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Chapter 652 Restrictive Measures

Chapter 652 Restrictive Measures

Looking around, the dark city is illuminated again, as if a dead body is breathing life again.

The streets and pavilions are all illuminated by wall lamps. It turns out that the paintings and decorations on the walls are hidden light emitters. They emit light from different angles, making this ancient ruins unprecedentedly bright and bright.

Farossa originally thought that the old people were a technological race that was incapable of entertainment, but now she knew she was wrong. The bright colors of lights in the city represented their superb artistic attainments.

The melted water brings electricity, turning the streets into golden rivers, the walls like silver holy walls, and the Science and Technology Museum at the central apex is brightly lit, illuminating the city as if it were daytime.

In comparison, even the mark Lila set pales in comparison.

The old woman silently stared at everything in front of her. She was taller, her skin was more delicate than humans, her organs were more developed, and the details of light and shadow she could capture were richer and more complete than humans.

In human eyes, the city is too bright, as if the sun is shining brightly, covering up many details. But in the eyes of old people, the city itself is far away and integrated, with extremely colorful colors.

It is full of glitz and brilliance, streets are lines, and light and shadow are paints. It is a masterpiece that embodies the urban planning technology and artistic taste of the old people.

"Rg'h yvzgr...'" The old woman smiled and turned to Falosa, as if she wanted to get Falosa to praise the city of the old man.

Falosa raised her hand towards her.

"Bong." Falosa said.

The old woman's body was torn apart and sprayed backwards.

Touched by the Law of Killing at close range, she was broken into tens of thousands of tiny fragments from head to toe.

Bones, skin, muscles, organs, glands and other parts were all torn to pieces, and blood flowed all over the ground. Only her black bow and black arrows fell to the ground intact.

Lila heard the sound and was shocked.

"What are you doing! Farossa!" Lila's drone quickly changed its direction and pointed the camera at the blood on the ground.

The old woman turned into shocking and bloody corpse fragments, like the scraps of livestock that were randomly thrown on the ground after being slaughtered.

"This is the fate that the entire clan deserves after it is destroyed." There was no emotion in Farosha's tone.

"Save her, or I'll make you regret it." Lila threatened.

Falosa lowered her head and said nothing.

I saw the broken body parts and blood on the ground squirming slightly and starting to stick together on their own.

"Is this part of your power?" Lila observed.

"No, this is not mine. This is some kind of law of rebirth. She was killed and then reborn. It's so amazing... Take a picture of it first." Falosa's expression did not change.

Lila discovered that Farosha had not breathed for a long time.

The drone's flash light turned on and captured the entire bloody scene.

Then she raised her hand and released the Law of Restoration.

With a flash of red light, the old woman's corpse disappeared again, replaced by her complete body. Each fragment seemed to be able to return to its original position, accurately returning to the position before it was disintegrated.

The old woman panicked and kept pressing her body and slapping her repeatedly, as if to verify what had just happened.

Her eyes were filled with fear and extreme surprise.

Falosa's figure disappeared in an instant, disappearing into the field without knowing where she was going.

Lila cannot understand the secret text and cannot communicate, so she can only coordinate the soldiers to use a tranquilizer sniper rifle to kill the old woman from a distance.

As the witch who leads the battle, Kyoko Takahashi stood blankly at the intersection.

After receiving the order, Takahashi Kyoko debugged her sniper rifle SN99 "Supreme", ejected the live ammunition and filled it with a nano-narcotic bomb.

Different from traditional anesthetic bombs that require controlled dosage and short range, nano anesthetic bombs are designed to penetrate the target's skin and then inject a large number of nanorobots carrying anesthetic into the wound, causing them to invade the target's blood vessels and release the anesthetic. At the same time, the robots will continue to stay in the wound.

In the target body, it plays a role in health monitoring.

Takahashi Kyoko's mind has long been worn away by the company's domestication, leaving only some basic thinking skills. She doesn't even care about Falosa's miracles. Lila attaches great importance to her existence.

The old woman is very sensitive, but Kyoko Takahashi is 3 kilometers away from her. At such a distance, she can't even notice that a sniper rifle is aimed at her.

"Ao..." The old woman tried to negotiate with Lila's drone.

Kyoko Takahashi pulled the trigger.

call out--

After being hit, the old woman looked particularly angry. Then she lowered her head due to the stinging pain and saw a spider web-shaped wound under her right rib.

Light blood oozed from the wound, and her pain sensation was blocked in an instant, and her nerve center became weaker and weaker.

Then she knelt heavily on the ground and threw herself forward.

"Bring her back to Nisto headquarters." Lila's drone ordered.

"let's go!"

"Prepare the medical bag!"

"Move quickly and clear the road!"

"Ask Team 2 to reserve a spot on the transport plane!" The secret force took action to recover the living body of the old person who currently has the highest strategic value, put it into a large containment device, and then take it away on a shuttle.

Seeing the old woman being captured without the ability to resist and being transported away like cargo, the personnel who came to perform the recovery mission were also surprised and sympathized.

If humans are exterminated, the last of them may end up in a similar fate, trapped by other intelligent life forms and used as materials and trophies.

Lila's attention is on nano-narcotic bombs. This new type of weapon has great application prospects. If developed properly, it may be used to restrict Falosa's movements.

More powerful and effective materials need to be added to make a god fall into anesthesia and sleep. There must be a way to let Farosa lie on the ground and let Lila do it.

Lila's drone leaves Hill A.

It flew upwards, approaching Falosa's "Millennium" luxury shuttle.

"Open the door," Lila requested.

The little fool was sitting on his seat drinking hot water. When he heard the noise, he quickly put down the cup, jumped in front of the door, and opened the hatch hard.

The cold wind poured in along with the drone.

"Hello, Xu Cheng." The drone landed in front of the little fool.

The little fool stared at this oval-shaped small drone. She was a little nervous at first, until it made Lila's voice, and she kissed the camera to show friendship.

"Do you know secret writing?" Lila remembered that the little fool was versatile.

The little fool nodded vigorously and showed it the reading book he used to learn the secret text.

Lila's drone stretched out its mechanical arm, intending to take away the reading book, but the little fool grabbed it and waved his hand in front of its camera.


"Make a price." Lila decided to pay.

"Here, here..." The little fool gestured with his body, from hands to toes.

"You want your own witch armor?" Lila figured out the little fool's intention.

"Yeah!" The little fool also wants to fly and become a fully armed little superman. She can also get her own melee weapons and her own small pistol.

"I will find a way. Now, give me the file first. Only then can you have a way to deal with Falosa."

"You want to destroy her?" the little fool asked.

"In the most extreme scenario, Falosha could lose control in our hands."

"Quick." The little fool thought about the situation, which was almost like a doomsday situation. People kept dying suddenly, and then kept being reborn, meat parties, and corpses talking.

"You also understand the risks. So we must develop a method to control Falosa. As early as the beginning of knowing her, I have consciously monitored Falosa. Now this method needs to continue to be upgraded in order to better adapt to it.

The new situation will better ensure the safety of the owner." Lila said.

"But you have to go to work, how can you monitor it in real time?" The little fool didn't understand.

"Copies of all documents are available." Lila's drone scanned the reading book and then left the Millennium.

The little fool closed the hatch tightly again.

"Things get weird when daddy is gone," the little fool said to Snowball.

"Wow." Snowball lay on the ground.

The little fool thought silently.

If you don’t have power, you can’t accomplish anything. You will become someone else’s toy and a supporting character in someone else’s story.

Falosa is really scary, unless you become stronger than her, otherwise...

The little fool felt the snowball slipping away from his feet, and turned around to see Falosa appearing in the cabin without knowing when.

She still wears holy clothes and noble accessories, but she is very scary in the eyes of the little fool.

"Let's go." Farosha looked at the little fool with a smile, but the little fool was so scared that he didn't say a word.

Falosa's expression was dreamy.

The little fool thought of the way he found a new toy. Whenever Xu Yang brought back a new toy, the little fool would also show this expression.

"Did I find a new toy? Yes, I found it." Falosa sat back down, folding her hands on her knees.

Too bad, mind reading. If she could read her own mind, then she would never have to speak again and just rely on her thoughts. The little fool thought to herself.

"Yes, you can rely on it. My sister." Farosha agreed, looking at the little fool with soft eyes.

The little fool looked more and more like the girl in Farosha's memories. They both had bright eyes and long black hair. They once sat by the river and braided each other's hair.

"I'm not your sister." The little fool couldn't help but emphasize.

"But you are a good boy, a good friend, a child under eight years old. You can be my mirror and let me reflect my wisdom." Farosha stroked the little fool's hair.

The little fool pinched his fingers in frustration. Doesn't this mean he is stupid?

After five hours of sailing, the Millennium returned to Shangjing.

Falosa took all the information and went to the black secret room on the basement floor of Nisto headquarters. She walked through the door to find the old prisoner.

The captured old man was still handcuffed at the bottom of Nisto headquarters, carrying the entire heavy building on his back, and his body was pierced by three nightsilver spears from different angles.

His punishment was carefully designed, like some ancient ritual, and he was the sacrifice for eternal life.

"Staying here must be very lonely." Farosha talked to the old man in secret text.

He still remembered how Falosha insulted him when she first came, so he said nothing.

"Let me show you your companions..." Farosha held a camera in her hand, which reflected the image of the old woman being torn apart and destroyed on the ground.

The tired and painful expression of the old man changed instantly, his eyes were bloodshot, his body was wider than that of an ordinary person, and his rage seemed to exceed that of ordinary people.

When he saw the black bow next to the corpse, his body struggled even more desperately, causing the chain to sway, and every movable muscle in his body was completely tense.

Falosa looked at the old man with an expressionless face, and her fingers slowly slid across the screen to switch to another live recording screen.

The old woman was imprisoned in a holding room. The four walls and the floor were made of anti-collision air cushions. The old woman was wandering around the room with no way to go and nothing to do.

The old man desperately stretched his neck and limbs forward, so hard that the skin of his hands and feet was torn, but his body began to recover quickly once it was damaged.

Falosa watched with great interest.

She kept switching between the images that the old man saw. Sometimes it was an image of the old woman being torn apart and dying tragically, and sometimes it was a picture of her being trapped in the holding room depressed.

Then Falosa carefully watched how the old man was bleeding all over his body and regenerating at a high speed. These two old men must have come from the same lineage and shared the power of Edith.

Now Falosa finally knows how Qi Seal found the remaining living body of the old person, and she also found it herself.

"This is the energy of the reborn Edith, isn't it? Tell me what your relationship is with him." Falosa smiled.

"Let her go!" the old man yelled.

"I will slowly...dispose of her...just like the company people treat you...just like the Seven Seals deal with you, I will build an eighth tower on her back, a tower that belongs to me. I will build an eighth tower on her back.

Build my wonders on the top of the old man's head... The seven seals get you, and I get her. All wonder towers need jinchūriki, the old man." Falosa said slowly.

The old man's expression became increasingly sad and despairing. His head drooped downwards, as if he had died.

Falosa knew that he had begun to waver, but he still needed some strong information.

Compared with this unyielding male old man, the female old man seems to be easier to break.

"I will let her suffer the same pain, isolation and loneliness as you, enjoy more than a hundred years of silence and despair under a huge tower, and let her suffer the same disaster as you." Falosa's voice was soft.

"...You...are a monster..." The old man's voice was hoarse.

Falosa smiled and retreated outside the secret room. She was not a monster, she just surpassed the witch and the current mortal life, so she had the power to kill her.

(End of chapter)

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