before she could see how they stretched their claws, Snowball barked behind the little fool, urging her to run up the cliff quickly.

The little fool quickly followed Snowball.

It held the light in its mouth and led the way, at the same speed as the little fool, neither too fast nor too slow.

Like a light spear breaking through the darkness, Snowball thrust out a rhombus of light as he ran. The little fool followed closely behind it, letting it pass through the darkness. She followed so close that as long as Snowball

If there is even the slightest deviation, the little fool will lose his footing and fall off the cliff.

The wolf girl followed at the back. Her eyes were green and her sensitivity to light was higher than that of ordinary people. In order to see things better in the dark, her pupils changed from sharp vertical lines to round ones.

In the darkness, the wolf girl could distinguish the strong stench. She lowered her head and looked down into the abyss on the cliff, where there were dead bodies, dead bodies, dead bodies.

Xu Yang opened the carrying tool of the nano armor, took out a bright red energy mine "Flame Rong" and placed it on the ground.

The mine is 1.5 meters long and surprisingly large, specially designed to deal with multiple enemies. In the center of it are two detachable sticky motion sensors, shaped like a pair of triangles, cleverly stuck in the gap.

He took them all off and threw one at each of the two walls of the corridor. When they stuck to the wall, he immediately activated the micro-optical stance to make himself invisible, and at the same time scanned the space between them.

Xu Yang walked up with the gun in his arms. A submachine gun alone couldn't hold it for long. The wolf girl had too much hair and couldn't withstand the fire breathing of these scaly monsters. He told the little fool to keep walking and don't stop.

Then he turned around and saw those vicious scale monsters crawling all the way following their scent.

"Roar——" The scale monster discovered the intruder and was naturally angry.

The leader of the large green-scaled monster passed through the exit of the stone path, raised its head and pursued Xu Yang and the others on the cliff. In an instant, the mine in front of it detonated instantly.


The high-temperature melt wave rolled towards the center of the entire corridor, and the fan-shaped flame wave rolled over the bodies of the monsters!

Modern weapons destroyed scales and tore flesh, and the monsters' high-pitched screams rang out, causing the abyss to rumble and echo. Xu Yang looked up and saw the snow falling one after another.

He turned to look at the burning connection. The monsters guarding the stone building were defeated in the high-temperature plasma flames. Three-quarters of the body of the monster that hit the mine first was blown to pieces, and only its legs and tail were destroyed in the flames.

The skin was burned to pieces and the flesh was torn apart, and its kind at the back was even more dead and injured, with bloody wounds.

The little fool tilted his body and looked at the scene of explosion, burning and chaos.

"It's so hot," she said.

"You can't stop them." Xu Yang always saw the possibility of extinguishing a fire when it was at its strongest.

He walked over to the little fool and picked him up with both hands. She leaned back against Xu Yang, feeling much safer. It was great to be with her father.

Snowball took them through the gap connecting the miners' living quarters, and the miners and soldiers had disappeared.

Xu Yang realized that there were reinforcements. He quickly came to the exit and saw the miners and their families standing in the mine tunnel watching the excitement, pointing outside, looking surprised.

Under the guidance of the soldiers, an engineer wearing heavy winter equipment used a high-temperature electric saw to cut the snow blocking the entrance. The saw blade rotated rapidly, chopping open the solid ice, and at the same time using a high temperature of 800°C to melt the surrounding snow.

Behind him, people could vaguely see that the snowfield outside was igniting with explosive flames.

Boom! Boom!

The ground shook constantly.

The air force dispatched by Nisto Company carried out air strikes on the frost giants in the area. Heavy explosive bombs, laser-guided bombs and gasoline bombs were dropped on the ground in batches.

"It's amazing..."

"This is Nisto!"


"Those monsters are no match." The miners pointed.

After the engineers had completely cut through the melted snow, he greeted the miners at the Yuebie Mine, and then extended an invitation. The Nisto Company could arrange for the miners to leave the Yuebie Mine, and they could take away all the supplies and transfer them to the winter camp set up by the Nisto Company.

Go to the shelter to take shelter from the wind and snow, and wait until the disaster is completely over before returning to the mine.

After the miners heard the news, they had different plans. They didn't know when this disaster would end, so they might as well stay in their own mines for a while and wait until the supplies were used up before moving to the Nisto Company.

When will the disaster end? Xu Yang pondered. The entire world was affected. The Frost Titan gained great power and made many enemies.

In the future, we may join everyone in the world to fight against the source of disaster and form an expeditionary force with different forces and backgrounds. However, everyone has their own agendas and may not be able to cooperate well. It still depends on their own strength. It is a bit mysterious.

They may also fish in troubled waters and exploit the global chaos brought about by the frost to develop themselves.

Xu Yang let the miners decide for themselves, and then walked outside into the blizzard. The snow was so deep that it piled up to his legs as soon as he stepped down, sending chills to his tarsal bones.

The little fool also walked outside with Xu Yang, but accidentally fell into a snowdrift and disappeared into the snow with a "plop".

Just like swimming in the snow, she hurriedly pushed away the snow with her arms and moved back to prevent the heavy snow from piling up her neck. She shivered and ran back to the exit of the mine tunnel, then stood on tiptoe to look out.

After a round of aerial strikes, those frost giants were ignited with flames, but they were not dead yet and still looked strong. In the end, they had to be dealt with by the airborne assault of the War Witch Troops.

Xu Yang heard a loud shout, it was Pan Ruiyi!

She fell from the sky like a meteor to the ground, and Pan Ruiyi also mastered the method of making magic blades. At this moment, Pan poured magic power into the Star-Chasing Spear in his hand, and the tip of the gun suddenly stretched out a huge red magic gun blade, reaching a length of 1 meter.

With her armor on her body, she was unstoppable. She wielded the spear in her hand with superb martial arts. The barrel of the spear was danced to the point where ink could not penetrate, and the magic gun blade also formed a whirlwind of death!

Dancing the gun with both hands, Pan Ruiyi casually advanced, retreated and sprinted among the frost giants, just like the huge high-speed rotating fan blades repeatedly running over the human body. The frost giants roared and charged towards her. Then, their outstretched fists were cut off and raised high.

His arms were torn apart, and his sturdy legs were cut into several pieces. The blade made of magic power can destroy the structure from the material level, and the attack efficiency is far higher than that of conventional weapons.

"Go to hell!" Pan Ruiyi jumped up from the spot, raised the spear above his head with both hands, and then smashed the gun blade down.

During the process of smashing down, her magic power exploded again, and the gun blade was extended by several meters. With her powerful slash, a frost giant was immediately split from the center, split into two halves in an instant, and its body was separated to both sides.

The blue humanoid core wrapped in the center of its body was also shattered and turned into ice crystals all over the ground.

Xu Yang observed carefully that the humanoid spirit wrapped in the frost giant's shell was almost like a mortal, as if it were an ordinary bound soul.

Their appearance is illusory, their faces are horrifying, and they cannot rest in peace until they are completely destroyed.

We need to investigate the origin of these giants. Xu Yang secretly thought.

He saw 5 frost giants being knocked down one after another. Pan Ruiyi drove the steel wings to shuttle among them. As if entering an uninhabited land, the magic blade spread out from the tip of the spear swept across repeatedly. It was so powerful that even the tallest giant could do it.

To be penetrated and leveled.

"Come on with something stronger!" Pan Ruiyi claimed to be the most powerful general in Nisto Company. Now he has become a warrior who swept thousands of armies, and he will definitely chop these frost giants into pieces.

Until now, she has not activated her original magic power, and has not even started to specialize in close combat. She only relies on her own martial arts and magic blade to fight, and she is even more contented.

After cutting down the frost giant, she looked back and saw Xu Yang standing at the entrance of the mine, feeling secretly happy. She raised her eyebrows, pushed the driver behind her, and then blasted towards Xu Yang like a rocket, knocking his body into the tunnel.


The little fool was shocked when she saw her father disappear before her eyes as if he had been hit by a truck.

No, dad was blasted to the other side of the world. The little fool quickly staggered to follow, only to see Xu Yang being crushed under Pan Ruiyi.

"Let go, let go..." The little fool grabbed Pan Ruiyi's steel wings with both hands.

Pan Ruiyi felt a slight pull and kissed Xu Yang hard before being pulled away by the little fool.

"I didn't do anything to him." Pan Ruiyi said this, but she was as passionate as fire and her eyes were as charming as silk. At this time, she put her hands on her hips, leaned forward, and twisted her hips slightly, revealing her round back and huge breasts.

They are all extremely tempting and full of hints.

"It's so passionate..." Xu Yang rubbed his forehead.

Thinking of Pan Ruiyi's heavy figure and wild habits, Xu Yang was naturally full of credibility.

"Let's go to a warmer place!" Seeing Xu Yang's interest, Pan Ruiyi thought about the right time to eat him.

She turned around to look for the little fool, and when she lowered her head, she saw the little fool standing at her feet and staring blankly at her. Pan Ruiyi was much taller than the other people the little fool had seen.

Pan Ruiyi picked up the little fool from the ground and strode forward.

The little fool was caught between Pan Ruiyi's arms and her breastplate. She felt that the world was so big and she was so small. She had to put her head out to breathe.

"We have to go down to the stone tunnel and see what's in the door at the end." Xu Yang led Pan Ruiyi into the ancient tunnel.

It was much easier now that Pan Ruiyi was present. She stood high on the cliff and saw that the fire at the bottom had just been extinguished. Several scale monsters roared and crawled over the corpses of their companions. She held the little fool in her left hand and a gun in her right hand. She flapped the giant wings behind her back.

The whole person flew into the crowd of monsters, raised the knife in his hand, and instantly chopped down the monsters around him.


"Gah-" They were hit by the huge gun blade, and their intestines were instantly pierced, and their heads were bruised and bloody.

Pan Ruiyi hadn't activated the magic blade yet, and just swiped the tip of the spear to pierce through them!

The other scale monsters roared and gathered together, rushing to spray flames at Pan Ruiyi. She confidently avoided the fireballs and fire spears they spit out, threw the spear in her hand with her backhand, and quickly pierced the fire-breathing throat pouch of one of the scale monsters.


The fire-breathing scale monster was pierced through the throat, and the high-temperature biofuel contained in it instantly overflowed and exploded in all directions, forcing its companions to flee.

Pan Ruiyi took advantage of the moment when their formation was loose to rush in.

The little fool saw the world spinning around in Pan Ruiyi's arms. The world around him was instantly flooded with blood. The harsh sounds of weapons chopping and the howls of monsters sounded one after another!

When Pan Ruiyi started massacring, the little fool could clearly feel the strength of Pan Ruiyi's movements and heard the precise feedback of the weapon hitting the monster. She savored the world around her that was made up of steel, blood and fire, and her breathing became faster and faster.

Pan Ruiyi whizzed past the group of monsters and landed lightly in the center of the stone path.

The little fool kept holding Pan Ruiyi tightly. When Pan Ruiyi stopped moving, he lowered his head and saw the little fool looking up at him, his eyes full of admiration.

"Cute guy." Pan Ruiyi clamped the little fool on his body and slowly let her go after feeling her protest with punches and kicks.

Xu Yang followed from behind.

After those large scaly monsters were eliminated, other small and medium-sized individuals fled in panic, burrowed into the surrounding holes, stone crevices and pipes and left. They no longer posed a threat and could not influence them to thoroughly investigate the details inside.

"Open it." Xu Yang pointed to the stone door at the end of the passage.

"It consumes a lot of magic power!" Pan Ruiyi swung the spear, injecting magic power, and the giant one-meter-long magic gun blade appeared again.

"I know...be careful Falosa." Xu Yang said.

"It doesn't matter." She said boldly.

Pan Ruiyi sprinted forward, swung his spear quickly, and the magic blade cut the stone door from the middle, leaving a huge gap.

Immediately afterwards, Pan Ruiyi flew up again and kicked the stone door as hard as lightning.


The door suddenly roared and shattered, and was kicked down by Pan Ruiyi! The stone door, which weighed more than 1 ton, turned into rubble and dust everywhere.

"Gah..." The little fool looked at it intently and opened his mouth wide. She stretched out her hand to pull Xu Yang, "Can I become that powerful?"

"Of course." Xu Yang said.

"Wow." The little fool punched on the spot, imagining that he could defeat the giant.

Although he didn't know how an ordinary witch could become as tall and powerful as Pan Ruiyi, Xu Yang felt that the little fool was also very strong.

After entering the stone chamber, Xu Yang saw a huge tomb pit.

His eyes lit up. Under the protection of the scale monsters outside, the tomb was well preserved!

In the center is a large sarcophagus, about 3 meters long. There are some black burial weapons scattered around, and the bones of large creatures are arranged on the left and right. Those creatures seem to be some kind of dragons, with obvious lizard-shaped heads and spread out legs.


Xu Yang turned his head and observed the platforms on both sides of the tomb and the burial table at the end. There were sparkling burial jewelry, cultural relics and ritual utensils everywhere, and the walls were engraved with secret scripts.

This time the progress was too great. Xu Yang was secretly excited. These things could change their understanding of the history of this place and lead them to more mysterious knowledge.

"This is the tomb of an ancient noble." Xu Yang was very satisfied.

He couldn't wait to write down the words, and then record the surrounding details in detail. As long as Farosha can decipher what these secret words say, he can get further information.

There must be more such tombs around Yibei City. There was an entire advanced civilization here much longer ago, with dragons as servants and stones as their homes.

(End of chapter)

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