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Chapter 651: Core of Ice Mist

Chapter 651 Ice Mist Core

There are also some black weapons placed in the display cabinets on the other side of the science and technology museum. The inscriptions show that they are made of new alloys smelted by the old people who mined interstellar minerals.

Falosa took out a black spear from it and injected magic power at will. The tip quickly shot out a dazzling blood-red magic blade, which was significantly more adaptable to magic than many existing metals.

"Wow, it's so powerful." Farosha put the extraordinarily powerful spear under her belly.

"Please stop." Lila quickly turned her perspective.

Lila observed the other black weapons in the exhibition cabinet. They were integrated with future weapon technology. The old people also created terrifying weapons such as chain swords. Eye-catching chains were engraved around the giant sword. Pressing the handle can rotate at high speed, killing the opponent.

Cut into pieces with armor, it is better than the crude version currently on the human market. If the war witches and airborne commandos jumped into the enemy camp with such a weapon, the effect would be very terrifying.

Next to the chain sword is a black metal power hammer. Both ends of the hammer are equipped with reverse engines. When swinging, one of the engines always starts adaptively, making the swing extremely powerful and capable of easily smashing heavy equipment.


Smaller weapons are power gauntlets, inlaid with metal knuckles or claws. The Old Ones are taller than humans, so their rocket-propelled punches and claw strikes are absolutely powerful.

There is also a locked smart battle ax that is placed alone in a display cabinet. Judging from the performance parameters, this ax can automatically detect the nearest enemy and kill it. Even if it fails to hit, the ax blade will actively deform.

By piercing the opponent, even new recruits with poor martial arts can rely on it to break through the siege.

"After learning these weapon technologies, we can develop our own future weapons." Lila marked the exhibition cabinet as a cultural relic technology to be analyzed.

"Technology aside, these black weapons have been pre-adjusted by the old people. They are naturally good conductors of magic. They have very complete built-in magic circuits, which are much more precise than what we have worked hard to carve by hand. This is the key.

"Falosa waved the black spear in her hand.

"What are these black metals called?" Lila saw that the weapons of the old people were basically all made of this dark material.

"Night Silver, 'Mrtsg Hroevi'." Farosha put the black spear back into the display cabinet. Because it was a display prop, its tip was worn.

This material is as black as night, as delicate as silver, and its performance is better than alloy steel. More importantly, it is extremely suitable for carving magic circuits. It can be said to be the most suitable weapon for witches.

"I hope we can find a way to smelt night silver in the ruins of this civilization. But it's amazing that the old people who hate witches have developed weapons like night silver. These weapons are not for witches to use, but for ordinary people.

Used by the old soldiers, so where did they get the source of magic power?" Lila's drone followed Farossa.

"The old people have a lot of blood debts. I'm afraid they have the technology to squeeze the magic power out of the witch." Falosa sneered.

Thinking of this, Falosa handed over the investigation work of the Science and Technology Museum to the follow-up team and continued to chase the female remnants of the old people deep in the mountains. It was bound to capture the last living person of the old people culture and squeeze out the essence of this ancient civilization.

residual value.

The old woman's retreat path was an ancient water channel on the cliff, which took her to a deeper location, which was the giant hydraulic hub that drove this ancient civilization. Falosa kept tracking, and Lila's drone started to alarm.

"It's too cold," Lila said.

"It seems to be a bit chilly." Falosa felt the breath coming from the air.

"It's already minus 120 degrees Celsius here, you just said it's a little chilly?" Lila's drone measured the temperature. Such extreme cold has had an impact on the survival of the body.

"Wait to die here." Farosha walked forward.

"Wait! When will the master come back?" Lila asked.

"He should still be there, because my memory is fragmented, and I can't even think clearly about my lovely sister. If he wants to come back, he will consciously seek death... If he doesn't come back, it means he may still be there, doing

Something he loves to do." Farosha frowned.

Lila accepted this statement for the time being.

"You must bring my drone." Lila said, "You must need me."

"It's so annoying." Falosa turned around, stuffed Lila's drone into her neon cloak to keep warm, and then jumped forward.

"It's right there." Lila was able to use the temperature imager to identify the trajectory of temperature changes, thereby guiding Farossa to get to the root of the cold.

Passing through the ancient water channel, they soon came to the top of a large dam. This dam spanned between cliffs and served as a bridge. In the middle was a cliff with a huge drop. A vast waterfall fell from the top, and it is now completely frozen.

, turned into a spectacle of frost, like an entire lake pouring down, and then condensed instantly, time and water were frozen in it, forming a pale cliff, reflecting their appearance.

Falosa could imagine what would happen when the temperature warmed up and the water flow surged. The giant waterfall would roar and surge, scouring the turbine at the bottom of the dam, which would then drive the generator set to work, providing inexhaustible electricity for the entire Hill A.

"All the water..." Falosa looked up and saw countless brass pipes embedded in the top rocks. Many rivers and lakes around Yibei City were all guided by water conservancy facilities built by the old people, becoming the water resources collected by Hill A.


The people of Yibei City had no idea that there was another pipeline system under their water supply pipes, which took away tens of millions of cubic meters of water, all of which was collected on Hill A for their survival for thousands of years.

"We can imagine an underground civilization that uses climate as its development cycle. In the past 10,000 years, this civilization has been afraid of the Little Ice Age that occurs every few thousand years. At that time, the water flow will dry up, the electricity will be scarce, and the civilization will fall into regression, which will lead to civil strife.

.And when the climate warmed, water flow was unlimited, and electricity was restored to all facilities, the entire Hill A became prosperous again," Lila said.

"If you are here, you can also help me investigate the traces of that guy. Now I can only deal with it myself." Falosa lowered her head to search for the slightest difference on the ground. Her vision, like other physiological functions, has entered the extraordinary.

Therefore, clues can be discerned from the smallest environmental differences.

As Falosha walked forward, something flashed in the darkness. She waved the Star Controller, and the red light shone. The thing fell apart instantly. When she got closer, she saw that it was an albino deformity.

The man, who had been frozen to death for a long time, was now chopped into uniform pieces of meat by magic power. Falosa stamped her foot hard, and the evenly piled human-shaped meat pieces fell apart and turned into about sixty or seventy pieces.

A cube of frozen flesh.

There are also several frozen albino deformed people squatting near the corridor. Before they died, they seemed to be trying to hug each other for warmth, making gestures of reaching out to each other. Their noses were extremely short, their hands and feet were slender, their eyes were completely blind, and their ears were

It is difficult to imagine that they have any relationship with the old people or humans. Their skin is black due to zombies, and their blood has long been frozen into ice, but the weather is so cold that microorganisms cannot grow, forming freeze-dried zombies.

Falosa hated using her own weapons to attack such ugly things. She just walked forward quickly and drove straight in. Soon she came to a natural cave. Here, the old people seemed to have built a circular control room with a large number of cables near the ground.

Connecting it to other areas of the underground world, it seems that this is the center that controls all the facilities in Hill A behind the scenes.

"That's where it gets the coldest..." Lila observed.

The remaining old woman walked out of the entrance. When she saw Falosa and the drone approaching, she immediately picked up the black bow and tried to make a final resistance.

She shoots at Falosa, who can see the trajectory of the arrow and deflect it with her Star Rider. This technique is suitable for fighting weaker enemies, indicating that Falosa can use her extraordinary physical qualities alone to

Feel free to crush each other.

The old woman backed away nervously, Falosa's performance was completely beyond her imagination.

"Chase her to the corner and kill her... I want her to die in pain and despair." Farosha planned to taste the other party's despair.

"We need to figure out the science of the Old Ones from her," Lila reminded quietly.

"Just take him back and bully him slowly."

"If we can get her to hand over the information peacefully, it will be a good way to save energy and time. Now is the time to race against time."

"Can't you read brain waves or something?"

"The brains of the old people must have different structures from human beings. Some unofficial histories and esoteric legends mention that the old people can spread words over long distances and communicate with the soul." Lila reminded.

Yes, the old man who was imprisoned in the rhombus in the Moonlight Garden can also send messages. Farosha secretly thought.

"...Then I'll let you try. I want to see what you can do." Falosa said calmly.

"Let her see what the sealed old man at the bottom of Nisto headquarters looks like." The drone moved forward.

"Wait a minute - that secret door was opened by Kirino Reiyo and I, how do you know?" Falosa frowned.

"In front of the strongest detective witch, the door is meaningless." Lila said.

Falosa watched in confusion as Lila's drone approached the remnants of the old people.

The drone projected an image of the old man at the bottom of the tower. The old man who carried the entire Nistor headquarters on his back was very special. He was bound by chains and penetrated by three black spears, but he was still alive.

"Ah - you -" the old female person spoke in secret. As soon as she saw the other person, she suddenly showed a look of surprise, obviously knowing the existence of the old male person.

"Tell her that if she is willing to cooperate with us, we can reunite her." Lila asked Farosha to relay it in secret text. Farossa refused to reveal the secret text to Lila, excluding Lila from knowledge.


"At this point, I am the only one who can communicate." Falosa smiled. Lila was not allowed to have access to the secret text just for this kind of occasion.

At this moment, Falosa softly guided the old woman with secret texts, reminding her that as long as she handed over the secrets of Nightsilver Forge and the ancient city of A Hill, she would release the old man imprisoned under Nistor's headquarters.

Falosa's words were soft and elegant, captivating people's hearts. The old woman took a deep breath and missed the old man imprisoned at the bottom of the tower. She couldn't help but feel shaken.

She showed a tendency to surrender, and Farosha struck while the iron was hot.

"...Zme, gsv xliv lu rxv ult..." Falosa asked her for the ice mist core.

The old woman gritted her teeth and took out the ice mist core from behind her back.

Falosa saw it in its complete state and confirmed the fact that the old woman relied on it to control the corpse dragon Dong Yushou Bairi!

If I get such a core, wouldn't I be able to control the dragon as well?

An ancient dragon that was equivalent to an elder dragon in life was powerful enough to defeat Pan Rui after death. Now that it has the core of ice mist, it will also become Falosha's puppet, and Falosha can send it to attack at will.

Kill the enemy!

"Very good." Falosa was satisfied and asked Lila to come back.

The old woman took a deep breath, bravely followed up with Falosa and Lila, and moved forward cautiously.

Falosa kept showing her kindness to lower her vigilance, and continued to hint, asking her to hand over the core of ice mist.

Facing Falosa, who was far stronger than herself, the old woman could only give in.

When the old woman finally handed over the core of ice mist to Farosha, a look of relief appeared on Farosha's face, and she quickly accepted the core of ice mist.

As the core of the ice mist was taken away by Farosha, the entire environment quickly warmed up, and the temperature of the underground space rose rapidly.

"The water melted... and the temperature returned to above zero?" Lila's drone detected a large number of heat changes. It seemed that due to the imbalance in the core of the ice fog, the area warmed up, and the water flow resumed movement. There was a roar inside the walls.


The old woman looked around calmly, as if she had expected such an outcome.

Falosa asked her to follow her. When they arrived at the dam again, the waterfall had begun to melt.

As if frozen tears flowed again, huge ice cubes fell to the ground, and the water flow formed a stream, washing the turbine at the bottom from top to bottom. The sound of the rotating fan blades buzzed, and Hill A in the distance also made a sound again.

, rumbling incessantly.

They quickly returned to Hill A along the road. In front of their eyes, the entire lost city was being reactivated.

(End of chapter)

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