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Chapter 69 Rat Man Witch

After completing all the procedures for the company alliance, Zuo Hongchen reported the changes to Kyoto Unlimited.

When checking the number of people in the company, he discovered that many of them had died in the chaos of the rat tide, which made Zuo Hongchen feel sad for a while.

Neither the company nor the workers can be protected, and there is a high probability that they will be deemed to have died on the job, and their families will have to be compensated. Fortunately, most employees have no parents, spouses, or children, and their deaths are like a wisp of wisps.

Qingyan is really a model employee. He saves a lot of expenses. These 2 million are tight and must be spent sparingly. Every penny must be used wisely.

After reporting to Xu Yang, Zuo Hongchen stood by his desk.

"It's okay. You can contact us again after this is completely over," Xu Yang said. "In the meantime, you should first find a safe place to stay, move around more, contact your previous partners, and tell them that Jumen Trading Company has not yet

Totally screwed."

"Yes." Zuo Hongchen nodded vigorously to Xu Yang, with a forced smile on his face, "Jumen Trading Company has survived. This is the best."

"I believe so." Xu Yang patted his shoulder meaningfully, "We are now in a relationship between investors and managers, so let's do our best."

"Yes." Zuo Hongchen nodded and left.

Several trading company employees who were watching in the distance learned that the boss was talking about money, and followed Zuo Hongchen in a flattering manner.

If Zuo Hongchen didn't get the funds, they would have to run away with the bucket in the next second.


I agreed with him to wait until all this is over, but when will the rat plague end? Xu Yang raised his head and looked at the TV. Kadoya TV was broadcasting about the current situation of Aizu Underground City.

"Hello, dear citizens of Aizu, the person who previously falsely reported that everything was safe in Aizu Underground was an incompetent temporary worker of our station. He has been dismissed through legal procedures. Now I, Asahoshina, will report to everyone~" A lovely

The 3D anime girl image introduces to everyone, "Now, because of Ms. Suzukawa Kii, the whole world is paying attention to the situation of Aizu Underground City. According to the first-hand information obtained by this station, Aizu Underground City is now experiencing an unprecedented rat infestation. The company

The alliance has announced that Aizu City is facing a B-5 level crisis. Regarding news about the rat infestation, our station invited Dr. Basta to brief you on the situation."

The host switched the screen to a field laboratory.

There was a lot of gunfire outside the laboratory, and the screams of the mice could be vaguely audible. It was obvious that they were filming in the Aizu Underground City.

A man appeared on the screen, wearing a mask, splash-proof glasses, and a white laboratory coat. Behind him, a team was dissecting the corpse of a large black-haired rat-man. Through the curtain, figures could be vaguely seen coming and going. The rat-man

The hairy limbs are segmented and disgusting.

"Hello everyone, my name is Dr. Roy Basta. I'm sorry for letting you see such a chaotic scene," the man said. "I am an R-35 medical officer from Rose Medical Company. I am currently analyzing the attack on the Aizu Underground City.

Next, I will thoroughly expose and introduce the true face of these rat men to everyone."

Rose Medical is also a giant enterprise, located on several large islands adjacent to the Western continent, with Lundenium as its headquarters.

The previous news attracted the attention of countless forces, and even people from Rose Medical came forward. It is a giant company famous for its medicine and biotechnology. Xu Yang thought to himself. I wonder what secrets they can dig out from the Rat Man.

"There is no doubt that they are affected by two technologies. One is the endogenous magic power of the rat people, that is, a certain 'witch' was born among them due to mutation, and the other is the 'giant flame' revolutionized by black fire.

Chemical strengthening technology.”

Blackfire Revolution! It's them again.

Was the Skaven disaster caused by the Blackfire Innovation? Why did they do this? What does it have to do with their coming to rob Falosha?

"The current laboratory results show," Dr. Basta continued, "that these rat-men have lived underground for a long time and are indeed inextricably linked to us humans. They have been haunting the sewers, garbage dumps, and underground areas around Aizu City.

Areas such as cavities, waste warehouses, subways, caves, and underground water bodies are extremely large. A large number of traces of chemical mutations have been detected in their bodies. The Black Fire Innovation must have used..."


The field laboratory was hit, the picture fluctuated violently, and the signal transmission was unstable.

"Doctor! They are coming!" Several security personnel rushed into the laboratory and quickly aimed their guns upward.

After another violent blow, the ceiling blasted to the ground, crushing the doctor and his team, including all the equipment. Blood flowed everywhere. A giant red-eyed rat poked its head through the crack and sniffed at the camera curiously.

"Switch the screen back...what? The ratings have skyrocketed? Don't stop! Keep filming!" the girl host looked excited.

A black figure jumped off the head of the giant red-eyed rat, held the camera, and looked at the camera in confusion.

She was a black-skinned girl with a petite figure. She was unclothed and only had a rough blood-stained bandage wrapped around her body. Her facial features were similar to those of humans, not as hairy as ordinary rat-men. She had a pair of huge rat ears on her head.

, both eyes are bright yellow, with sharp pupil contours.

She stroked the giant rat on her back, and the green magic light emitted from the palm of her hand, causing it to scream sharply, becoming stronger and fearless, and its fur was visibly reinforced, revealing a steel-like sheen.

Rat Witch.

"Hello, lady!" the girl host said cheerfully, transmitting her voice to the camera so that the Rat Witch could hear it.

Her attention was not on the camera. When she heard the noise, she turned to look at the camera, knocked the lens with her fist angrily, and then climbed back on the giant rat's back.

The giant rat roared, opened its bloody mouth, and bit into the camera.


"She looks delicious." Falosa wondered.

"The Rat Witch means variables." Xu Yang frowned.

If there is a witch among the rat people, then they have endless possibilities. The rat witch has used a power similar to electromagnetic pulse waves before. If she does it again, her small body will not be able to withstand it.

Xu Yang took a few people to the anonymous account to discuss the current situation. It was parked in the underground parking lot of Burrito Hat, and the surrounding area was illuminated by the green fluorescent lights of the emergency lights. It was silent and deserted.

"The problem we are facing now is still rats," Xu Yang said, "it threatens the safety of all of us."

"The number of ratmen has been growing explosively within a few hours, and new troops are constantly coming to join the attack," Lila said, "but since the Suzukawa Kii incident, their number has begun to decline again."

"Rat people are limited after all," Xu Yang said, "They always need to eat and drink water. The underground area cannot support endless rats. If you kill each one, you will lose one."

"Indeed, it turns out that the rat-men used a steady stream of fresh troops to attack without stopping. But after this magical growth stopped, their numbers were reduced throughout the city, and huge individuals were constantly annihilated.


"That means we don't have to worry about rats anymore." Katsuragi Asa said happily, "That's great." After the rat tide is over, she will go back to Katagi District to gather people and form a new gang.

"However, this does not mean that their threat has disappeared. I feel that they have shrunk their defenses, are still angry, irritable, and have high morale." Lila said, "And the rat witch among them is not only well protected, but also

The magic power is slowly recovering."

"Yes, she has used her power once before," Xu Yang said. "Although the momentum of the rat tide has been contained, it is not sure whether the rat witch has other abilities. She has created electromagnetic pulse blasts with a huge range, and she must be able to

Use it a second time and a third time to continuously weaken the company's power."

"The only variable is the elite troops of each security company. They will bring anti-electromagnetic pulse components to join the battle," Lila said. "Once they arrive, the electromagnetic pulse will be ineffective, and the flesh and blood of the ratmen will be unable to resist firepower."

, the rat tide will eventually be completely destroyed."

"The final battle between mice and men is about to break out," Xu Yang pondered, "Can you perceive more details?"

"We need to get closer to the area where rat men are infested," Lila said. "They seem to have gathered their main force at the Shenkong Building in Huicheng District and captured it."

The center console screen switched to map mode, showing a huge building complex.

It is made up of huge shopping malls, office buildings, and apartments connected in series. It is in a ring shape and looks like a carved disk. In the center is a garden-style square. The high tower reaches directly to the ground, which means that residents of Anjiu City can also enter through the top floor of Shenkong Building.

Aizu Underground City.

"The Shenkong Building is located in the core area of ​​Huicheng District," Falosa searched for the introduction of this building. She wanted to show off her proficiency in mobile phone functions, so she read out the above content casually, "It is an extremely prosperous place.

Owned by Kong Group, it builds its own independent municipal institution. More than 20,000 people pay high fees to live in the building. It covers a vast area, accounting for one-fifth of the entire Huicheng District. It is a huge commercial complex with its own

Hospitals, security, schools, prisons and TV stations, it can be said that it is a city within a city.

"If the Shenkong Building is captured by the rat tide, it means that the heart of Huicheng District has fallen into the mouths of the rat people." Xu Yang said, "If they ran to the Shenkong Building, they must want to use the entrance and exit of the building to reach the surface and go to Anjiu.

City, meet the sun."

"I've been to the Shenkong Building once," Cui Junyou said. "The products sold there are all real high-end goods, but the people living there are very poor. They can't spend money after paying for accommodation every month. Instead, the shopping mall there is

It's lifeless, and it will be lively only when people from Anjiu City come down."

"Since that's where the Rat Men's goal is, let them fight with the company's elite first," Xu Yang said, "Next I have to go to my basement. I rented a small room in Aizu Underground City before.

A lot of things are still there.”

"Take the shuttle? Senior, what about us?" Li Xiaomin asked.

"You guys stay here for now. I, Falosa and Lila can just take the shuttle and leave," Xu Yang decided. "We will be back soon and use this burrito shop as a temporary resting place. Don't get separated."


Chapter 69 Rat Witch

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