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Chapter 653 Secret Image

Chapter 653 Secret Image

In the corridor, Falosa entrusted Yoshioka Mizuro to deal with the old woman for her.

Yoshioka Mizuiro received the news and went to the newly built supernatural containment facility on the outskirts of the city. It occupies a vast area. The entire site is covered in ice and snow, and is guarded by complex defense facilities. The inside and outside are like a maze, with up to 8 floors underground.

At the only entrance, Yoshioka Mizuiro entered with level 4 decryption authority and approached the old woman's cell.

"I need to talk to the target in person." Yoshioka Mizuiro demanded.

"Warning: Insufficient permissions." The Ruizu synthesizer brought Yoshioka Mizuro to the conversation area outside the containment room, where she could only talk to the old woman indirectly through real-time imaging.

Yoshioka Mizuiro wanted to see the other party face to face. When he heard the news, he frowned. If Master Falosa's order was not handled in place, the result would definitely be bad.

"Which unit does this facility belong to?" Yoshioka Mizuiro asked.

If the department to which this facility belongs is a soft persimmon, Yoshioka Mizuro will have to have a hard time with the other party.

"This site is directly under the Secret Security Bureau under the president's office. The director is Miying." The synthesizer told Yoshioka Mizuro.

The robots accepted death. Yoshioka Mizuiro frowned. Now there was no room for negotiation. Miying was like an adhesive, you couldn't get rid of it if it stuck. If she regarded her as a villain, you would never have peace of mind in the future.

Yoshioka Mizuiro can only accept arrangements.

16 video drones flew into the conversation room and were arranged on both sides. Eight of them were responsible for recording Yoshioka Mizuro's appearance and projecting it into the holding room, and the other eight were responsible for transmitting the image of the old woman.

"There is also Kirino Reiyo's communication channel, please connect to it too." Yoshioka Mizuro said.

Kirino Reiyo is capable of translating secret texts and is very quick at his work. He is always available for invitations from the Falosa family.

After 3 minutes of information synchronization, Yoshioka Mizuiro saw that the appearance of the old woman was copied in front of him.

In the containment room, the old woman also suddenly saw the image of Yoshioka Mizuro appearing next to her. She was startled and quickly backed away.

"You and I are not in the same room, please don't worry." Yoshioka Mizuiro explained.

Translated by Kirino Reiyo.

"What do you want to do?" the old woman wondered.

Yoshioka Mizuiro took out a flat-screen terminal and photographed the image of an old male prisoner at the bottom of Nisto headquarters.

As soon as she saw the horrifying state of the old man with the instrument of torture piercing his body, the old woman's body trembled rapidly, and tears immediately burst into her eyes.

As expected, these two people knew each other. Yoshioka Mizuro secretly said.

"As long as we answer some questions, we will let him go free and at least improve his living conditions." Yoshioka Mizuiro guided.

As the Ink Witch, all her achievements now rely on the support of Farossa. As long as it is Farosha's order, she will have no objection.

"You ask..." The old woman was nervous, "No... at least let me talk to him!"

"Don't worry, I need to know you and his name first."

"My name is Jiu Sui, he is Zhixiong, and we... are all survivors of the Chisheng Kingdom."

"What is your relationship with the reborn Edith?" Yoshioka Mizuiro asked.

"...He is our lord and our ruler, and the Chisheng Kingdom is his enfeoffed border."

"Is Edith the ruler of all the old men?"

"Yes. He is the last old emperor." Jiu Sui said tiredly.

This is amazing. Yoshioka Mizuro said.

I originally thought that the reborn Edith was some ancient mysterious person, but I didn't expect that it was the emperor of the old man, a king, who had now escaped from trouble, reappeared in the immortal divine way, and dominated Baixiang Continent.

"Who gave you the ice mist core?" Yoshioka Mizuro asked.


"The Frost Giant used you to invade the northern islands? Has it also reached some kind of agreement with Edith?"

"I don't know... Ellid taught me how to use the ice mist core to awaken our country-protecting dragon. I thought it would be reborn from death, but I only controlled its remains, and it..." Jiu Sui's

His voice became weaker and weaker, and he sat down in the corner of the room and squatted down, looking extremely painful, as if he had given up all resistance.

The Old People, an ancient civilization that was forgotten and erased, 10,000 years ago.

Yoshioka Mizuiro silently looked at the curled-up old woman in front of him. If human beings were destroyed for ten thousand years, the surviving people would not fare much better.

"And..." Yoshioka Mizuiro tried to ask more questions.

"I'm tired...please...please let me talk to Zhixiong, please!" Jiusui begged.

Yoshioka Mizuiro immediately cut off the communication, and the image of Kuho in front of her disappeared instantly.

Jiu Sui could no longer see Yoshioka's water-colored appearance, and her expression became increasingly sad.

As a translator, Kirino Reiyo knew all the conversations between them, but wisely kept silent and quietly compiled the conversation records with Yoshioka Mizuiro, and then sent them to Falosa.

If Kirino Reiyo was still ambitious, she would have given a hint to Falosa, reminding her that she needed to expand the authority of the Witch Club within Nisto Company. However, Kirino Reiyo has now lost his temper and just wants to maintain the status quo and become associated with Nansei.

Just stay together until death.

On the other side, Falosa received the news, nodded slowly, and returned to the secret room.

"'Zhixiong'." Farosha said the old man's name.

After being told his real name, Zhixiong raised his head and remained silent.

Falosa observed Zhixiong's size and power.

Judging from the standards of the old people, the other party was at least a general or a high-ranking warrior, either a bodyguard of Jiu Sui, the number one hero of the Chisheng Kingdom, or a member of the old people's royal family.

Now only two members, Zhixiong and Jiusui, are left in the entire A Hill and even the ancient ancient civilization. Thinking of this, Falosa is really happy.

"Jiusui has confessed everything. Her last wish is to talk to you about how much she likes you." Falosa smiled and said in secret.

"You must be a witch..."

"How do you know?" Falosa said in a mocking tone.

"Only a witch can be as heartless and crazy as you!"

Falosa burst out laughing, and then the laughter became more and more crazier, almost turning into a scream.

Zhixiong's lips kept trembling. If his body hadn't been restrained by the torture device, he would have really wanted to pounce on the witch and tear her apart, destroying this living nightmare.

"You... you have perished, your entire civilization..." Farosha laughed hoarsely.

"They all became victims of the witch invasion." Zhixiong said hoarsely.

"You even hid under the ground, but you had nowhere to escape!" Falosa laughed repeatedly.

"..." Zhixiong has given up on communicating with the witch in front of him.

"Let's make a deal." Falosa said with a smile, "Tell me how to smelt night silver and how to enter the secret area of ​​the Chisheng Kingdom ruins... Then I will let Jiu Sui reunite with you and let you stay in this quiet tower.

See you down there.”

Zhixiong nodded tiredly.

"I agree."

"Heh." Falosa raised the corner of her mouth, "I thought you would wait until the swords and axes were applied to you before surrendering."

"You can torture us, but you can't kill us. The Seven Seals also tried to kill us, but they couldn't. For one hundred or two hundred years, the power of Edith will protect the remnants of the old man. As long as he is still alive, you

We can no longer be arrogant...Edis will avenge us." Zhixiong whispered.

Falosa recalled the scene after Jiu Sui was killed. The old woman's blood clots on the ground were still trying to regenerate. This power seemed to be even more advanced than Falosa's ability.

Even the ordinary old people protected by the power of Edith are immortal, but what about Edith himself?

Edith, who calls himself the "Reborn One", is actually the last emperor of the old man. His level of cruelty and madness is unmatched by anyone. Falosa secretly thought.

The old man and the witch had a bloody feud, and the incident between Jiu Sui and Zhixiong only deepened the ancient hatred between them.

As long as Edith is crushed, the story of the old man will come to an end forever, and humans and witches can move forward easily.

Falosa smiled slightly and left the secret room.

Facing the drone sent, Zhixiong dictated the method of smelting night silver and described the detailed map of the tunnels in Qing Chi Sheng Kingdom.

Another day later, Jiu Sui was brought to Zhixiong by Falosa herself.

"Zhixiong!" Jiu Sui was surprised and happy to see the old man imprisoned at the bottom of the tower. He immediately walked forward tremblingly and put his arms around Zhixiong's neck, trying to avoid hurting him.

Kiss him on the cheek.

"..." Zhixiong closed his eyes and felt Jiu Sui close at hand.

"We are the last...the last of the old people." Jiu Sui whispered.

Falosa had many perverted ways in her mind to deal with this old couple.

People, dogs, horses, sowing fields, machines, vacuums, the sea... It was a great joy for Falosa to see the remnants of the old man collapse.

But her mood had become much more peaceful recently, so Farosha slowly backed away, closed the door, and left the secret room to the man and woman.

Jiu Sui and Zhi Xiong observed each other in dismay.

"It's impossible to escape from here." Zhixiong looked down at the shackles and shackles on his body, "Those who call themselves 'humans' will not give me a chance to escape if they catch me, just like they imprison those who planned to

Just like experimental subjects."

"Waiting for our eldest brother Edith...he will come. He still remembers the princes and princesses on the border." Jiu Sui said softly.

"Etis shares the same genes with us. He can help us take revenge. He will not slack off, because the witches are back again. The witches who poisoned our entire race have appeared among humans. But humans have not exterminated them.

Humanity is about to repeat our history." Zhixiong was full of hatred.

"Edis will teach humans how to eradicate the witch, and the witch's curse will definitely be cleansed..." Jiu Sui said hopefully.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult. The last witch...the crazy witch in front of us..." Zhixiong closed his eyes, "...different from any witch we have known in the past."

Jiu Sui knelt down in front of Zhixiong tiredly and held up his dangling feet.

"We will be free." She murmured, "We will always be free, believe Edith."

On the other side, in Falosa's memory.

After Xu Yang sent little Falosa to work in the church, Mrs. Madusa promised to fool little Falosa, and then Xu Yang let himself go and traveled eastward along the Taixi Continent.

The furthest distance from Aquilia was 5,000 kilometers. Xu Yang passed by Qiqiu, Olympia, Constantiniya, Babylon and Nineveh and other famous medieval cities. He spent 4 years enjoying the scenery and enjoying the scenery along the way.

, visited all the places of interest and historical sites.

Originally, he wanted to walk to the Snowy Mountains on the border of Xia and Baixiangzhou in one go and then climb to the highest peak in the world, but when the nano-armor's battery alarmed, he realized that it was time to return from the long river of memory.

Along the way, he kept a low profile to avoid being caught by the powerful witch, but he also did many things. He acted as a chivalrous knight to punish rape and eliminate evil, turned into an invisible wise man to resolve the hatred of the city-state, and as a shrewd craftsman left a large number of technical manuscripts, pretending

A traveling envoy leads civilizations to contact, and he acts as a diligent businessman reselling supplies. He also worked as a pirate, an assassin, and a doctor for a while. He had a great time and enjoyed life.

Counting the year he spent taking care of little Falosa's family, Xu Yang's trip lasted five years.

After this journey and hundreds of events, Xu Yang's character has become more determined and his ideas have expanded a lot.

The common people in the Middle Ages did not have the opportunity to receive education. They were ignorant and controlled by various occult groups, secret churches and witches. The situation was very chaotic and could be said to be extremely rotten. No wonder human civilization has been wandering in place for thousands of years, without any traces.

No progress.

In comparison, modern society also has its own series of troubles that need to be solved, and the contradictions are more obvious than in the medieval times.

Moreover, no matter how poor people were in the Middle Ages, they still had strong beliefs. They all believed in gods, and as long as they wholeheartedly accepted the existence of gods and placed their hopes in doctrines, their resentment and pain would be resolved a lot.

This is not the case in modern times. People really can’t find an eternal faith, and everything they once believed in will be shattered. When young people look back on their youth, when adults look back on their youth, they no longer want to place their trust in anything.

Change is needed, big change.

Through various efforts from the past to the present, Xu Yang has opened a crack in this rigid world. The next thing to do is to keep fighting, exert great perseverance and great wisdom, break through the cage, and jump out of all limitations.

Achieve progress and transcendence of the entire civilization.

He has become more optimistic and open-minded. Doing these progressive, pioneering and era-transcending things is very difficult and challenging, but it cannot be said that he has no opportunities. His previous efforts have given him many resources.

The vast world and complicated history are right in front of him, waiting for him to return to the world to deal with them.

People return to reality. Xu Yang thought silently, and then destroyed himself.

In the prosperous market of Nineveh, merchants negotiated prices, spies and killers hid in the corners, and witches and dignitaries traveled around in gold and silver and riding elephants.

None of them noticed that a traveler disappeared forever in the vast sea of ​​people.

(End of chapter)

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