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Chapter 642 Repairing the past

Chapter 642 Repairing the past

Xu Yang thought about what to do.

First, we need to take little Farosha and her beloved mother away from home, and destroy that annoying and misbehaving man. Secondly, we must give little Farosha a wonderful childhood, so that she can be free and enjoy a beautiful life.

In this way, when Xu Yang leaves the memory space, Falosa will only feel endless warmth when she recalls her childhood, and maybe her gloomy and irritable temperament will also change.

Just do it.

Xu Yang walked around in place first, and his equipment was also brought into the memory space, so he activated the armed mode of the nano armor and completely transformed into a dark warrior.

With his advanced weapons, he is quite confident in fighting against the regular enemies in Farosha's memories, as long as he doesn't run into those terrible witches.

This is the medieval era where there are no restrictions on the development of witches. There must be a large number of super-standard supreme witches in Falosa's memory. In the era controlled by the company, ruler witches are already rare, but in the middle ages, witches only need to practice for 60 years.

~100 years or so, one can often become a ruler, so a ruler is the standard configuration of a witch.

The number of rulers in one region is greater than the number of rulers in the world in the future... Xu Yang still has to be careful, after all, his mission is just to raise Falosa to be fat and white.

Xu Yang first activated the invisible mode of his armor and walked around. He saw a castle on the hillside. Stone walls and arrow towers protected the main building, stables and barracks, as well as the farms and orchards in the surrounding area.

In order to raise funds for action, he decided to go around the castle first and get some gold coins commonly used by people in this era.

With the invisibility of nano-armor, it is too easy to avoid the detection of ordinary guards in this era. Even if Xu Yang swaggers past them, they are not aware of it.

These soldiers are all wearing medieval armor from 1,000 years ago, equipped with armed swords, spears, chain mail and heraldic robes, giving Xu Yang the feeling of entering a medieval film and television work.

These people in Falosa's memory world are all alive. Xu Yang listened to their conversations. Their communication was very fluent, and they did not appear dull and clumsy just because they were in Falosa's memory world.

The ruler of the castle was a count, and Xu Yang wanted to see where the other party was before taking the money.

After conducting stealth reconnaissance, Xu Yang found that the earl was discussing with several other lower-level nobles and knights in the conference hall how to resist the Witch Council.

The Witch Council is a worldly power that stands side by side with the church. The Council tries to subdue all the witches as much as possible, tries to strengthen itself, and treats humans cruelly. Many human forces in the Western Continent have been compressed to the edge. Due to the situation, the Council is in the same boat.

An anti-witch alliance was formed to try to resist the pressure from the council.

According to history, these human independent forces are insignificant and will be defeated in the future and become the puppets of the witch and the church. Xu Yang secretly thought that the castle and nobles in front of him will sooner or later be destroyed by the powerful witch.

But now they still have room to deal with the Witch Council, because the "Witch of Chaos" is still there.

"The Chaos Witches have won another victory."

"Now the judges and arbitrators of the Council will be transferred, and Gaul will be peaceful for a long time to come."

"We must find those dirty witches and kill them. If a witch cub is found in our village, it will give the council an excuse to enter the territory."

"The knights of the church are always hesitant. One moment they stand on our side, and the other moment they support the Witch Council."

"Thankfully those Chaos Witches..."

Several names were mentioned in their subsequent conversation, such as Sylphy, the vanishing witch, and Charlie Valentine, the time-stopping witch. Xu Yang already knew them.

The Earl also frowned and mentioned a more powerful reality manipulator, Christine Rimmer. In order to support the human forces against the Witch Council, Christine erased the "Victory" in a key battle in northern Italia.

" concept.

Under the influence of her reality distortion, the powerful armies of the Council could not move forward. Likewise, wars and competitions in other parts of the world no longer have winners, resulting in most wars and sports competitions ending in vain. Such days triggered

There is a lot of chaos, and no one side can defeat the other side.

"The witches are distorting the world like this. We must unite together until all the witches are eradicated." The noble emphasized.

"We are the last group of humans in the world who insist on resisting the witches. We must not lose to them."

"From Constantinier to Lundenim, the Witch Council has drawn an insurmountable high wall on the land of Western Europe. Behind this line, Gothenburg, Stettin, Warsaw and Legnitz

The rulers of have succumbed to the power of the witch."

"If, like those servants, we regard witches as born strong and born rulers, we will become the most miserable race and the most deserving of being slaves."

"Eradicate the tyranny of the witch! Taixi Continent belongs to humans!"

"Oh!" Others quite agreed.

Little Falosa was born in such a conservative village where anti-witch thoughts are prevalent. It is really dangerous. Once discovered, she will be killed. Xu Yang secretly thought.

However, although these people in front of them are resolute, there is a huge disparity in strength, and they are still bound to lose. If humans want to find an opportunity to defeat the witch, they will have to wait for the Industrial Revolution more than 700 years later.

So...Farosha's life trajectory. Xu Yang silently recalled it, weaving together all of Farosha's past experiences.

Falosa joined the church in Olsenian when she was 9 years old, and was trained to become a living library that "uses the brain to memorize all the classics". She memorized all the manuscripts and classics in the medieval era and was reused.

Immediately afterwards, when she was 12 to 13 years old, Farossa was awarded a god-killing weapon by the ancient mystics, which made it easier for her to kill Orxian alone.

After she killed the God, she was forced to flee and join the Chaos Witches organization, becoming the youngest member of the organization. For this reason, Sylphy wrote a poem called "Daytime" for Falosa.

Then in another 54 months, Falosa will be hunted so urgently that she will have to escape from the Taisei Continent by boat with the support of the Kaldor royal family, and arrive in the Archipelago Continent in one go. Finally, she will be blocked by the Tsuneo Sakura Miko of the Archipelago Continent at that time.

In the tomb, 1,000 years passed.

Xu Yang speculated carefully.

Even if you change Farosha's childhood memories, you just need to send Farosha to the church to study hard at the right time, and then escape in time.

Because this is Farosha's memory, as long as Xu Yang leaves and no longer interferes with the memories, Farosha's original memories will automatically pick up without his guidance. Farosha will remember the fuzzy parts in the middle.


After making up his mind, Xu Yang first searched the castle for some gold coins and hid them in the pocket of the nano-armor, and then sneaked back to the village to look for traces of Falosa.

Because he had seen the little Farosha in white before, Xu Yang felt that the original Little Farosha was very easy to find.

He walked around the village invisibly, and the animals couldn't distinguish the smell of future materials on him, so they just chose to avoid it. After searching for an hour, he finally saw little Falosa appear in the morning, and she walked out of her

door, leaving the village and heading towards the suburbs.

After she walked to a deserted place, she began to practice jogging. She ran alone for at least 30 minutes. Xu Yang found that she had very good physical strength. I am afraid this is what her mother told her to practice escaping.

After running a few miles away from the village, little Falosa panted heavily and sat on the bank of the river to rest.

She was dressed in ragged clothes, with her feet in the river. She was small and looked as cute as possible, but she was a little dirty, and her brown hair was messy and scattered, making her look very inconspicuous.

Little Falosa sucked her fingers, her little nose stained with stains.

Her eyes kept falling on the sparkling river.

"Huh..." She said softly to something in the river. Xu Yang looked into the river and found that a fish in the river was instantly torn apart and exploded into pieces of fish meat and rainforest fragments. A blood stain suddenly appeared in the clear river.


A strange smile appeared on little Falosa's face.

As if hearing some noise, a dirty mangy dog ​​walked down from the upper reaches of the river. It was wild and untamed. This wild dog was not like the pets bred in later generations, but looked completely like a wild wolf.

Little Falosa raised her hand towards the wild dog.


The wild dog was instantly torn apart and turned into a pile of flesh and blood.

He has so much magic power at such a young age, Xu Yang thought to himself. And he is so skilled. He must be used to killing animals, and he also knows how to do it without being discovered.

Little Falosa happily ran over, squatted next to the remains of the wild dog, reached out and grabbed the larger bones on its body to eat. Her teeth bit off the meat residue on the bones, and her hands and mouth were filled with blood.

Anyone who sees this scene would feel strange and wary, but Xu Yang is really used to Falosa's style. At this moment, watching little Falosa feasting like this, he just feels that she is particularly charming, so irritating at such a young age.


Consuming magic makes her tired, and eating makes her feel comfortable.

Little Falosa was very alert, and soon ran back into the jungle, wiping her hands with leaves. She seemed to choose a different route every time she practiced running, constantly scouting the road that could actually leave the village, scanning her eyes here and there, checking

Security and privacy of the surrounding area.

"I will take you away, mother..." little Falosa said to herself.

After resting, she cleaned off the blood on her body and set off back to the village.

At noon, little Falosa returned to the door of her wooden house in the village, and her mother Madusa stood at the door to greet her.

When Xu Yang saw little Falosa's mother, he was completely stunned.

According to what Falosa said, Madusa Madusa was a well-known beauty in the Aquilia region, and what she said is true.

Falosa herself is a beautiful witch, and Madame Madusa is not only as beautiful as her daughter, but as time goes by, Madusa becomes even more... charming.

Mrs. Madusa's emerald eyes are extremely attractive, her chin is round and delicate, her cheeks are more mature, and her body proportions are plumper and well-proportioned than Falosa's. Although she wears a wide peasant woman's skirt and does not show off her figure at all, Xu

Yang could imagine Madame Madusa's flawless curves, a completely natural beauty.

If she hadn't suffered severe domestic violence and continued to work hard, her beauty would have completely surpassed that of her daughter.

If Falosa can grow up like her mother in another 30 to 50 years, Xu Yang will have no regrets.

"Where have you gone?" Madame Madusa asked little Farosha tiredly.

"Ababa, Baba!" Little Falosa said strangely.

There was actually such a side to little Farosha. Xu Yang stood in the distance and observed invisibly. If he had not entered Farosha's own memories, it would be difficult to imagine that she was such a little person in the past.

"Good boy, come in." Mrs. Madusa brought little Falosa into the house. The mother and daughter sat at the table. Little Falosa turned her head and kept looking at this narrow wooden house, not knowing that she disliked it for being too big.

Although Xiao Xiao, he still sensed Xu Yang sneaking in through some method.

Madame Madusa closed the door and the room suddenly became dark. She took out a dirty silver horn from the seam pocket of her skirt.

"Farosha, good child, have you seen this?" Mrs. Madusa smiled and put the silver corner on the table. "I picked it up at Brina's house in the river valley. It is a silver coin. It was originally a silver coin.

It’s a silver coin, you can change it back, can’t you?”

Little Falosa was very serious about releasing the law of recovery on the silver horn, but her magic power was so sporadic now that there was no trace left.

Seeing that she was of no use, little Falosa immediately began to cry, and the tears kept flowing from her eyes.

Mrs. Madusa hurriedly leaned over, patted little Farosha's back constantly, and tried to wipe away Farosha's tears. Then she thought of something again, and suddenly walked to the basket in the corner of the room and took out a moldy piece from it.

of cheese.

"Look, look, Falosa." Madame Madusa coaxed Falosa, "Eat this, good child, eat this."

"I don't want to eat this! I want to eat meat!" Little Falosa disliked the smell and threw the cheese to the ground angrily.

Madame Madusa hurriedly picked up the cheese and wiped the dirt.

"This is the most nutritious thing mother can afford." Madame Madusa said carefully.

Little Falosa's body kept trembling on her seat. She didn't understand and continued to cry.

A tall, unkempt man walked in from outside the house, and little Falosa's tears stopped immediately.

The man stared silently at little Falosa's red eyes, then turned to Madam Madusa and strode towards her.

Madame Madusa ran away subconsciously and immediately got up to clear the table.

"I'll prepare the food," she said obediently.

The man sat elegantly at the table, waiting for Madame Madusa to wait on her.

Little Falosa was frightened, so frightened that she jumped off the chair and tried to escape to the next room.

"It's dinner time, come back." The man said in an unpleasant tone.

"Yes, Dad." Little Falosa responded blankly.

"Huh..." The man's beast-like primitive gaze turned to the kitchen and fell on Madame Madusa's skirt.

He quickly got up and walked behind Madame Madusa.

"You..." Madam Madusa responded stiffly, her body trembling violently, knowing the horror that was about to happen next.

Little Falosa gritted her teeth, her pain and fear turned into anger, and shouted at him: "Don't touch mom again! You lunatic!"

The man angrily grabbed a wooden stick leaning against the stone stove, roared and rushed towards little Farosha, who screamed and backed away.


Xu Yang punched the man's head with his fist, slamming him to the ground. His head hit the stone floor hard, a mouthful of blood spat out from his mouth, his teeth were broken, and he let out a miserable howl.

"Ah!" Little Falosa looked up and was shocked to see Xu Yang emerging from an invisible position.

"Dear Madam, Miss..." Xu Yang skillfully picked up the stunned little Falosa, and then went to the kitchen to meet the frightened Madam Madusa, "...I will explain the specific situation later, now we have to leave here as soon as possible.


(End of chapter)

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