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Chapter 729 Princess Storm Is Unemployed

Chapter 729 Storm Queen is unemployed

The shores of the lake are full of tilapia, snapper, reshu pangaji, and perch, so many that trucks need to be loaded with them.

Black cooks fry them in rapeseed and palm oil, filling the lakeside sanctuary with the aroma of fish meat.

As a respected miracle worker, Farosha got the most beautiful cabin on the lakeside. She was lying on a wicker bench, casually looking at the beautiful lake filled with stars, and a lamp tied to a beam.

Electric lamps provide weak illumination.

Sally came to take care of Falosa herself.

She used her little black hands to rub Falosha's shoulders. Because Sally was also a dark-skinned girl, she was not out of place at all in Reshuzhou.

On the contrary, Falosa's skin was uniquely white, and she looked like a colonist who came to experience life.

"I will also go to the center of the lake to talk to those Lake descendants." Falosa saw the black shadows surging in the depths of the lake, and they were particularly excited by Falosa's arrival.

"It is said that the bottom of the lake is full of magic materials."

"Queen Sheila established her country near this lake for a reason." Farosha stared at the lake.

Due to the nourishment of the magic mineral deposits at the bottom of the lake, these lake descendants are really bigger than the last.

Falosa can distinguish the differences in dishes from different regions based on the seasoning methods.

On the propaganda front, there is also the "caring" Queen Ishtar, who has now gained many fans around the world, greatly diverting Farossa's monopoly on witch resources.

The Seven Seals now possess Dernai, Edis, the Lighthouse Core and the orbital weapon "Destiny" in terms of military force.

The next news was a series of new economic plans after the establishment of the West Coast Treaty.

Edith also issued retro gold, silver and copper coins in the Baixiangzhou he conquered, all with his face printed on them, as if they were some kind of bad taste.

Within the jurisdiction of Nisto Company, "Thailand dollars", "bao banknotes" and "funds" can be used together, and the exchange ratios vary slightly by region.

This is how Seven Seals sound the alarm for the whole world by beating 6.5 million black people to dust. A group of people peed their pants and were taken as pawns... Farosha sneered secretly.

The cyber monster is really like an electronic virus. Its expansion in Reshu Continent is like an electronic virus that keeps multiplying and replicating itself, crazily infecting files on the disk.

"The Blackfire Revolution has a witch here." Falosa stood up, "We should use this news to smear her face."

Ishtar is mentally retarded, Farosha is wise.

Blackfire Innovation currently lists all weapons for sale, including cities, helicarriers, and war witches.

This thought made Falosa hungry.

"Yes..." Sally sat on Falosa's back and pressed her, "Is this okay?"

Correspondingly, Lu Sizhou, the executive director of Tianshu Manufacturing, also announced the establishment of the "Eastern Hemisphere United Organization" in Xin'an Prefecture, also known as the "Eastern Alliance", which obviously means tit-for-tat.

I really want to taste them.

"Blackfire Innovation is closed down, isn't it? It must be very scary to fight." Sally discovered that new interesting news was mentioned in the news, and she smiled with a smile on her face, truly satisfied with the news.

Currency war, silent cold war... Farosha secretly thought.

Most of these things have been discussed in Nesto's corporate strategy meetings, and now it's just time for them to be officially implemented.

Now that Ishtar has proven that she is the Hidden Queen, there will be a new split within the Scarlet Transformation Company, with factions taking refuge in Ishtar or Falosa.

This is a clear way to establish monetary power and harvest people. Companies can cooperate to define currency exchange prices, but ordinary people have no bargaining power in this matter and can only actively seek refuge in the "Taiwan dollar" system or watch the funds in their hands depreciate.

The destruction of Zangos temporarily made all the existing warlord forces in Reshu Continent feel alarmed and ceased their activities.

After the war, make a lot of allies. Falosa thought to herself. Xu Yang has a good saying - Ishtar is like her own mirror image, with completely opposite temperament.

Many people must be lamenting this evening: Blackfire Innovation is finally dead. By grabbing the market gap it left, many companies can survive until the economy recovers.

Eastern Union has the huge population, resources and infinite land of the Eastern Hemisphere.

At the establishment ceremony of the West Coast Treaty, Noriko Homma delivered the speech. She looked just like she was alive, and she calmly introduced a series of plans to the world that would help overcome the crisis.

Unity, or surrender to the Seven Seals, is the general trend.

"It seems that the Seven Seals have sold the Black Fire Innovation. They want to dismember and crush the Black Fire Innovation." Falosa pondered.

The Eastern Alliance also issues their credit currency "treasure banknotes" in the Eastern Hemisphere to avoid the impact of the Thai dollar. Most people in the Eastern Hemisphere will also exchange funds into treasure banknotes as soon as possible.

"You should work harder." Falosa said, her thoughts synchronized with the content in the news.

Since we refuse to serve any party, we must accumulate stronger foundation until we can truly stand as a tripartite. Falosa thought silently.

Between the two behemoths of Eastern Europe and Western Europe, Nisto's foreign trade will undoubtedly be affected.

The complicated name "Seven Seals" cannot be made public, so they wisely used "West Coast Treaty Organization" instead.

The Sweets Bank of the West Coast immediately announced the issuance of a new currency, the "Thailand Dollar", which unprecedentedly broke the cash card system. This is also the credit currency within the West Coast Treaty Organization.

Since then, the West Coast Treaty has been able to acquire high-quality assets at favorable prices and force companies that refused to join into bankruptcy.

The Scarlet Transformation Company did not directly seek refuge with Falosa before. The main reason was that many people believed that there was another queen alive, but they had not discovered it yet.

The destruction of Zangath ushered in a new era.

However, after updating the news and reuniting with the team, they will definitely continue to explore Reshu Continent, and the war will never end.

Nisto Company, according to the original plan, did not join the two major camps, but formed its own group.

Sally watched in awe as Falosa ate about 20 kilograms of food by herself, like a machine mercilessly burning the fuel needed to maintain activity.

There are two companies in Xiyou, Taixizhou and Xintaixizhou, with unprecedented prosperity and strong fundamentals.

"Turn on the news," Falosa ordered, then lay down on the recliner and "sit on my back, like a masseur."

Zangos is a lesson learned from the past. If they go against the will of Qiyin, their own family will probably be the next to suffer.

Lakeside Sanctuary is just a smaller piece of the new world.

The food quickly slid onto Falosa's tongue, and then her throat moved and the food disappeared. Her cheeks did not move, and the chewing process could not be seen.


In addition, Kojima Leaf will issue "credit points" in Jialongpo.

In Jialongpo, a company city under legal control, as long as you work in compliance with the law, you can get credit points in exchange for additional supplies. The news says it is a blessing.

It has established hundreds of such settlements in the hinterland of Reshu Continent. The robots are quietly building their own empire like ants and bees.

Both Donglian and Xiyo are frantically snapping up, dividing and exploiting all the interests in the Taiya Islands. A giant company dies, and its corpse is enough to feed other companies through the crisis.

Sally also sent out signals day and night that millions of Skaven would sneak here and join the cause of the New World.

The Thai dollar will be circulated in the West Coast Treaty market to facilitate internal member transactions.

Blowing up Zangus is actually a means of economic recovery, which stabilizes investors' confidence in gold. If Zangus continues to issue gold indiscriminately, gold will rapidly depreciate, and all current funds will become useless figures.

"Storm Lady and our company's Underworld Thunder God are right down here, and they have been fighting for nine days and nine nights with no outcome." Liwu's hat pointed at the Great Rift Valley.

Nemisis Group, Xisheng Group, Wanjiade United Group, Fuyin Global Investment Company, Near East Tianci... famous economic entities have all joined in.

Nisto is flat on this front.

My own cultivation has also reached a bottleneck period. Fortunately, the Trace of the World and Lake Ukerewe are both relic sites with very rich resources. It is possible to find some of the legacy of Queen Sheila.

Falosa will definitely get more witch support than Ishtar.

So now we come to Reshuzhou to fight in the forgotten zone where no one pays attention, to aid and unite those who have been insulted and harmed. Other companies will not consider this kind of thing at all, but instead let us have something like this in Reshuzhou.

got a place.

Other foods include tomato and garlic salad, chicken with spicy sauce, cumin grilled lamb, hummus sprinkled with ginger powder, etc. The fruits include figs, oranges, grapefruits and guava.

"We are living to witness history with our own eyes." Sally sighed.

The intercontinental enterprise and consortium announced that they have reached an agreement to establish the "West Coast Treaty Organization" on the west coast of New Zealand, referred to as the West Coast Treaty Organization, and most companies in the Western Hemisphere have joined it.

It is said that Edith is using biotechnology to transform humans, striving to breed himself with human women to create some kind of hybrid between humans and old humans, so that he can revitalize the civilization of the old humans alone.

In order to end the economic crisis, the World Bank Association passed a resolution. After discussions, various banking companies finally allowed companies to issue currency within their respective jurisdictions.

With Gaoge Jiuzhou, Tianshu Manufacturing, and Modern Entertainment as the main bodies, thousands of large and small enterprises in Xiahe Southern Region have signed to join.

The Blackfire Innovation had a large amount of investment, and shops and even important business managers and soldiers were stationed in Zangos, which was also blown up with the launch of "Destiny".

The aroma lingered on the tip of her nose, and Falosa tasted the exquisite food here.

Food in the Eastern Hemisphere is seasoned with soy products, and both soy sauce and miso are fermented from beans; food in the Western Hemisphere is always flavored with cream and butter; food in the Near East and Reshuku is inseparable from a large number of spices.

At her urging, the robot brought a large number of food boxes, two-thirds of which were fish dishes, usually purely fried or grilled.

The economic crisis and ecological disaster continue. This year, the total size of the world economy will decrease by 9%, and the population will decrease by about 1 billion.

Following the breath of the powerful witch's battle, Falosa, the cyber monsters and the members of Nioh Security came to the west main trunk of the World Scar. There were occasional rumblings at the bottom of this grand canyon.

News podcasts mention the latest news.

Because they had been excluded from the Eastern Hemisphere market after their previous defeat, and now that their interests in Reshu Continent have fallen apart again, it is absolutely impossible for the Black Fire Innovation to stand up again.

"Blackfire Innovation, the world's largest arms dealer, announced at 0:00 yesterday that it has entered bankruptcy liquidation and will sell assets with a total value of 460 billion. CEO Jose Alonso was killed in an office mutiny, and there was a comprehensive reshuffle of senior management.

, 380,000 people were laid off, civil war broke out across the Taiya Islands, and there were widespread complaints, armed mercenaries, indigenous people, and old military officer forces..."

"Starting tonight, the world is officially divided into three different sections - the section controlled by the Seven Seals, the section in the Eastern Hemisphere, and the vast neutral zone between the two, just like where we are now, Reshu

Continent." Falosa murmured.

Deep in the isthmus, there are both howling winds and thunder and lightning.

The battle between the two ruler-level witches was so selfless that the Great Rift Valley was completely wiped out.

"Storm Queen!" Li Wuhao raised his hand like a trumpet and shouted, "Stop fighting! Your company is gone!"

There was a louder explosion below.

(End of chapter)

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