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Chapter 641: Falosa's Memory

Chapter 641 Falosa’s memory

The joy of love comes from long-term intimacy and deep understanding. These hands touched Xu Yang's cheeks, and he smelled the fragrance on the skin, and immediately said Falosa's name.

"Throw away the clothes." Falosa ran her fingers through Xu Yang's hair.

Xu Yang's nano-armor peeled off from his skin, like flowing liquid, and turned into a vest.

Falosa's ten fingers were like poisonous snakes, stroking and scratching Xu Yang from the top of his head down. There were few attractive things in the world that could compare with these slender and tender fingers.

Her index finger inserted into Xu Yang's mouth, as if as some kind of reward, they moved closer.

Falosa's current state is so mysterious. She is the body of a moody god. Her temptations are getting bolder, and Xu Yang's responses are becoming more and more eager.

Whenever they come into contact with each other, the beating frequency of their hearts synchronizes, and the neural circuits of the same trajectory appear in their minds. At this moment, they confirm the irrefutable fact - they have been cast into each other's shape and become each other.

Two puzzle pieces of the same size.

Conscience and malice, tranquility and madness, non-gods and gods, humans and witches. They need to be combined, better combined, and not just for a while, but for eternity.

After a fierce heartbeat, at night and dawn, they were like two animals, hiding in the corner of the computer room.

They don't know why things are always like this. They just miss each other's body heat and long for this moment to last forever.

Falosa hugged Xu Yang's arms tightly, and he could feel how her weight tilted to his chest.

They kissed repeatedly and it became their way of communicating, and sometimes they felt that the conversations were really empty and unnecessary because words were weak and unclear and no one could express their true thoughts accurately.

The emotions between Xu Yang and Falosa have been burned away from impurities, leaving only the purest residue. Additional words will always destroy this perfect crystallization.

What they want to do is to connect with flesh and blood and surround each other with souls.

Both Xu Yang and Farosha chose to give up the trivial matters around them. He was hungry, he was weak, and Farosha used the law of recovery to reset him to the state of the previous day, making him always full of energy and vitality.

The seeds he gave to Farosha were too many, so many that it was as if a part of Farosha had the nature of Xu Yang forever.

"I hope to weave a cocoon... to wrap us up... and stop time..." Falosa is greedy for time at this moment.

Xu Yang tried to say something, but couldn't.

He is so intoxicated.

It turns out that Falosa was just a witch. Witches are very tempting, but they are limited to their appearance and voice.

Now that Falosa is a god, her attraction to Xu Yang is no longer conveyed through sight, hearing, and smell. Her temptation has completely surpassed the sensory world and no longer relies on her own appearance, voice, and fragrance.

She has also established unparalleled charm at the soul and spiritual level.

Now Xu Yang can clearly feel her soul, which is as hot as fire and blazing with flames. It is the true essence of a god, and no one can resist its attraction.

Then merge into one.

Their love expands and extends infinitely, without boundaries, like an ocean. The more they love each other, the wider the scope of the ocean becomes.

Xu Yang indulged in it in a hazy state. This was boundless joy and endless happiness.

An unknown number of days passed, until one day he woke up from his deep sleep.

He felt pain in his ribs and looked down.

Falosa is biting him.

"You, what are you doing..."

"Eat..." Falosa muttered.

She has sharp teeth, savage tastes and an unfathomable appetite. Her diet is expanding day by day and now includes Xu Yang.

Falosa wanted to eat Xu Yang alive.

Xu Yang felt a little creepy. Although he had the protection of the oath and the power of the ebony ring, Falosa could not take advantage of him for the time being, but this sick behavior already hinted at many facts.

Plus Lila’s warning…

Xu Yang could only think that Farosa's crazy temperament was back.

Falosa reappeared in her threatening, crazed side.

Xu Yang saw her eyes sparkling in the dark, and her face looked even weirder in the terrifying atmosphere. If he didn't do something, Falosa would continue to bite her.

"You want to eat me?" Xu Yang held Falosa close to him.

They had done this too many times, so Falosa obeyed her original reaction and executed her usual chain of actions. She got into Xu Yang's chest, put her forehead close to his neck, and let Xu Yang's arms pass through her back.

Yuan is like holding a child.

In this position, Falosa closed her eyes comfortably and made a sound almost like a kitten purring. She did not answer, but became quieter.

"What's wrong?" Xu Yang's hand moved down from Falosa's smooth back, like stroking a kitten's fur.

"You betrayed me... I can only eat you to prevent you from committing more betrayals." Falosa did not open her eyes.

If it breaks, the cat will eat the bird.

Xu Yang continued to comfort Falosa while thinking about how to avoid being buried in the belly of the god.

He still remembered how Farossa ate. She tore apart the remains of the old gods like seafood, gouging out the god's eyeballs and tentacles with her bare hands. She twisted the entire arm of the River Goddess into pieces, and tears flowed from her lips while eating.

Sea of ​​blood.

If she wants to eat Xu Yang, it will probably only happen in an instant, but Xu Yang will stay in her belly forever as she said.

"What do you want to do now?" Xu Yang changed the subject.

"Send you away...send you somewhere else..." Farosha still closed her eyes.

"Where to go?"

"Go to my memory." Falosa's body moved in Xu Yang's arms, like a large piece of hot charcoal, which was about to burn Xu Yang. He was sweating like rain, and felt that this environment was not cold enough.


"What do you want me to do?" Xu Yang followed Falosa's words.

"To correct some mistakes...you must go to my memories...to make me feel the beauty of my childhood. Those pains and frustrations will prevent me from continuing to move forward in cultivation. You must tamper with and transform them...let me feel the beauty of my childhood.

Reduce the pain when recalling them." Falosa said in a faint tone.

That's right. Except for Xu Yang who knew about her past, no one else knew about Falosa's childhood experience. Falosa's childhood was very miserable. She had a suffering mother and a cruel father.

Memory is like a person's shadow, always following behind and never fading. Falosa has now swallowed the power of the River Goddess, and can also control and sort out her own memory.

"I will, I will." Xu Yang comforted Falosa.

Farosha now needs Xu Yang, the only lover who knows her experience, and Xu Yang has to personally go to Farosha's memory and repair everything so that Farosha can recover from the painful memories.

If his action is successful, Farosha will be richly rewarded as she recalls her childhood.

This is also of great significance to Xu Yang, and it is a new step in their relationship. He must go deep into Farosha's memory, resolve Farosha's trauma, and not only increase her pleasure through doi.

"I will, let me go, I will make your childhood feel relaxed and happy, and make all the pain go away." Xu Yang kissed Falosa's hot forehead.

"You have done too many bad things... now you have to make up for it..." Farosha bit her lip.

"Don't worry..."

"I know you will. I open my memories to you, all my memories... Look at me, Xu Yang, look at me, don't look away." Falosa opened her eyes.

Her eyes at this time were no longer flesh and blood, but two bottomless whirlpools.

Xu Yang followed Falosa's instructions and silently stared into her eyes, leaving himself undefended, and Xu Yang was swallowed by the pupil of memory.

He disappeared into the room.

Falosa smelled the lingering scent here, wrapped herself in the neon cloak again, and squatted in the thick traces they left.

It's time to go back, Falosa gasped, it's time to go back.

She raised her hand and crossed the air, and a door to the starry sky opened. Her figure passed through the door and returned to the Galaxy God Realm.

In her divine realm, Falosa saw the green flash outside.

"The Lord of the Forest..." Falosa frowned and watched.

"You try to violate the oath and harm the people in the oath. I will not sit idly by and give you a warning." The voice of the Lord of the Forest seemed to come from ancient times, with a faint echo.

"A piece of meat won't do anything wrong," Falosa said.

"...When you swallow him alive, the rest of the world and the entire natural world will become your enemy until you release him from your stomach..." The Lord of the Forest threatened.

"How dare you challenge me?" Falosa's morale is now at its peak.

"People make oaths because they know that I will supervise them. Whenever there is an oath that needs to be upheld, I will step forward."

"This is beyond your control... Yes, I understand. You hate me for eating the arm of the river goddess, and you hate me for eating part of your old lover. It's been so long, can't you forget it?

?" Falosa sarcastically said.

"...Memory is like a river, you have repeatedly stepped into it throughout your life. Why don't you feel frightened by all the pain in your memory..."

Falosa rejected the aura of the Lord of the Forest. She did not need such an ancient thing to interfere with her dazzling Galaxy God Realm.

But...memory is like a river. Falosa recalled all the pain in her childhood, and really hoped that Xu Yang could go to where he should go and repair everything.

At this time, Xu Yang has entered Falosa's cognitive realm.

Xu Yang looked around and found that this was a wonderful hourglass-shaped space.

In the center is a singularity, a single small dot, constantly moving forward to explore the unknown, and constantly leaving thread-like information in the vast space behind it. The information is left behind like running water, countless golden lights

Glittering fog spots rise and fall in the depths of the river of memory.

In front of it is a large hazy and empty space, like a dry river bed, with no substantial content visible, while behind it is endless thoughts and memories.

Memory is like a big river, surging in an hourglass-shaped space, leaving behind a surging memory.

Xu Yang now understands that the center point he is at is Falosa's present, in front is her unknown future, and behind is all the past she has experienced.

He immediately started to move back, and around him were the experiences that Falosa had experienced in the past few days. All the laughter, joy and pleasure were scattered here, like thousands of small golden cubes.

He curiously picked up one of the small cubes for memory synchronization.


He used to feel it from one side, but now he feels it from the other side.

He now...he now knows what Falosa feels like, this...this...himself...he...

...throw it away quickly...throw it away...

Xu Yang quickly dropped the small cube.

He shivered all over, feeling so strange and weird.

Xu Yang shook his head, threw away the memory, and started walking far away.

Falosa opened her river of memories to Xu Yang, which is equivalent to giving all her secrets to Xu Yang.

However, Falosa and Xu Yang get along so closely, he already knows all the secrets, and there is no need to reveal any answers.

The more Xu Yang walked, the deeper his emotions became. What if it was Falosa who entered Xu Yang's heart?

He himself has too many things that he hasn’t told Farosha, including Xu Yang’s childhood, Xu Yang’s parents, Xu Yang’s growth experience, and the many attempts he made when chasing freedom, plus his adventures, including

There are countless clips that would make Farosha very angry after watching them. Farosha cannot watch these.

Xu Yang ran all the way.

He couldn't see the end, and entered a world of truly torturous memories. In front of him, he saw a really long empty road, a single line going forward, endless.

There is no doubt that this is the content left in Falosa's brain during her 1,000-year slumber. She remembers nothing, but still has weak consciousness activities. The result is that there is a huge blank in the middle of the river of memory.

Xu Yang wandered forward, and there was a lot of walking. He didn't know how long it would take to pass through this thousand-year hole.

After a long journey, Xu Yang finally returned to the key fragments of Farosha's early memories and decided to start working on it when she was 5 years old.

Xu Yang speculated that little Farosa would be easier to get along with at this age. He would take care of little Farosa like a little fool, so there would be no big problem.

Xu Yang was surprised when he entered the memory space.

He originally thought that Farosha's memory only included her home, her crib and her family, because 5-year-old Farosha could not walk too far, but when Xu Yang really entered the memory and stepped on the lawn, he discovered

Falosa's memories include an entire old world.

The world in Farosha's memories unfolded before Xu Yang's eyes. He saw rugged hills, a rising moon, and warm winds in front of him. This was the complete Aquilian countryside in Farosha's memory, and there was no


When Xu Yang looked far into the distance, he saw the distant roads and rivers, which were completely real and flawless.

In any case, the key to revising the memory is to find out where Falosa lives, and then give her a beautiful memory, so that she can continue to move forward on the path of strength without being bound by the shadow.

(End of chapter)

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