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Chapter 70 The Signal of Revenge

After hearing Xu Yang's plan, Katsuragi Qian suddenly became anxious.

"I have to keep up," she said hurriedly. "What if another giant rat shows up, or the pair of red-armored witches attack again?"

"This time we are no better than before," Xu Yang said to ease her anxiety. "If a fight breaks out, we are not without the power to fight back."

Falosa has recovered a lot of strength now, and with Lila following her, and the two witches accompanying her, she has a high chance of winning whether she fights against Mateo or the Rat Man.

"Let's go, let's go." Cui Junyou is not nervous. As long as the witch is with him, Xu Yang's safety is guaranteed. "The further away from the company, the safer it will be. The company is the source of all disasters. Remember this."

The anonymous number has been repaired by the employees of Burrito Hat, leaving only some cuts and wear. It is no longer as new as before. It looks like it has been through battles, and it shows more vicissitudes of life.

Entering the cabin, Xu Yang felt an oncoming sense of comfort and security. After taking the Anonymous for several days, he had already regarded it as his home.

Lila drove the Anonymous directly out of Burrito Hat's underground parking lot and rose into the sky over Huicheng District.

The underground space is small and cannot be flown at will, but from this height, one can already see the entire city. Thick smoke is billowing everywhere, and the lights of fire, emergency lighting and vehicles cut through the darkness, reflecting the blood stains and corpses on the street.


Corporate order has been reestablished in most of the blocks. A huge light wall has been raised on the edge to mark the protection range, and huge words are suspended in it to warn the crowd that vehicles are not allowed to enter without permission, and only with relevant certificates can they enter or exit.

Armed officers with live ammunition patrol the streets to protect the legitimate rights and interests of customers in accordance with the contract. The poor and weak who try to get close will be driven away by gun butts and electric batons in an instant.

Some companies have resumed work, and many buildings are brightly lit, and you can vaguely see the busy scene inside. At present, the first task of each company is to force employees to return to work. Xu Yang saw a large shuttle parked at the bottom of a building, and rushed in like a sheep.

Hundreds of obedient company people.

There were still small groups of ratmen hanging around. They lost contact with the larger troops, lost their direction, and rushed towards the areas controlled by the security company. They were quickly shot and killed by professional armed men and fell to the ground, as if they had lost their target.

Sensing her surroundings, Lila discovered that many rat people were sneaking into alleys and ventilation ducts, running towards the Shenkong Building, where the rat people seemed to be gathering to accomplish some earth-shattering event.

The corpse of a giant rat fell on the wreckage of the building. It seemed that it had been fighting for a long time before it died. It was stained red with blood, and no trace of its original color could be seen.

Six shuttles hovered around its body, and dropped teams of biotechnologists and security personnel around the giant rat's body, treating it as their own treasure. When the Anonymous number passed by, they frantically signaled for Anonymous.

Detour, otherwise fire will be fired.

While walking through the city, Xu Yang couldn't help but access the company alliance's database and check his personal files.


Name: Xu Yang


Place of birth: Xia

Owned company: Gao Ge Jiuzhou

Position: None

Joining date: September 5, 2013 to July 10, 2014

Current status:Dead

Company equity: canceled

Criminal record: blocked

Relationships: Cleared

Financial Services:Expired

Security package: expired

File clear countdown: 9 hours, 8 minutes and 33 seconds


Pan Ruiyi did report the death to the company. A huge stone fell in Xu Yang's heart. The files were quickly cleared. By then, the company alliance would no longer retain Xu Yang's records, and he would become a historical noun.

Correspondingly, Xu Yang can no longer carry out any formal activities. The personal profile of the company alliance is bound to the biometric code. As long as he still lives in this body, he is a theoretically non-existent person.

In a sense, it is also true freedom.

As long as the rat problem and Mateo's pursuit are solved, Xu Yang can live freely.

Returning to the rented underground apartment, this shabby house was so shabby that no mouse wanted to enter it. The door was not damaged and nothing had changed. It was really nostalgic. Xu Yang asked Lila to enter the house to retrieve his computer, change clothes and belongings.

She collected all the valuable items and brought back a black raincoat to Anonymous. At that time, Xu Yang fantasized about returning to Anjiu City. A raincoat could resist the pervasive acid rain.

Among Xu Yang's belongings, a piece of certificate is particularly crucial, and it is Xu Yang's number one reason for returning to this apartment.

The "birth certificate" brought from Gaoge Kyushu.

Xu Yang stared at the printed piece of tissue paper, which recorded the biological codes of Xu Yang and his parents, without even their names. However, these three lines of code became the last evidence that this family of three had lived in the world.

People will clearly remember the names of their parents, but few people can remember the names of their grandparents. Going back a few generations, most people cannot remember the names of their ancestors at all.

Xu Yang hopes that he will be remembered.

Not only by the next generation, but also by hundreds of generations. To put it arrogantly, I just want to leave a place for myself in the entire process of civilization.

Returning to the shuttle, Xu Yang felt more confident.

He took out his cash card and looked repeatedly at the number of more than 90 million in the upper right corner.

A rich and free person does not have to work and can fully enjoy life, but not to be an unknown coward, but to look for every opportunity to cultivate his own power until he can compete with corporatism.

The idea is still very clear. In the short term, it can help Falosa regain her power. She can always think about God and talk about it.

"If you have money, can you live in a luxurious house?" Falosa saw the funds on Xu Yang's cash card, "I am the leader of the New Witch Council, and I must live a luxurious life."

"It's possible. Have you ever seen the sea?" Xu Yang couldn't help but ask Falosa.

"Of course," Falosa disagreed, "Storms gather, the water is black, the dusk tide is bubbly, the realm of the gods."

"In modern times, we have blue seas and clean beaches, all of which are taken care of by dedicated personnel to prevent us from being drowned by sea garbage," Xu Yang said. "In the future, we can buy a speedboat, lie on the beach during the day, and go fishing at night.


"Happiness..." Farosha subconsciously imagined that scene. Instead of doing business, she would just wear a swimsuit and bask in the sun.

"Please pay attention," Lila said.

"Why are you disturbing us again?" Falosa said in a bad tone.

"No, there is a message coming in," Lila said. "It's from a secret communications service that seems to come from the original manufacturer of this shuttle. I can block and cut off content from that service."

The native manufacturer is Blackfire Innovation, and they took the initiative to contact us.

"Connect it and take a look." Xu Yang frowned.

A message was sent to the anonymous number, and Lila scanned it and opened it.

"Xu, I know that you stole our ship and were with the ancient witch. Take her to the Kamikora Building and trade her to me. Everything will turn around. Otherwise, I will spread her news to everyone who is currently in Aizu Castle.

Big companies, how do you think they will treat this information? Think about it carefully. Wait until 18:00 in the afternoon."

It's now around 4pm, with 2 hours left.

"News about Mateo." Xu Yang shook his head, the ghost of the synthetic man still lingering.

Synths can be copied in batches. The Blackfire Innovation must have a large number of identical Mateos distributed all over the world. They each operate independently and do not share the same mind.

Falosa was so angry that she almost punched the wall and gritted her teeth.

"He asked his men to kick me!" she yelled, "put me in a dark bag! Trying to murder me! Witch hunter! The most shameful witch hunter!"

"You can rest assured that I won't hand you over," Xu Yang said.

"But he threatened to release my information!" Falosa said anxiously, "Is this kind of consequence something you can accept? Everyone will come after us! Try your best to install a chip into my brain.


"That's really a bit troublesome..."

"Now I'm in trouble again, huh?"

"Calm down." Xu Yang thought about countermeasures.

"If you don't calm down, I'm going to beat you up!" Falosa was very angry. "Now that you are being held by someone, what do you want me to say? This blackmailer will not disappear out of thin air."

Also, if Mateo doesn't disappear by himself, then let him disappear.

"If there is a way, I will take you to Shenkong Building and that will be it." Xu Yang smiled.

"Pervert! You just said you wouldn't hand me over, and now you want to sell me!" Falosa was very irritable.

"We have an oath, how can we sell it? We went there to fight with them." Xu Yang said, "Your strength has recovered a lot. Although it is very limited, it can change the situation of the battle as long as it is used in key places."

Falosa felt annoyed when she thought about that group of people, and more importantly, uneasy.

"How could I give up such a good treasure like you," Xu Yang continued to explain, "In the past we could only escape passively, but now it's different. He dares to threaten us like this, why should we give in! Shenkong Building is the key to the current battle situation.

Point, Rat Man, Rat Witch and Mateo may all be gathered there. If you ask me, we will take the initiative to go to Shenkong Building and catch them all."

"Aggressive strategy." Falosa's tone softened, "take the initiative and kill all the enemies. You and I have come up with this idea, so let's do it."

The days of being secretive are over. Faced with Mateo's threat, Xu Yang might have felt nervous before, but now he has the confidence to fight against it.

In the final analysis, it is the Blackfire Revolutionary Party who are in a passive state. There is more and more evidence of their collusion with the Skaven. However, the Skaven are besieged and annihilated, and they themselves are also in a dilemma.

The Rat Man is entrenched in Shenkong Building, a commercial center full of modern facilities, which is suitable for him to display his abilities.

Need to go there.

Let’s settle old and new grudges together.

Chapter 70 Revenge Signal

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